stock here: stay frosty folks. When ZH and Fox start pumping lies on the front page, you know it’s important. Do they think they can start and WIN a way against Russia in the next 3 weeks?
Shame on them
3 replies on “Russia: The Great Lies on ZH and Fox”
The propaganda is proof of
The Euro-Beast and the Harlot:
The false Christian power
insisting that Russia bow the knee
to the Financial Clearing House Beast.
Jeremiah 9 . Brothers lie and lie
and Wormwood 9:15 equals Chernobyl.
Not symbolic, but a direct translation.
Review chap. 9 altogether. How much
do we all know about Chernobyl, 1986?
The Russkis heroically died trying to
control the aftermath.
Way up in Ukraine/ Belarus, but the
Fate described falls upon Judah and
Edomite… how very interesting, seeing
the Prophetic come alive: Zelensky the
False Jew, slaughtering the Christian
draftee home boys of Ukraine . Who’s
The Jews? Who’s receiving the Favor of
The Most High God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob?
Those of us who have always studied
the weapons of the world, strategy
and strategic treaties, we spoiled rotten
Americans have gotten lazy and we,
Who’s WE? Paleface?? We have proven
The Chinese correct: we are a paper tiger, puffed up with arrogance, thinking
“We” could always get away with
hassling and attacking Predominantly Christian Russia, until we learn too late.
They don’t have the unrighteousness of
Promoting ethnic halfwits in their system. They, the Russians, know for
sure, by experience, repeatedly, that
the Satanic warmonger NATO and arms
Profiteers will always use Russia as a
Designated Enemy to justify Trillions
Of dollars of war.
So! ( sew buttons !), Russia is much
Smarter than the profit-retired Generals
and now the Oreshnik is unstoppable,
Tungsten Rods at Mach ten,
and we poked and prodded this Bear in
a cage.
Too bad the Presstitutes are not allowed
to print anything intelligent, lest they be
bumped off. Their paychecks and their lives depend on Quacking in Tune with
the other Dumb Ducks.
Thank you again, Stock, for
Continuing this work.
You know that Now, you and I will
be recorded as having expressed
“Antisemitism” in these posts.
Ohio State Senate votes to conform
their laws to restrictions on speech regarding Israel, and moves Christian free
Speech into Verbal assault and hate-speech.
I hope some of the good hearted Jews I used to know years ago are
becoming aware: your satanic mossad will kill your Jewish kids for
the reward of billions more dollars.
Thanks again Stock.
I hope you have multiple escape plans
and possibly your own drone security
To monitor Not Only your fences, but
also to watch the potential evil forces
at the crossroads, the next public business, the expected routes of
local invasion, and even programmed
defense actions in the drones.
Heavenly Father protect the
Truthtellers! Amen in Jesus Name!