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Exclusive: Full Interview With Russian President Vladimir Putin — June 14, 2021

stock here: you think this guy is unhinged, insane, easily angered?

Your Comments Appreciated!


M-Class Solar CME Follows Yesterdays Long Duration C-Class CME. Oddly High Level 5 Kp Index for 6 Hours, Occurs WAY Before The C-Class Could Have An Effect

stock here: the Kp 5’s were sure odd, I didn’t see anything on the Sun that could cause them. Ears up, could there be another cause outside the sun and maybe influenced by the changing north and south poles? Anyone have any ideas or seen any explanation?

And an airplane observer, who has been chasing and documenting aurora for 13 years got this image with his camera and he said it looked the same to the naked eye. We are in unique times, let’s hope it’s not end times.

The M-Flare was initially a mystery as reported by others. Once source Juiced it by pretending that it would double up with the C and bring Armageddon. They ignored the fact that it was on the far right “limb” and therefore not earth directed.

The M-Flare was initially a mystery as reported by others. Once source Juiced it by pretending that it would double up with the C and bring Armageddon. They ignored the fact that it was on the far right “limb” and therefore not earth directed

Many important Earth Events happen in the proximity of the Equinoxes March 21st.

The great Quebec Blackout was caused by back to back solar flares/CME and that blackout occurred Mar 13th, 1989. Refer to prior post, March 11, and March 13th are evil days.


It seems hard to believe now, but in 1989 few people realized solar storms could bring down power grids. The warning bells had been ringing for more than a century, though. In Sept. 1859, a similar CME hit Earth’s magnetic field–the infamous “Carrington Event“–sparking a storm twice as strong as March 1989. Electrical currents surged through Victorian-era telegraph wires, in some cases causing sparks and setting telegraph offices on fire. These were the same kind of currents that would bring down Hydro-QuĂ©bec.

Northern Lights were seen as far south as Cuba!

Also note the May 14th and 15th events with wires and with a fire at a railway control station….those long metal rails pick up the ground induced currents indirectly, and they also pick up induced currents directly. As will pipelines.

We have all been taught that the Carrington Event was the biggest storm ever recorded, but if Jeffrey Love is to be believed, the 1921 event was similar or even larger!

I plotted the time differences between these events and today’s Skirmish

Delta Times Major Earth Impact of Space Weather / CME

I also plotted the sun spots 6 month forward and backward around these events. Carrington and Quebec were on the high side, Railroad was just middle of the road.

This is what the Carrington Event Looked Like in its Era

The Railroad Disturbance / Fires and Wires Looked like this in its Era

And the Quebec Debacle Era Looked Like This


March 11th A Very Evil Day, Fukushima, and the Roll Out Of The Fake Pandemic in 2020, Now a CME Blasted at Earth

stock here: Note also March 13th as a second evil day, kind of like the back to back Solar Flares that create such havoc.

What timing, I just bought 2 large metal garbage cans last night. The intention is to stuff my Outback backup power system and all the related controllers into these cans. In the event of a CME or EMP, my primary Enphase backup system could be fried. From credible sources, the solar PV electric panels themselves will likely not be fried, especially if you disconnect them from the grid before hand.

The Outback will be my double backup. I originally intended it to be my primary, but with Sunrun effing up a contract, taking 2 years to do what should happen in 3 weeks, and then installing non-code compliant equipment that I busted them on. And they did properly respond and put in the latest Enphase Equipment. Due to that delay I did not install the Outback and the technology on the control systems, and the batteries both changed for the better. So the fairly pricey Outback will sit in a trash can, in my attic, ready for that CME or EMP. It’s better than trying to sell it off.

Now that said, hours after I purchased my Faraday Cages….the sun blew off the largest CME that I have seen in a decade, largest earth directed anyway. That should arrive late Saturday or Sunday. There could be power disruptions so if you haven’t lit up your generator(s) lately, this is the time to do it.

Do I think this is the big one? not really, but with the odd shaped Coronal Hole that could provide a double whammy, it could be large. Double whammies are more damaging than a single large blow.

Stay Frosty.


Clif High, Dojo Meditation and the Ukraine Khazarian Mafia

Clif is an interesting guy, at the least. He does some sort of Global Narrative analysis that purports to predict the future.


Globalists Attempting to Push Ukraine Into NATO Is The Direct Cause of the Russia Invasion

stock here

The Jews and Globalists have set this situation up intentionally. Pushing Ukraine towards NATO which would allow nukes to be placed 5 minutes from Moscow.

That is the whole crux of the matter. Putin will not allow nukes 5 minutes from Moscow, and I think that it a reasonable thought and request. Russia says why have a world at all if there is no Russia. The Psychopaths that be (Jews and Globalists, NWO, Klaus Schwab, Kissinger, and their precious indoctrinated young Global Leaders) are willing to push the world towards nuclear war in order to achieve their evil goals. “If there is no Global Control, then why have a world at all”.

Eff them all.

This guy has a 2000 word detailed analysis, but has clearly drank the Koolaid, or is the controlled group spreading lies.


The Ashkenazi Monsters That Run Ukraine — Installed Puppets


Who Is Hunter Biden, And Why Is Joe Biden the Most Blackmailable Politician Around

Sharing this video for those who need to be reminded that all governments are criminal entities who are involved in pedophilia and child trafficking. Hunter Biden might have been caught, but those in positions of power are all doing this. Hunter Biden’s, twisted personal life was made public when he abandoned his laptop in 2019. With thousands of photos, videos, emails, and text messages the laptop documents his life of rock-bottom drug use, deep sexual depravity, and high-level wheeling and dealing.
Have you heard of the emerging theory of what viruses might be: Are you absolutely certain that Covid-19 is contagious or even real? How confident are you in the results from the PCR test? Is there something in the back of your mind telling you maybe this pandemic is not what we are being told? And that the vaccines may not be as safe as they claim!!!
Well experts all agree that the Covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine. It was designed to make you sick with multiple diseases This shot is injecting the disease into your cells and it cannot be removed. Once you take it, your life spam is reduced.
Firstly, viruses are not living organisms or living microbes. They do not have a respiratory system, nor do they have a nucleus or digestive system. Viruses are not alive and viruses are not contagious. The fear behind Coronavirus, for instance, is wholly unwarranted. Forget everything you think you know about viruses and bacteria. You have been lied to.
Covid-19 shots are not vaccines, but deadly bioweapons designed to kill human beings. The Covid-19 hoax is a long planned agenda that has been put in place and orchestrated by the psychopathic Governments around the world, to destroy our lives, take away our freedoms and control us forever. If people don’t wake up now and refuse to take these vaccines, it could be what really ends up destroying civilization all together, which is exactly what Governments want to happen..
Covid-19 does not exist, there is no scientific proof for the existence of the Covid19 virus, as it has NEVER been isolated, purified in a laboratory using Koch’s Postulates or demonstrated under an electron microscope. PCR test shows only an RNA sequence COMPUTER model of the virus, not a real virus. No one has seen how this “virus” looks in reality. The problem is that what they are showing in “positive” PCR tests is our body’s own harmless exosomes which look exactly like Covid-19. The scientist who invented the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test Kary B. Mullis. According to Mullis himself, PCR should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.” These tests do not detect viruses or infectious diseases, but RNA which we all have. You can test anyone or anything positive to Covid-19 because of harmless exosomes and something called amplification. They increase amplification for more positive cases and decrease it for negative cases. They can have as many or as little cases they like to push the Covid-19 agenda.
We have been demanding that the Government provide evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses – They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science – It isn’t. it’s made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus.
Vaccine Death Report: An Unprecedented Genocide
The Deception Of Virology & Vaccines Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious
The COVID-19 RT-PCpR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” not testing for the virus but RNA we all have
Coronavirus: Dr. Andrew Kaufman and the Exosomes

Record Copy — WEF and Klaus Schwab Fully Intend On Taking Away All Private Property and Possesions You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy

This is real, “they” have since removed it, but I have preserved it. And check out this beta-cuck. This is part of the new meme, be a gay little sissy, but as long as you have a beard, you are still “manly” as you give up all your rights and liberties.


Klaus Schwab — Trudeau Is His Little Bitch


So Many Memes Merged Into One Video This is AWESOME


Is It Time To Stop Using Paypal? Yes, They Are Bad-Actors


Phase 2: Nuclear War, Nuclear Accidents, Nuclear FEAR!!!!

stock here: just saying….COVID is done, they attempt to pivot to some truth, so they can point back, and say….see we reacted to the science…..damn them to hell.


Dr. Robert Malone Breaks Down the Degradation of the Journalistic System

Subscribe now Advocacy Journalism is Propaganda Solutions Journalism is Propaganda   Robert W Malone MD, MS Mar 5 Comment Share   Over the last two years, I have come to realize that “journalism” and “journalists” seem to have changed in some fundamental way. I used to believe that there were standards and bedrock ethics which all journalists working for major publications ascribed to.

I guess I had thought that the stereotype of the intrepid journalist toiling away in a brave and unending quest for truth was the norm (think “All the President’s Men”). But no longer. Now I feel so naive for ever believing that. What I have personally experienced, again and again, is something very different. Allow me three general examples to illustrate the point- First example. Many years ago, when I was working for the “Aeras Global Tuberculosis Vaccine Foundation” (one of the early Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation non-profit vaccine companies), the CEO hired a media consulting firm which mainly consisted of a Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and a marketing manager.

To insure that favorable stories about the organization and its mission were printed, the “journalist” and the marketing specialist would consult with their clients (in this case “Aeras”), and learn what story the organization wanted to be told in a major print publication. An article pushing the story would then be crafted, all of the necessary background assembled to meet whatever editorial review standards were likely to be encountered, and this pre-baked work product would be fed to some “journalist” working for the targeted publication. Free work product, no labor required, what’s not to like? My first “you are not in Kansas any more” moment concerning modern journalism was when I saw this process used to “place” an article into “The Economist”, which I had naively believed operated as an independent arbiter of truth.

Silly me. The second example comes from having repeatedly been on the receiving end of “gotcha” journalism as it is currently practiced. “Journalists”, particularly many of the younger ones, seem to use a variety of ploys to draw out information that they can weaponize in some manner to support a pre-determined storyline that they wish to promote.

Often it is a sort of confidence game, like a con artist might employ, where they flatter or use phrases like “I just want to help you to get your story out” to get the subject to let down their guard and agree to an interview. After establishing a relationship with the subject, they then draw out details using increasingly aggressive questions focused on supporting the true agenda. Often these personal details are woven into a story line designed to delegitimize someone or otherwise reveal some salacious character flaw. Then the article drops, and the naive subject suddenly finds that they have been duped into revealing personal details that have been weaponized to support a pre-determined narrative. Having experienced this myself a few times, I now often see this strategy (and various versions of this con) repeatedly play out with colleagues.

As for me, lesson learned is to vet the “journalist” by reading prior work, and just say no when it becomes clear that they are a specialist in this type of strategy. The third example comes from listening to disenchanted “old school” journalists (print and broadcast). These voices seem to be a mixture of mid-career and older practitioners, from “print” (an increasingly outdated term these days) and broadcast media. Again and again I hear various versions of the famous rant from the Oscar winning 1976 movie “Network”, where Peter Finch playing the part of “Howard Beale” says “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more”.

But the words I repeatedly hear from these modern versions of Howard Beale are more nuanced, and revolve around being unwilling to comply with corporate demands to mislead the public in various ways. And all tell stories of widespread soul-destroying corporate media censorship and propaganda which they just cannot tolerate anymore. This ranges from small local outlets all the way to the top stars of major networks.

Basically versions of my own story – they just could no longer tolerate the ethical erosion of their chosen profession. So they take an income hit and go independent. Some succeed, others not so much. And some seem to never be able to completely leave their old reality behind. “You can take the journalist out of the New York Times, but you can’t take the New York Times out of the journalist” is one saying describing the latter. What changed? Is the present reality any different from what has always existed, going back to the “yellow journalism” days of William Randolph Hearst (continuing with the movie theme, see “Citizen Kane”)?

Trying to make sense out of the world, I started asking the “old school” journalists that I encounter what they think about this. And what I have discovered is that there is yet another insidious form of attack on our educational system, driven by the corporate interests of large “non-governmental organizations” (including the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation) which have used grants to journalism schools as a way to drive changes in how their graduates have been trained.

To be blunt, this is yet another story of the gradual erosion of integrity due to the pernicious influence of massive accumulations of wealth by a few who weaponize that wealth to advance both their own power and various social agendas. Under the influence of large “grants” (I think they would more appropriately be called “strategic investments”), many journalism schools have taken to teaching “advocacy journalism.”

Which is basically a fancy term for propaganda. Apparently news media now hire journalists specifically to report with skewed biases on topics of interest to these corporations (or governments), often with corporate sponsorship. Let that sink in for a moment. The advocacy journalists are often paid by an outside organization with an agenda. So let’s figure this out what exactly is going on, starting by defining terms.

The definition of advocacy journalism from Meridian Webster is: “journalism that advocates a cause or expresses a viewpoint”. To me, that sounds like how one might define propaganda. So, am I wrong? The definition of “propaganda” (Meridian Webster ) is: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause Hmmm.

Very interesting. The definitions for “advocacy journalism” and propaganda are essentially THE SAME. Well, THAT is a whole lot of double speak. It is truly a Brave New World. To quote the Amazon synopsis of that classic tome, “Aldous Huxley’s profoundly important classic of world literature, Brave New World is a searching vision of an unequal, technologically-advanced future where humans are genetically bred, socially indoctrinated, and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively uphold an authoritarian ruling order–all at the cost of our freedom, full humanity, and perhaps also our souls.” Sound familiar?

Now, why is this important? Because increasingly journalism is taught by those who believe that “classic journalism” – which required that both sides of an issue be presented, (you know – “fair and balanced”), is outdated and deserves to die a quiet death. This is exemplified by a Wiki definition of advocacy journalism that is frankly astounding. Classic tenets of journalism call for objectivity and neutrality. These are antiquated principles no longer universally observed….

We must absolutely not feel bound by them. If we are ever to create meaningful change, advocacy journalism will be the single most crucial element to enable the necessary organizing. It is therefore very important that we learn how to be successful advocacy journalists. For many, this will require a different way of identifying and pursuing goals.

So, who teaches “advocacy journalism”, and who funds such teachings? Well, for starters – let’s go to one of the premier journalism schools in the USA – Columbia University. How do they view “advocacy journalism”?

At Columbia University, one of their programs proudly announces the following: CALLING FOR COALITIONS: BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS BETWEEN JOURNALISTS AND ADVOCATES Journalism is being hit hard globally, and some even predict the end of independent journalism in the global south, especially in Africa.
It’s time to look at what may survive.

Philanthropic funding will become more essential, and donors will be eager to expand partnerships between journalism and advocacy groups. Through this project, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Media Partnerships team explored the dynamics of such collaborations. Drawing from multiple case studies, the project provided recommendations for foundations, nonprofits and media organizations that maximize impact, respecting a shared covenant. Their partner in developing advocacy journalism training programs, with the expansion of such funding is… the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Unbelievable. But now there is a new “style” of journalism that has become quite the fad. This subset of advocacy journalism is called “solutions journalism”, and it is the term that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation like to use for their funding mechanisms to influence governments, citizens and leaders. Of course advocacy journalism is basically a “nicer, kinder” form of propaganda… Right? You know like when people call censorship – “cancel culture.” Because cancel culture sounds so much “nicer” than censorship…

After all, what Twitter, Linked-in and You Tube are doing by banning people and content is for all “our” benefit, right? Speaking plainly, what these modern media companies are doing is really a form of book burning. See Ray Bradbury’s masterpiece Fahrenheit 451 for further on that. Large donors or sponsors are giving money to media corporations to bias reporting via “solutions journalism”.

And clearly various governments are also influencing what is allowed to be discussed and in what ways. For further on that, see our prior substack concerning the “Overton Window”. These sponsors can be non-governmental organizations, or also governments or global non-govermental organizations such as the Zuckerberg-Chan initiative, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, United Nations, World Health Organization or World Economic Foundation.

These groups seek out “private-public” partnerships (which, as previously noted, is basically another euphemism for what Benito Mussolini defined as Fascism). And they seek these relationships by using advocacy journalism – propaganda to sway public opinion. Sometimes they even fund specific investigations. When this happens, who is compromised?

Clearly, Truth and Integrity are immediate casualties. All for the greater good of the greatest number of people, of course. As defined by the organization giving the money.

Conflict of Interest? Bill Gates Gave $319 Million to Major Media Outlets, Documents Reveal. The defender November, 2021. According to MintPress News, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated at least $319 million to fund media projects at hundreds of organizations including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic, raising questions about those news outlets’ ability to report objectively on Gates and his work. It is important to realize that biases and opinions have always been a part of journalism. Generally, we previously called these pieces “editorials”.

When editorials are grouped together, they used to form the “opinion page.” An antiquated term, I know. Of course, we all know that some newspapers are “liberal” and some “republican.” Of course biases do creep into reporting and in fact, every newspaper’s reputation is built on those biases. But this is different. This is allowing a non-profit governmental organization (at best), a corporation or government (at worst) to control the content of a newspaper or magazine through secret hand-shakes, grants and contracts.

It is allowing psy-ops operations a front row seat into influencing the minds of the reader. This is a whole other ball-game, and it needs to stop or at the very least, be called out and recognized for what it is: corporate and state-sponsored propaganda. Advocacy journalists can and are influenced by governmental policies. For instance, the NY Times recently described a new hire as “joining The New York Times as a technology reporter covering disinformation and all of its tentacles.”

The pejorative use of the word “tentacles” pretty much shows what biases the new reporter is expected to have. The implication being that information not disseminated by the US government is disinformation, whether the topic be on climate change, diversity, elections, physician’s right to try or infectious disease. BTW: Any one else notice how the disinformation list keeps growing longer?

How does the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) or global information control fit into the campaign against “disinformation’? The TNI is basically a treaty management organization managed by the British Broadcasting Corporation which uses advocacy journalism to control content of news media through out the “free” world.

Does this mean that only that “news” or PR spin which a government or world body wishes to be advanced can be allowed to be published or electronically distributed in some way? Advocacy journalism which promotes a certain viewpoint fits right in with the TNI model. The long strange evolution of the TNI, from election interference to COVID-19 total information management shows the extent to which power corrupts, and that those being corrupted often have no idea that they are being corrupted.

“Journalists” who are trained or coopted into buying into the idea that there is “one truth,” one right answer, and that governments are honest brokers in the assessment of that truth are not “fair and balanced”. They are naive and dangerous. Governments do lie, and what they offer as truth is often better termed mis- dis- and mal- information. Which is precisely why advocacy journalism (ergo propaganda) is dangerous.

In a democracy, if an electorate is to be able to make appropriately informed choices, the news must be free from government (and corporate interest group) interference, reported from all angles, from all points of view – not just one narrow reading of the “truth”, as presented by big brother. The problem is that this truly is a slippery slope. How does a newspaper or content provider determine what propaganda is “good” or “bad”? How is disinformation determined? Does the government get to decide? The “Trusted News Initiative” leadership? What about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are they to be the arbiters of truth? Should a newspaper, magazine, or broadcaster try to make a determination about the impact on objectivity before accepting funds or making commitments to the government?

Once upon a time (note the fairy tale prelude) most “established” legacy media tried to maintain a firewall between their “news” and “op-ed” operations. How antiquated that now seems. Does the organization being paid to present one point of view have an obligation to be transparent? To disclose conflicts of interest? Do they need to provide the public with the contract, the information on how they are being paid to bias the news they are reporting, their relationship with the TNI, etc.? What happens when the information control comes in the form of stopping certain types of mis- dis- or mal- information that the government doesn’t want reporters to write on? Or threatens to label those who communicate such as domestic terrorists?

What happens when the sponsor wants the advocacy journalism to include marketing campaigns that basically target individuals viewed as opposition? Does the newspaper have an obligation to inform the public that they are being nudged? The ethical morass that this type of journalism creates is huge. All we can hope is that institutions teaching journalism begin to recognize the dangers of promoting advocacy or solutions journalism and return back to the classic tenets of journalism, those being objectivity and neutrality. And restore integrity to the discipline.

Who is Robert Malone is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Subscribe now Available for pre-order, publication date – June 2022   Like Comment Share You’re a free subscriber to Who is Robert Malone. For the full experience, become a paid subscriber. Subscribe © 2022 Robert W Malone, MD Unsubscribe
Virginia Publish on Substack

Flip The Script, What if USA Was Russia, and Mexico Was Ukraine?

Now on the other hand, here is a WRITER—I don’t know who he is; his handle is Good Citizen on Substack. I’ll tell you this. If I could, I’d appoint him to head up negotiations between Russia and the Ukraine in a New York minute. Screw in your brain tightly and read what he recently laid down in one of his carpet bombing runs:

“Imagine this scenario of aggression. Russia has established something called SATA. (Surround America Together Alliance) with the Bahamas, Cuba, Canada and all of Central America. Article 5 of SATA says if one goes to war, they all go to war. Putin is trying to get Mexico to join. He orchestrated a coup there in 2014 and installed a puppet dictator who helps enrich Putin through Putin’s crack head son. He keeps assuring Mexico they will join SATA one day, even though the other countries would not approve the vote and they don’t meet some minimum requirements. Other politicians in the duma send their kids to be on boards of Mexican companies to collect paychecks of $50,000 per month. Russia keeps sending weapons to Mexico who has a neo-Nazi force of nationalists near the border who take shots at English speaking American separatists who would prefer to be part of the United States. Cease fires are broken 2000 times over 8 years, leaving 14,000 dead in the conflict. The U.S. has taken a patient stance, trying to reason with the Mexican coke-head dictator but he keeps accepting SATA weapons and money. Last week the Mexican dictator said he doesn’t just want SATA membership, he wants Russian nukes in his country aimed at the United States. That was the final straw. Tuesday the U.S. launched air strikes across Mexico and declared those English speaking American states as independent republics.”

It’s hard for Americans to consider that they’re living in a news bubble cut off from reality. That grisly fate is supposed to befall lesser countries.

And when American news involves foreign policy, the bubble is double, because that’s where American oligarchs have traditionally stolen a great deal of their money, and “don’t tell the children” has always been the motto of the CIA.


COVID-19: A Study in Psychological Coercion & Hypnosis

COVID-19: A Study in Psychological Coercion & Hypnosis February 23, 2022 By fortiori fortiori@tutanota.com We respect your privacy—there are no ads, cookies, or trackers on this site.
If you find this journalism worthwhile, please consider taking advantage of our offer on our support page, here.
We’ve invested everything into this project, all help is welcome.

Author’s Note: Please consider saving this evidence – before the powers that shouldn’t be shove it down the memory hole.

Click Image for Larger Version
This pandemic is so scripted and contrived you can practically see the puppet strings at work on nearly all of the participating politicians and media personalities.

Given that they are winding down the virus propaganda machine just in time to ramp up the war propaganda machine – until the next virus comes along right on cue – let’s put those scripted fear-mongering lies under a microscope and examine them in order to arm ourselves with the knowledge we need to guard ourselves against the next wave of deception:

New Normal  â—Ź  Alone Together  â—Ź  Build Back Better  â—Ź  Flatten the Curve
Stay Home Save Lives  â—Ź  Protect/Save the NHS  â—Ź  We’re all in this together
Test, Trace, Treat  â—Ź  Stay smart, Stay Safe, Stay Open  â—Ź  We Stay Home!
Don’t Panic, Don’t Rush, Don’t Overstock  â—Ź  Only You Can Prevent the Spread
Stay Home, Your Home is Your Lifeline  â—Ź  Stay Home, Save Lives, Avoid Stage 5
NHS: We Stay At Work for You – You Stay At Home For Us  â—Ź  COVID Ends With You
Follow The Science  â—Ź  Trust The Science  â—Ź  Believe In The Science
Be Informed, Be Prepared, Be Smart, Be Safe: Be Ready to Fight COVID-19
The vaccine will save us  â—Ź  The booster will save us  â—Ź  The 4th dose is the answer
Your freedom ends where your contagion begins  â—Ź  Self Isolate!
I wear my mask to protect you and you wear your mask to protect me
It’s Safe and Effective  â—Ź  Out of an abundance of caution
There is no evidence that the vaccine is harmful…
These are not science terms and phrases. They are hypnotic chants meant to induce an audience into a suggestive state of mind – this is why they are repeated over and over and over again.

Furthermore, masking has historically been an integral part of an initiation ritual: in our case the initiation into the “new normal” the globalists have planned for us.

Put another way all of this was one giant world-wide psychological operation. Here is a collection of authorities admitting this with its horrible effects woven through them. Take the time to read through this–the crimes are horrible:

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Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, Sure Be Nice If They Were Eliminated

I have not followed Glenn Beck, my impression was that he was a good guy. Anyone have a more knowledgeable take on this guy?