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New Footage Shows Blackhawk Clearly Flying Directly into the Passenger Plane

stock here: the early story was that the Blackhawk was rising up and therefore had their view blocked by the top of the Helo and in addition the “night vision googles”. This new footage makes that plainly false. This looks like a targeted attack, similar to the Baltimore Bridge societal destabilization event.


Also the meme is “the worst in over 15 years”. But in 2013, a 777 rammed into a seawall in San Francisco, utterly destroying the plane, although the human deaths were limited to 3. I flew in to San Fran a few days later, with my 2 German Shepherds, and saw the burnt out carcass of the plane during the landing pattern.

So this 15 year “meme” is kind of weird. Maybe they are talking only about US owned airlines, or maybe they don’t to stigmatize any Asian people.

I was busy….then getting ready to drive across the country…so I missed much of the story. It was a Korean pilot, being trained by a senior pilot, and he partly blamed the accident on Korean Culture.


Both pilots tried to rev up the speed at the last moment, but they failed.

“About 11 seconds prior to impact, an audible alert consistent with the low airspeed caution was recorded,” Bill English, the investigator in charge of the NTSB inquiry, said at the hearing. “But the action was too late, and the main gear of the underside of the aft fuselage struck the seawall.”

“The lowest recorded airspeed was 103 knots, which was 34 knots below the desired airspeed of 137 knots,” English said.

NTSB Chairwoman Deborah Hersman told reporters it appeared there was “an issue in aviation” with cockpit automation and relying on autopilots to fly planes, but she said the agency didn’t immediately plan to issue any recommendations from the hearing.

It can still issue new recommendations at any point during the investigation, which could take more than a year to complete.

from a comment on that video

Let me just post the comment of a Asian pilot: “As someone who has flown for an Asian Airline for 11 years, I can tell you that Asian Airlines (almost all of them), do not train visual approaches. Even when the weather is clear, the have their heads down and are watching the Glideslope and Localizer needles to make sure they are centered all the way to landing. All with the autopilot on or at the very least, the auto thrust. So, why do they do this? It’s because ALL Asian airlines use QAR Data to punish pilots that deviate from the Airlines strict and idiotic permitters that they set. Let me give you an example…. Taxiing more than 10 knots and making a turn of more than 50 deg. Results in a hard (RED) QAR. Another one is G/S deviation on landing as well as a Long Landing…. (even though you touch down in the touchdown zone). And there are 50 more strict guidelines the airlines put in place in order to keep their pilots in a Box of Parameters to work from. What they lack in stick and rudder skills are supplemented by this box of operating guidelines. They then use this data to access the quality of that pilot for upgrades in First officers as they move from F1-F10 (F10 being almost a captain). Once your a Captain, those same QAR Parameters still apply. The “leaders” then use this data on each pilot (yes names are attached to this dats….), to punish the pilots with deductions from their paychecks…. Sometimes in the thousands of dollars and additionally use this data also to decide who is a good pilot and should be moved to a Captain position. In Asia, money rules! Being a Captain and making that money drives all of them to show the leaders how few Red QAR’s they have. So you will now ask, how does this make a 777 fly into a sea wall on a clear day? On this day, the G/S and LOC guidance was out of service. The pilots didn’t expect this even though it was NOTAM(ed) out. Not to mention it was written in English. Now they were forced to hand fly this jet (laterally and Vertically)without guidance to the runway and that is something Asian Airlines DO NOT DO. They do not disconnect the Autothrottles on ANY approaches…ever! These pilots were confused on what was going on (no LOC or G/S guidance), lacked basic hand flying skills based on line of sight (because they don’t train this) and were VERRY worried about the QAR data flagging them in all their confusion. Couple this with poor training culture, new pilots on new aircraft Type and you will just barely.get a glimpse of what every expat pilot in Asia sees as a Major setup for accidents just like this. I could actually write an entire book about this subject but just thought I’d share just a little insight into Something every expat pilot in Asia already knows. Fighter Jet pilots or not, Asian airlines do not work their way up to being an airline pilot like in the USA/Europe and the other 99% of the world. They go from a Cessna 172 straight to a jet. They don’t fly cargo, charter work, flight instruct or do anything that prepares them for even a strong crosswind landing until they start Captain training. They lack experience, proper mentorship both in International flight rules and the basics in decision making (thinking for yourself), problem solving, basic skills and live in fear of the RED QAR. It’s NOT that they are stupid… they are far from that. It’s an aviation and culture issue that can not be taught in any textbook. This leaves them behind the rest of the world and I sincerely hope some day this changes. “Show less

I found a private video of the 214 event.

3 replies on “New Footage Shows Blackhawk Clearly Flying Directly into the Passenger Plane”

It may be a warning for Trump….we can take remote control of dual engine and fairly heavy helos, and fly them anywhere we want….into the Whitehouse, into your plane on takeoff or landing.

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