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Mining Awareness: Links All The Usual Suspects: Queenmaker of Kamala Harris: Willie Brown, Communist Cult Leader Jim Jones, and the Jonestown Suicide-Massacre Mining Awareness: Links All The Usual Suspects:

stock here: August 8th AGAIN. He wants to “get her in”. Ol’ Mining Awareness, a strong participant from back in the day of Fukushima, et al. Great example of how a strong liberal viewpoint can also achieve great research. Many sailors are liberal, and yet they can cross oceans, it’s a curious thing. I hadn’t realized that most of the people killed at jonestown were black and effectively working on a plantation. Hence the hilarity of the saying “keep them on the plantation”. This photo collection of the whole “Jones meme” is curious.


San Francisco machine politicians, the 90 year old Willie Brown and 84 year old Pelosi apparently plotted to oust 81 year old Joe Biden and put in their protege Kamala Harris in as candidate. “former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, a political kingmaker in the city for decades who is close to the speaker emerita.” (Gardiner, 6/3/2024, Politico)

On August 8th, 2024, 90 year old Willie Brown said that he “could not envision thinking of Kamala Harris in any negative way. She’s a good friend long time ago, absolutely beautiful woman, smart as all hell, very successful, electorally speaking. I was a part of every campaign that she’s ever been involved in, supported her religiously and will still do so and I am just looking forward for the next 89 days I just can’t wait to get her in as a president” (Alex Baker, KRON4)

Look who did put African-Americans on a plantation, after stealing their money and assets! Regarding Jim Jones and Jonestown, Yolanda Williams said “I mean, I’ve never been on a plantation, but, my God, it was a plantation. And he was the master.” Work consisted of 8-12 hour days in the jungle, with most meals consisting mainly of rice. Jonestown’s inhabitants were kept on a low-protein diet, no doubt to keep them weak and pliable. What they were fed was a daily diet of propaganda about America’s impending collapse and how bad life was today elsewhere – kind of like North Korea does…” See: “The Jonestown Massacre Was So Much Worse Than You Realize”, Grunge Video: https://youtu.be/gfM8_eLkJ7Q

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