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stock here: Besides it being totally Brit owned controlled opposition, there are still nuggets at the Zero Hedge. Many years back I posted the question of “why are the Europeans allowing all this illegal immigration?” and a ZH responder broke it down perfectly, “To Make It All Suck”, to destroy the cultural identity of countries, to bring crime, and outrage, and to make “nothing worth fighting for”. I think that was almost a decade ago. I took it from there…..and realized that I was the main target in the USA….the white Christian male. Let’s get to the new material. Again from ZH, a great comment, starting out with non-sense. Pretending, or misunderstanding, that Disney is not the false dicotomy of “good versus evil”: Unpacking— there are multiple battles going on, and ONE is for sure Good Versus Evil, at our spiritual level, Satan versus The Great Spirit. And Disney does not define good versus evil. Disney is EVIL. But on to his comment.



Typically naive American thinking, believing in this Disney World-like “good versus evil” society.

I’m European and I’ve lived in Germany for about 15 years, speak fluent German and most important of all: I understand the European and German mentalities a lot better.

I’ve repeatedly warned CJ on his Substack to GTF out of Germany, only to be arrogantly dismissed.

Aya Vélazques is in a similar situation, although she is a native German and has a better understanding of how far she can push her luck.

Nevertheless, Germans (I.e. the German people) will always default back to collective obedience and it’s pointless and suicidal to think you can ‘talk sense into them.’

Just look at what happened to Sophie and Hans Scholl of the White Rose Movement and Claus Von Stauffenberg. It should have woken up Germans, but instead they collectively pushed the snooze button…as they always do.

There is no self-correcting force within the German People, it always takes an outside force (the Allies or capitalism) to stop their totalitarian tendencies: WW1, WW2, and the communist DDR  


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