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Meme: The Universe Is Not Locally Real, and Post Modernism “Nothing Can be Known”

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When I get silly stuff in my YouTube feed, it is part of “the program”


Solar Micronova Apologist / Denier

stock here: Idiots are everywhere. They used a number of false arguments, false attributions, and just plain stupidity. They describe an accretion recurrent Micro-Nova, and then call that a Nova.


“Pole flips and such have been a staple in end-of-the-world theories for decades. It’s a good bellwether for knowing if what someone is saying is nonsense.”

Oh my, what a powerful argument! LOL

Even though there are hundreds of micro-Nova witnessed by telescopes in the last few decades and really reaching into the 1800’s—- well documented and compiled and analyzed in depth by wavelength and luminosity, this author makes the assertion that

Still, let’s look at the science, such as it is. To be clear, a micronova isn’t a thing.



Other’s are pretending that the first microNova was discovered in Spring of this year!

Sheesh! CNN

Micronovae are smaller than typical novae and only last for a few hours.


LOL and “just discovered this year”

Johnson did a study in 1959 on “rare flashes from field stars”, shortly after that, the first trips to the moon had astronauts exclaiming “I think I found one of them” aka glazed moon rocks.

Here is a 1988 paper detailing 24 Micro-nova


Ophiuchi went off on 8-8-21, It’s prior
Brightening was Feb 12, 2006 or about 15 years…..and the brightness slowly trailed off back to normal over a period of 6 weeks. Prior to that is went off in 1985, or about 21 years.

That kind of quick cycle time would be tough on the wildlife on any planet nearby… Ouch!

Fortunately, older Stars, like our Star have much longer periods of Micro-Nova and our, per my best estimates, is 11,500 to 12,500 years.

This article from Sky and Telescope provides a wealth of information.


It seems that quick outbursts, if during the Earth “day” would be likely missed altogether.

How long do the micronova last?

For Opiuchi on 8-8-21 Gearry reported seeing the MN on 22:20 UT

Michael’s reports a 21:30 UT

Valentin reports at 21:24 UT

Earliest images by 2 Chinese observers at 13:47 UT

Can you spot the MicroNova?

Scientific review of the 1985 outburst….


So per the above, there were other sightings of this star “going off” in

The Brighter they are, the faster the fade out rate


This “mass accretion” cause of Nova appears well known for at least 40 years

… Classical novae are all cataclysmic binary stars, wherein a WD accretes a hydrogen-rich envelope from its Roche-lobe filling companion, or from the wind of a nearby giant. Theory (Shara 1981) and detailed simulations (Yaron et al. 2005) predict that once the pressure at the base of the accreted envelope (which has a mass of ∼ 10 −5 -10 −6 M ⊙ ) of the WD exceeds a critical value, a thermonuclear runaway (TNR) will occur in the degenerate layer of accreted hydrogen. The TNR causes the rapid rise of the WDs luminosity to ∼ 10 5 L ⊙ or more, and the high-speed ejection of the accreted envelope in a classical nova explosion. …

The accretion events happen not just in dual star systems, with space dust being a “thing”. And a thing that can be delivered via the Galactic Current Sheet which is now passing a wave over our local area.

The last micro-nova was about 12,000 years ago coincidental with the end of the Mastodon, mammoth, and 35 other large mammals — and —- the last ice-age. A rapid melt off (due to micro-nova) created much of the features of north america. This allowed the “clovis people” to expand into north and south america and pretty much take over. It is said the clovis people disappeared, but in my view they simply integrated into their new environments and adapted away from “clovis”.

Much of the above is “opinion” and speculation.


Non-Uniform Structure Of Earth Is Interesting, Important and Could Result in a Large Rotational Change

stock here: there is a lot here. It could provide support for a large movement in the spin direction of the Planet Earth, combined with a large movement in the Earth Magnetic Poles, upcoming Micro-nova, and Incoming Galactic Current Sheet. It’s kind of a crap shoot on what kind of survival and preparations might best be targeted!?

The Earth is not uniformly distributed, unlike the cutesy cutaway cross sections showing the mantle and such.

A number of hotspots detail some of these non-homogeneity.


Veritasium studies the “Intermediate Axis Theorum” or the Janibekov’s effect. He assures us that the Earth won’t flip to a non-uniform axis. “An Element of the Truth”

Suspicious Observers thinks that in a Micro-Nova event, the Earth’s crust might unlock at the Low Velocity area and Greenland might become the equatorial rotation zone.

I am far from sure of this “unlock” part. But not at all unsure about the Janibekov’s motion if an additional force pushes a multi-quintillion ton object over “the edge”. I mean what does it take an object with a just barely imperfect XYZ inertial axis difference to do the JBK Flip?


Slow Depop

Seen on “Before It’s News”

No time

the Great Reset is the global elite’s plan to instate a communist world order by abolishing private property while using COVID-19 to solve overpopulation and enslaving what remains of humanity with vaccines.

you are pretty spot on. The injections were a variety of weapons, for a quick kill on the old useless eaters so the medical and other establishment wouldn’t deploy resources that could be more effectively stolen by the power elite. Then the ACE-2 receptor sites which are prominent in the ovaries and some in the testes are attacked by the Spike S protein of the injection. This reduces fertility by roughly 4% to 8% across the globe. i,e, a slow de-pop so they can have time to replace their annoying slaves with robots and AI over say, 40 years.



Injections Lead to Fertility Problems and Further Problems If Pregnancy Does Occur

we knew this was going to be early on.




Massive Increase In Still Births, per Leaked California Email

stock here: this is as expected. I took a strong stand in Summer 2021 “Do Not Jab the Pregnant Women!”

There are a number of news sources carrying this. One is SHTF Plan, which is top notch reporting.


They also cite

And then this mainly video based report from NTD, which purports to show partly redacted versions of an email describing how to handle the surge of dead babies, and to use the white buckets properly and cover them in saline.


NTD is a US Chinese site, looks interesting


Epiphany: “Gulf War Syndrome” Was Not About Depleted Uranium, GWS Was The Results of the Mandated Anthrax Vaccine

stock here: There, I spoken the unspeakable. What do you think?

The Anthrax vaccine was a killed virus, not an mRNA type. The mRNA type was never used before on humans, because it always killed 20% to 100% of the animals….so might as well roll it out on the world population and see what happens…..

To the right is a list of Gulf War Syndrome, looks familiar, right?

Let’s visit the most complicit medical establishment John Hopkins, who brushes this off as…..


Check out this Judge swatting down the 2003 Mandatory Military immunization for Anthrax….Emmet Sullivan, the pussy hat, Trump hating Judge actually doing something rational. It didn’t work though, the FDA just made a new statement that “it was safe and effective” against inhalation anthrax.


Evidence of the Prior Discussion of Event 201 and It’s Use In A Fascist Government/Corporate Takeover

stock here: full disclosure, it’s Friday night and I have not listened to the audio. Please review. The tweet captures look legit, and on target. Oh actually, the tweets are still up and I posted below. The Hubris.





Massive Compilation of “Died Suddenly”

stock here: This is 72 minutes long.

And there are those that are baffled.


All Cause Deaths USA, My Report Using CDC Wonder Data

stock here: Dr. John Campbell did some analysis on Australia and UK Excess Deaths, he was in around 17%.

USA looks like minimum 20%. Wait for that data though, I still need to chart it. Funny there is not more data earlier than 2018. Sure is ODD

Chart below is for death numbers in USA, Monthly, 18 to 39 Age Range, I’ll use this is my future stab at what a population out years chart will tell. Death in this range alters “effective fertility” and thus birth rate.

I also took about an hours to review the birth rate data. It was very difficult to deal with the data system, it took 4 tries.


Amazingly, they have ZERO data for 2021. Although certainly all the data is entered into computers in near real time. So that looks very intentional

Looks like about an 8% drop in 5 years

But there is other data available


I made a combined chart, it is what it is.


Drag Queen Story Hour — Children Rubbing Their Crocthes

stock here:

Most people I talk too have no idea this is happening.

Here are a bunch on Bitchute



Musk Mimics The Objectives of the WEF, How Can That Be a Good Thing?

any thoughts on this?


NPR Is A Convenient Place to Get The Globalist Strategies — CDC Loosening Up Rules So More Opiates Can Be Prescribed

stock here – not sure I can stomach too much of this though.



The NPR Abortion Debacle — Michigan NPR, Audio of An Actual Abortion

I tried to add an account at NPR, but it wouldn’t function. Odd timing on that. Maybe they got a block on the email that I use for other accounts that I comment on.


“cool purple hair”, sorry, that is a simple tell. The Audio is described as horrific, but I didn’t think so. “It’s insanity”.

Here is the NPR link, 11 minutes


Here is a 2 minute excerpt I downloaded from Twitter.


Fetterman Ad Is Amazingly Bad and Weird

stock here: this goes far beyond tone deaf, into a place of some alternate reality where dysfunctional is somehow considered superior, yeah pride.


A Review of Twitter Today Indicates Full Leftist Slant, More So Than a Month Ago. Musk Must Be Seen As Part of the Psyop

stock here:

Musk is clearly smart, and clearly an Aspey. But is he also a “made man”. It is odd they let him into “their circle” whilst he exposes some anti-establishment narratives. Do they threaten him with not just loss of much of his wealth, but jail time for past SEC violations, like the Martha Stewart debacle.

I’ll more on Musk from “the second smartest guy in the world” on substack.


And another one, showing the Globalist roots of Musk


Here the Western Journal (likely to be controlled opposition) talks about how Kari Lake responds to a question about Brian SickNick, the Capital Police guy who died of stroke the day after the Jan 6 Debacle, AFTER telling his brother that he felt fine.

The CBS reporter was trying to bait her into attacking a grieving mother. Shame on them. But we know their leftist slant and should expect nothing else going forward. I received an email today calling Lake a Piece of Shit for talking about the dead officer. Seriously? She is a very classy lady, nothing I can say about ANY of the leftists of the communist party.

The leftists Gaslighters in chief have now latched onto the gaslight meme in perfect projection.

Uh, because she is also a Gun Grabbing Leftist


End Times Signaled by a River of Fish in a Desert

stock here, I am not saying this is the end times….but, this is the end times, LOL


Novo Nenormalno

This other language Facebook is a great site



US and UK Destroying Important Russian Infrastructure, the Nordstream proof, “They” Have put us into a War with a Nuclear Superpower


Bono, Obama, and Gates: Birds of a Feather

stock here: interesting slice of life. I was at a friend’s wedding reception in a fancy penthouse restaurant, private room with an open door. I betcha Billy Boy was upset when he couldn’t get the best room because it was already booked…they had to eat pretty much in the open on a large table outside our room. Bill Gates and Bono and their entourage, maybe around 14 people, all younger and wives. And I was shocked that these 2 hung out together…I mean what would they have in common? Years later, I figured it out….they are leftists, authoritarian control freaks.

Who else fits in that box…..of course Obama, also from Hawaii (at least officially, although the Government lady that certified his birth certificate died mysteriously in a plane crash that everyone else lived).

There is just 2 degrees of separation from Obama and me. My business lawyer was Obama’s classmate, and my Fraternity brother was Obama’s ROTC Leader.

And another cringy story of Bono passing out at the White House, purportedly because of an allergy, LOL.


More on Obama at Punahou in 1979, most of it puke worthy
