stock here, although it may have violated AI guidelines, it still gave me this translation:
The Arabic text you provided translates to:
“The Israeli occupation forces are digging a deep hole in one of the yards surrounding the Indonesian hospital and placing several young men with their hands tied and eyes blindfolded in it, in northern Gaza. They are preparing to bury them alive. Where is the free world from this crime and brutality?!”
This message expresses concern and outrage about alleged actions by Israeli forces in Gaza, calling on the global community to respond to what is described as a severe violation of human rights.
If you need more specific information or context about this, I recommend checking verified news sources for any updates on the situation.
قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي تحفر حفرة عميقة في إحدى الساحات المحيطة بالمستشفى الاندونسي وتضع فيها عدداً من الشباب مكبلي الأيدي ومعصوبي الأعين شمال غزة .
— Hayat zyd (@ZyzyYhy) October 19, 2024
تمهيداً لدفنهم احياء . اين العالم الحر من هذا الاجرام والوحشية ..؟!#جباليا_تباد
————————- Comments on X
Jews are genocidal manics. Case in point Allas8 defending the massacre of children – calling them terrorists! Jews have no respect for the non-Jew; to the Non-Jew you are cattle and your children are military combatants.
Israel goes after civilians, kills them as part of it’s war of terror, then claims Hamas uses them as human shields. Because of Israel’s control over the US and media, they are able to maintain this false narrative while they commit genocide.
Remember when Israel targeted Food Aid Workers?
Or when Israel IDF agents dressed as civilians, entered a hospital and killed people receiving treatment?
Or when Blood Thirsty IDF agents shot and killed three shirtless men approaching them waiving white flags – that turned out to be Israeli hostages? Opps! Guess that happens when you kill anything that moves.
I can keep going and going…. the crimes against Israel are plenty.
Israel is a failed terrorist state that must be dissolved. Nearly every claim Jews put forth about the Holocaust are manifesting in the state of Israel – it’s a racist apartheid state.
– Allas8 -3 points8 hours ago +1 / -4
Article that OP linked to call them terrorists. If you try to kill Jews, then why should Jews have any respect to you? Make peace with the Jews, and they will have respect towards you.
There is no genocide against the Palestinians. The ones who are killed, are those fighting Israel, enemy combatants.
Also it is not an apartheid state, as Muslims living in Israel has the same rights as the Jews living there do.
– Redsky 5 points8 hours ago +5 / -0
Oy vey! Non-Jews in Israel have the same right as Jews! That’s why Jews Steal their homes (
As for the article by OP, I wouldn’t believe anything CNN states. It’s a Jewish-Run Mossad Operation. Who Works at CNN? Jeff Zucker, (Jewish), Dana Bash, (Jewish), Jake Tapper, (Jewish), Wolf Blitzer, (Jewish), Larry King (Jewish)…. who did I leave out Allas8? Probably your cousins.
I would bet the authors of the Article Nadeen Ebrahim and Mike Schwartz probably have (Jewish) connections.
– Allas8 -3 points8 hours ago +1 / -4
Jews owned those houses in 1947, then in the 1948 war they evacuated, and the houses were occupied by squatters, who in a court ruling in 2021 was evicted from the land. I guess it is a question of if the neighborhood is a part of Israel or Palestine.
– turtlebam [S]2 points7 hours ago +2 / -0
What a bunch of lies. Jews stole most of the homes they lived in and ALL the lands they built upon. Even Netanyahu lives in stolen home:
What you are talking about with that court ruling is a small exception in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem before 1948 many neighborhoods were mixed had Jews and Arabs. I won’t go into the details of how Jews stole those houses but it happened after the collapse of the Ottoman empire for the most part.
Anyways, after the war of 1948 and ensuing clashes. Arabs were kicked out of west Jerusalem and some Jews fled east Jerusalem. The mixed city has now become divided east and west. This meant many Jews settled in previously Arab houses west Jerusalem and some Arabs settled in previously Jew houses in east Jerusalem. That court ruling evicted the Arabs but DIDN’T evict the Jews out of west Jerusalem.
All other Jewish towns are built upon Palestinian villages who were completely wiped out by Jewish militias: