stock here: He pretends that WW1 and WW2 were started by 2 Christian Capitalist sets of countries, when in fact, both wars were instigated mostly by purveyors of usury, iffen you know what I mean.
Wolff wants to shrug off the “Stalin Period” in USSR, throw it out the window with 60,000,000 murdered by Stalin, the Marxist, and his 50% Jew governmental leaders who fully participated in the Genocides and Starvations. Per paragraph one, by blaming much less death in WW1 and WW2 on “Christian Capitalists” when these wars were primarily instigated by the Jewish Bankers.
A comment summary: The fact that he brings in this neo-word Equity, tells one almost all they need to know. Equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity, that is the leftist spin on thing to destabilize the status quo.
Criticism to Peterson
1. Not judging marxism considering only the terrible Stalin period in Soviet Union. Analogy with atrocities by Christians.
2. Reducing marxism to the problem of inequality. And reducing the problem of inequality to the envy of the poor for the success of the rich.
Wolffs’ analysis: Inequality has been discussed for a thousand details. In fact, capitalism emerged during the American and French revolution, claiming to bring liberty, equity and fraternity.
Where is the equity promised?
Marxism finds an explanation: The master retains the wealth that the creativity of the employees produces, while the mass of the working class is excluded from the surplus. Employers and employees, masters and slaves.
———————————————- This one is funny….you don’t have a bats chance of changing my mind, I am just writing this to get you to change your mind. And the leftist climate crisis bullshit of “kill everything on the planet”. He Knows It. LOL
@buddysilver5788 I don’t need to give a flip about Marx, or be a socialist, or even be on the left to know that late stage capitalism’s unfettered greed is going to kill everything on the planet if we don’t knock it the F off. A system that depends on infinite growth in a finite world is simply unsustainable. And a system that has boom/bust built into it will never offer equality and only offers justice in rare lucky circumstance. Capitalism rather depends on inequality, the ability of the moneyed few to subjugate the disenfranchised many, including every living thing in the entire natural world. Capitalism is not sovereign. Life , every living thing in this world, is. Time to move on. Please do spare me the argument. You don’t have a bat’s chance of changing my mind. I only wrote this in hope that you will actually give the matter some critical thought. Capitalism is destroying the natural world- *Human Habitat*.
2 replies on “Marxist: Richard Wolff Responds to Jordan Peterson”
On our local NMSU radio, they mostly
run NPR, and Commonwealth club of
California weekly. They had a guy
going on and on about the typical
propaganda, Inequality and such,
ending the q&a with gun violence trip
and pretty much selling ChiCom need
for authoritarian control.
Glad I don’t live in California anymornia.
You would hope there would be some
counter-battery arguments happening
in a college town, but it is too tense and
hostile in reality for harsh truthtellers
to speak in the Mexican-Hispanic
dominance of Bureaucracy and police.
Good old commie pablum mindkill is
what you Get in the radio and papers.
Steve Inskeep (sp?). constantly used
the word “baseless” to refer to claims
of election fraud and corruption etc.
They should be ashamed of claiming
the Title of Journalist.
Now these great “college educated”
ones, as they like to differentiate themselves from their imagined peasant
servant class, dare not face any true
document regarding their total failure.
They cannot admit that they ever made any mistakes or lies or went along to
keep social status or to keep their jobs,
Our Constitution is Baseless, our
claim to any freedom is Baseless.
NPR editorial board says so.
yes it is beyond disgusting, I have an unsupported theory that the jabs were also instrumental in reducing spirituality and conscience.