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Nothing to Be “Proud” Of LGB Types Have Many Problems

stock here, was aware of much of this, but the Graphic Meme is a good one and easy to share.


Hawaiians Being Used As Tools To Create Division, Just Like Blacks are Used As Tools

stock here: this highly promoted tweet, got 1.5M views….that means the Cabal really pushed it out there.

It is a blatant attempt to create division and hatred. Everyone not Hawaiian is labelled a law breaking outside….probably non-vaxxed too OMG!~!! The Horror.

And Yahoo has turned off the comments to “improve the community experience”.

The play the “safety card” and the “top secret military comms card

There are ZERO consequences that are negative to anyone, because some non-Sheep have the guts to ignore stupid rules and enjoy nature


full circle rainbow on stairway to heaven… can’t top that

♬ original sound – AntiNightcore

I find TikTok annoying at best, the dancing healthcare workers was a real tell…….

She gets quite a lot of views, as a Sophmore at Stanford. 4000 or 6000 for silly stuff.

So what algo gives her 2.1M views for this divisive presentation of non-facts.



Sound Bite: “The Jab” Was Selected As Nomenclature as An Element of Abuse, Learned Helplessness, Like Dogs Being Tortured And There Is Nothing They Can Do to Stop It or Get Away

stock here: There, the entire hypothesis in the Title.

What say y’all?


Wisconsin Punished With Chemtrails, Days After The Rittenhouse Retribution Mass Murder

Haven’t seen these in years. Running the HEPA filters for sure. Will also do a few Geiger runs.

Had to remove a Doxing comment from Jay Cullen, you know U Vic asshole who went on attack against Dana Dunford for doing independent research et al, it is an accurate IP address for his University.

Several attempts here to post pictures of the chemtrails were not effective….I have a work around, my Blogger site that has not been censored…..yet. Note to self, back that site up also!!



Is It Evil to Invest In What You Know Is Going to Happen: Mass Deaths

SymbolGrade Name% Change
 CSVACarriage Services, Inc.3.10
 SCIAService Corporation International1.42
 HIAHillenbrand Inc-0.60
 STONCStoneMor Partners L.P.-0.78
 MATWCMatthews International Corporation2.73
 SNFCABSecurity National Financial Corporation – Class A-0.87
 STONCStoneMor Partners L.P.-0.78
 CIACCitizens, Inc.0.16
 MATWCMatthews International Corporation2.73
 BBARDBBVA Banco Frances S.A.-0.49
 CMCOBColumbus McKinnon Corporation-0.03

ROAC Rock of Ages Corp, Granite Memorials

STEI Stewart Enterprises, Manages Funerals


Carl Jung’s Terrifying Book Aion

Aion — after some study, the meaning of this is an Epoch, and Age, A “Time”, as in we have recently entered the Aion of Aquarious


Sad Little Man — Fauci — 2 Minutes of Humor


It’s time to revisit the slanted media coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse


It’s time to revisit the coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse. With the news that he has been acquitted on all counts, don’t forget the ways that Dems and the corporate press came together to craft a false narrative in his case. Let’s break down how we got here⤵️1:12 PM · Nov 19, 2021·Twitter for iPhone9,068 Retweets1,674 Quote Tweets25.2K Likes


Waukesha Anti-White Mass Murderer Darrell E. Brooks MathBoi Fly HALF A TIKKET prod by DeeMarc


There is a lot that could be written on this story. Its #FaF. It Doesn’t really make sense. Heavy, which is Cabal controlled propaganda, actually did a pretty good writeup, for starts at least.

Above picture is from Heavy, they lightened his skin and pixalated the image. Guilty as charged!!!


Anti Trump Lefty Cali Prof Arrested For Starting 7 Wild Fires. We Knew It. Now The Proof.

Hat Tip Lot’s Wife

“He may become the first president
to be forcibly arrested and
removed from the White House”


Kyle Rittenhouse Found not Guilty on All Counts

stock here: I am curious about the week of deliberations, and ending on Friday. I guess that means a full weekend to hire the BLM thugs back and burn some shit down. We shall see. My fear was the start of riots and the national guard ambushed as they try to mobilize. “On call” is quite different than being “in place” as they should have been.

On the above article, saw this race baiting comment, and said response.

Why have gun laws if they are not consistently enforced? Who acquired the weapon for Kyle, who transported the kid to the protest, why didn’t the cops immediately arrest him but instead gave him water and sent him home (only to be arrested the next day)?

I suspect if Kyle were black the police interactions would be quite different.

ef off race baiter. You have not done even the most basic research on gun laws. And the transporting bullshit, like you want charges against his mom, or did you not even research that. You bakas of low research, acting out of feeling –that are also wrong, are a serious problem this country faces, you are so easily swayed by the mainsteam narrative. He was a lifeguard in Kenosha, his job was there and his father was there. The allegations of who “acquired” the rifle for him hints at a “straw purchase” of which it was nothing of the sort, he borrowed the long rifle from a friend in Kenosha. Shameful shame on you.

Below the Embed, is a link that is Thread Reader App showing a dozen of the ignorant race baiting jag off that may actually believe they are doing reporting.

Sigh…..we have to be happy that finally, obvious justice is done.



Latest VAERS VXX Deaths, 18,500 Reported, But They Stopped Reporting Which State It Was In #FaF

Deaths from Jab USA, and Orange Reported as “Foreign”

After We Discovered and Reported That Certain Batches Were Being Widely Distributed to Many States, Logistically Hard, and Why Would anyone Do this?    And Certain Batches were killing Hundreds Reported…..shortly After That, The VAERS Reports Started Listing Almost All The Deaths as Foreign.


Is This Siege of Hawaii Going to Ever End?


Is This Siege of Hawaii Going to Ever End?

By David Ware 18 November 2021 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Telegram

There is no end-game. An exit strategy does not exist. A way out of this current oppression has not been considered, let alone set in motion.

It has been a year-and-a-half since Hawaii Governor David Ige started exercising his statutory 60-day emergency order authorization. Nobody seems to care that it just goes on forever without any end in sight. – Advertisement –

A few months ago, the Governor had promised that when Hawaii reached 70% vaccination rate, all restrictions would be terminated. In reality, just the opposite happened. He doubled down along with Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi by tightening the screws with a vaccine mandate that prevents Hawaii residents from living a normal life.

Do you even remember what it was like to live a normal life without having to check on the most current health department restrictions? – Advertisement –

The vaccine mandate which began on September 13th was limited by statute to 60 days which ended on November 11th. But the lack of inquisitiveness of the Hawaii media is surpassed only by that of the Hawaii Restaurant Association which doesn’t know or care when or if they will be able to stop checking vaccination cards or negative COVID-19 tests for dine-in customers.

Calls to several national franchise restaurants here on Oahu were met with different results. One said they would stop checking. Another said they would not. A reputable local establishment said that the mandate will never end.

Nobody has a plan.

They don’t want to put themselves in the spotlight by asking. Everybody prefers to slink in the darkness and let somebody else expose their brashness by inquiring. Or not.

The status quo is easy for those who have neither initiative nor incentive.

Some restaurants have just cut out sit-down-inside dining altogether by preparing all meals in takeout containers and allowing customers to sit outside without having their vaccination status verified. It’s obvious that the profit margin of local establishments is being undermined, but nobody has the guts to challenge this unnecessarily oppressive government.

There is no doubt that the authorities are more concerned about appearance than substance.

If there ever was a health crisis, it is definitely over now. The Governor of Hawaii realized that his presence here in the 50th state was absolutely unneeded when he went on a boondoggle at taxpayer expense to a climate change conference in far away Europe. Somehow, it’s hard to imagine that a 6,898 mile airline flight from Hawaii to Scotland would reduce the global carbon footprint.

By all means, Hawaii is not the worst place on Earth for vaxximania.

Austria, the birthplace of Adolf Hitler, learned nothing from the Third Reich and is now locking down all unvaccinated people. Today there were unconfirmed reports that they may actually start force-vaccinating people there. Vienna was once respected as a center of classical culture. It may soon be best known for those little sausages that you buy in a can in the market.

Canada has stormtroopers marching into Christian churches and expelling worshippers as they lock the doors. Sometimes they even hog-tie pastors in the middle of the highway if they don’t comply with government edicts.

What goes on in China, we will never know because information is locked down just as tightly as are human victims. But, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping are bosom buddies, so what the hey.

The United States of America has been known as a bastion of freedom for a very long time. Hawaii has the reputation of being a tropical paradise. Looks can be deceptive. What you see may actually be a mirage.

The brain drain will continue and intensify as Hawaii refuses to employ common sense. A handful of politicians on the mainland are standing up against the brain-washing of American citizens. You are going to be hard-pressed however here in these islands to find anyone willing to buck the trend and take the flack.

In what universe is class warfare preferable to peace, harmony and tranquility?

Yet our elected leaders here in Hawaii are totally unresponsive. They keep moving the goalposts to accommodate their greed for power. No one has ever held them accountable before, so why would they think the voters would suddenly do an end-run for the touchdown?

As long as we keep trying to barrel right up the middle, we’re going to win even less often than the current U.H. football team.

Ask yourself, where are we going to be at this time next year? When 2020 ended, it was like taking off a shoe that was too tight. But, there is even less anticipation now at the end of 2021 that the future will bring something better in 2022.

Does anybody really doubt that there will be the same worn out politicians playing musical chairs to become our next Hawaii Governor? Will you be surprised when the incumbent Hawaii Senator and two Congressmen get sent back to Washington again?

Nothing really ever changes here. Because nobody wants it to.

You will have no one but yourself to blame if you just sit on your okole and let things happen around you. Think back to a couple of years ago when you made plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas without waiting to see what your fearful leaders were going to deign to permit you to do. Those were personal and family decisions, not for elected officials to determine and impose upon you against your will and contrary to your better judgment.

Those were the days, my friend. We thought they’d never end. But they did. Forever!

In 2022, all those 2’s are going to resemble serpents!

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The Vaccine As a Slow Depopulation “Tool” of the Global Elite

stock here, a participant at POAL sent this reply to my post, and it pulls together so much so quick, it deserves an article of it’s own.


The vaccine is not intended to save your life, or even help you. its intent is literally to kill you slowly… not quickly so the numbers are fucked since most deaths have not occurred yet. those are about to start and youre right they will blame a virus not the vaccine when that happens.

A review of the basic sciences for covid on a understandable level, with only root level sources.

The PCR tests (which they call COVID tests) do not detect covid.

They can only detect viral material.

The inventor of the PCR test which these days they call the covid test Kary Mullis warned us long ago that they were using the pcr tests and changing the thresholds and creating false detects to tell the patients they were infected with AIDS.. exact same scam they do with covid. (see the videos below for this and more about Fauci)

The test cannot tell if its a cold sore, AIDS, covid, the flu, pnuemonia or what virus it is. They also lower the threshold of detection so it detect the smallest bit of viral material.

That’s how they are creating all these cases, if you have ANY small amount of ANY virus when you take the covid test you get told you have covid and then are poisoned with a drug that gives symptoms of covid. This is also why ANYONE vaccinated, not vaccinated, already had covid passed a test 5 minutes ago etc.. can test positive for covid, and even a papaya (yes the fruit) once did..


The above video is the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis telling us before covid that they were misusing the test and the below video is him telling us that Fauci does not know shit, and is paid to lie.

Kary Mullis died just before covid hit on August 7, 2019.

The standard drugs prescribed both in hospitals and vaccines have killed lots of people and animals in trials, certainly a higher percentage than covid, killing over 50 percent of humans and 100 percent percent of animals in their only trials.

The only approved drug for treatment of covid is remdisvir. That Fauci calls the standard of treatment. This is the most common drug prescribed because Fauci said it should be is. remdisivir.

The ebola trials were the only trials remdisvir underwent prior to this. Notice how it killed over half the people that took it so the results were unable to be completed. The drug that Fauci introduced killed the second most. Neither of those two got to finish the study with two other drugs that did, because of so many deaths associated. Here are the results admitting that on a government website.

“Among patients in the remdesivir group, the estimated median time was actually more than 28 days because mortality exceeded 50% and expired patients were assigned a time of “>28 days”.”


If this doesn’t disturb you incredibly…. It’s called FAUCI-CIDE.. why would anyone prescribe such a damaging drug to such a easy to beat illness?

In this video a chiropractor discusses how he ran across the above mentioned ebola trials results showing the over 50% death rates, with the devastating results, and realized Fauci was insane to have known about that and still made the drug the standard for covid care.

100 Percent of animals given the covid ‘vaccines’ or mrna injections died.

animal testing https://files.catbox.moe/fpg1vd.jpg

By both traditional scientific, and traditional legal standards the mRNA shots they give for covid and call vaccines do not qualify as vaccines. But dont worry they decided to change both right before and even after covid-19 to cover it. How convenient that they would have such foresight.

The above video is of course elite level professor of immunology Dolores Cahill. In the video she answers questions about if the covid injections should be considered vaccines, and how the animals reacted in the animal studies for the mRNA shots. Dolores Cahill has decades of elite level achievements, and has never until recently been questioned about her credentials until she went against what paid science is saying. This is of course the case with all of the very brave people being mentioned on this page.

The people pushing these vaccines know they are killing people. but the deal is it took a year or two so we aren’t seeing the most deaths yet. https://files.catbox.moe/qrjxux.mp4

In the video below, Gina, a molecular Biologist blows the whistle very hard at a council meeting in Dawson Creek, BC. This is a mind blowing wow for a city council meeting.

In the below video Dr of Immunology, Dr Thompson reports his findings from tests he preformed He did immunity blood tests both before and after (covid injections). The results blew his mind.



OSHA Suspends Push To Jab, And There Is No “Fully Approved” Comirnaty Avail in USA Anyway


OK the conclusion first…..there is ZERO Comirnaty in the USA, and Pfizer has no intention of bringing Comirnaty to the USA at least for months.

There is no vaccine available in USA that is “fully approved”

Comirnaty is the only “fully approved” Vax in the USA

There is ZERO statement that definitively says that the composition of Comirnaty is the same as BNT162b2, and when they got EUA approval for our children I thought it was #FaF that they just slipped in an anti-heart attack drug to the mix without some massive or ANY study.   

This headline from the FDA seems to state that these are separate entities.

Comirnaty and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine

Its #FaF

According to the FDA, the newly licensed Comirnaty injection and the existing Pfizer shot, while “legally distinct,” are not any different in terms of their “safety or effectiveness.”

It’s odd that the FDA wants 55 years in order to release the data they used to “approve the Comirnaty”, maybe they will release the ingredients then also!

Even if the OSHA “Mandate” was legal and in effect….there is no “legal” product available in USA to Vax them with.


Its #FaF


Its #FaF


Here’s the HD drone footage of Kyle Rittenhouse, with visual guides to show what happened during the Joseph Rosenbaum shooting.

stock here: I kind of ignored this high definition video. In reality, the aggregate of all the other videos made it clear that Rittenhouse tried his best to escape the situations, and defended himself when attacked. 2 final statements by “the prosecution” are that because Rosenbaum didn’t have a gun that he posed no threat. Well it is beyond obvious that if Rosenbaum could have succeeded in taking Rittenhouse’s gun, he certainly could have used it against him.

Second point was that because Rittenhouse had a gun, he had given up the right to defend himself.

OK Time to Throw DOWN: The prosecution has known for quite some time that they have ZERO chance of winning. So their choice was to create a trial that greatly angered the judge, and therefore to enable their “base” of Kyle haters to get even stronger hatred and outrage over the process and the outcome.

Soon it will be thrown down that Kyle got to walk away scot free because he was white, once again proving the systemic racism in the white capitalist patriarchy that we all suffer under. Even as the oppressors, we suffer as we knowingly oppress.

It seems impossible to even buy one’s way into having a real discussion with $1M!~!!!!!!!!! C’mon Y’all!

What say y’all?


FDA conference: “Vaccine KILLS ‘2 people’ for every 1 it saves” and after booster myocarditis could

I’ll try to put the full FDA on Bitchute, but its 1.4 GB so we shall see!!!!


VXX Deaths Accelerate Into Winter, VXX Is Failing And They Ramp Up The Propaganda

1) 20% increase in Teen death among Vaxxed teens in Ireland….I have not verified this one.

2) 20% death by all cause, increase in highly vaccinated Scotland, this year compared to average of last five years.   I have verified this one.   Spreadsheet attached.

3) Entire UK, 90% of the COVID Deaths are in the Vaccinated, and that is the highest age group, which is coincidentally, 90% vaccinated.   The simplest interpretation is that the Vax is not helping this age group the slightest bit, while putting them at considerable risk from the Vax itself.   I have verified this one, Image attached.

All these are backed up with peer reviewed Governmental data, and I’ll be glad to provide the backup to anyone who wants it.  

That said, there is definitely some benefit to the Vax for younger age groups, of the 50 to 59 age group, 54.6% of the deaths are in the vaccinated, and that age group is 84% Vaxxed.    But this is a far cry from Vax prevents severe sickness or death.   A majority of those in the hospital for COVID are Vaxxed.

CONCLUSION: THIS IS ALL FISHY AS FUCK.    Here is 31 years of VAERS data.   Of the 60 or so other vaccines, about the same amount of shots are given in prior years, as COVID shots in the last year.     DEATHS reported from the Jab are higher than the prior 30 years COMBINED, that’s not fishy as fuck, that dangerous as eff…..and best estimates are that only 1 in 100 or 2 in  100 get reported.    Some think it could be as high as 1 in 10, with the highest reporting rate I have ever seen claimed as 1 in 8.

My dad was almost killed by the Vax, and I have been very familiar with VAERS, but I have not reported it.



The Jab Created Spike S Protein Prevents DNA Repair = Explosion of Future Cancers

stock here: it’s quite interesting, I saw this yesterday, grok’d it. And then lost it and couldn’t find it. Of the one comment on an article I post to Poal about all cause deaths being way up, a reader commented back with this exact article.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.

Oh, an as an added bonus, the Spike S suppresses adaptive immunity…..Collectively, these clinical observations suggest that SARS–CoV–2 affects the adaptive immune system. However, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 suppresses adaptive immunity remains unclear.


90% Of The COVID Deaths in England are in the Vaccinated

stock here — OK got your attention! Actually in my calcs, those 80 and up in age were dying from COVID at a faster rate than their unvaxxed control group.


Younger groups seem to get some protective effect against death (assuming the vaccine itself didn’t kill you)

“Some protective effect”, but what are far cry from their claims that the VXX would almost certainly protect you from death or serious sickness.

If you look at the hospitalization data, it is similar, rate of hospitalization is similar between the Vaxxed and the Unvaxxed.