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Major Study of Millions Links Covid ‘Vaccines’ to Surging Sudden Heart Deaths

stock here, from Lots wife

More validation for assertions that public employee health insurance claims will bankrupt the system. As presently constituted, companies selling health insurance in a dynamic environment cannot sustain the risk. Major disease diagnosis and treatment is ballooning beyond all expectations.

Isn’t it time to talk about it?


6 replies on “Major Study of Millions Links Covid ‘Vaccines’ to Surging Sudden Heart Deaths”

The Sierra Club, culling the herd, Save
the Whales, ( one time in Santa Cruz,
I saw where someone graffitied across the whole restroom wall, “Nuke the Whales! “), those of us raised in more
overpopulated areas, fed on John Denver, urged to get a better house in
a better neighborhood, what do you
mean? A better neighborhood? You
mean free from subhumans? Maybe a
little population control would help?
So the people who are Morally Justified
by Mother Nature to reduce population
so as to preserve the environment are
staying quiet, maybe even investing in
the pharmaceutical satanic plan.

I don’t know if you took any of the shots. I dutifully if stupidly drove up
to our NMDOH line, received what was
supposed to be Pfizer. I didn’t feel a
pinprick or anything. I had the feeling
that I was on the list: officially documented as vaxxed but didn’t get
the shot. Went back for the second shot, got the Vax Card. Now I’m the
guy who wrote about AIDS being
intentionally spread, followed the
storyline of our military destroyed by
the Inoculations they were given in
the various wars. Joyce Riley radio
worked to expose the harms .
I am sorry if I am now shedding spike
proteins, harmful slow-acting
destruction. They say massive male
sterilization is happening in the vaxxed population.
I’m closet-arrogant enough in my
Delusions of Grandeur to think
I am on the IQ list, and received the
bogus injection. If you didn’t sign up
and get the shot, it is interesting to
note, in our NMDOH direct vax, not
Walgreens or CVS, your personal
info is taken weeks before the appointment, and possibly tailored
Syringes for individuals were made.
Lots of communication about Jewish
Pharmaceutical control.

Yep Bourla is a piece of work. Got a video somewhere at nukepro, Bourla with neck pulsating like a reptile.

Check out Natto to mitigate shedding and other ill effects. it would make more sense to sterilize males than females, but just this fall noticing more pregnant females in Hawaii….like maybe they tried in prior years, but that was too close to their injections.

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