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Normalization of Population Decline “We Knew It All Along” but Don’t Look at Those Lethal Fertility Reducing Injections

stock here: “It’s just a natural part of every society, it’s a process that repeats itself again and again”

Today is “World Population Day” well surprise surprise!

Statista, a horrific tool of the Globalists


And of course ZeroHedge runs this article today, Saturday, and turns off the comments. Shame on those little tecno/feudalist globalist controlled opposition bastards.


Israel Complicit On Several Levels — Lot’s Wife

stock here, speaking of Lot’s Wife….he made a submission I shall simple copy paste.

Counting indirect deaths, data shows more than 100,000 dead in Gaza. A very high percentage are children.


Also more stories filtering out that Israel is complicit in more than half the death toll on the day of the Oct. 7 attack. After standing down its mil for 7 hours, hell-gunships arrived to strafe fleeing Israelis. The graveyard of torched cars is miles-long. Working under the ‘Hannibal Directive’, Israeli houses were attacked by IDF artillery, killing captives and captors. There are dozens of testimonies from former IDF soldiers saying the line of separation was ‘air tight’. No way insurgents could have breeched it without top-level connivance/collusion with the enemy. In the parlance of the deep state, it was an inside job.




Video: Oct 4 2023, Jews Storm Sacred Mosque and Do Rituals Including Animal Sacrifice. Think The Muslims are Insulted and Pissed?

stock here: read the comments too. I should preserve on Bitchute, this hasn’t gone viral yet.

1:03 / 2:58

Jews prepare to slaughter red heifers at Al-Aqsa to fulfil prophecy


Background Info On Jews Invading The Palestinian Mosque, Performing Rituals, Even Attempting an Animal Sacrifice

This provides context

This seems like provocative actions in jerusalem, can you unpack this article and it some claims are made, try to find sources to back them up Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot Israeli settlers have stormed the complex in groups and attempted to perform ‘Talmudic rituals’, according to a Waqf official. Jewish worshippers pray during the weeklong Jewish holiday of Sukkot, next to one of the gates to the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, or the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, in the Old City of Jerusalem, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg) Jewish worshippers pray next to one of the gates to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem [Ohad Zwigenberg/AP Photo] Published On 4 Oct 20234 Oct 2023 Save articles to read later and create your own reading list. Dozens of Israeli settlers have forced their way into the flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem to mark the fifth day of Sukkot, according to the Islamic Waqf Department. Since Sunday, thousands of settlers have been carrying out provocative tours of the mosque complex following calls by ultranationalist Jewish groups. Keep reading list of 4 items list 1 of 4 Israeli forces attack Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque list 2 of 4 Israeli police arrest and brand Palestinian with ‘Star of David’: Report list 3 of 4 Israeli forces kill Palestinian teenager in East Jerusalem list 4 of 4 Israeli minister dismisses US ‘terror’ label after deadly settler attack end of list According to Jewish law, entering any part of the Al Aqsa Mosque compound, also known as the Temple Mount, is forbidden for Jews due to the sacred nature of the site. Sukkot is a weeklong holiday, which started on September 29 and will continue until Friday. Israeli settlers stormed the complex on Wednesday in groups through the al-Mughrabi Gate by the Western Wall near Al-Aqsa Mosque and attempted to perform “Talmudic rituals”, according to a Waqf official. Police imposed age restrictions and prevented young Palestinians from entering the mosque during the incursions, witnesses told the Anadolu news agency. The Israeli army forced Palestinians to shut down their stores in the Old City to allow Jewish prayers to take place. The Palestinian Wafa news agency reported that Israeli forces prevented a number of Waqf employees from entering the holy Islamic site in the morning. Jewish men prostrate on the ground in prayer outside the gate after a visit to the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif (The Noble Sanctuary), at one of the entrances of the Aqsa mosque compound in the old city of Jerusalem during the holiday of Sukkot, or the Feast of the Tabernacles, on October 2, 2023. – Thousands of Jews annually make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem during the week-long holiday of Sukkot, which commemorates the desert wanderings of the Israelites after their exodus from Egypt according to biblical tradition, and the gathering of the harvest. (Photo by Menahem KAHANA / AFP) Jewish men prostrate on the ground in prayer outside the gate of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, also known as Temple Mount in occupied East Jerusalem [Menahem Kahana/AFP] Spitting arrests Meanwhile, Israeli police on Wednesday arrested five people suspected of spitting towards Christians or churches in the Old City of Jerusalem and formed a special investigative team to deal with growing complaints of hostile gestures against Christians. “Unfortunately, we witness the continued disgraceful acts of hatred towards Christians in the Old City of Jerusalem, primarily through spitting by extremists,” said Jerusalem District Commander Doron Turgeman on Wednesday. No details were provided on the identities of the people arrested. Sign up for Al Jazeera Weekly Newsletter The latest news from around the world. Timely. Accurate. Fair. Please check your email to confirm your subscription By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy protected by reCAPTCHA Members of the area’s small Christian community have said they have faced growing harassment and intimidation from Jewish ultranationalists, particularly since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government took office late last year. Wednesday’s arrests came as the city prepared for its annual Jerusalem March, an event that usually draws huge crowds, including thousands of Christian pilgrims. The spitting scene, captured on Monday by a reporter at Israel’s left-leaning Haaretz newspaper, shows a group of foreign pilgrims beginning their procession through the limestone labyrinth of the Old City in occupied East Jerusalem, home to the holiest ground in Judaism, the third-holiest shrine in Islam and major Christian sites. Video Duration 02 minutes 22 seconds 02:22 Raising a giant wooden cross, the men and women retraced the Old City route that they believe Jesus Christ took before his crucifixion. Along the way, ultra-Orthodox Jews in dark suits and broad-brimmed black hats squeezed past the pilgrims through narrow alleyways, their ritual palm fronds for the weeklong Jewish holiday of Sukkot in hand. As they streamed by, at least seven ultra-Orthodox Jews spat on the ground beside the Christian tour group. The incident, which the city’s minority Christian community lamented as the latest in an alarming surge of religiously motivated attacks, drew rare outrage from Netanyahu and other senior officials on Tuesday. Al Jazeera’s Rob Reynolds, reporting from the Old City in occupied East Jerusalem, said the incident “came on the heels of an incident earlier this year, a couple of weeks ago where more video tapes showed people spitting at some Orthodox Greek nuns outside a place of worship, a church. “The government of Israel including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials quickly condemned the spitting incidents, saying they had no place in Israel. However, other figures in the ultranationalist Israeli movement said that actually spitting at Christians is a legitimate Jewish tradition with a long history,” Reynolds said. Since Israel’s most conservative government in history came to power late last year, concerns have mounted among religious leaders – including the influential Vatican-appointed Latin Patriarch – over the increasing harassment of the region’s 2,000-year-old Christian community. Roughly 15,000 Christians live in Jerusalem today.ChatGPT

The recent events at the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot have heightened tensions. Israeli settlers, under police protection, have entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in groups, which has been described as provocative by Palestinian officials and residents. These incursions included attempts to perform Talmudic rituals, which are viewed as deeply offensive and disruptive by the Muslim community. The Islamic Waqf Department reported that these activities have been particularly frequent during the week of Sukkot, with nearly 4,551 settlers entering the site since the start of the holiday​ (Middle East Monitor)​​ (A News)​​ (Daily Sabah )​.

In response, Israeli forces have imposed age restrictions on Palestinian worshippers and have reportedly forced Palestinian shop owners in the Old City to close their businesses to facilitate the settlers’ movements. This has led to significant disruption and frustration among the local Palestinian population​ (Middle East Monitor)​​ (Daily Sabah )​.

These actions are set against a backdrop of long-standing religious and political tensions. The Al-Aqsa Mosque, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, is a site of immense religious significance to both Muslims and Jews. Israeli authorities began permitting Jewish visits to the compound in 2003, a decision that has been repeatedly condemned by Palestinians and has led to frequent clashes​ (Middle East Monitor)​​ (A News)​​ (A News)​.

In addition to the tensions at Al-Aqsa, there have been incidents of hostility towards Christians in Jerusalem. Israeli police recently arrested five individuals suspected of spitting at Christians and churches, reflecting growing concerns about religiously motivated harassment in the city​ (A News)​.

These events illustrate the fragile and complex nature of Jerusalem’s religious landscape, where actions perceived as provocative can quickly escalate tensions between different religious and ethnic groups.

it certainly doesnt state in this article what these talmudic rituals are, but i wonder if you check like 10 other sites that cover this incident, if any have clues about said ritualsChatGPT

The recent incursions of Israeli settlers into the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot have been described as provocative by Palestinian officials. According to multiple reports, these settlers entered the mosque compound in groups, often under police protection, and attempted to perform “Talmudic rituals.”

While the specific details of these rituals were not elaborated in all sources, they generally include acts such as blowing a horn (shofar), reciting prayers, and other religious activities that are traditionally Jewish and viewed as provocative when performed at this sensitive site​ (Times of Israel)​​ (الحريات العامة وحقوق الإنسان)​​ (5Pillars)​​ (The Palestinian Information Center)​.

The presence of settlers performing these rituals has been a point of contention because the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a significant Islamic holy site, and these actions are seen as disrespectful and inflammatory by the Muslim community. Additionally, the presence of Israeli police facilitating these incursions adds to the tension​ (Anadolu Ajansı)​​ (– IMEMC News)​.

In summary, the activities referred to as “Talmudic rituals” include a range of Jewish religious practices that, when performed in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, are perceived as provocative by the Muslim worshippers and the broader Palestinian community.

what is waqf departmentChatGPT

The Waqf Department, or Islamic Waqf, is an Islamic religious trust responsible for managing and maintaining Islamic holy sites and properties, particularly in Jerusalem. The term “waqf” refers to an endowment made by a Muslim to a religious, educational, or charitable cause.

The Waqf Department oversees the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, also known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary). This includes ensuring the preservation, maintenance, and administration of the religious site and its associated properties. The Waqf Department operates under the auspices of the Jordanian government, which retains custodianship over the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem, a role reaffirmed by agreements between Jordan and Israel.

The Waqf Department plays a crucial role in the religious and cultural life of the Muslim community in Jerusalem. It coordinates religious activities, facilitates access for worshippers, and maintains the physical infrastructure of the holy sites. Given the sensitive nature of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its significance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Waqf Department’s role is often at the center of political and religious tensions.


but they normally allow jews to visit the Mosque here? when did that start and under what conditionsChatGPT

Jewish visits to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, have been a highly contentious issue due to the site’s religious significance to both Muslims and Jews. Historically, Jews refrained from visiting the Temple Mount due to religious restrictions. However, this changed over time, especially following the 1967 Six-Day War when Israel captured East Jerusalem, including the Old City and the Temple Mount.

In 2003, Israeli authorities began permitting Jewish visits to the site under specific conditions, despite objections from the Islamic Waqf and the broader Muslim community. These visits are typically allowed during designated hours and are often accompanied by Israeli police to ensure security. The official stance is that these visits are for the purpose of tourism, and Jewish visitors are generally not permitted to pray or perform religious rituals on the site due to an agreement intended to maintain the status quo and prevent tensions.

Conditions for Jewish Visits:

  1. Designated Visiting Hours: Jewish visits are usually restricted to specific times of the day, typically during the early morning and early afternoon hours.
  2. Security Presence: Israeli police and security forces often accompany Jewish visitors to prevent any potential conflicts and ensure that visitors adhere to the rules prohibiting religious rituals.
  3. Non-Religious Visits: The official policy is that Jewish visits should be purely for tourism, and religious practices, including prayers and rituals, are prohibited.

Controversies and Tensions:

Despite the conditions set for visits, there have been numerous incidents where Jewish visitors were accused of performing religious rituals, which has led to heightened tensions and clashes. The Islamic Waqf, which manages the site, views these actions as provocative and a violation of the status quo.

Key Points in History:

  • 1967: Israel captured East Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, during the Six-Day War. The site remained under the administration of the Islamic Waqf, with Jordan maintaining custodianship.
  • 2003: Israeli authorities started allowing Jewish visits to the Temple Mount under specific conditions, leading to repeated clashes and controversies.

These visits remain a sensitive and divisive issue, reflecting the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the competing religious and national claims over Jerusalem.


there must be video somewhere of this provacative incursion into the Mosque, can you find someChatGPT

Videos of Israeli settlers storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex during Sukkot have been shared across various news platforms. These videos capture moments where settlers, under the protection of Israeli police, entered the mosque compound and performed activities described as “Talmudic rituals,” which include reciting prayers and other religious practices that are typically prohibited in this sensitive area due to its status as an Islamic holy site.

For instance, on YouTube, you can find footage of these incidents, showing large groups of settlers entering the mosque complex and engaging in activities that have been deemed provocative by Palestinian officials and the Islamic Waqf​ (YouTube)​​ (Middle East Eye)​. The Palestinian Jerusalem Governorate also published videos on their Facebook page showing attempts by some settlers to enter with animal sacrifices, which further inflamed tensions​ (A News)​.

These incursions have led to heightened tensions and clashes, as they are perceived as violations of the long-standing status quo agreement, which allows non-Muslims to visit but not pray at the site. This agreement aims to maintain the delicate balance and prevent further conflicts over this highly contested area​ (Middle East Eye)​.

For more visual evidence and detailed coverage, you can refer to the videos and reports available on platforms like YouTube and news websites such as Middle East Eye and The New Arab​ (YouTube)​​ (The New Arab)​​ (Middle East Eye)​.

what are they carrying in this picture from the jews entering the mosqueChatGPT

In the picture, the Jewish worshippers are carrying lulavs, which are part of the traditional rituals for the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. The lulav consists of palm branches, along with myrtle and willow branches, which are bundled together and shaken during prayers. This practice is a key component of the Sukkot celebration, symbolizing unity and the harvest.

Sukkot is a weeklong Jewish holiday that commemorates the Israelites’ 40 years of wandering in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt and also celebrates the gathering of the harvest. The holiday involves various rituals, including the construction of temporary shelters (sukkahs) and the use of the lulav and etrog (a citron fruit) during prayer services.

The presence of these worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and their performance of these rituals is what has been described as provocative, given the site’s religious significance to both Muslims and Jews.


Jews Invade Sacred Moque of the Muslim Arabs, Arabs Attack Jews, Jews Proceed to Genocide the Native People, the Palestinians

stock here: This finishes the plot. I guess the end-game is that the Jews level the ground of the Muslim’s Top Sacred Mosques and they rebuild their own “Temple Mount” in this spot. Note also called Dome of the Rock. Note they are called “Settlers”, odd term.


For a description of the Lulavs they are carrying, see far bottom.

stock here: Is all this about capturing one Temple? Dome of the Rock, is a shrine situated inside of the Al-Aqsa Mosque

The story below was written on Oct 8th 2023, so the author was very familiar with this history. It seems credible to me, as I was already aware that prior to Oct 7th, On October 4th, it was reported, and I believe I reported on it here, that hundreds of Jews had entered the Mosque and were occupying it, and doing “Talmadic Rituals”. This was proposed as the “trigger” for the Oct 7 attack, but certainly the Oct 7th attack was planned before this Instigation.

Was the so-called Palestinian invasion of Israel
on October 7, 2023 really a classic FALSE FLAG
OPERATION staged by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas?

The Israel Watchman

If there’s one reason, above all the others, why Israel meticulously engineered this war with Palestine — AT THIS SPECIFIC MOMENT IN HISTORY — it is this:

The timing of Israel’s long-planned building of the THIRD TEMPLE, where the Al-Aqsa Mosque currently sits, reigns supreme among the vast majority of Israelis, as well as
religious Jews living around the word.

Dome of the Rock

The real problem for Israeli’s Messianic Jews is that the ultra-sacred Islamic site, known as Dome of the Rock, is a shrine situated inside of the Al-Aqsa Mosque which are both located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem.

That most holy of holy mosques within the Islamic tradition was built on the same site as the first two Hebrew temples in Jerusalem.

“After the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, the Jews of the Kingdom of Judea went into exile. In 538 BCE during the reign of Cyrus the Great, the Jews returned to Jerusalem and were able to build the Second Temple on the site of the original one that had been destroyed.”(Source: Destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE)

Now here’s the real problem…for the Messianic Jews and the Christian Zionists who support them.

They are operating according to a very strict timeline to get the long-prophesied Third Temple constructed.  That schedule has already been set back by a number of unanticipated events which are beyond the scope of this short exposé.

Nevertheless, the dictates of the Hebrew Calendar must be adhered to, according to the most orthodox Jewish sects who completely control Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu.

Which means that PM Netanyahu had to resort to a very desperate series of black ops (and psyops) to get the job done.  In fact, Bibi had to pull off something so brazen and so stunning and so reckless that those false flag attacks / terrorist operations would sufficiently shock the collective Israeli consciousness so that he could justify taking over the Al-Aqsa Mosque for reasons of “national security”.

That, right there, is the reason of the season— the coming war season, that is.

And, the following headline says it all as far as just how far the Khazarian-installed arch-Zionist Netanyahu will go to grab the Temple Mount.To be continued —



DOE — Huge Push of Propaganda on Linkedin, and Some Well Deserved Pushback

stock here: also seems to be a lot of either true believers or paid trolls that just mimic the DOE trash talk.


Dear Madam Secretary,
Count me in as the “Wonder Woman” who’s Detroit area QE award winning company led some of the most innovative pollution prevention programs (P3) – geared to modernize polluting industries, correctly address emissions and hazardous waste generation, while increasing (instead of decreasing) profitability. That was accomplished in parallel with the engineering of world’s first Mass Production Geared Fuel Cells – For deployment in the propulsion, stationary and portable power markets (Prompted by a DOE/Los Alamos Lab invite to address major issues preventing commercialization).
Had we not subsequently experienced tremendous resistance and monumental greenwashing distractions from democrats lead admins (starting with Prez. Obama 1st Term), our emissions free, “fuel flexible” and affordable fuel cells/fuel cell based products (including FCEVs) would have made a great contribution to the environment, our economy and energy security.
We need to unleash innovation and prevent political influence from obstructing the right type of progress.
Brainwashing the public into adopting bandaids over the problem is no longer in fashion.

This letter can lay the foundation for a movie script based on facts, not fiction.

Comment image, no alternative text available


UK Version of Lot’s Wife Looking Out Over the Carnage, QR Code Included

Lot’s Wife is a regular contributor, DDG the reference. I believe this is AI generated as reverse image searches come up with nothing.

Check the story of Lot’s Wife. After 14 years of what they call “Conservative Rule” whilst their country was invaded and degrading and “woke” especially Scotland and Ireland, shame on them! And now the fake “Labour” party shall complete the kill.

This Lady is looking out at the existing carnage, and aghast as what could still occur. She needs quite a bit more Brachialis muscle if she is to effective in battle.


Lahaina – 7-10-24 — Google Earth Looking Very Odd

stock here: I don’t recall the damage patterns looking like this, I don’t recall a clean line of undamaged at the highway. I recall way more damage at front street and the famous Banyan Tree. I recall some neighborhoods with selective damage within a development. I recall the red roofed building on the ocean standing just by itself.


Real US Temperatures Show Barely Perceptible Increase

stock here. These are based on modern high quality monitoring stations that are away from “heat islands”.


Can Salmon Slime Cool Your House?

stock here: you may someday be coating your house and roof in Salmon slime to keep it color. LOL, just juicing that a little bit.



Finally, “Science” Finds That 73.9% of the Deaths After mRNA Injections Were Directly Caused By the Injection

stock here: it was only a matter of time….It was found that all patients that died stopped taking any further injections or boosters. 60% of the Deaths happened the same day as the injection, or the next day.


  • •We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.
  • •Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death.
  • •These findings indicate the urgent need to elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.
  • •This review helps provide the medical and forensic community a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccine fatal adverse events.

Table 2. Number and Proportion of Reported Causes of Death Among Included Cases.

Reported Cause of DeathCasesProportion of Cases (N=326)
Cardiovascular System15848.5%
Sudden Cardiac Death6921.2%
Myocardial Infarction319.5%
Ischemic Heart Disease226.8%
Coronary Artery Disease82.5%
Heart Failure20.6%
Aortic Dissection20.6%
Hypertensive Heart Disease10.3%
Cor Pulmonale10.3%
Coronary Postal Stenosis10.3%
Ventricular Dysplasia10.3%
Hematological System5617.2%
Pulmonary Embolism319.5%
Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT)195.8%
Bleeding from Ruptured Aorta10.3%
Coronary Thrombosis10.3%
Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome10.3%
Thrombotic Microangiopathy10.3%
Hemorrhagic Shock10.3%
Respiratory System3611%
COVID-19 Pneumonia195.8%
Respiratory Failure82.5%
Bacterial Pneumonia41.2%
Aspiration Pneumonia10.3%
Vaccine-Induced Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome10.3%
COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome10.3%
Exacerbation of Usual Interstitial Pneumonia10.3%
Multiple Organ Systems247.4%
Gastric Cancer20.6%
COVID-19 pneumonia/Myocardial Infarction20.6%
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome10.3%
Pneumonia/brain hemorrhaging10.3%
Myocardial Infarction/Respiratory Failure/Pulmonary Embolism10.3%
Heart Failure/Small Bowel Ischemia10.3%
Respiratory Failure/Cardiomyopathy/Encephalopathy10.3%
Anaphylaxis/Hypoxic Brain Damage/Thrombosis/ Myocardial Infarction10.3%
Hyperglycemic Coma10.3%
Multi-Organ Failure from Cardiac Arrest10.3%
Renal/Respiratory Failure10.3%
Adhesion Ileus10.3%
Strangulation Ileus10.3%
Incarceration of Inguinal Hernia10.3%
Ischemic Colitis10.3%
Sigmoid Colon Cancer10.3%
Lung cancer10.3%
Multiple Thrombosis/Rhabdomyolysis10.3%
Severe Interstitial Lung Disease/Coronary Artery Disease10.3%
Neurological System144.3%
Cerebral Hemorrhage72.2%
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage20.6%
Multiple Sclerosis10.3%
Cerebral Ischemia10.3%
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis10.3%
Guillain-Barre Syndrome10.3%
Immunological System134.0%
Cytokine Storm41.2%
Diabetic Ketoacidosis30.9%
‘Metabolic Conditions’30.9%
Gastrointestinal System30.9%
Sigmoid Volvulus20.6%
Bleeding Duodenal Ulcer10.3%
Head injury20.6%
Alcohol Intoxication10.3%

The 6th Leading Cause of Death by Cancer, Can Be Mitigated with Ivermectin

stock here: no wonder they attacked Ivermectin so horribly, as they want people to die from Cancer after enriching the Medical System with years of “treatment”. But make sure no one uses the safe, cheap and effective Ivermectin!!!!


Summary for Layman

This study investigates the potential of ivermectin, a drug commonly used to treat parasitic infections, as a treatment for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), a type of esophageal cancer prevalent in the Asia-Pacific region.

Key Findings:

  1. Ivermectin’s Effects on Cancer Cells:
    • In laboratory tests and in mice, ivermectin significantly inhibited the growth and spread of ESCC cells.
    • It reduced the ability of cancer cells to form colonies, migrate, and invade other tissues.
    • Ivermectin induced cancer cell death through mechanisms involving the mitochondria (the energy-producing parts of cells).
  2. Mechanism of Action:
    • The study found that ivermectin suppresses a protein called PAK1, which plays a crucial role in the growth and spread of ESCC cells.
    • Ivermectin promotes the degradation of PAK1 through a pathway involving the proteasome, a protein complex responsible for breaking down unwanted proteins.
  3. Combination with Chemotherapy:
    • Ivermectin enhanced the effects of traditional chemotherapy drugs like cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil, making cancer cells more susceptible to these treatments.
  4. In Vivo Results:
    • In mice models, ivermectin effectively reduced tumor growth and prevented lung metastasis (spread of cancer to the lungs).
  5. Conclusion:
    • The results suggest that ivermectin has potent anti-cancer properties against ESCC and could be a promising therapeutic candidate for patients, including those with metastasis or resistance to standard chemotherapy.

Suggested Dosing for High-Risk Humans

The study primarily used mice models and cell cultures, and it does not provide specific dosing recommendations for humans at high risk of ESCC. However, it mentions that ivermectin has been safely used in humans for over 30 years to treat parasitic infections.

Important Note:

Before considering ivermectin as a treatment for ESCC or any other type of cancer, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional and rely on clinical trials to determine the appropriate dosage, safety, and efficacy for cancer patients. Clinical trials would be necessary to establish the right dosing regimen and confirm its benefits and risks in humans.


Chat AI Takes the “Party Line” Against Ivermectin And Does Not Recommend “Off Label” Use

stock here: this is totally expected.

so it would seem that ivermectin could be prescribed as a preventative measure?ChatGPT

The idea that certain cancers may have parasitic origins or that parasitic infections could be additional risk factors is supported by research in some cases. Here are a few examples of parasitic infections that are known or suspected to be linked to cancer:

  1. Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia):
    • Associated Cancer: Bladder cancer, liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).
    • Details: Schistosoma haematobium is a parasite that infects the urinary tract, and chronic infection has been linked to an increased risk of bladder cancer. Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum are associated with liver inflammation and fibrosis, which can increase the risk of liver cancer.
  2. Liver Flukes (Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis):
    • Associated Cancer: Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer).
    • Details: Chronic infection with these liver flukes, common in parts of Asia, is a major risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma. The parasites cause inflammation and damage to the bile ducts, leading to cancer development.
  3. Helicobacter pylori (though bacterial, not parasitic):
    • Associated Cancer: Gastric (stomach) cancer.
    • Details: Chronic infection with H. pylori bacteria, which can cause ulcers, is strongly associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer. This is due to the inflammation and damage to the stomach lining over time.
  4. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) (though viral, not parasitic):
    • Associated Cancer: Cervical cancer, as well as some head and neck cancers.
    • Details: Certain strains of HPV are well-known for causing cervical cancer. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can lead to cancer through chronic infection and cellular changes.
  5. Plasmodium falciparum (Malaria):
    • Associated Cancer: Burkitt’s lymphoma.
    • Details: In regions where malaria is endemic, co-infection with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and malaria can increase the risk of Burkitt’s lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The link between parasitic infections and cancer is often related to chronic inflammation, immune system modulation, and cellular damage caused by the parasites over time. This can lead to mutations and other changes that promote cancer development. Understanding these links highlights the importance of controlling parasitic infections as a potential cancer prevention strategy.


Ivermectin is an antiparasitic medication that is effective against a variety of parasitic infections, such as those caused by roundworms, threadworms, and other parasites. However, using ivermectin as a preventative measure specifically for cancer is not a standard practice and would be considered off-label use. Here are a few key points to consider:

So it would seem that ivermectin could be prescribed as a preventative measure?ChatGPT

  1. Specificity of Ivermectin:
    • Ivermectin is effective against certain types of parasitic infections, but it is not universally effective against all parasites, especially those linked to cancer, such as Schistosoma species and liver flukes.
  2. Targeted Treatment:
    • Treatment for parasitic infections should be targeted based on the specific parasite involved. For instance, praziquantel is the treatment of choice for schistosomiasis, while albendazole or mebendazole might be used for different parasitic infections.
  3. Cancer Prevention:
    • Cancer prevention strategies typically focus on reducing known risk factors, such as infections, through vaccination (e.g., HPV vaccine for cervical cancer), improving sanitation, and promoting safe practices to avoid infections. Regular screening and monitoring for infections in high-risk areas are also crucial.
  4. Potential Risks:
    • Using ivermectin as a preventative measure without proper indication could lead to unnecessary drug exposure and potential side effects. Additionally, indiscriminate use of antiparasitic drugs can contribute to the development of drug resistance.
  5. Research and Guidelines:
    • Current medical guidelines and research do not support the routine use of ivermectin or other antiparasitic medications as a preventive measure for cancer. Prevention and treatment strategies should be based on evidence-based practices and tailored to individual risk factors and regional epidemiology.

While addressing parasitic infections is important for overall health and can reduce the risk of certain cancers, using ivermectin prophylactically for cancer prevention is not currently supported by scientific evidence or medical guidelines. For cancer prevention, it’s essential to follow established protocols, such as vaccinations, regular screenings, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, along with addressing specific parasitic infections through appropriate targeted treatments.

do any vaccinations work as anti-parasitic?ChatGPT

Vaccinations are a powerful tool in preventing infectious diseases, including some that are caused by parasites. While there are not many vaccines specifically targeting parasitic infections, a few notable exceptions exist:

  1. Malaria:
    • Vaccine: RTS,S/AS01 (brand name: Mosquirix).
    • Details: This is the first malaria vaccine to show partial protection against Plasmodium falciparum, the most deadly malaria parasite. It has been piloted in several African countries and provides some protection, particularly in young children.
  2. Schistosomiasis:
    • Vaccine Development: While there is no widely available vaccine for schistosomiasis yet, research and development efforts are ongoing to create vaccines that can protect against Schistosoma species. Various candidates are in different stages of clinical trials.
  3. Hookworm:
    • Vaccine Development: Efforts are underway to develop vaccines against hookworm infection, which affects millions of people worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Some vaccine candidates are currently in clinical trials.
  4. Leishmaniasis:
    • Vaccine Development: Leishmaniasis vaccines are also under development, targeting the Leishmania parasites that cause this disease. Various vaccine candidates are in different stages of research and trials.
  5. Toxoplasmosis:
    • Vaccine for Animals: There is a vaccine for toxoplasmosis used in animals, particularly sheep, to reduce the incidence of infection that can affect humans indirectly.

While these vaccines specifically target parasitic infections, the field of parasitology is challenging for vaccine development due to the complex life cycles and immune evasion strategies of many parasites. Most parasitic vaccines are still in the research or trial phases.

Preventative Measures: Besides vaccines, there are other effective strategies to prevent parasitic infections, including:

  • Improved sanitation and hygiene.
  • Vector control measures (e.g., bed nets and insecticides for malaria).
  • Health education and awareness campaigns.
  • Mass drug administration programs in endemic areas.

The combination of vaccination (where available), improved public health measures, and targeted treatments forms the cornerstone of efforts to control and prevent parasitic diseases.

what screenings are available for the parasitic vector we discussed? it would seem that many of these parasitic infections could exist at a low level for even years? would a doctor call for blood tests or other screening unless there were symptoms or suspicion at least, what would cause such suspicion?ChatGPT

Screening for parasitic infections typically involves a combination of clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and sometimes imaging studies. The decision to screen for parasitic infections often depends on the presence of symptoms, epidemiological risk factors, or specific exposures. Here’s an overview of common screening methods for the parasitic infections discussed:

1. Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia):

  • Screening Tests:
    • Urine or stool microscopy: Detects eggs of Schistosoma species.
    • Serological tests: Detect antibodies or antigens in the blood.
    • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): Detects parasite DNA in blood or stool samples.
    • Urine antigen test: Detects Schistosoma antigens in urine (especially for Schistosoma haematobium).
  • When to Screen:
    • History of travel or residence in endemic areas.
    • Symptoms such as blood in urine (haematuria), abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
    • Chronic liver or bladder disease in individuals from endemic regions.

2. Liver Flukes (Opisthorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis):

  • Screening Tests:
    • Stool examination: Detects eggs of the liver fluke.
    • Serological tests: Detect antibodies against the parasite.
    • Imaging (Ultrasound, CT, MRI): Identifies liver and bile duct abnormalities.
  • When to Screen:
    • History of consuming raw or undercooked freshwater fish in endemic areas.
    • Symptoms such as jaundice, abdominal pain, or liver dysfunction.

3. Malaria (Plasmodium species):

  • Screening Tests:
    • Blood smear microscopy: Detects parasites in red blood cells.
    • Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs): Detect specific antigens.
    • PCR: Detects parasite DNA.
  • When to Screen:
    • History of travel to or residence in malaria-endemic areas.
    • Symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, or muscle pain.

4. Helicobacter pylori:

  • Screening Tests:
    • Urea breath test: Detects H. pylori infection.
    • Stool antigen test: Detects H. pylori antigens in feces.
    • Blood antibody test: Detects antibodies to H. pylori (less commonly used).
    • Endoscopy with biopsy: Directly visualizes and biopsies the stomach lining.
  • When to Screen:
    • Symptoms of peptic ulcers or chronic gastritis.
    • Family history of gastric cancer.
    • Persistent dyspepsia (indigestion).

5. General Screening for Parasitic Infections:

  • Blood Tests:
    • Eosinophil count: Elevated levels can indicate parasitic infections.
    • Serological tests: Detect antibodies or antigens for specific parasites.
    • Complete blood count (CBC): May show anemia or other blood abnormalities.
  • When to Screen:
    • Symptoms such as prolonged fever, gastrointestinal disturbances, unexplained weight loss, or skin lesions.
    • History of exposure to endemic areas, contaminated water, or specific risk factors like eating undercooked meat or fish.
    • Patients with immunocompromised conditions or unusual persistent symptoms.

Suspicion and Diagnosis:

A doctor might suspect a parasitic infection based on:

  • Epidemiological factors: Travel or residence in endemic areas.
  • Clinical symptoms: Specific signs and symptoms related to the parasite.
  • Risk behaviors: Consumption of potentially contaminated food or water, contact with contaminated soil or water, insect bites, etc.
  • Physical findings: Specific signs such as hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen), skin rashes, or nodules.

In the absence of clear symptoms, routine screening for parasitic infections is not commonly performed. However, a high index of suspicion in the right clinical context can lead to targeted screening and early diagnosis, which is crucial for effective treatment and management.


Ivermectin, Anti-Parasitic and Some Cancers are Parasitic in Nature

stock here: Ivermectin has one of the safest drug profiles, that said a friend literally took “the horse paste” and she and her boyfriend both felt sick from the paste. There is no need to take the products meant for horses and cows. It is easy to get a tele-medicine prescription and maybe even get your insurance to pay for it.



The New Meme: The Reason The Media Is Now Attacking Biden, Is Because All The Media Are Pro-Trump, Trump Donors, WOW

Some useless idiots will actually believe this, seen on YouTube

– CNN: CEO Trump donor

– ABC: CEO Trump donor –

CBS: CEO Trump donor

– NBC: CEO Trump donor –

MSNBC: CEO Trump donor –

Washington Post: owner Jeff Bezo –

Wall Street Journal: owner Rupert Murdoch –

New York Times: CEO Trump donor” …….

Source: – John C. Varner III @LilHulkQ – Meidas Touch


California Sec of State, Runs Elections, Dem, Believes in Giving Puberty Blockers to Children

stock here: These people are in charge. California changed at least 2 laws on election procedures in 2024 to make cheating easier. Because it is law, is it “legal”? It sure is shameful.



Ballotpedia, Who Are They?

They are located in Madison, Wisconsin, one of the Bluest cities in the Nation.


Here are their board members:


Board Members and Their Political Affiliations:

  1. Mike Barnhart, Chair
    • Affiliation: Generally aligned with conservative and free-market principles.
    • Background: Former president of Sunshine Review and State Budget Solutions, both of which are known to have conservative leanings.
  2. Tim Dunn
    • Affiliation: Conservative/Republican.
    • Background: Chair of Empower Texans and Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, both conservative organizations. He is also vice chair of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a conservative think tank.
  3. Dan Liljenquist
    • Affiliation: Republican.
    • Background: Former Republican member of the Utah State Senate.
  4. Todd Graves
    • Affiliation: Republican.
    • Background: Former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri, a member of the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee, and Missouri state assistant attorney general.
  5. Steven Nemerovski
    • Affiliation: Likely non-partisan or Democratic-leaning.
    • Background: Adjunct professor at Columbia University, former Parliamentarian for the Illinois House of Representatives, and special counsel to the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives.
  6. Ana Zablah-Monroe
    • Affiliation: Not explicitly stated, likely non-partisan.
    • Background: Limited information available regarding her political affiliation.
  7. Jack McHugh, Board Member Emeritus
    • Affiliation: Conservative/Libertarian.
    • Background: Senior legislative analyst for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, which promotes free-market and limited government principles.

For further details on their affiliations and backgrounds, refer to sources like InfluenceWatch and Ballotpedia.


Biden Interview

This “Interview” appears to be AI generated.


Be On guard Against Deep Fakes, Is This Kamala?


A Summary of Our Current Situation As Humans On Planet Earth

stock here: AI can summarize really fast when it doesn’t have to do it’s own research.

1. Human Control Technology

  • Non-Consensual Biomedical Technologies
  • Intersection of Bio Technology, Molecular Biology, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology
  • Quantum Computers & Information Science
  • 5/6/7G, Web 3.0, Quantum Fields, EMF, EMR, ELF
  • Biochemistry, Genomics, Genetic Engineering, Bacterial Genome Engineering
  • Neuroscience, Bio-Nanotechnology, Quantum Biology
  • Low Orbiting Satellites, Bio-Digital Convergence, Neurotechnology, Nanorobotics
  • Biomedical Telemetry, Biosensors, Biophysics, WBAN IEEE 802.15.6
  • Electronic Warfare, Global Information Grid, Cyber-Physical Systems Backbone
  • Phased Array, IEEE Bio-Photonics, Human Bond Communications

2. Organizations and Key Figures

  • US Government Agencies: NSF, HHS, BARDA, NIH, NIAID, FDA, CDC, DoD, DoE, DIA, NSA, FCC, DHS, FBI
  • Military and Intelligence: Navy, NATO, Air Force, Army, Marines, Space Force
  • Foundations and Institutes: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, CEPI, Kavli, Allen Institute, Wyss Institute
  • Pharmaceutical Companies: Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, Novavax
  • Big Tech Companies: Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel, Oracle, Apple, Nvidia, Amazon
  • Key Figures: Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, Bill Gates, Geordie Rose, Soros

3. Advanced Technologies and Mechanisms

  • Bioinformatics, Biomanufacturing, Big Data
  • DNA Modification, Digitization, Reassembly, Lipid Nanoparticles, Genetic Cell Therapy
  • Behavioral Sciences, Brain/Mind Manipulation
  • DARPA, CIA, IARPA Initiatives, Human Brain Project, BRAIN Initiative
  • IEEE Work Groups, Policy Horizons Canada
  • Worldwide Standardization: IEC, IEEE, ISO, ITU, ASTM, ANSI

4. Research and Development Programs

  • DARPA Projects: PANACEA, ElectRx, Living Foundries, Project Maven
  • Surveillance and Reconnaissance: Stingray, Dirtbox, Looking Glass, Keyhole
  • Neural and Cognitive Technologies: BCI, BBI, Protein Folding, Molecular Biology Communications
  • Nanotechnology: Smart Dust, AI Bio-Cyber Physical Systems
  • Health and Genomics: Transcriptomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Epigenetics, Microbiomics
  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: AI Genetic Re-Engineering, Precision AI Healthcare

5. Ethical and Societal Concerns

  • Non-Consensual Experimentation, Transhumanist Agenda
  • Human Control via Bio-Nanotechnology, Genome Transformation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Morality, Bio-Ethical Implications
  • Bioweapons and Ethical Use of Technology, Depopulation Concerns
  • Digital Surveillance and Privacy Issues, Human Rights
  • Social and Political Manipulation, Eugenics, Totalitarianism

6. Communication and Networking

  • Body Area Networks (BAN), Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), IEEE Standards
  • Cognitive Radio Network, Human Biofield Focus Hijack
  • Phased Array Networks, Internet of Things (IoT), 6G/7G Communication
  • Software Defined Networking, Human Bonding Communications
  • Remote Control Technologies, Neural Interface, Cognitive Cloud

7. Medical and Biological Applications

  • Genetic Engineering, CRISPR Cas9 Technology
  • Tissue Engineering, Organ on a Chip, Neuralnanorobots
  • Vaccine Technologies, mRNA and Lipid Nanoparticles
  • Bio-Sensors, Remote Drug Delivery, AI Precision Healthcare
  • Cloning, Transgenic Chimeric Research

8. Quantum and Nanotechnology

  • Quantum Computing, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Biology
  • Nanorobotics, Bio-Nanotechnology, Quantum Dots
  • AI and Quantum Communication, Synthetic Biology, DNA Steganography
  • Magnetoelectric Nanoparticles, Neural Lace Technology
  • Molecular Communication, Plasmonics, Graphene-Based Technologies

9. Military and Defense

  • Directed Energy Weapons, Remote Electroporation Systems
  • Low Orbit Satellites, High Frequency Wave Forming Generators
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Technologies, AI-Driven Warfare
  • Strategic Reconnaissance, Covert Electronic Warfare
  • Military AI Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems Backbone

10. Societal and Environmental Impact

  • Smart Cities, 15-Minute Cities, ESG Scores
  • Climate Engineering, Weather Modification
  • Food Supply Control, GMO Frankenfoods
  • Public Health Impact, Chemical and Biological Contaminants
  • Societal Manipulation and Control, Technological Utopias