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Parallels Between COVID Government Actions and Lockdowns, and An Abusive /Coercize Relationship

Saw the comment below the line at the off-guardian, which to me looks like the Old Zero Hedge before they were bought by the Brits and now run totally as Controlled Opposition.

I said — Nicely played, there was a video that started out as purporting to be describing a malevolent man abuses his girl…..then at the end, it switches to…..that is exactly what they did to us during the COVID story and the lockdowns. That video was deplatformed and could not be found, because it was so spot on. I searched again today, because it was so powerful. It would trick a normie into drawing the obvious conclusion, and then when it was spun to reveal exactly what they did to us under COVID….it could be an “aha moment”, and the powers that be just hate the thought of a significant amount of people waking up.

————————————————————- This regards a UK on Controlling or Coercive Behaviour…the entire statue is below the next line, for conciseness I am just putting the bullet items here — Compare then to how we were treated under COVID.

– The behaviour has had a serious effect on the victim;
– The behaviour takes place repeatedly or continuously; and
– The perpetrator must have known that their behaviour would have a serious effect on the victim, or the behaviour must have been such that he or she “ought to have known” it would have had that effect.

Examples of a serious effect on the victim may include, but are not limited to:
– Stopping or changing the way someone socialises
– Physical or mental health deterioration
– A change in routine at home including those associated with mealtimes or household work
– Putting in place measures at home to safeguard themselves or their children
– Changes to work patterns, employment status or routes to work
– Being monitored by and needing to report back to the perpetrator
– Having their financial independence restricted e.g. the perpetrator denying access to money, preventing the victim from working, sabotaging employment or welfare benefits, denying access to joint bank accounts, or coerced debt
– Being deprived access to medication, phone and internet usage
– Feeling unable to have family or friends visit
– Feeling unable to take part in activities which they previously enjoyed
– Becoming socially isolated
– Being told what they can and cannot wear
– Emotional and psychological harms including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder
– Being punished or having to follow rules
– Living in fear of punishment of any kind


In January 2022, Greenwood was arrested on suspicion of raping and assaulting a woman, and a few days later on suspicion of sexual assault and threats to kill. Since then, Greenwood has not trained with or appeared for United or England. He was charged in October 2022 for attempted rape, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and controlling and coercive behaviour. In February 2023, all charges against him were dropped.

Statutory guidance
Controlling or coercive behaviour: statutory guidance framework (accessible)
Updated 27 July 2023

Executive Summary
This statutory guidance is issued under section 77 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 (the 2015 Act). Any persons or agency investigating offences in relation to controlling or coercive behaviour under section 76 of the 2015 Act must have regard to it. This guidance is primarily aimed at statutory and non-statutory bodies working with victims, perpetrators and commissioning services, including the police, criminal justice agencies and other agencies.

This guidance provides information on controlling or coercive behaviour, to assist in identifying, evidencing, charging, prosecuting and convicting the offence. This guidance also provides information on: reducing the risk of harm to and supporting the victim and their family, including how other agencies and support services can assist; and managing the perpetrator.

This guidance is intended to be read alongside . . .

15. The controlling or coercive behaviour offence is only applicable where:
– The victim and perpetrator are personally connected at the time the behaviour takes place;
– The behaviour has had a serious effect on the victim;
– The behaviour takes place repeatedly or continuously; and
– The perpetrator must have known that their behaviour would have a serious effect on the victim, or the behaviour must have been such that he or she “ought to have known” it would have had that effect.

Examples of a serious effect on the victim may include, but are not limited to:
– Stopping or changing the way someone socialises
– Physical or mental health deterioration
– A change in routine at home including those associated with mealtimes or household work
– Putting in place measures at home to safeguard themselves or their children
– Changes to work patterns, employment status or routes to work
– Being monitored by and needing to report back to the perpetrator
– Having their financial independence restricted e.g. the perpetrator denying access to money, preventing the victim from working, sabotaging employment or welfare benefits, denying access to joint bank accounts, or coerced debt
– Being deprived access to medication, phone and internet usage
– Feeling unable to have family or friends visit
– Feeling unable to take part in activities which they previously enjoyed
– Becoming socially isolated
– Being told what they can and cannot wear
– Emotional and psychological harms including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder
– Being punished or having to follow rules
– Living in fear of punishment of any kind

Notice any parallels?


Nicely played, there was a video that started out as purporting to be describing a malevolent man abuses his girl…..then at the end, it switches to…..that is exactly what they did to us during the COVID story and the lockdowns.

———————— After my comment, this Comment Policy came up…..

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    Please extend this consideration to the Admins who moderate these pages
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Frequency / Phase Variation / Wave Form Optimized for Either Metal Fabrication, Destruction, DEW

stock here: I was surprised at the number of Patents on Vibrational Metal Processing……


And here is high frequency welding….


And here is a focus on “Wave Form”



They Have Come for Russell Brand — He Is Too Close to Truth

stock here: I guess, similar to Tucker Carlson, I assume Brand was a stealthy controlled opposition. But sometimes the controlled opposition gets put beyond the level of their own conscience. I don’t follow Brand enough to know what part of the Overton Window he stepped outside of.

I have never spent time at “Off Guardian” but it looks interesting, seems like many quality comments, like Zero Hedge used to be

But when “The Hill” calls out YouTube for deplatforming Brand, you know it is bad.

And Thankfully, Glenn Grenwald, devoted a presentation to this. Watch this for the Censorship and Hypocrisy of the leftists who control the liberal narrative.

I saw this story on the New York Post, which normally has commenting on ALL it’s article, but surprisingly does not on this article. I wonder if they have been bought, or someone has serious dirt on some editors and this time they played the card. Don’t know!

Isn’t it funny that all the sudden, 4 women who have said nothing for 15 years, all suddenly figure “this is the time”. No it’s not funny, it’s criminal, and in my view it goes beyond defamation. The statue of limitations is long gone, so the point is? Destruction of Brand’s brand.


Remind me of Brett Kavanaugh……hmmm, the left is shameless and therefore shameful.

stock here — Was it this appearance on Bill Maher that set off the Brand Takedown?

Russell Brand dropped some facts on Bill Maher’s show about big pharma, the military industrial complex, and the banking industry. Was this when they decided he needed to be taken down?


Vaccine Website — Note: The Amish Have no Autism, No Cancer

stock here: looks like a good website.



Scalar Wave Energy as Weapon

stock here: Interesting read, funny that it goes back to Tesla days too.


Black Tuber Throwing Down on the Maui Massacre

I wish I had his video editing skills!!!!


Defending Against Microwave Weapons

stock here: this was an entertaining video. Amazing science in a big warehouse.


Some of the insane things about Joe Robinette Biden

Additional facts about Joe Biden: – He took showers with her daughter Ashley right until she was at least 10 which she stated was “probably not appropriate”, and credited for her sex and drug addictions; she also said he “hyper-sexualized” her while she was a toddler (she didn’t elaborate, thank God). She wrote this in her diary which she later abandoned in a halfway house after leaving rehab.

The FBI later raided the homes of reporters who acquired the diary and tried to cover the story claiming it had been stolen (apparently stealing a diary is a federal crime) while she spoke to them and admitted it was hers before threatening them with involving the Secret Service. – He said his dead wife and daughters (who were killed in a car accident) were killed by a drunk driver; this is not true at all

-He claimed to have worked as a coal miner which never happened

-He claimed to have worked as an 18-wheeler truck driver which never happened

-He claimed he held 3 college degrees, that he attended college on a full scholarship and that he was admitted to West Point (he did enroll in ROTC and got an F there); none of that is true

-A White House intern named Vail Kohnert-Yount who worked for him while he was Vice President also accused him of attempted rape during his tenure, stating he touched her and kissed her without her permission while complimenting her on her beauty –

His current wife “Doctor” Jill was originally his daughter’s babysitter and they were having an affair while he was married to his first wife and she was also married;

in fact, they were in bed together when he was informed his first wife and daughter died – Ever since at least the 2020 presidential Democratic primaries, he has been forced fed anti-dementia medications before each public appearance by his wife Jill in order to render him coherent;

an eyewitness (former aide) said anonymously that before taking the pills he was “like a small child” and “unable to speak” -He claimed that he once traveled to Iraq to personally pin a medal on a war hero and that he was warned it could be dangerous but that he bravely brushed off the concerns by saying “we can lose a Vice President, we can’t lose many more of these kids”,

he then added that as he entered Iraq he was shot at 3 times; it turned out, he was never even in Iraq and had to retract his story and apologize –

When he did go to Iraq for real he said “he was shot at” but it later turned out to have been a mortar that exploded a mile away from his hotel and happened only once; in this instance his own aides and advisers begged him to stop telling the story because it could easily be confirmed or debunked with a few Google searches but he flat-out refused and kept telling it until he was caught –

He claimed he went to Afghanistan and that al-Qaeda and the Taliban teamed up to shoot down his helicopter which was forced to land while he was riding it with “three-star general and three United States senators”, it later turned out the helicopter was never attacked and landed perfectly due to a coming snowstorm located 10 hours away;

the other claims were also false. -Plagiarized speeches by Robert Kennedy, Jack Layton and Neil Kinnock (after he was caught stealing Kinnock’s speech he withdrew from the 1988 presidential primaries in disgrace,

this was particularly notable because the speech narrated Kinnock’s childhood and talked about his family, which means he stole another man’s entire life story word-by-word; furthermore, during ‘his’ speech he explicitly claimed he had just made the speech up by himself on the spot) -He plagiarized his thesis –

He claimed he finished in the top tier of his class at law school when in fact he finished in place 79th out of 85 (he earned only Cs and Ds during the first 3 semesters; he also repeated 3rd grade in elementary school) –

In college he flunked at least one course (that we know of) because of persistent plagiarizing in his assignments and papers. –

The PhD thesis of his wife, “Dr.” Jill Biden, has at least 3 grammatical errors and at least 3 errors in basic math in its first page alone and was written with triple paragraph spacing in order to write as little content as possible using as much space as possible,

and she only got her degree because Joke Biden forced the community college to accept it. –

Claimed that he visited and personally met Nelson Mandela in South Africa while he was imprisoned by the Apartheid government and that he was himself arrested by the South African police when he insisted in meeting him and publicly supported him despite being warned by police not to;

his staff members warned him none of this was true and asked him not to repeat these lies and he replied he already knew all of that and dismissed these concerns and kept repeating it – He stole a “climate change plan” from several NGOs and presented it as his own – Claimed to had been an important figure in the civil rights movements of the 1960s in the United States; among other things, he claimed to have personally participated in sit-ins, to have marched along with Black activists and to have been arrested for these activities;

none of this was true and at the start of his legislative career he was noted for openly sympathizing and negotiating with segregationist lawmakers to the point that he even supported segregation and the Jim Crow system:

he once expressed concerns about desegregation by wondering if his grandchildren would have to grow in what he called “a racial jungle” –

The day after he became Vice President his deadbeat brother Jim Biden showed up to his job acting arrogantly and wearing cufflinks with the presidential seal and insulting his partners while openly boasting about being the Vice President’s brother. –

He was also accused of rape and sexual harassment by one of his Congressional aides, Tara Reade, curiously, when she went public with the accusation she sought assistance from Time’s Up, an NGO formed in response to the #MeToo movement to provide free legal assistance to female victims of sexual abuse and harassment;

strangely, the organization refused to help Reade arguing that Biden was a presidential candidate at the time and thus they’d be effectively interfering with the electoral process but none of this stopped them regarding Trump when he ran for President in 2016;

furthermore, it was proven that Reade had already went public with her claim in the past when her mom talked about the incident on an episode of the Larry King show;

less than 24 hrs after this became public this episode disappeared from the Google online video store and no reason was ever given while Facebook started to ban its users from sharing links to a website that documented Biden’s sexual misconduct accusations

(JoeBiden dot info); Reade’s former neighbor, her mother and her husband at the time would later confirm her accusations and this incident was mentioned in Reade’s divorce proceedings which meant they were in the publicly-available court records;

even more, and Reade once claimed she filed a formal complaint in Congress and asked Biden to release his Congressional papers which are held in a university in Delaware,

he of course refused; the Left-leaning Liberally-biased ‘news’ outlets such as The New York Times, MSNBC (MSDNC), CNN or the Washington Post, didn’t cover Reade’s accusations even though they had been so concerned about victims of sexual abuse and were quick to condemn Justice Kavanaugh solely on the testimony of the greedy fame-seeking Christine Blasey Ford who couldn’t present a shred of evidence besides her dubious testimony after which the witnesses she brought to testify in her behalf refused to back her claims,

after which a friend of hers who happened to be a friend of Ford who was FBI agent threatened one of Ford’s friends so that she would publicly back her claims up which she refused to do,

but even so, Ford would receive the undeserved attention she sought, many awards and medals from Leftie Liberal NGOs and would sign a very lucrative book deal plus making a lot of money giving lectures while Justice Kavanaugh was slandered, smeared and humiliated;

Reade didn’t receive these same privileges as Ford. –

He forced his deadbeat crackhead son Hunter to give him 50% of his salaries on all the siencire “jobs” he held and of every bribe he received for being Briben’s son. –

In 2010 when he met Senator Scott Brown and his wife in public he started grabbing her ass and kissing her neck; he only stopped after the Senator physically separated them and threatened him telling him “I’ll kick the shit out of you”.

-He claimed his father was a “gentleman, decent man” who never got to go college “who worked at coal until the whole industry died”. In reality, his dad went to Johns Hopkins for over a year until he dropped out because his nepotistic father got him a high paying job as a salesman for a coal company but he lost everything because of his alcoholism, and he’s documented as having cheated on Joe Biden’s mom at least once when he and his cousin (also married) went on a yacht for several days with two unmarried women, all on their own (surely there’s an innocent explanation there, the alcoholism must’ve help his moral integrity). –

More recently, he claimed after the 2023 Maui wildfires that he knew how the victims felt because his house had once almost burned down, claiming a firefighter almost died while he had to brave the flames to rescue his wife and dog; it turned out it was a small kitchen fire that was put down by a couple or firefighters in less than 20 minutes; nobody was hurt or at risk of getting hurt. And he again threw in his 1967 Corvette Convertible….saying he almost lost it in the fire.


Maui County Gov Estimates It Will Cost $2.5M Per House to Rebuild Lahaina

stock here: I wonder how much of that figure these criminals are planning to skim off for themselves?

Hawaii State Attorney General to Decide on What Information to Release Publicly Regarding Maui Wildfire to “Protect the Integrity” of the Investigation (VIDEO)

Hawaii State Attorney General Anne E. Lopez has decided to withhold initial findings from the public regarding the massive Maui wildfires that took place on Aug. 8.

This move is purportedly to “protect the integrity” of the ongoing investigation, according to a statement from the Department of the Attorney General. The decision has raised concerns about the transparency of the investigation, as local residents question whether this “independent investigation” will indeed remain impartial.

Attorney General Anne E. Lopez announced the hiring of the Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), a nonprofit organization, as an independent third-party to conduct the investigation. FSRI, which is contracted with Underwriters Laboratories Inc., has been granted subpoena power under HRS 28-2.5, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported.

The team of investigators includes former firefighters, fire scientists, and incident commanders. They are tasked to assess how state and county agencies prepared and responded to the devastating wildfire.

“I am committed to an independent, unbiased, and transparent investigation into government actions during the fires. This type of investigation is a hallmark of a healthy democratic society and will lead to improved responsiveness and resilience in the future, ” Lopez told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.

As The BRICS Countries Stockpile Gold And Americans Scramble to Protect Themselves, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

“All state and county agencies answer to the people of Hawaii, and I fully expect that they all will voluntarily give interviews and provide documents relevant to the investigation.”

According to news outlet, “FSRI’s team of former firefighters, including inspectors, fire scientists and incident commanders, started work on Maui on Aug. 24 and are updating Lopez and her team every two weeks, with the first update coming last week.”

While the state Attorney General has promised transparency, questions about impartiality remain, given that Lopez’s office will have the final say on what information to release publicly—at least initially.

Per Hawaii News Now, the state attorney issued a statement:

The Attorney General is committed to a full, comprehensive, and transparent investigation, with the reports of that investigation shared with the public. While we will not speculate as to future hypothetical circumstances, we note that in any investigation, publicly revealing some information prematurely could compromise other aspects of the investigation that remain ongoing. In any investigation, information may be withheld temporarily to protect the integrity of the investigatory process.

Local residents and critics express concern that this investigation might not be as independent as it’s being made out to be. One Maui resident who lost her home in the fire questioned the investigation’s legitimacy, stating, “There have been many broken promises. How do the people of Lahaina really trust that?”

WATCH: (Courtesy of Hawaii News Now)

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a high-stakes blame game is unfolding in Hawaii as Hawaiian Electric vehemently denies causing the recent fires that engulfed parts of Maui. The company released a comprehensive statement after Maui County officials accused it of failing to properly manage electrical equipment during a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning, leading to catastrophic fires.

Maui officials had earlier put the blame squarely on Hawaiian Electric, citing downed power lines as the source of the fire that has now engulfed thousands of acres and led to evacuations across the island.

Maui County has officially filed a lawsuit against Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) and its subsidiaries, claiming negligence on the part of the utility.

Maui County released the following statement regarding the lawsuit:

The County of Maui filed a lawsuit against Maui Electric Company, Limited, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., Hawaiʻi Electric Light Company, Inc., and Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. for civil damages caused to the County’s public property and resources caused by recent Maui fires, including fires in Lāhainā and in Kula. The lawsuit was filed in the Second Circuit Court and the case number is 2CCV-23-0000238.

The lawsuit alleges that the Defendants acted negligently by failing to power down their electrical equipment despite a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning on August 7th. The lawsuit further alleges HECO’s energized and downed power lines ignited dry fuel such as grass and brush, causing the fires. The lawsuit also alleges failure to maintain the system and power grid, which caused the systemic failures starting three different fires on August 8th.

Maui County stands alongside the people and communities of Lāhainā and Kula to recover public resource damages and rebuild after these devastating utility-caused fires. These damages include losses to public infrastructure, fire response costs, losses to revenues, increased costs, environmental damages, and losses of historical or cultural landmarks.

Trending: “I Couldn’t Take it Anymore. I Just Couldn’t Take Standing There With Them” – Rudy Giuliani Walks Out on 9-11 Ceremony After Kamala Disgraces Memory of the 2,977 Victims (VIDEO)

HECO is a for-profit, investor-owned utility that trades publicly on the New York Stock Exchange serving 95% of the Hawai’i customer base.

The fires in Lāhainā and Kula burned over 3,000 acres and destroyed more than 2,200 structures, causing an estimated $5.5 billion in damage or more.

The County is represented by Corporation Counsel Victoria J. Takayesu, Deputy Corporation Counsel Thomas Kolbe, and by outside counsel John Fiske of Baron & Budd, P.C., Ed Diab of Diab Chambers, LLP, and L. Richard Fried of Cronin, Fried, Sekiya, Kekina & Fairbanks. Baron & Budd and Diab Chambers have been selected by public entities 95 times to recover civil damages in wildfire cases.

In a detailed rebuttal, Shelee Kimura, President and CEO of Hawaiian Electric, said, “We were surprised and disappointed that the County of Maui rushed to court even before completing its own investigation. We believe the complaint is factually and legally irresponsible.”

“It is inconsistent with the path that we believe we should pursue as a resilient community committed and accountable to each other as well as to Hawaii’s future. We continue to stand ready to work to that end with our communities and others. Unfortunately, the county’s lawsuit may leave us no choice in the legal system but to show its responsibility for what happened that day,” Kimura added.

The company outlined key events, stating:

  • A fire at 6:30 a.m. (the “Morning Fire”) appears to have been caused by power lines that fell in high winds.
  • The Maui County Fire Department responded to this fire, reported it was “100% contained,” left the scene and later declared it had been “extinguished.”
  • At about 3 p.m., a time when all of Hawaiian Electric’s power lines in West Maui had been de-energized for more than six hours, a second fire (the “Afternoon Fire”) began in the same area.
  • The cause of the devastating Afternoon Fire has not been determined.

Additional details are outlined below, according to the news release:

  • The records conclusively establish that Hawaiian Electric power lines to Lahaina were not energized when the Afternoon Fire broke out shortly before 3 p.m. on Aug. 8, in a field near Lahaina Intermediate School. Power had been out for more than six hours by that time. There was no electricity flowing through the wires in the area or anywhere else on the West Maui coast. Hawaiian Electric has informed ATF investigators of the availability of records that demonstrate these facts.
  • The small Morning Fire, seen in videos taken by local residents, began more than eight hours earlier. Those videos show that power lines had fallen to the ground in high winds near the intersection of Lahainaluna Road and Hookahua Street at approximately 6:30 a.m. A small fire that can be seen by the downed lines spread into the field across the street from the Intermediate School.
  • The Maui County Fire Department responded promptly to the Morning Fire. According to the Department’s public statement that morning, by 9 a.m. the Morning Fire was “100% contained.” The Maui County fire chief subsequently reported that the Fire Department had determined that the Morning Fire was “extinguished,” and the Fire Department left the scene by 2 p.m.
  • Once the fire was out, Hawaiian Electric emergency crews arrived at Lahainaluna Road in the afternoon of Aug. 8 to make repairs; they saw no fire or smoke or embers. All lines to Lahaina remained de-energized and all power in the area remained off.
  • Shortly before 3 p.m., while the power remained off, our crew members saw a small fire about 75 yards away from Lahainaluna Road in the field near the Intermediate School. They immediately called 911 and reported that fire.
  • By the time the Maui County Fire Department arrived back on the scene, it was not able to contain the Afternoon Fire and it spread out of control toward Lahaina.

Maui Evidence of DEW

stock here, another journalist, reporting from Maui.


The Gates Bloodline and Depopulation Agenda


Jim Stone: 100% Proof Lahaina “WildFire” Was Weather Modification and Arson

stock here: I saw some of those sailing videos of boats outside Lahaina. But Stone scooped me on this one….all I thought was…why aren’t they going in to rescue the people in the water, and then in disgust I dropped further thinking.

Kind of like my Plasma Cut car Hood and Fender….I had to revisit like 4 times before it hit me….the point is not the Steel melted (or just went away), the point is that the damage in a smooth curved line, transitioning from Hood to Fender could only have been cut with an energy weapon.

See that staunch horizontal cut on the quarter panel? They almost hit the fuel filler tube….

——————- The rest is Jim Stone exceeding his normal excellent work.

“Video shot from a sailboat offshore proves there was no wind on the ocean from any hurricane and that the winds in lahaina were local only to lahaina. How could that happen? Weather mod.”



This page was updated on August 26 2023. for the latest page click here.


Video shot from a sailboat offshore proves there was no wind on the ocean from any hurricane and that the winds in lahaina were local only to lahaina. How could that happen? Weather mod.

I found the holy grail. But for people to understand this, I first have to post the Beaufort scale and remind people that the winds in lahina were at least 80 mph, and were strong enough to knock power poles over. I also need to point out that the hurricane that was given credit for the winds was 500+ miles away, and I have proof that hurricane contributed ZERO mph to the winds in lahina, which were in reality local, only covering Lahaina and nearby areas.

The Beaufort scale, wave height, and how it proves the weather machine and not a hurricane made the winds.

The Beaufort scale is a formula for wind speed and wave height. And there is a direct correlation that is always consistent. Here it is, read it and weep, this, along with the video from a sailboat a mile offshore proves 100 percent that the winds in Lahina were completely local and that the burning had to be an act of war.

The waves out on the water prove beyond all doubt that the natural winds were only about 4-7 mph. There was no hurricane causing the wind, if there was, this image would not be possible.

Look, it’s so calm out on the water that a bird is happily sitting on the sailboat rigging, and looking out to sea there are no significant waves, the surface is still glassy. look at the beaufort scale and see what wind speed will give a glassy appearance with absolutely no white caps.

Now look at this zoom in to the other side, where the local winds local ONLY TO LAHAINA were stirring up the water near shore, but not for a long enough distance to build large waves. This proves that only Lahaina had winds, how could that happen??? It’s called atmospheric heating from a Haarp device, and they were considering how much power the system got (environmentally conscious or perhaps just cheap) and they did not bother with putting high winds more than a quarter mile offshore.

This report is so conclusive it is admissible as evidence. This would win in court.

Conclusion: no strong wind at sea, and horrific wind on land, right where needed, proves the Lahaina fire was an act of war, case closed.

If the wind was made by a hurricane as stated in the official BS, the waves would have been 50 feet tall.

A disaster declaration three weeks before the lahaina fire (the first time in American history a disaster declaration was issued before the disaster happened,) put in place an emergency procedure to handle the disaster which removed power from elected officials and put land management into the hands of an unelected beurocrat who just so happens to want Lahaina to be a “smart 15 minute city”. Coincidence???

Closing: Trolls will bash this because they have to if they want their jobs, but the Beaufort scale is not political, and it is accurate.
I have been offline since the incident with Claudia and the cartel. I figured I would give up after that, but there are very compelling things lately that have to be posted about. I am with a new cell provider so I don’t know how this is going to work out but at least I opened this page for editing. we’ll see how far I get.
I managed to get the cartel bug and claudia’s bugs off my equipment, but I have confirmed via an app from amnesty international that everything is still infected with Pegasus and I can’t remove it, maybe an update to their app might work . . . . . at least Pegasus is not a resource hog. My internet suddenly started lasting 5x longer, Claudia was eating a vast majority of my data.


It is hard to decide what topic is most important now, Lahaina or a recently released report by TASS which expressed extreme irritation in the Russian governmennt towards America for running biolabs and releasing diseases on purpose. First Lahaina.

I have been through piles and piles of material on Lahaina. Here are the bullet points on what happened there.

1. Power lines did not start the fire.
2. The hurricane did not produce the perfect wind, I strongly suspect a weather warfare system did.
3. The fire was arson, and even if it was not additionally lit once it reached Lahina, (it was) but even if that was not done, I think the weather warfare system alone would have done a comparable job.
4. It is absolutely obvious that the fire was re-spawned where needed (to ensure complete destruction where wanted) by a space based laser, which was probably recently launched by Nasa. I am typing this offline so I can’t look it up right now, but recently Nasa launched an enormous rocket and I 100 percent believe it launched a weapons platform that will be used to spark fires everywhere.

5. The police did indeed blockade people into Lahina to get the death count as high as possible. Not all of the police were in on this, there were normal cops in with the fire telling people to evacuate and guiding traffic while the rogue cops were keenly placed perfectly to trap everyone and force them to burn to death. Who was in charge of it all? The same police chief that oversaw the Vegas police force during the Harvest Festival shooting in Vegas. FIGURE THE ODDS, that puzzle piece alone is 100 percent proof both the Harvest Festival and Lahina were government ops.
6. Lahina was burned for the sole purpose of taking the land, which is why the police barricaded people in. The so-called elite wanted to take the ancestral lands from Hawaiians who were sitting on it indefinitely via contracts with the U.S. government that in effect made the land a protected “indian reservation” for as long as the locals did not sell it off. They were refusing to sell it off. And with many many many ancestries now wiped out, the land is there for the taking.
7. It is a hard reality that not a single private property owned by the island’s Jewish inhabitants burned. Not ONE, not ONE SINGLE elitist propety burned, even though there were plenty RIGHT THERE.
8. Prior to the fire, the WEF singled out Lahina to be re-built as a smart 15 minute city. And the WEF wanted all of Maui to be a “smart island” Therefore, the existing infrastructure was very inconvenient.
9.The elite have expressed concern about Martha’s vineyard being too close to the mainland, and about the seasonably cold climate. They want a different Island to hide out on while they burn the world, and Maui fits the bill perfectly.

The above bullet points are certified fact. From these points, here is the story.

Lahaina was burned by the elite who want to take Maui and convert it into a playground sanctuary. They want the population dead and faked a disaster to accomplish that. Most likely they used a recently deployed weapons platform sent up by NASA on “the largest rocket ever launched”, a weapons platform that probably also sparked the fires in Greece, Turkey and Canada. It will be used to fake “climate change” – a well known hoax which they are now blaming the wildfires on. With this weapons platform they’ll have no problems eliminating “competition and inconvenience” wherever it is, whether it be a car on the highway that “mysteriously caught fire and immediately exploded, killing everyone”, a rebel hideout in the wilderness, or the home of an inconvenient doctor that suddenly simply had an instantaneous fully involved fire in their home that left zero time for anyone to evacuate.

Sadly, that’s where we are at, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Lahaina was just like Jenin in Palestine, including the death toll. Actual death toll in Jenin was 4,500. Let’s see if they eventually con Maui down to double digits too. Maui: A land without people, for a people without land!!!


Couple’s Video Show a Green Bush Fire In the Middle of a Neighborhood Where There Was No Other Fire

stock here: I watched this video a few times, before it hit me. The fire that this couple noticed was in green bushes in the middle of a neighborhood where there was no fire anywhere near. There was diffuse smoke, and they were traveling out at a good rate of speed. They were not stuck in the middle of a “fire zone”.

I also put it on Bitchute. YouTube is getting even worse. They have a new format where all you get is the video in the middle of the screen and no comments are possible. Way to censor!!! And my Youtube views got completely blurred and jumbled, allowing no view at all…..until I restarted.

So watch it on Bitchute to keep youTube from getting hits and thus advertising feees.

I tried to capture “the fire” from this video in this screen cap, but you have to watch the video to understand that this is one of DEW set fires. Check it out. Edited…a got a better screen capture after a reader commented that it looked like a “root fire”. Indeed the roots are going to be holding much more water than the leaves….the DEW Xray / Microwave are going to heat the water to 1000F resulting in what appears to be spontaneous combustion of the green bushes.

He was able to easily put it out with a garden hose because the plants were so green.


Biden Lies Even When There is No Benefit, It’s a Psychological Issue to Start

This guy does a great job, and brings the receipts


Maui Police Chief, and The China Connection

The Police chief John Pelletier of Maui, presiding over the greatest loss of life due to fire, is the same guy who presided over the greatest loss of life due to gunfire in Las Vegas.

In order to to be Chief of Maui, County laws had to be changed to allow a non-resident to become chief. Months after he became chief, his secretary (32 year veteran of the police force) died supposedly in a car accident in which the story is that she was pursuing someone who snatched her purse (at 6:30 AM) and was putting other lives at risk in a high speed chase, for a purse. Hmmmm if those are not all #FaF then I dont know what to say



Actually, the China group was being extorted for just too much from the local officials trying to get a piece of their 1.5B planned investment. Odd timing with the Lahaina fires of which part of the story is a land grab, and 3 weeks prior a State level proclamation that during any emergency they can throw out all the laws, including those related to historical properties (much of the properties in Lahaina, the former capital of Hawaii, are historic)

When thing happen temporally, it is lazy or stupid to not consider a link or both being caused by some separate third factor.


Reddit: Tool Of the Establishment

Funny, I don’t know anyone that would spend this much effort to respond to my fairly benign one liner….so I suspect it must be a paid propagandist, trying to throw as much shit against the wall as possible, while ignoring everything else.

My comment: There are many purposes to these “wild fires”, and a land grab is one of them.

Their response, with no line breaks noted. Notice he creates the phrase jewish space lasers, and lays down anti-semitism.

I’ll send back the link to my picture of the burnt car 2 miles out of Lahaina, with patchy, let me call it scrub grass.


These wildfires are a terrible tragedy. A wildfire disaster that was most likely ignited by downed power lines, drought conditions, low humidity, hurricane -force winds between 80-100 mph compounded by invasive grasses. Of all of the invasive plants now thriving on the islands, the U.S. Department of Agriculture points to 18 specifically that contribute to Hawaii’s wildfire risk, including buffel grass, molasses grass, and especially guinea grass. These invasive grasses and brush dry out early in the season and don’t easily decompose, leave behind fuel to feed a fire and these grasses cover 25% of the island. Many factors contributed to wildfire, poor brush fire prevention management (controlled burns and other preventative techniques) used to prevent widespread fast moving brush fires. And the collapse of the 100 yr old water system, the hydrants were dry because they were fed by creek and well both water sources negative impacted by a drought since May. The town and Fire Department had broken new ground for a new well 2 months prior to the fire but all the work piping all the hydrants to the new water sources takes time and unfortunately this wildfire happened before they could finish the work. And then there were problems with the emergency notification because cell towers went down due to the fire, this probably added to the lack of coordination for evacuations. I am not sure if radio communication antenna were impacted but I’m sure that will be reviewed in the after action report. During 9/11 in NYC radio antenna were on top of the towers which negatively impacted emergency communications and resulted in the deaths of many first responders. All these factors caused this wildfire to spread and impacted the emergency response, helicopters and planes couldn’t fly cuz the wind, so this wildfire burned extremely hot and rapidly spread throughout Lahaina. And because the age of many of the buildings (historical buildings) were built from wood and built with materials that would be considered subpar today because of a poor fire rating. Newer construction materials used in modern buildings have a higher fire rating and can withstand higher temperatures without igniting as easily as older wood structures. All these things created a perfect storm for this fire to spread but one thing is certain it was not an intentional act, and had nothing to do with Laser Weapons. It is a terrible tragedy, a horrific wildfire disaster not some conspiracy. Misinformation creates distrust and paranoia, it may discourage people from applying for disaster assistance, assistance they need to survive, keep their land and rebuild. These nonsense conspiracies happened after the California wildfires too, Jewish Space Lasers, which is a dog whistle for anti-Semitism. It only gets in the way and can cause paranoia, hatred and distrust none of which helps with the trauma and PTSD the survivors have experienced and it doesn’t help with the disaster recovery operations that need to happen in order to rebuild. Sending much love and prayers to the people of Maui.


Lies of Pelletier – Chief of Maui Police

There Were no blockades

stock here: I am getting Maui burnout, we pretty much know as much as we need to know. I am amazed that the removal of these criminals and idiots, or just plain evil assholes, has not occurred. This is considered “acceptable”? If anyone has more lies of the Chief or anyone else, post them in comments, along with source whenever possible.

Oh wait there were barricades, but only to keep people away from downed powerlines (the powerlines were deenergized, they posed little risk, whilst the fires posed a massive risk)

I’ve said before, ‘Man vs. nature, nature always wins,’” said Chief Pelletier.


Botched Lahaina Fire Response


FACTS THAT WE DO KNOW (these come straight from the local survivors):

1. The police barricaded every exit from the city.

2. No sirens went off.

3. The water was cut off by the city water manager to the fire fighters.

4. The body count was froze at 115.

5. The morgue is 100% full.

6. Local morticians ran out of body bags during the first week.

7. The city REFUSES to give even an estimate on how many children may be missing or killed; same with adults and families.

8. The locals estimate that the schools have 3000 kids registered, but only 3 or 400 showed up. Which leaves 2600 children unaccounted for.

9. There are 15 school buses missing and unaccounted for. There’s no debris or burnt out wrecks. They’re just magically GONE. Like the children the city seems so unconcerned about.

10. It took 6 days for FEMA to show up, and when they did the first thing they did was confiscate food and water that was being given out to survivors because “it was not FEMA approved.” Since then, locals report getting sick from drinking the water FEMA is giving them. You can’t make this stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11. There are some video testimony of locals (they appear to be medical personnel) who helped in searching for survivors. They say they’re finding entire families burnt alive in cars trapped trying to escape. They also say they’re finding bodies of children alone in homes. YET … we hear NONE of this from the city officials.

12. The police chief is ALSO the medical examiner. Conflict of interest? You bet it is.

The million dollar question the media has NOT asked the mayor or police chief is this: HOW many peopled DIED as a direct result of all the city exit streets being blocked?

At this point, the ONLY WAY people are going to get justice is to SUE the city and the city officials.

SUE BIG and use the money to help the locals rebuild what has been lost.


Great Fire Response Compared to The Bumbling and Murderous Response in Lahaina

stock here, saw this on Linkedin, and it is great. It shows exactly the opposite of the Hawaii, Maui, and Military response. I’ll send this to the Mayor and the police chief.

We live in one of the most free societies on the planet and we are fortunate to have highly evolved emergency services and social programs to support people during natural disasters. It is no coincidence that even with the hundreds of lost structures, there has been no loss of civilian life over the course of this historic wildfire season.

Misinformation is a highly destructive force that is sometimes harder to combat than natural disasters. As the director of Canada Task Force 1, let me be clear, our mission in West Kelowna and the Columbia Shuswap Regional District was to conduct Rapid Damage Assessments. The goal was simple—provide clarity to displaced residents, generate the information needed to restore services, make communities safe, and get people back into their homes.

During deployments, CAN-TF1 is always self-sufficient. We do not strain scarce community resources post-disaster. In only a few days, CAN-TF1 completed the following while on this deployment:

·      verified the status of 5,875 civic addresses that were potentially impacted by wildfire.
·      completed 1541 Rapid Damage Assessments (RDAs).
·      Utilized K9 search teams to search structures where the property was damaged and the status of the owner/occupants was unknown.
·      Moved pallets of food and a refrigeration unit into an evacuation area to assist an isolated community.

During our deployment, we did not limit anyone’s freedom, restrict anyone’s movement or violate anyone’s property rights. We were deployed domestically, by our provincial government to support the people of BC and we were welcomed with open arms. These are facts. Our helmets are blue and yes, it’s 100% confirmed, we are called “Canada Task Force 1.”

Wildfires can be an incredibly destructive natural force. Similarly, blanket distrust of institutions and public servants is an equally destructive force. In times of emergency, we need to band together and work collectively to support the people most affected. It’s time to work hard to rebuild a better and more resilient society. To the makers of this video, what have you done to this end?


——————————————————————- Summary of Lahaina

FACTS THAT WE DO KNOW (these come straight from the local survivors):

1. The police barricaded every exit from the city.

2. No sirens went off.

3. The water was cut off by the city water manager to the fire fighters.

4. The body count was froze at 115.

5. The morgue is 100% full.

6. Local morticians ran out of body bags during the first week.

7. The city REFUSES to give even an estimate on how many children may be missing or killed; same with adults and families.

8. The locals estimate that the schools have 3000 kids registered, but only 3 or 400 showed up. Which leaves 2600 children unaccounted for.

9. There are 15 school buses missing and unaccounted for. There’s no debris or burnt out wrecks. They’re just magically GONE. Like the children the city seems so unconcerned about.

10. It took 6 days for FEMA to show up, and when they did the first thing they did was confiscate food and water that was being given out to survivors because “it was not FEMA approved.” Since then, locals report getting sick from drinking the water FEMA is giving them. You can’t make this stuff up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11. There are some video testimony of locals (they appear to be medical personnel) who helped in searching for survivors. They say they’re finding entire families burnt alive in cars trapped trying to escape. They also say they’re finding bodies of children alone in homes. YET … we hear NONE of this from the city officials.

12. The police chief is ALSO the medical examiner. Conflict of interest? You bet it is.

The million dollar question the media has NOT asked the mayor or police chief is this: HOW many peopled DIED as a direct result of all the city exit streets being blocked?

At this point, the ONLY WAY people are going to get justice is to SUE the city and the city officials.

SUE BIG and use the money to help the locals rebuild what has been lost.


Those Close To The Criminals, Often Die. Maui Police Chiefs Secretary Died 14 Days Ago, She Knew Too Much

stock here, nothing to see here……Police Chief Pelletier, the same guy was in Vegas, in charge when the 58 dead happened in the Las Vegas Shooting, now his Secretary dies weeks after the Fishy Lahaina Fires.