stock here: this proof was easy enough to obtain with 20 minutes of work, although the trolls have been obvious for months. Spreading lies like “of course rebuilding is still going to take time….they are still collecting DNA so every victim can be identified”. That lie was yesterday, I showed not just the troll, but Facebook stating that the troll has 1200 friends when in fact the troll had ZERO friends, and just 1 weird post about a surf bay in California.
It was my account that was cancelled, without notice or chance for appeal, or chance to take down my post on my site. It was cancelled within 12 hours of my post at Nukepro.
Mr. Zuckerberg, are you guilty of conspiracy to cover up murder by fire, and illegal land grabs? The more you try to look human, the more your true evilness with that Chinese wife is apparent.

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