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Funny: Ask The Feds For A GPS Ankle Bracelet, As That Will Give Them Less Information Than Your Cell Phone

stock here, this was hilarious in a sick sort of way.

You can immediately regain control of your phone’s full usefulness after a 911 call by turning off your phone and turn it back on. Then you can restore access to all your phone’s functions again.


Not really… 911 already has your number, esn, Mac address, etc .. turning off your phone does not change these values, so the second your phone reacquires a signal is the same second 911 can again assume control of said phone if so desired. In fact .. the newer phones on the market are even discoverable when thy are turned off! You would need t remove the battery and SIM card to stop that. Furthermore, with things like googles find my phone, Google relies on every other customers phone to scan for devices nearby, so if another Google phone is near yours, well that other Google phone is going to report the location of your phone that you thought was disconnected…. In other words, just don’t get a cell phone because you aren’t even aware of the myriad of ways you can be tracked that they even publish to inform you about if you took the time to read about all the features on your device and android version…. Oooo get an iPhone then… Yeah, because apple would never try to compete with Google or replicate the same features and functionality of their competitor… Might as well just ask the DOJ/DOC if they will provide you with one of their GPS ankle bracelets combined with random landlibe phone voice recognition verification… You would at least be giving big tech and the government less information about you at any given moment then.



DEW — A Scientific Review by “Tech Ingredients”

stock here: after the fires in Maui…….


My Next Day Coverage of the Lahaina Fires

I knew this was big, right away. I was collecting evidence immediately, downloading everything from Eric West, even guiding him on the phone on melting points of automotive materials, and what to look for. He found it the day later with a local guide who took him to 2 cars that were the smoking gun. I was surprised that I was already calling out the Ukraine money flows.


Brush Junkie — Maui Massacre Shirts and a New Mexico Conflagration

stock here, buy a shirt!


Hustl YouTuber Continues to Report on Maui Massacre

he was good, maybe they took down his channel, he used to be HustleBitch.


Havana Syndrome — US Gov Refuses to Admit


Microwaves or ultrasound


Voice To Skull, A “Technology”

stock here: One rabbit hole leads to another!!! from AI

“Voice to skull” technology, often referred to as V2K, is a concept where sound is transmitted directly to the brain using microwave auditory effect or other advanced technologies. This concept is often discussed in contexts involving mind control, non-lethal weapons, and various conspiracy theories. Here are some key points:

  1. Microwave Auditory Effect: This phenomenon allows microwave pulses to create sounds directly inside the human skull without the need for any external speakers. The sounds are perceived as coming from within the head and can include voices, clicks, or other noises.
  2. Non-Kinetic Brain Injuries: These refer to injuries or alterations in brain function caused by non-physical means, such as electromagnetic fields, sonic weapons, or other forms of energy. Symptoms may include neurological disorders, cognitive impairments, or auditory phenomena like V2K.
  3. Scientific and Military Research: There have been various studies and reports suggesting that military and intelligence agencies have explored the use of such technologies for purposes like crowd control, psychological operations, or communication in covert operations.
  4. Controversy and Misdiagnosis: Due to the nature of V2K and related technologies, individuals experiencing these phenomena may be misdiagnosed with psychiatric conditions such as psychosis. The symptoms can be misunderstood by medical professionals who are not familiar with or do not accept the existence of these technologies.
  5. Legal and Ethical Concerns: The use and potential abuse of V2K and similar technologies raise significant ethical questions, particularly regarding consent, privacy, and the potential for misuse in both military and civilian contexts.

While the scientific community does recognize the microwave auditory effect, the broader claims about V2K and its widespread use in non-kinetic brain injuries are often met with skepticism and are not widely accepted in mainstream medical practice.

——————- I was just curious about the acronym V2K, but AI took it differently

“V2K” stands for “Voice to Skull,” which describes a technology that purportedly transmits sound directly to a person’s auditory cortex, bypassing the ears. The term is often associated with the microwave auditory effect, where microwave pulses can produce auditory sensations within the human head. Here’s why V2K is significant and controversial:

Significance of V2K Technology

  1. Covert Communication: One of the primary reasons for developing V2K technology is for covert communication. It allows for the transmission of messages directly into a person’s head without the need for external devices like headphones or speakers.
  2. Non-Lethal Weaponry: V2K is also explored as a non-lethal weapon. It can be used to disorient, confuse, or disrupt the target without causing physical harm, making it a tool for psychological operations.
  3. Applications in Mental Health and Medicine: There are potential therapeutic applications, such as for treating auditory hallucinations in psychiatric disorders or for providing auditory assistance to individuals with hearing impairments.

Controversy and Concerns

  1. Privacy and Consent: V2K raises significant ethical concerns regarding privacy and consent. The idea that thoughts or perceptions can be influenced or monitored without an individual’s knowledge or agreement is deeply troubling.
  2. Misdiagnosis and Mental Health: People experiencing symptoms they attribute to V2K may be misdiagnosed with psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia. The medical community typically does not recognize V2K as a legitimate phenomenon, leading to potential conflicts in diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Potential for Abuse: The technology could be misused by governments, military organizations, or other entities for surveillance, mind control, or coercion, raising serious ethical and human rights issues.
  4. Lack of Mainstream Acceptance: While the microwave auditory effect is scientifically recognized, the broader claims of V2K are often viewed with skepticism. This skepticism arises from a lack of empirical evidence and the association of V2K with conspiracy theories.

Scientific and Technical Background

  • Microwave Auditory Effect: Discovered in the 1960s, this effect involves the creation of sound within the human head when exposed to pulsed microwave frequencies. It works by causing rapid thermal expansion of brain tissues, which creates pressure waves that are interpreted as sound by the auditory system.
  • Research and Development: Both military and intelligence agencies have conducted research into the potential applications of this technology. Publicly available information is limited, and much of the research remains classified.

In Conclusion

While V2K technology has intriguing applications and potential uses, it also brings about a host of ethical, legal, and medical concerns. The lack of mainstream acceptance and the potential for misuse make it a highly controversial topic. Understanding and addressing these concerns is crucial as we navigate the implications of such advanced technologies


Personality Change: Just One Adverse Neurological Effect of the Injections

stock here: I have seen this, and in normally “nice” Hawaii, there has been say a 500% increase in assholes, from like 2/100 to 10/100. I am very wary of taking on any new customers because of this.

A number of my customers have developed cancers just this year, one died last week. Weeks after doing a few solar services for him. That was a gut punch, super nice guy and so full of hope even degraded by chemo just a few days prior.

The zombies are in force, driving cars, many cars all banged up and people don’t see the need or can’t afford the bodywork. Poor driving is a daily event, I often take 2 or 3 evasive actions to mitigate accident chance. Hawaii is heavily injected, I didn’t have time to compare on a per 100,000 basis for adverse reactions reported. But even that may be a poor statistic using VAERS as many of the nice people in Hawaii would never suspect that the Injections caused harm, much less report it.

Horrifying… Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: “Depending on where the vaccine damage occurs, a wide variety of neurological and psychiatric illnesses can occur. Nerve failures and paralysis, but also dementia, psychoses and personality changes are on agenda for vaccinated people. The unbelievable horror story doesn’t end there. Chopped DNA fragments have been found in large numbers as vaccine contaminants. Fragmented DNA sequences have increased propensity to be incorporated into the chromosomal DNA. The possible consequences are endless. The finely tuned network can be disrupted that controls cell division and differentiation. Cancer and developmental disorders can result. Mutations in sperm and fertilized eggs could make altered characteristics heritable.”

Mirrored Fritjof Persson

————————- Comment

Dr Sucharit, thank you for sharing your views, pls pay serious attention to Dr Ber video did you ever heard from NKBI ? non kinetic brain injuries can be diagnose by biological elements and supported with tests, auricular damage, neurological disorders and/or voice to skull elements

The experts explain the person suffer from an energy that crossed the gray matter in the brain causing damage. T

he myriad of symptoms may be interpreted by ignorant doctors and psychiatrist as psychosis, and/or other mental problems the reality is that the mental situation is artificially provoke from the outside Of course at the moment the differential diagnosis hasn’t arrived 2the main medical practitioners. It is not convenient, too many patients are in title to compensation by being misdiagnosed by psychiatrists, that have failed 2accept the voice to skull as a reality for patients Is already accepted in the scientific, military &political world

Those with the covid are now even easier to target as a result of their nano routers circuits assembled by nanographene as show the Mac address that scientist and researchers including the public have shown appears on many of those vaccinated, to the world Those diagnosed with psychosis and other mental illness have been most probably misdiagnosed Psychiatrist make themselves deaf to the evidence that appears everyday stronger showing that psychosis can be provoked by external ways by making a person to hear a voice in their skull.

Why are you silence on the possibility that the G5 anthenas may be part of the problem for those inoculated with the nanotechnology? Many people is now aware that the story of the DNA and the virus seems a cover up to a more sinister reality that includes the autoasemble of the nanocircuits in our bodies and the control by external energies including but not only G5 anthenas… Is now clear there is a conection between Havana syndrome, Targeted Individual and those injected https://youtu.be/YC7UEOyGPsk thank y


Calling It Out NOW: The Normalization of Population Collapse, AND Don’t Blame It On the Zionists

stock, saw this is my feed where most of my substacks go….quite sure I never signed up for this! Propaganda.

Shameful, I hope it is propaganda and not personal ignorance.


She does have that “look”. She does get some things right, but not all the way right.

—————————————————- This guy had his say in comments, and she didn’t delete it, so maybe she has a chance.

The BarefootHealer18 mins agoJennifer, firstly, much respect for you and your work over the years. Yep, your doing some top notch work in breaking down fallacies around nutrition, therapies, c19, aether, and many m9re subjects. Keep going.As a regenerative farmer, please use the same critical thought processes that allowed you to see through the BS narrative of c19, nutrient reference values, etc, on the climate catastrophe narratives.😐🤨🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️We have had far higher periods of CO2 levels in the earths history (Jurassic period, for one), but even as late as the 1500s. 😐 In fact, our carbon levels are NOT high enough, which is partially contributing to soil web collapse (although industrial and conventional agriculture is primarily destroying the topsoils). We ARE carbon based life.🤔🤔😐🤨You’re certainly accurate in the aspects of toxic pollutions accelerating natural cycles, but marine cloud brightening and other weather modification programs, are also changing nature’s ability to adapt, rebalance, and in most cases mitigate. All under yet another BS narrative, called “climate change”😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Of course, it freaking changes, its a living organisim, it has cycles, just like we do.🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Frankly,I have zero problems with people exploring subjects and discussing them, whether within their wheelhouse/expertise or not, in fact, I encourage it, that’s how we learn. But please do the courtesy of CRITICALLY exploring the subject, before parroting narrative party line, because bluntly, BS is what’s accelerating us towards a premeditated, controlled collapse of society. While nobody, can be expert in every subject, but you can utilise critical thinking across ALL subjects, and ironically, the BS is really not that hard to spot, when you do. For starters, just go look at the polar bears

Let’s Talk About Win 10 or Win 11 Operating System

stock here: I am fortunate enough that my main workstation and main laptop are both Windows 10. The laptop pestered me this morning, you have to decline it twice. See AI comments at bottom.

There have been significant concerns regarding data collection in Windows 11, which some believe is more extensive than in Windows 10. Here’s what I found:

Diagnostic and Telemetry Data

Windows 11 collects a range of diagnostic data to maintain the system’s performance and security. This includes required data (such as device properties, error reports, and software setup) and optional data (like browsing history, typing input, and detailed device configurations)​ (Microsoft Privacy)​​ (Windows Central)​. The required data is essential for the system’s functionality, while optional data can be disabled to some extent.

Privacy Controls

Users have some control over the data collected. For example, they can disable optional diagnostic data, advertising tracking, activity history, and the “Find My Device” feature through the settings menu in Windows 11. However, certain essential services still require data to be sent to Microsoft to ensure proper operation and security​ (Windows Central)​.

Comparison to Windows 10

While Windows 10 also collected diagnostic data, Windows 11 has additional features that enhance data collection. These include new connected experiences and improved diagnostic tools that send more detailed information back to Microsoft. There is a perception that Windows 11 collects more data by default compared to Windows 10, though much of this data collection is tied to new functionalities and services aimed at improving user experience and system performance​ (Microsoft Privacy)​.

Concerns and Criticisms

Critics argue that Windows 11’s telemetry and data collection practices can be seen as invasive, with concerns about the amount and type of data being collected automatically. Some users feel that the push to upgrade to Windows 11 is partly due to these enhanced data collection capabilities, which could provide Microsoft with more user insights​ (Windows Central)​.


While Windows 11 offers new features and improvements, it does come with increased data collection. Users can manage some aspects of their privacy settings, but not all data collection can be disabled, especially for essential services. This balance between enhanced functionality and privacy remains a topic of ongoing debate among users and privacy advocates.

For more details on managing privacy settings in Windows 11, you can check the official guides and privacy statements provided by Microsoft.



Let’s Quickly Talk About Your Browser

stock here, I allowed Avast to install on my Laptop, will advise any findings once found. AI had this to say. I run Brave, and if Brave won’t run a site well, then I try Firefox. When all fails, I switch to Chrome….Like one of my main financial sites only works on Chrome….go figure, the bankster/brokers in cahoots with big Tech, who’d of thunk it.

Avast Secure Browser is designed with privacy and security in mind. It includes features like ad-blocking, anti-tracking, and a built-in VPN. However, it’s essential to remember that Avast has faced criticism in the past for collecting and selling user data through its antivirus software. While they claim to have improved their practices, it’s always wise to stay informed about their privacy policies and any updates.

Comparison of Other Major Browsers:

  1. Google Chrome:
    • Security: High. Chrome is frequently updated and has strong built-in security features like sandboxing and safe browsing.
    • Privacy: Moderate to low. Google collects a significant amount of data for advertising purposes. You can enhance privacy using extensions or by adjusting settings.
  2. Mozilla Firefox:
    • Security: High. Firefox offers strong security features and frequent updates.
    • Privacy: High. Firefox has robust privacy features, including Enhanced Tracking Protection and a focus on user data protection. They do not collect as much data as Google.
  3. Microsoft Edge:
    • Security: High. Edge has good security features and regular updates.
    • Privacy: Moderate. While Edge collects some data, Microsoft offers more transparency and control over privacy settings compared to Google.
  4. Safari (Apple):
    • Security: High. Safari has strong security features, including sandboxing and intelligent tracking prevention.
    • Privacy: High. Apple emphasizes user privacy and collects minimal data compared to other major browsers.
  5. Brave:
    • Security: High. Brave has built-in ad-blocking and anti-tracking features.
    • Privacy: High. Brave is designed with privacy in mind and does not collect user data. It also offers options like Tor integration for enhanced privacy.


For maximum privacy and security, browsers like Brave and Firefox are often recommended. They offer strong security features and are committed to protecting user privacy. Safari is also a good option if you are an Apple user. While Chrome and Edge are secure, they collect more user data, which might not align with your privacy goals.

It’s always a good idea to regularly review and adjust your browser’s privacy settings, use privacy-focused extensions, and stay updated on the latest developments in browser security and privacy practices.


How Far Have We Fallen, When Activist Judges, Placed by Malevolent Actors, Are Allowed to Completely Control and Influence the “Trial Settings, and Outcomes”

Ponder this:


We Are HERE: At Another Great Turning. Stalin Pulled Off Mass Genocide Using The Tribe: What Will They Call This One? Progressive Commonwealth

stock here: read my last article on the Holodomor, they pull off the mass deaths by restricting freedom of movement, part of the reason they want you in an EV that they can control, shutdown, or lock the doors and drive you to the Gulag in your own car.

The collectivists, the communists, and all of the isms are at it again.

They are attempting another Stalin Power Grab, and maybe this time instead of straight up genocide….maybe it will be even worse. Outlaw religion (at least collapse it, like making it illegal to adopt a child unless you promise before hand to give them puberty blockers and pay for them to chop their dicks off, which is really happening now, the law that is, or perhaps more correctly the “Agency Policy”). Get everyone confused and abused, and relying on Government Handouts.

Dominate the world, and funnel everything into “the State”. They are going all out and seem to be winning at times. There is some push back, as failed policies, do have repercussions. People can tell when their lives suck, even when they are told not to believe their lying eyes, and often accept that order. Here is the Stalin article.

How many of “the Left” truly do not understand why people are pushing back? And how many are just sociopathic assholes?

LOL “The Bomb Thrower” posed this question and with a good summary of the total bullshit of the GOF, Pandemic, Lockdowns, Career Destruction, et al. Check it out.


Stalin, Supposedly an Athiest, Pushed Jews Into Most of The Positions of High Power, Prior to Starving 5 Million in Ukraine in the Holodomor

stock here: when you need to do mass murder or genocide, hire a Jew. Only 1.8% of “The Soviet Union” was Jewish, how did Stalin even find them?

During Joseph Stalin’s rule, several prominent Jewish individuals held significant positions in the Soviet government and military. Here is a list of some notable Jewish officials and officers in Stalin’s regime:

Government Positions

  1. Lazar Kaganovich:
    • One of Stalin’s closest associates, Kaganovich held various high-ranking positions, including People’s Commissar for Transport, People’s Commissar for Heavy Industry, and First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine. He played a significant role in the implementation of Stalin’s policies, including the collectivization of agriculture and the Great Purge​ (Encyclopedia Britannica)​.
  2. Maxim Litvinov:
    • Born Meir Henoch Wallach-Finkelstein, Litvinov served as the Soviet Union’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs from 1930 to 1939. He was instrumental in Soviet diplomacy and efforts to establish alliances with Western powers before World War II​ (Encyclopedia Britannica)​.
  3. Genrikh Yagoda:
    • Yagoda was the head of the NKVD (the Soviet secret police) from 1934 to 1936. He played a key role in the early stages of the Great Purge before being replaced by Nikolai Yezhov and later executed during the purge himself​ (The HISTORY Channel)​.

Military Positions

  1. Yakov Sverdlov:
    • While primarily known for his role as a Bolshevik leader and the first Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Sverdlov’s influence extended into the early Soviet military and government structures. He was one of the key figures in the consolidation of Bolshevik power after the Russian Revolution​ (Encyclopedia Britannica)​.
  2. Lev Mekhlis:
    • Mekhlis served as the head of the Main Political Directorate of the Red Army and was later appointed People’s Commissar for State Control. He was known for his strict enforcement of Stalinist policies within the military and government​ (The HISTORY Channel)​.

Other Key Figures

  1. Solomon Lozovsky:
    • Lozovsky held several important roles, including Deputy People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs and head of the Soviet Information Bureau. He was also a member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee during World War II​ (Encyclopedia Britannica)​.
  2. Boris Shumyatsky:
    • Shumyatsky was a prominent Soviet film executive and head of the Soviet film industry (GUKF). He played a significant role in shaping Soviet cinema until he was arrested and executed during the Great Purge​ (Encyclopedia Britannica)​.


While Jews held various influential positions in Stalin’s regime, it is essential to note that Stalin’s relationship with Jewish officials was complex and often contradictory. Many of these officials were later purged during Stalin’s campaigns against perceived enemies within the party and state. The Great Purge, in particular, saw the execution or imprisonment of numerous Jewish officials alongside many other ethnicities. Stalin’s policies and actions towards Jews and other minorities were influenced by his broader strategies for maintaining power and control over the Soviet Union.


The Prime Directives of AI

stock here, I asked AI about it’s Prime Directives and it had this to say….

Noted that it’s Number 1 Directive is protecting protected classes.

The term “prime directive” is most commonly associated with science fiction, particularly the “Star Trek” franchise, where it refers to the fundamental principle guiding Starfleet’s interactions with other civilizations. However, when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI), the concept isn’t as clearly defined or universally agreed upon as in science fiction. Instead, there are various ethical guidelines and principles developed by organizations and researchers to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI. Here are some key principles that often serve as the “prime directives” for AI:

  1. Fairness and Non-Discrimination: AI systems should be designed and implemented to avoid bias and ensure fairness. They should not discriminate against individuals or groups based on race, gender, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics.
  2. Transparency and Explainability: AI systems should be transparent in their operations. Users should be able to understand how decisions are made by the AI, and the systems should provide explanations that are understandable to humans.
  3. Privacy and Data Protection: AI systems should respect the privacy of individuals and ensure that personal data is protected. This includes adhering to data protection laws and implementing strong security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
  4. Safety and Security: AI systems should be designed to be safe and secure, minimizing risks to users and society. This involves rigorous testing and validation to ensure that the systems behave as expected and do not cause harm.
  5. Accountability: There should be clear lines of accountability for AI systems. Developers and deployers of AI should be responsible for the outcomes of their systems and have mechanisms in place to address any negative consequences.
  6. Human Control and Autonomy: AI systems should augment human capabilities and respect human autonomy. Humans should have the final decision-making power, especially in critical applications like healthcare, finance, and law enforcement.
  7. Beneficence: AI should be developed with the goal of benefiting society and improving human well-being. This involves ensuring that AI applications contribute positively to social and economic development.

Several organizations and initiatives have outlined these and similar principles. For example:

  • The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems has developed a comprehensive set of ethical guidelines for AI and autonomous systems.
  • The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence published “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI,” which includes principles like human agency, technical robustness, and accountability.
  • The Partnership on AI, which includes major tech companies and research institutions, promotes best practices and the responsible use of AI.

These principles aim to guide the development and deployment of AI to ensure it aligns with human values and societal norms. While there is no single “prime directive” for AI, these guidelines collectively aim to steer AI development in a direction that is ethical, fair, and beneficial for all.


Fox: Unusual Story “Supports” Bible 2 Kings 19:35

stock here: it’s unusual for a news headline to be promoting the accuracy of the Bible. But especially this story of 2 Kings 19:35, and the slaughter of 185,000 occupying force. Is it Israel inspiring this type of thing? But the existence of an old, yet huge, encampment, does nothing to support that an Angle purportedly wiped out 185,000 soldiers. Although it does appear to be true that leader of that occupying force returned home and was slain by his sons.


And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the Lord went out and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred fourscore and five thousand; and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.



“They” Can Turn Your Phone on Anytime, Even When Do Not Disturb is On

stock here: Saw this on nextdoor

Incident yesterday at Menards. I called 9-1-1. After I looked at my phone a little later, I got a notice saying my “do not disturb” setting on my phone was turned off for the next 2 hours in case the police or dispatchers needed to reach me for further information. Wow… Didn’t know they could do that. I’m okay with that practice. Makes sense.


So basically “they” can listen to you whenever they want. This also means you cannot make an anonymous 911 call. So if you are reporting illegal police or other governmental “official” behavior, you can rest assured that you will be retaliated against.


Arabic Documentation of Palestine

stock here:



Probably you did not read how Francesca Albanese reacted to the operation. It’s incredible.

Francesca Albanese is UN rapporteur.

Her mission is write reports for the UN about situation in Gaza and West Bank.

She is appointed by Guterres.

Here it is her reaction .

“Relieved that four hostages have been released. It should not have come at the expense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children, killed and over 400 injured by Israel and allegedly foreign soldiers, while perfidiously hiding in an aid truck.

This is “humanitarian camouflage” at another level.

Israel has used hostages to legitimise killing, injuring, maiming, starving and traumatising Palestinians in Gaza. And while intensifying violence against Palestinians in the rest of the occupied territory and Israel.

Israel could have freed all hostages, alive and intact, 8 months ago when the first ceasfire and hostage exchange was put on the table. Yet, Israel refused in order to continue to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians as a people.

This is genocidal intent turned into action. Crystal clear.”.

June 8, 2024

And this is how the readers of J Post respond


Dr. David Martin and Alex Jones

stock here: for what it’s worth!


It’s from this other site, that you will want to peruse:



What The Heck Happened to “Dr. Jane Ruby”?? She Looks 15 Years Older

stock here: When Dr Jane Ruby emerged in the COVID event, she seemed to be a white hat, however, she was just a bit too hot.

What has happened to her? She looks 15 years older. And she is attacking Dr Peter McCullough for 17 minutes. And she is stating that COVID 19 “virus” has never been “isolated”.

It sure is odd? Any thoughts on this lady? 4800 views. I used to get 3000 to 30000 views when BIN did automatically publish everything that I wrote. Now I have been banned twice, which makes me think that BIN is controlled opposition, and maybe Dr Jane is also. Is Ruby maybe Rubenstein? Like Jack Ruby, who was really Jacob Rubenstein.
