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LinkedIn IS POS, They Will Use It to Dox You

5 tips to avoid being cancelled by LinkedIn I’m suspended on LinkedIn again. If you want to avoid getting cancelled, stop using it for anything that goes against what the government tells people to do. You know, like in China.   Steve Kirsch Dec 12 Comment Share I’m down to around one post a month on LinkedIn in order to avoid censorship, but apparently even that is too often as my LinkedIn account is suspended again. I suspect I no longer exist and that everything I’ve written in the past is now “gone” from view. I think one of my last actions was to re-post one of Robert Malone’s posts. But I can’t reference my account to find out since I’m locked out. For those of you still with LinkedIn accounts, to avoid being cancelled, my best tip is simply to stop using it. That will be what I will do going forward if my account is ever restored. If you must use it, here are a few pointers to keep in mind when composing messages: The vaccines are safe and effective (even when the data says otherwise).Masks work (even though the studies say they don’t work at all).The CDC and FDA are always right (even though this is becoming a rarity). Follow their guidance without question.Early treatments don’t work and should be avoided (even though they can save your life).Censorship is good. Anyone who disagrees with the government is evil and should be censored, mocked, and scorned. Don’t refer to anyone on the government’s Disinformation Dozen list. You want to disavow any I think if you stick to those 5 tips you may be able to avoid being cancelled on LinkedIn. Comment Share You’re a free subscriber to Steve Kirsch’s newsletter. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. Subscribe © 2021 Steve Kirsch Unsubscribe
548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104 Publish on Substack

stock here: Kirsch is doing excellent writing on the COVID game plan


Free Speech Sites, Non Censored


stock here: some free speech sites. Although I have been warned about Clouthub as being overrun by left and right trolls.

An open source social network that champions free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information.

Gab uses the First Amendment of the United States constitution as its standard for content moderation and allows written expression that is protected political, religious, symbolic, or commercial speech under the First Amendment.

Gab is one of the few social networks that owns its servers which means it isn’t dependent on third-party hosting companies to stay online.

The platform’s features include groups, lists, and custom emojis. Pro users can also unlock additional features such as the ability to schedule posts, bookmark posts, and create self-destructing posts.

It integrates seamlessly with Gab’s other products which means you can use your Gab account to interact with GabTV (Gab’s video sharing platform), Gab Trends (Gab’s news aggregator), and more. Website


An open source, free speech-friendly social network that’s built on a decentralized, open source infrastructure.

Minds’ content moderation policy is based on the First Amendment and you can also appeal some content moderation decisions to a Minds Jury which has the power to vote on and overturn these decisions.

In addition to this, you can make your posts resilient to censorship by taking advantage of Mind’s integration with the Permaweb – a blockchain-based, decentralized content storage system from which posts cannot be removed.

Minds lets you monetize your content via tips, memberships, and a rewards pool. All Minds users are paid in Minds Tokens but if you upgrade to Minds Pro, you can also get paid in US dollars, Bitcoin, and Ethereum.

Other notable features include end-to-end encrypted chat and the ability to boost your content with Minds Tokens. Website Overview


A social network that vows to let its users speak freely without fear of being deplatformed for their views.

Parler states that it’s built upon a foundation of respect for free speech and that its community guidelines are based on Supreme Court and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) precedence.

The platform also vows to protect its members’ privacy and states that all personal data is kept confidential and never sold to third parties.

Additionally, Parler promises that it will not curate your feed. Instead, it gives you the tools to filter your own feed which include the ability to mute or block users and the ability to mute or block specific keywords in comments.

Other features include dark mode, the ability to make your account private, and content discovery tools that make it easy to find new content by username or hashtag. Website


A privacy-focused social network that promises there are no ads or spyware on the platform. It also has a “Privacy Bill of Rights” that promises users of the site full control over their personal information, content, privacy settings, and more.

MeWe’s privacy-enhancing features include Secret Chats with double-ratchet encryption and enhanced permissions that give users granular control over who sees what.

The platform is also a pioneer in other areas and was the first social network to launch dual-camera support which allows users to simultaneously record using the phone’s inward-facing selfie camera and the outward-facing camera to create a unique double-view video.

Some of its other features include full control of the order of posts in your feeds, the ability to customize your profile based on the groups you’re interacting with, voice messages, and universal tags (which can be used to organize all the content you receive and share). Website


A platform that’s focused on social, civic, and political networking.

CloutHub has publicly committed to supporting free speech and vowed that it won’t suppress reach or manipulate what users see on its platform.

One of the platform’s main differentiating factors is that it doesn’t focus the user experience on gaining likes and followers. Instead, it brings people together based on the issues they care about.

CloutHub has also committed to the privacy of its members and states that there’s no scraping of internet protocol (IP) addresses or device IDs, no data mining, no tracking where you go, and no sharing of users’ data to outside parties except when complying with lawful orders. Website


A free, open source, decentralized, peer-to-peer, federated social network that’s powered by the ActivityPub protocol.

The distributed setup means that there’s no centralized authority to censor content. Instead, anyone can start an instance and set their own rules. If you aren’t happy with the rules on a particular instance, you can move to another instance or start your own.

All Mastodon instances are interoperable and can connect with other Mastodon instances and other platforms that support ActivityPub such as Friendica and the video-sharing platform PeerTube. Once connected, users on one instance can interact with posts and accounts from these other instances.

Since Mastodon uses open standards, you can choose from a selection of apps with Tusky, Amaroq, Pinafore, and Whalebird being some of the many that are available.

Mastodon’s standout features include custom emojis, spoiler warnings, the ability to redraft posts, and the ability to set focal points on any images you post. Website


A decentralized social network that’s focused on letting you own your data and earn money for your content through micropayments.

Micropayments on the platform are direct, instant, and can be made without a middleman which makes them resilient to censorship.

These micropayments also serve as a unique content moderation tool by allowing you to charge users to interact with you. If there are accounts that you don’t want to interact with, simply set a high interaction fee to make it expensive for them to bother you.

Twetch also lets you send encrypted messages to other users via Twetch Chat. These encrypted messages aren’t reliant on a middleman and are encrypted with Bitcoin, AES, and ECIES. Website


An open source, crypto-enhanced social network which is based on five freedom principles – free speech, free trade, individual liberty, privacy, and security.

Flote has adopted these principles in response to Big Tech’s censorship and use of personal data for monetary gain. It adds that these values have been “proven to maximize freedom and prosperity throughout history.”

One of Flote’s standout features is that Bitcoin wallets are integrated into its app. Flote takes no platform fees which means everything you earn on the platform is deposited into this wallet.

This integrated wallet makes it easy to monetize your content via one-time tips, monthly subscriptions, and paid posts.

Some of Flote’s other notable features include live streaming, live chat, encrypted messaging, and lists. Website


An open source, decentralized blockchain ecosystem that serves as the foundation for Hive’s decentralized social networking apps (dapps).

Hive is sustained by geographically distributed servers and nodes which makes it censorship-resistant by design.

Since Hive’s dapps are all built on the Hive blockchain, you aren’t limited to a single interface. Your public account details and public posts are stored on the Hive blockchain and are interoperable with all of Hive’s dapps.

Some of the most popular Hive dapps are PeakD and D.Buzz. PeakD is feature-rich and offers topic-based communities, a selection of curated feeds, trending topics, and more whereas D.Buzz is more lightweight and features a single feed with the ability to filter by hashtags.

Hive also has a native Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) cryptocurrency which can be used to send and receive tips via any of Hive’s dapps. Website


Harvard Study of 68 Countries Shows No Reduction in COVID Case Rate No Matter The Vaccine Rate



The Pentagon Is Preparing American’s To Fight The Wrong War

stock here: this is from 2019 pre-COVID


Lets start from the beginning, because this is gonna take a moment for many people to digest. Then again, maybe not.

First, Deagle has the u.s. depopulated to a mere 70 million people by 2025. They give obvious bullshit answers related to ‘the economy’ and people ‘giving up’. Neither of those things cause that level of population loss. Deagles been criticized before as not legit, but there’s something more to it than mere FUD. Stratfor was caught lying when they claimed they never worked with or referenced Deagle, so there’s that. I wonder why?

Then we have a bunch of wackos back in 2010-2015 predicting a ww3 in 2020, where Russia is used by the u.s. government to attempt complete depopulation of the u.s. Apparently these predictions were from dreams, setting the dates in late march, early April. I’m not here for some Q nonsense or lizard people type shit, so bear with me.

Then we have financial types talking about rumbles of war in 2019-2020.

Then we have massive war games right on the border of Russia slated for, what date? April 2020.

Then we have articles talking about how the u.s. is apparently preparing for the wrong type of war, technologically based, focusing on knowing where the enemy is, and where to hit them hardest, as well as disabling those capabilities in the enemy. Meanwhile those same articles talk about how Russia and China are going on the far cheaper, and far more effective strategy of just building massive artillery forces and hardware, on the theory that it doesn’t matter if you’re blind supposing you can literally “wipe out a whole grid square.”

Then we have talk of North Korea launching potential missiles at the u.s, as well as talk about how our “entire grid is vulnerable to EMP”. And now, north korea is actually a vassal of china, and push comes to shove, if the u.s. doesn’t back off hong kong, then china will employ n.k. And why won’t we (the u.s.) back off? Because the CIA is involved in hong kong, and wants the war.

And whys that? Because the “red panic” was real, and communists took over the DoD years ago, from the very top, along with the alphabet agencies.

And if the u.s. ignites a war in ukraine, russia will be forced to move. Then what happens? A pincer move of course, a double or triple whammy by china, russia, and/or north korea.

And the u.s. can’t back off, because otherwise its opponents get what they want, which is currencies (other than the u.s. dollar) backed by oil and gold, and those moves are already being made. We’ve gone to war for this before.

More importantly russia, europe, and germany anyway, are coordinating economically, and the last time we wanted to prevent that we went to war.

But oops, the Pentagon is knowingly preparing us for the wrong war, preparing us to fail. Why?

Heres the run down: They want a slaughter of americans. Why?

Well isn’t it obvious? The communists in hollywood have been programming the public to expect the next shoe to drop. Red dawn.

It’s the only way the oligarchs can win against american citizens and all our guns. The military won’t fight us. Not enough of them. And too many would turn and eliminate the deep state’s leaders anyway. Thats not a problem though if the enemy is an invading force. An effective resistance means nothing if they can’t get food, shelter, or covert assistance from a sympathetic population if the cities have been bombed flat/starved to death, and the forests have all been firebombed.

If you call it impossible, remember: They did something similar in china already.

What? Yep. The leadership and the oligarchs fled to Taiwan, while the communists were funded, armed, supplied, and trained by the u.s. The same thing happened with soviet russia.

They do these mass slaughters or ‘socialist/communist revolutions’ anywhere where theres 1. too many people 2. with too much training and weapons 3. in areas that are logistically difficult. Just “cut, slash, burn flat, and bulldoze” society is what they do.

The banks, and whatever interlocking set of agenda/organizations and ultrawealthy old-money families, have all the money they could ever want, now they want privilege and power. They want to return to feudalism. Well “neo” feudalism. And this idea isn’t unheard of. The whole “agenda 21” plan? Removing people, removing weapons, packing them into cities, depopulating? All that crazy conspiracy shit we’ve all heard? Kinda ring a bell? What would you do if you and dozens of other organizations controlled central banks and the leadership of nations and multinational conglamorates? What would you do once you have all the wealth and power you’re ever gonna obtain at your current level? Well, you take the next logical step. You disarm the population, you enslave the rest, and you murder anyone who resists and call it “world war”.


So this pretty much sounds, and reads like more doom and gloom craziness. How will we know it’s going down for real though?

  • When we start hearing talks in the news about “wealthy people betraying america and fleeing to avoid taxes”, and restrictions or heavy penalties for leaving the u.s. Thats to normalize implementing travel restrictions. Also expect, as war grows close, especially in europe, more and more nations will be travel restricted to (and from) the u.s., starting with just the involved nations, and expanding in scope as the “threat of growing warfare throughout europe, the threat of terrorism, and instability grows.” Expect manufactured bankruptcies of airlines all over the world, sabotages leading to ruinous lawsuits, stock market fuckery, the works, and then expect the prices of tickets to lock a lot of people out of travel. As this happens, “because of increased traveler volumes on roads, busses, and rail, leading to increases in accident risk, terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal arms trafficking” the cost, time, and legal liabilities of interstate travel will be designed to skyrocket, so that most people will “just decide to stay home/in state.” When you start seeing interstate checkpoints for interior states, on the pretense of checking for illegal aliens thats when you know it’s starting, but it’ll only ramp up when war is very close or has started.
  • When or if it looks like Tulsi Gabbard is pulling ahead or going to win. Why? As one of the wackos dreams predicted, “a beautiful but hard edged women would take over after trump, and be revealed to be exceedingly cruel, disarming americans during her presidency.” That trump would be “the last president”, would make sense if the next president is in fact a dictator selected by the CIA (and it’s already documented that the CIA (has and is currently running former military for office, including the office of president). And it’s commonly held that the administrative deepstate, the communists I mean, sometimes telegraph their moves through crackpots. Why? Who knows? The high level guys aren’t immune to irrational mysticism and weirdo beliefs.
  • A massive pushback and travel restrictions, rolling back favorable gun laws, or new harsher draconian gun laws, making interstate transport, use, training, or stockpiling of weapons or ammo much more risky, difficult, and involved.
  • A widespread militia movement promoted by the news, in staccato fits and bursts, over years, months, and ramping up to weeks, allowing the states to get a membership list of the most likely resisters when the invasion comes, what weapons they have, and their strategies and communication methods, as well as lists of potential leaders. Perhaps all of this will even be used before invasion, I don’t know.
  • A second push to remove dissenters in mass. So as Obama got rid of low level people who “refused to fire on american citizens” (according to the official survey the military gave service people) and replaced all the higher-up people with communist loyalists, the new president’s job will be to remove the remaining dissidents from the higher-ups.

This certainly isn’t a complete list and suggestions are welcome. Maybe this is all crazy, and the crazy people always think what they’re saying isn’t crazy. Hell it’s even got references to crackpots and their dreams and ‘visions’. I don’t know. But too many pieces of an unsolved puzzle have been put together, too many to dismiss it all. Too many pieces have been put together, and the picture, the small bit it reveals, is maybe out of context because it’s only a piece of the bigger picture. But the picture thats being presented so far looks like something worth considering, something bigger, something thats not just more ‘the sky is falling’ nonsense, but something that has some truth to it.

I think there are communists in the DoD today, this very day as you are reading this, high up, communists who intend to deal a death blow to the united states, real actual ‘traitors among us’ who have for years plotted and actually planned the murder of millions of american citizens, with the help of foreign forces.

I always thought the ‘UN forces’ meme was bunk, and batshittery shared as psy-op material, but the more I look at it, the more I look at how many “wackos” and their theories that turned out correct, the more I see declassfied info that proves decades old rumors true, rumors dismissed as crazy..the more I see this, the more I think “maybe theres something real coming our way. Something real, and something bad.”

I’m not suggesting anyone goes out and does anything crazy. If you haven’t maybe you should consider getting a passport and not being in the u.s. mid-march and april. I got a bad feeling in my gut, and it isn’t food poisoning. Bug out or bug in, just be prepared and be safe.


From 2014: Vaccine Injury Listed As A Means of “Legal Execution” Inside Obamacare

stock here, this was written in 2014. He suspected that Ebola would be used as the Virus of interest, and that vaccines would be used to kill and it would be “legal”. Excerpt below is on the conclusion of the linked article.


I am surprised the website above is still up.

Masked But Visible: Vaccine Injury Listed As A Means of “Legal Execution” Inside Obamacare

This articles contains new and critical informtion on the intersection of a part of Obamacare (under “legal executions”) and state pandemic laws.  When brought together, these two laws attempt to legalize execution by vaccines (inside Obamcare) AND impose vaccines as mandatory (inside pandemic laws) on the whole population of the US. 

That is, Obamacare put in under Obama intersects with state pandemic laws put in under Bush, together mandate mass execution in the US by vaccines.  

Here is the section in Obamacare:  http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2014/08/07/the-elite-decapitation-and-obamacare-by-william-davies-this-is-big-very-very-big-and-connected-to-the-ebola-false-flag-j/

ICD 9 E 978 “Legal Execution”

All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

  • asphyxiation by gas
  • beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)
  • capital punishment
  • electrocution
  • hanging 
  • poisoning
  • shooting
  • other specified means

[This section is even more disturbing than the section below and than beheading, since obviously the means of execution is so perverse, it can’t even be cloaked or hinted at.]  

  • Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted 

[How can it be a “legal execution” if it is accidental?  

How can it be a “legal execution” – distinct from all the choices above – if it is an injury that was purposefully “inflicted“? 

Does this not easily include “inflicted injury” by vaccines – which are included in Bush’s pandemic laws – that end up killing? 

Is this extremely vaguely worded, highly masked section of Obamacare not an effort to define “accidental” or “inflicted” deaths by mandatory vaccines, as “legal execution“?

Is this also a description of deaths occurring as the result of ordered “decontamination” or “treatment”?
Here is the masked wording under Obamacare, the last item listed as “legal execution”:

“Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted”

Here is the wording under the pandemic laws.

” …. when the commissioner or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction determines that either or both of the following measures are necessary to prevent a serious danger to the public health  the commissioner or local public health authority may exercise the following authority:

 (1) to vaccinate or provide precautionary prophylaxis

to individuals as protection against communicable disease and to prevent the spread of communicable or possibly communicable disease,

provided that any vaccine to be administered must not be such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm to the affected individual;


(2) to treat individuals exposed to or infected with disease, provided that treatment must not be such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm to the affected individual. 

While “not such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm” sounds like protection, it is made irrelevant by the following:

1.  the pandemic law states clearly, and right before the vaccine and “treatment” order section, that:

No law enforcement authority or medical personnel shall be held criminally or civilly liable as a result of an act or omission carried out in good faith in reliance on said order. 

2.  under a pandemic “emergency” (which is not defined), vaccines can be left untested and their contents in any case will be unknown. 

3.  “not such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm” – with “reasonably likely” undefined, and “serious harm” undefined.

4.  the declaration that a vaccine is “not such as is reasonably likely to lead to serious harm” will come from either:

  • The CDC that owns the patent on ebola (so helped invent it) and would profit by each vaccine and works for the CIA.  http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2014/08/cdc-and-cia-a-close-and-sick-relationship.html
  • The vaccine manufacturers with all the current ebola vaccines are set to come from companies with criminal histories (and some even Nazi histories), many of whom have been or are currently being sued for fraud, for causing disease, and for deaths.  GlaxoSmithKline, one such company, just paid the largest fraud settlement in history.
  • The judges or ruling authority who will profit by each person sent to prison for refusing the vaccines.
  • The wealthiest behind writing Obamacare and the pandemic laws seek depopulation of the US (that is, deaths).
  • The US government is daily bombarding Ameicans – men, women, children, infants, the elderly, the sick – with many known-to-be deadly chemicals, pathogens and radiation, so any claim to concern for Americans health is false on the face of it.  http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2014/11/us-government-wants-ebola-quarantines-for-your-health-ha-then-why-did-it-make-and-patent-ebola-in-th.html

Knowledge of the Obamacare section on “legal execution” exposes that injury by vaccines (or other means of inflicting injury, including “treatment”) has been pre-arranged as a form of execution. 

Thus, the vaccines are intended to kill.

Knowledge of the state pandemic laws which create a martial law apparatus pre-arranged to impose vaccines on the whole population.

Thus, the pandemic laws, when combined with Obamacare, are intended for mass murder and genocide.

The introductory words of the coding in Obamacare under “legal execution” describe just such a martial law setting and they do NOT describe trial by jury or a democratic government. 

“All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary]”

That is, all executions are to be performed at the order of some group claiming power to rule – even temporarily so.  Who is that authority?

It is critical to note that the “legal execution” coding in Obamacare was inserted illegally into US law by the UN and WHO.

And the “ruling authority” mentioned in it, has all been carefully arranged in advance.

From the WHO 2005 declaration: (excerpted)

“Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.

Look at that again:

From the WHO 2005 declaration (excerpted): [agreed to by George W. Bush without Congress’ involvement though this is a form of treaty and would need 2/3’s vote of the Senate]

“Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world including the USA, in 2005,

national governments are to be dissolved [The US ends.  This is a coup.]

in the event of a pandemic emergency  [Declared by the WHO without proof.  And  in the case of ebola, an emergency would be based on a bioweapon created on purpose by the CDC/CIA which work for the Rockefellers which run the WHO.]

and replaced by special crisis committees,  [Democratic government ended.]

which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, [A military take over under the cover of “health.”]

and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.  [The WHO, composed of Nazi pharmaceutical companies that killed 50-70 million, declares the “medical” emergency as the means take over the US.]

The intersection of Obamacare execution by vaccines and Pandemic law forcing of vaccines and WHO International Health Regulations arranging a military coup and an end to the sovereign US, also intersects with Obama orders that, in conjuncit with pandemic laws, strip the country of every industry, utlity and asset. 


What we have is a dispersed set of structures coming together to create a highly planned, deadly threat against the American people and the US itself under the aegis of a pandemic emergency that would be announced by a foreign entity (WHO) that would then take control in the US based solely on its own declaration and that would order the imposition of deadly vaccines from which it would also profit.

  • a legalizing of execution by vaccines under Obamacare
  • a removal of liabiility even for deaths, under Bush state pandemic laws
  • with all “authority” given to the WHO, a foreign entity, and based entirely on its own declaration of a pandmic emergency (with no proof required). 

[The WHO is run by the Rockefellers, Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical industry who were the major funders of Hitler, ran the death camps, and caused the Holocaust.  The WHO has been putting out false numbers on ebola.]    

Thus, pulling out the threads that weave this deadly conspiratorial structure together is essential and must be done immediately.  Fortunately, it can be done at the state level because the two main threads are:

Obamacare which is already detested and which its own planners say they could put through only because the American people are so “stupid.” 

State pandemic laws (the Model Emergency Health Powers Act)

If it is implemented on the instructions of WHO, it will be a criminal offense for Americans to refuse vaccines.  Police are allowed to use deadly force against “criminal” suspects.  “Decontamination” and “treatment” are also listed as ordersa and also likely be lethal.

This lead up to vaccines as forms of execution is based on the mere declaration of a pandemic emergency, also carefully prepared in advance.

Take a look at a section of the state pandemic laws to see how it is based on no evidence of disease at all yet to can destroy anyone’s home, business and even life.  Read the whole thing for more information:  http://exopolitics.blogs.com/breaking_news/2014/08/ebola-triggers-george-bushs-bizarre-pandemic-laws.html

“Whenever the commissioner, or a local public health authority within its jurisdiction, determines that there is reasonable cause to believe that a disease or condition dangerous to the public health exists or may exist or that there is an immediate risk of an outbreak of such a disease or condition, and that certain measures are necessary to decrease or eliminate the risk to public health, the commissioner or local public health authority may issu[No criteria.] and in such case it shall be followed by a written order  as soon as reasonably possible. The written order shall specify the reasons for it, and may include, but is not limited to
(1) requiring the owner or occupier of premises to permit entry into and investigation of the premises;  [NO WARRANT.]
(2) requiring the owner or occupier of premises to close the premises or a specific part of the premises, and allowing reopening of the premises when the danger has ended;  [DESTROYING BUSINESSES.  NO PROOF OF DISEASE.]
(3) requiring the placarding of premises to give notice of an order requiring the closing of the premises;[DESTROYING BUSINESSES.  NO PROOF OF DISEASE.]
(4) requiring the cleaning or disinfection, or both, of the premises or the thing specified in the order;  [WITH WHAT?  NO PROOF OF DISEASE.]
(5) requiring the destruction of the matter or thing specified in the order.[DESTRUCTION OF ANYTHING, WITH NO PROOF OF ANYTHING.]
“If a person does not comply with the order within the time specified in the order, but the non-compliance does not pose a serious danger to public health, the commissioner or the local public health authority may apply to a judge of the superior court for an order requiring the person to comply with the order within the time specified in the order of the court; and to take whatever other action the court considers appropriate in the circumstances to protect the public health. The law enforcement authorities of the city or town where the person is present shall enforce the court order.

Any person who knowingly violates an order, as to which non-compliance poses a serious danger to public health as determined by the commissioner or the local public health authority, 

shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day that the violation continues, or both.  if the commissioner or local public health authority was acting in good faith under color of official authority.

A person who knowingly violates any other order issued under this subsection may be subject to a civil fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day that the violation continues.

Any fine collected for any violation of this section shall be credited fifty percent to the courts and fifty percent to the health care safety net trust fund. 

The commissioner or the local public health authority may recover expenses incurred in enforcing the order from the person to whom the order was directed, by action in the superior court.

Overturning Obamacare AND overturning the Bush pandemic laws are both needed IMMEDIATELY.  This information could provide the basis for doing both. 

The public can and is badly needed to help speed this process which they can do by contacting their state Attorney Generals and by bringing this informaion to city councils, to their state legistures, to their state representativs, and to media of all kind. 

What is at stake, without question, is stopping mass murder of Americans and saving the soveriegn US.

Here is a Formal Letter to Attorneys General in states that have already filed suit against Obama, but the material above can also be used and ALL OF THE STATES must be reached:

Dear Attorneys General of Virginia, Flordia, South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, Arizons, Georgia, Alaska, Nevada, Mississipi, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Ohio, Kansas, Maine,

You have all filed suit against the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare on various constitutional and financial grounds.

Are you aware there are much more serious grounds that could provide a stronger basis for overturning the law?

1.  Are you aware that Obamacare includes coding from the WHO and the UN? 

Is it legal for foreign entities to insert material into US laws?

How did this occur?

2.   Are you aware that this coding includes what it alleges are form as “legal execution”? 

  • This is an extremely bizarre and highly disturbing section to have in a “health” care bill. 
  • And these executions are explicitly not ones ordered after a trial by jury in a democratic country, for the coding explicitly states at the outside that:
  • “All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary]”
  • This is a description of a totalitarian government or totalitarian military order so the order would not be legal
  • This section of Obamacare immediately misrepresents as legal, orders of execution given outside of any constitutional framework, implying a military coup in the US.
  • Most of the items listed as forms of “legal execution” are NOT forms of legal execution used anywhere in the US or in almost any place in the world.
  • What is listed as forms of “legal execution” are actually forms of murder and mass murder:
  1. murder one might see in war,
  2. forms of mass murder used under the Nazis, 
  3. a form of killing used during the French  Revolution,
  4. a form of terror and assassination used by Jihadists, 
  5. killing that could occur through infliction of injury by vaccine/drug/chemical, or by torture, or by human experiment, or satanic ritual
  6. and “unspecified”

Here is the section in Obamacare:  http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2014/08/07/the-elite-decapitation-and-obamacare-by-william-davies-this-is-big-very-very-big-and-connected-to-the-ebola-false-flag-j/

ICD 9 E 978 “Legal Execution”

All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

  • asphyxiation by gas

[As was done in the Nazi death camps?  What government legally asphyxiates people?  How many people?  Where?  From the sky?  In the new bricked up train buildings in Indiana, California, Oregon, Texas and in many other states, with tracks running into them?  In subways?  Is this an attempt to pre-legalize gassing people in gas chambers or in subways with Sarin or other gases and killing them, as “legal execution?]

  • beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)

[This doesn’t need a comment.  It’s illegality and horror speak for themselves.]

  • capital punishment 

[Capital punishment” is not a form of execution.  Was this just thrown in so someone scanning the list quickly would see something familiar and not look further?]

  • electrocution
  • hanging

[Do US states hang people anymore for capital crimes?  Is haning not considered cruel and unusual punishment now? ]

  • poisoning

[The US does not execute using poisoning.  In what country anywhere is poisoning a legal execution?  Might this be an attempt to pre-legalize deaths by poisoning of water supplies as “legal execuations”?  Or of food supplies?  Or by assassination?]

  • shooting 

[Is this by firing squad as in a military execution?  Does this cover mass shootings in front of pits as was done by the Nazis?  Would it include shooting of protestors?]

  • other specified means

[Where are those listed?  This UN and WHO coding leaves this section referring to secret information. 

What kind of legal coding is that?

What kind of medical coding is that? 

Are drones such means?  Or mandated lethal vaccines such as with weaponized ebola patented by the CDC?  Is harvesting of organs included on the secret list of means?]

  • Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted

[How can it be a “legal execution” if it is accidental?

How can it be a “legal execution” – distinct from all the choices above – if it is an injury that was purposefully “inflicted“? 

Does this not easily include inflicted injury by vaccines – which are included in Bush’s pandemic laws – that end up killing?

Is this vaguely worded section of Obamacare not an effort to define “accidental” or “inflicted” deaths by mandatory vaccines, as “legal execution“?

Is this also a description of deaths occurring as the result of ordered “decontamination” or “treatment”?

Is it also a description of torture?

Would rape not fit here?   Would child rape, torture and satanic sacrifice by the criminal elite as exposed by ITCCS.org not fit here as well?]

The last question – “Would child rape, torture and satanic sacrifice by the elite as exposed by ITCCS.org not fit here as well?” – refers to revelations by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State, that the elite including the Vatican, the British and Dutch Monarchies, have been torturing and murdering children in ritualized ways. 

Here are examples: 

  • Canadian Inquiry reveals possible west coast wing of Ninth Circle sacrificial cult – “Twelve Mile Club” involves top judges, clergy and politicians  http://itccs.org/2014/11/08/itccs-breaking-update-november-8-2014/
  • Ottawa False Flag Killings covered “huge scandal”: ITCCS Breaking News, November 4  http://itccs.org/2014/11/04/ottawa-false-flag-killings-covered-huge-scandal-itccs-breaking-news-november-4/
  • Breaking Eyewitness Evidence of Child Killing by Dutch royalty, George Soros and others  http://itccs.org/2014/09/10/breaking-eyewitness-evidence-of-child-killing-by-dutch-royalty-george-soros-and-others/

For the States whch wish to reject Obamacare, the financial injustices are many, but perhaps Obamacare’s inclusion of illegal foreign coding that includes horrific means of murder and mass murder, most of which are not legal execution in the US, might be reason for an injunction as well as the demand for an inquiry into who wrote this section, who inserted it, and what it dovetails with.

For it is known that the US has purchased guillotines which is unheard of and which fits with Obamacare coding for beheading/decapitation which is also unheard of and equally appalling.  Those guillotines have been mounted at the head of UN/FEMA boxcars with shackles welded to the floor of each.


These guillotines and boxcars and gas chambers tie in with orders and agreements made by Bush that threaten the sovereignty of the US and arrange a foreign invasion by the WHO and UN – allegedly to help the country in a medical emergency – the very entities that inserted the Obamacare coding for murder and mass murder.


This open letter to Vladimir Putin includes PDFs, listing the orders that Bush signed that would suspend the Constitution, the Congress and the Supreme Court (a coup), and also the International Health Reguations he agreed to that would bring in UN troops and the WHO (a foreign invasion.  Both Bush actions were done without Congress’ involvement.  And there is much else in the PDFs that could potentially be valuable to a legal team.


This is a sample of Bush’s pandemic law.  Note the absence of  any medical help but the clear arrangement for imprisonment and pillage of indivudials, of  plunder of the country’s assets, massive penalities for any resistance to potentially deadly “treatments” (with  half the money going directly to the judges), forcing of many kinds of untested and unknown substances on the whole population, and what is clearly forced human experimentation.  Notice also that no avenue for removing this state of medical “emergency,” which is martial law, is included.


And while this article is funny, it contains valuable informatin that makes obvious that ebola is not at all what the country has been told.


In short, a close look at certain coding inserted by the UN and WHO into Obamacare raises large and extremely serious legal questions, including attempted treason and murder.  These are life and death issues for every person in the country and for the country itself, far beyond the financial issues typically assocaited with Obamacare.  While many laughed at the idea of “death panels” this UN/WHO coding shows something more dire – actual execution authority.

Once the Attorney Generals

see this section of Obamacare and

see the plan to use a medical emergency to trigger martial law here intersects with it and

recognize that Ebola which was created and patented by the US government is being used for this purpose and

understand the  state pandemic laws arrange for financial plunder and asset stripping of the US and

appreciate that the state pandemic laws would allow the government to  cause “Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted” by means of unknown vaccines, clearly intersects with Obamacare’s suspect UN and WHO coding

then perhaps these states’ AGs could join with even more state Attorneys General and move rapidly to file new and stronger suits against Obamacare for its murderous coding, AND MORE, they could work as quickly as possible in every state to overturn blatantly unconstitutional, financially rapacious, and potentially and perhaps purposefully deadly state pandemic laws.

The people of all ths states and your country would be beholden to you.

Posted at 08:45 AM | Permalink


ESG Investing: What Is It And Does It Make Sense For Your Portfolio

stock here: Somehow this was not on my radar at all. So it surprised me.

My oh my, this is perfect for Social Justice Warriors, they deserve to invest based on stupid stuff.

They then invest in companies that demonstrate these values and divest, or sell, companies that don’t meet these criteria. These three areas are:

  • Environmental – These companies focus on environmentally friendly technologies or mitigating their impact on the environment by investing in green infrastructure. These companies may also emphasize how humanely they treat animals and use natural resources.
  • Social – These companies emphasize healthy social dynamics, respecting racial, gender and sexual diversity, and take care of human stakeholders through fair pay, for example. They also work with other people and companies that respect these values.
  • Governance – These companies emphasize how they are governed, including the structure of executive compensation, objective reporting to their shareholders and other stakeholders, and how they organize the board of directors fairly.


Look at this image search for ESG investing…..lots of hype behind it.


Pope Endorses Placement of Baal, aka Moloch, at the Colosseum in Rome Fall 2019 As COVID is Released

stock here: Some Christian apologists indicate that the Vatican no longer controls the Colosseum, so nothing to see here!

The statue of Moloch, worshipped by both the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, is part of an exhibit dedicated to Ancient Rome’s once-great rival, the city of Carthage. The large-scale exhibition, titled Carthago: The immortal myth, runs until March 29, 2020.

What a coincidence, just long enough to kick off the Pandemic on the Satanic date of 3-11-20, same as Fukushima date.


Above is the Green Bay Apologists

There were allegations that Pope Francis had just before Moloch was commissioned, blessed a Pagan statue at St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican Gardens.

More apologists tried to “debunk” this, by denying this.

I finally found a good site with a bunch of images that makes it quite clear. Cardinal Burke went so far as saying that “diabolical forces” have entered St Peter’s Basilica. He supported the December 12 day of prayer and reparation organized by some faithful Catholics and clergy in France. Cardinal Burke likewise said: “Something very grave happened during the special assembly of the Bishops’ Synod for the Amazon region. An idol [Pachamama] was introduced into St Peter’s Basilica – the figure of a demonic force.

Know Thy Enemy……





  1. Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority.
  2. The actions of a despot; tyranny.
  3. A government or political system in which the ruler exercises absolute power.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.More at Wordnik

Is this really Klaus Schwab?

Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’

stock here: I would be remiss if I did not report on the training grounds for our modern dictators. Note that Klaus Schwab trained with Henry Kissinger.

There is a related “club” called the Global Shapers, and they have an easy to find and use website, and a picture list of select Alumni


Seen Here: LOL Even my own WordPress on my own site makes things difficult, attempt to censor, I will put link below. I see plenty of names, but not a complete list, so that is troubling.


Other notable names on the school’s roster are Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand whose stringent lockdown measures have been praised by global health authorities; Emmanuel Macron, the President of France; Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria; Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary; Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; and Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens who was the party’s first candidate for Chancellor in this year’s federal election, and who is still in the running to be Merkel’s successor. We also find California Governor Gavin Newsom on the list, who was selected for the class of 2005, as well as former presidential candidate and current US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, who is a very recent alumnus, having been selected for the class of 2019. All of these politicians who were in office during the past two years have favored harsh responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and which also happened to considerably increase their respective governments’ power.


Video Compiliation of Historic “Kona Low” That Pounded The Hawaiian Islands Dec 7 (Pearl Harbor Day)

stock here: I lost 1 of 2 Apple Banana trees, I guess things could be worse! As far as I know, none of my many thousands of solar panels were affected, except for one new customer, system not by me, who lost a hot water temperature sensor. No leaks reported, not bad for 14,000 holes in people’s roofs.


Medicare Data Shows 48,465 Deaths Over 80 Within 14 Days Of Shots: Scrubbed As Non Vaccinated

stock here: this one was sent to me. But the rabbit trail runs deeper. Its not just within 14 days of a shot, because one is not fully vaccinated until 14 days after the second shot. The first shot kills something like 40% of those killed, and the second jab, pending scheduling might be 2 weeks to even 5 weeks later, so that is a 7 week span for the first shot to contribute to eventual death.

Medicare Data Shows 48,465 Deaths Over 80 Within 14 Days Of Shots: Scrubbed As Non Vaccinated: Renz

Over 1/4 of Remdesivir Treated Died Within 14 Days, Mostly Kidney Failure Celia FarberDec 9This below was submitted as a comment by Edmond Paré. It is of critical importance, as a follow up to the Pfizer smoking gun documents, which Gate funded “fact checkers” are busy denying. [Their essential “Correction” is this: 1. People die, ok? 2. Anyone can file a VAERS report. (Displaying elite contempt for ordinary people.)

At 3:53 of the Thomas Renz video linked below, he reveals raw data from the Medicare servers, “CMS servers.” 18.1% of Americans are on Medicare, or 59.4 million people.

48,465 people over the age of 80 died within 14 days or their first or second dose. “This is raw data,” says Renz. “Raw. There’s no analysis.” He goes on the remind us of the insult-to-injury fact that the system rigged it such that if a person dies within 2 weeks of a a ‘vaccine,’ they are counted as unvaccinated. Have you ever heard anything like this in your life?

More raw data: Of those patients given Remdesivir, 25.9 % died. More than a quarter. Of those, 46% died within 14 days of treatment. This is what Fauci considers a “life-saving treatment.”

Remdesivir causes kidney failure. This is true of most of the “vir” drugs that emerged from Fauci’s post-AZT, post David Ho “drugs-into bodies” HIV medication boom.

More on this another time. Here’s Mr. Paré:“With regard to these Pfizer documents, Dr Bryan Ardis of Texas uncovered a list of possible serious Covid-19 vaccine-induced adverse outcomes that the FDA has been withholding/hiding from the medical community, from authorized dispensers, and from all potential Covid-19 “vaccine” recipients.

The FDA has had this CBER list since at least October 22, 2020, two months prior to the Covid-19 “vaccine” roll-out here in the U.S. At the same meeting, the CDC presented a similar list of possible adverse events they would be tracking. Interestingly, and not surprisingly, the Table 7 adverse events recorded by Pfizer are what were fully expected by the FDA and CDC to start being reported to them once the vaccinations started.

After watching/listening to several hospital healthcare personnel whistleblowers stating that it is primarily vaccinated individuals presenting to hospital, not with Covid-19 symptoms, but with what appear to be Covid-19 vaccine-induced injuries; and, then encountering vaccine-injury attorney Aaron Siri’s substack, I wrote the following article to assist in disseminating this info. At one point, GlobalResearch changed the URL, deleting all of the stats to that point, but that’s another story.The FDA’s “Intentional Malfeasance”: Vaccine Injuries include “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots, Neurological Symptoms


The reason I’m posting this here is that, in addition to these FDA lists, the ten hospital whistleblower interviews and the eleven physician declarations of vaccine-injury to themselves and/or to their patients, I believe commenters here will be particularly interested in watching/listening to international trial attorney Reiner Fuellmich’s interview of Dr Bryan Ardis, where the first half of the interview explains how Ardis uncovered

Herr Fauci’s genocidal dictate that all hospitals employ the deadly remdesivir as the primary drug in their Covid-19 treatment protocol; and the second half of the interview which “…deals with the CBER FDA C-19VAE list of possible serious adverse event outcomes (of Document 2 above); and briefly discusses the tens of thousands of apparently vaccine-related deaths reported to the VAERS and to the CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) reporting systems.

“In this regard, in the following recent bitchute video, attorney Thomas Renz of Renz-Law.com presents CMS (Medicare/Medicaid) data from New York State which undeniably proves that, contrary to statements by the FDA and CDC, the serious Covid-19 vaccine-induced adverse event outcomes from these lists, including “deaths” are occurring in large numbers of partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals.ATTORNEY THOMAS RENZ We Got Them! Fact Check This! ALL NEW WHISTLEBLOWER

INFOhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/2pmlxhO374X2If you’re pressed for time, skip forward to time = 12:46; but, I would encourage you to listen to the entire presentation.And, finally, to truly understand the seriousness of the issues at hand, watch, on bitchute, the following interview of Karen Kingston, who was introduced in the above Thomas Renz presentation as the ex-Pfizer employee whistleblower. Karen Kingston has a superb grasp of these deadly vaccines and will surprise you with the depth and extent of her knowledge.Covid-19 “Vaccines” Are Poison: Greg Hunter Interviews Pharmaceutical Analyst Karen Kingstonhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/uD8avWepfGy7/And, get the word out on Plandemic III, coming soon (-: Plandemic 3 Teaser”

—Edmond Paré, submitted as commenthttps://www.bitchute.com/video/If86xkZ47x4e/

Heated Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz



“Blanco” Earthquake Swarm Is Indeed Unusual and Quake / Tsunami Risk Remains High

stock here: this looked unusual enough that I immediately put out a warning, then set out to make sense out of just how unusual this is and what are the risks.

Since we have never seen anything like this before, even remotely close, I think a stance of “High Risk” is very justified. Let me explain what happened, why, and present some data and charts.

I have noted several website owners and some “Scientific Journals” take the position of “this is no big deal, this is just fun stuff to observe”, and that is shameful without diving into the facts as I have below. Another commenter nailed it with this comment

Energy Body

Energy Body

7 hours ago There you have it. An indoctrinated geologist who just can’t get the degree out of his own way. Real critical thinking would have led him to question the why’s and how’s of this swarm instead of writing it off with such hubris.—————————————–

I have various methods of researching, analyzing, and predicting earthquakes and volcanos. One of my method is what I call “Gap days” which is not to be confused with a Gap term that other geophysics people use to describe a movement type nature of 1 particular earthquake. My Gap Days is simply the number of days in a chosen area between earthquakes of a chosen magnitude. Intuitively this makes sense to me.

The average number of days between earthquakes at 4 magnitude (4M) and up at Blanco is around 14 if you use all the USGS data, but in the 1960s their instrumentation wasn’t that good and they just missed many of the EQ, so if you ignore that bad data, the average days between 4M and up EQ is 11.2 days.

Right around the Summer Solstice of 2020, the Blanco Got STUCK, with three periods of large gaps between large EQ, of 85 days, 97 days, and 62 days. There is nothing else like these huge gaps in the 60 year record, although after the 14 Quake Swarm of Jan 18, 2003, the following year saw 3 Gaps of 50, 64, and 65.

Currently we have a Swarm of 51 Large 4M quakes, the prior record was 13.

This Histogram gives you some idea how unusual a swarm of this size is.
I also like to do this quick scatter, and see how the magnitudes vary with time. I guess the thing of interest is that the magnitudes look pretty uniformly distributed, and a handful of (3) 7’s
Time and Depth, now is on the left. As in many places, the USGS lists 10km when they don’t have enough information to make a better estimate. I am not a huge fan of Wikipedia, but they are OK for some basic research. They have this swarm listed already!!


From Wikipedia

The lowest depression at Blanco is 4.4km deep. And there are some ridges too, so lets say that any earthquake listed as less than 3km deep is an error. We see those errors in Hawaii too, where sometimes a Loihi seamount EQ is listed as a negative depth, aka above sea level. With budgets of JUST hundreds of millions, you would think that USGS might have an algorithm to call for a review of data like that!

Here is the current swarm. And highlighted are the Gap days in which no large EQ were present.
60 years of Data


Oregon state has some good coverage of the Blanco et al, as they should!!!


And the above link to Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

LOL This guy is misguided in “fighting against the fearmongering” and that this swarm is just “Fun”


Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes Look Like the Big One to Hit Oregon, Cali

A duty to warn. I will be alerting my Cali relatives immediately after this quick post.

These are all massive Earthquakes at 4’s and 5’s.


Omicron — Gift From God, As Cascadia Earthquakes Ramp to Record Levels

The big “O” Omicron R0 Replication seems to be around 2.4, LOL exactly the same as the original COVID.   Original COVID ROE (Replicating rate ‘effective’) has been reduced by herd immunity,  so it doesn’t spread so well, hard to wager a guess at what the ROE is now.    This low R0 of Omicron does not justify the story that it will “spread like wildfire”, so that is kind of weird and I attribute it to scaremongering or just “making news”.

NOBODY, even my favorite mainstream but questioning Doc Campbell, has jumped on the reality that Omicron is a gift from God, and will reduce COVID to being a mild annoyance going forward.   Doc Campbell – below, he gets a million plus views on most videos.

Important note: When there is an “animal repository” of a virus, vaccination and natural immunity of humans will never completely eliminate the virus, because as is exists in the animals it will mutate and occasionally cross back over and be different enough to cause some trouble.    SARs-COV2 does have animal repositories.   LOL Deer in Iowa….https://blogforiowa.com/2021/11/13/and-now-iowas-deer-are-a-covid-repository/


34 of 61 Earthquakes in the World Off Oregon and Hawaii

stock here: making the call here….expect something huge within Dec 20 to Dec 22. The solstice is a huge event for big Geo Events.


Mandatory Forced COVID “Camps” In Australia

Mandatory, supervised quarantine facilities have popped up throughout Australia for any citizen who has been in close contact with a COVID positive patient…which is how 26-year-old Australian resident Hayley Hodgson found herself at the Center of National Resilience in Howard Springs. During a recent interview with UnHerd, Hodgson — who continually tested negative while there — details what the camps are really like on the inside. Glenn says stories like her’s show how — from the beginning of the pandemic — Australia has been the perfect example for how a nation can slide into authoritarianism…which is why it’s more important than ever for Americans find their line and HOLD IT.


Bill Gates Chortling As He Describes Injecting GMOs Right Into Their Little Veins at 2:20

Skip to 2:20 if you want just the sauce. But if you want full hatred of both of this power couple, watch the whole thing.

Bill Gates Father was a noted Eugenicist (wants to reduce population) either by killing them or preventing births / abortion. And Bill is also.

That’s why having Gates fund the WHO is #FaF. Just lately Google trends for word searches shows a 300% increase in the word Eugenics.

Interestingly the Search Trend for Vaccine Deaths has taken a steady tumble, I think people are burnt out.

What do y’all think?


Are They Just Rolling Out So Much Bullshit, That We Can’t Even Focus on the Most Important Things? Patriot Front Video

stock here: a video is making the rounds, hundreds of slim in shape white men with identical clothing and shields, and with some bullshit attacks by antifa as they load into rental moving vans.

Stinks to high heaven. They do have a website, and it looks quite polished, what do you think?

Independence Day


Omicron Variant #FaF But May Be A Blessing In Disguise

stock here. The propaganda is rolled out like a grade B horror film.

But what if we could make this Epiphany go “Viral”…..

Now let’s admit first, its Fishy as Fuck #FaF

And then let’s use their own definition for “Variant of Concern”. The only category that Omicron hits is “more contagious”. And the symptoms are “Very Mild”.

So Omicron is the PERFECT SOLUTION to obtaining broad based, durable, HERD IMMUNITY

So Omicron is the PERFECT SOLUTION to obtaining broad based, durable, HERD IMMUNITY


Democrats Pass Bill BBB That Pays News Agencies $25k Per Reporter to Keep Pushing Their False Narratives – SERIOUSLY

stock here, I have seen this in a few places but didnt see the real numbers or how they did it. Its a “tax credit” for the media operators. My source is below, and they quote the NYT!. I wonder if I can find the real source documents, or maybe that is “still under review”.


—————————– They don’t want any pesky local news source going against the narrative.

Well looky there, I found the source document and Section 138517
