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Apologists For The Global Cabal, the “Blob”

stock here: seen on ZH, the first comment, an Apologist, who is either a troll (most likely) or a useful idiot who thinks he sees clearly…it’s all because they are dumb and/or incompetents.


3 hours ago(Edited)removelink

It was entirely self inflicted.

Stop looking for some scary and mysterious external threats to justify your problems.

The essential truth (about entirely home grown) criminals and conspiracies, is that they need to resort to such actions precisely because they are dumb and incompetent.  Lying, subversion, violence and intimidation is exactly what they do because they are just about smart enough to manage that.  

Positive virtues are entirely beyond them (which is why they are SO hostile to meritocracy)

Malignant and venal self interest (psychopathy) is exactly enough to generate the corruption of the West.

Physician – heal thyself.play_arrowplay_arrow6



3 hours ago(Edited)removelink

Stop excusing mass murderers.

This has been a decades long attack on the West by a bunch of Malthusian globalists obsessed with global depopulation for well over a century.

They have used global warming to hoax the masses into destroying their own cheap energy production.

They have opened up borders in Europe and the US to enable invasions by peoples who have nothing in common with the original inhabitants.

They have replaced meritocracy with kakistocracy – “government by the least suitable or competent citizens of a state” or “a state or society governed by its least suitable or competent citizens”. 

They have injected 5.6 billion people including 70% of Americans with depopulating poison.

They are shutting down meat and dairy production in order to accelerate the process.play_arrow12play_arrow

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