stock here, submitted by Lot’s Wife
Month: October 2022
stock here: Is this real? I know Bourla and WEF have been involved in the past, but if true this video is damning. Update: This video appears to be modified, with the real video having Bourla saying that he wanted his medicines to be affordable to 50% of the population. See second video.
Who did the editing? But we do know from top advisor, Yuval Harari of the WEF that he considers the “vast majority” of the human population to be unnecessary.
“Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” he concluded, “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bio-engineering, Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”
OMG!! The WEF wants to depopulate the planet by 50%!!!!!
— Mrs. S. (@hshLauraJ) October 22, 2022
Harari — A gay pencil armed Jew from Israel, a eugenicist, a historian they say, what could be better than all that. Oh, and you have no soul, well probably he doesn’t. LOL
Check out these 2 absolute freaks that are some how at the top levels of elite control.
stock here: Is this fake, or is this massive Gaslighting?
Does this give you confidence ? Vote Democrat because ?? Triple A leadership right here in action !
— Robert Davi (@RobertJohnDavi) October 22, 2022
stock here: A reader submitted this lady as excellent reporting. Karen Kingston.
Definitely not a “Karen” LOL. Proving that Fox is controlled opposition, Fox had clear information on the Injections being a wide variety of things, some of them targeted bio-weapons.
And they failed to report it. But they did make a file on Karen Kingston, kind of like the nuke industry dossier on yours truly in which long ago and minor details that no one would remember, are brought back up. That happened a few times, and especially at ENENews and then I figured out the plot. Of course these “trolls” are heavily funded and sometimes organized. Often times, quite tone deaf too.
Here is a Karen letter.
Early Warnings About COVID-19 Vaccines Being Bioweapons: Fox News
May 27. 2021 – This is one of many emails I sent to Fox News in May/June of 2021.
Oct 19
This is one of many emails I sent to the Fox News team to inform them that the COVID-19 vaccines are bioweapons. I called Fox News dozens of times as well. During one my calls, the Fox representative inadvertently mentioned that she had ‘pulled up my file.’
Apparently Fox News has a ‘Karen Kingston file’. Will Fox News ever report on the evidence in the 2021 ‘Karen Kingston file’?
From: Karen Kingston <k****@****>
Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 8:02 PM
To: “Wendy*****“
Subject: 911: Patent for Global COVID-19 Vaccine Attached – Highly Deadly Chimeric RNA & mRNA Platform
Hi Wendy,
I’m a consultant in the Pharma and Med Device industry. I conduct analysis of clinical data, IP landscape/patents, federal regulations, and communication trends and then develop content and strategic plans to influence how physicians manage various disease states, as well as what to communicate to the consumer population. My clients have included Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Allergan, et al.
I’m hoping you can pass the information I gathered regarding the COVID-19 biological agents onto a team at FOX and FOX can help in the efforts against the false propaganda regarding the COVID-19 injections. Many people are putting themselves and their children at unwarranted risk for harm, frequently resulting in permanent disabilities or death.
Most important, the attachment labeled SM-102 Patent is the global patent for the mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccines granted by WIPO to Moderna on August 6, 2020. Please have an expert in auto-immune disease medical research review this patent and the ones linked in this email. I believe they will conclude that the COVID-19 injections are bioweapons that contain gain of function (GOF) chimeric viruses and toxins under the guise of mRNA therapeutic vaccines combined with a ‘diagnostic/therapeutic’ lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platform. Per the patent, the LNP can target specifics organs and systems throughout the body, including, but not limited to reproductive, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and the central nervous system, specifically crossing the blood brain barrier.
I apologize in advance for the ‘drinking from a firehose’ data in this e-mail.
Americans Right to Informed Consent
The FDA, CDC, NIH, and most Medical Associations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, are guilty of dozens of violations under the FD&C Act, by withholding or lying about these biological agents, including the dangers and risks of “COVID-19 Vaccines” under informed consent, per Sec. 564 of the FD&C Act:
- Every communication (written, news, videos, social media, websites, podcasts, etc.) about the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ must clearly state that:
- The ‘vaccines’ are not approved by the FDA for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19, but are under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) only
- The ‘vaccines’ have NOT been proven to be safe or effective in stopping the infection or transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19
- Every patient has the right to be informed of the benefits and risks of the ‘vaccine’, including all reported side effects, other treatments available, and the right to refuse treatment
Following is a snippet of the information I’ve researched:
COVID-19 Vaccines Patents are based on Research from China
In Jan of 2017, MIT, Harvard, et al. filed a patent for Vaccine Nanotechnology. Under the Section STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT – it clearly states that the invention was made possible by grants from the NIH and is entitled to rights of the invention. This patent dates back to a provisional filed Oct. 12, 2007 Ser. No. 60/979,596 which also stats the NIH’s ownership in the vaccine nanotechnology platforms.
In December of 2017, the NIH lifted its restrictions on Gain of Function (GOF) research. (attached – Dec 2017 NIH GOF).
In February of 2018, the USPTO granted the University of North Carolina a patent for Chimeric Coronavirus Spike Protein(s). The patent covered GOF spike coronaviruses from SARS-Cov-1, MERS, and bat coronaviruses. The NIH’s ownership is stated in this patent as well. In 2005, a NIH/People’s Republic of China funded study was published on chimeric research with bat coronaviruses. Ref 29 – Thanks the NIH for their grant for this research.
Drop your ballot at the village or city collection place, directly. Far less likely to get destroyed.
The Communists can easily cheat up to 10%, and they will.
Mitigate. Reply…
The Daily Sceptic
stock here: this is another good site, more and more good sites popping up, and MSM becomes intolerable
stock here: This was also conducted with your tax dollars funding the equipment. Not sure how this is even remotely possible in the USA. USA outlawed GOF research and that is why Fauci et al was funding Wuhan to do their dirty work.
stock here: Boston tries a debunk (far below) but here is the low down. They crossed Omicron and Delta. Omicron is moss transmissible than Delta, so more will get infected and quicker (over whelming the system perchance). Using the support below, lets agree that Omicron is 10 times more transmissible and grows faster in the body. Agreed??
So below is my Excel analysis. The newly created Virus has a 916% higher kill rate, and it kills faster. If you expand this to a human model, it would mean that for sure you would overwhelm the hospital system, and the effective kill rate would be even higher.
How is this not Gain of Function??
Boston University refuted several allegations by saying that even though we achieved Gain of Function it was just a by product and we did not intend to achieve Gain of Function, therefore it was not Gain Of Function research.
They also postulate that we should not be attacking their research, because the wages of the researchers were paid by Boston U, and therefore they were not obligated to report anything, and because of that you shouldn’t take issue with anything they did report.
They also said that the 80% death rate in mice was “taken out of context” because they used a type of mouse that was especially susceptible to SARS, therefore the 80% number was blown out of proportion even though it was 100% true.
Does tone deaf even begin to describe this?
They go further to state that because the research has a possible future benefit in being prepared for advanced bio-weapons, by creating the advanced bio-weapons, that we should not worried that they created advanced bio-weapons.
Hmmm….that almost makes sense, LOL
What do y’all think?
Forbes actually covered this, here
They bring up a salient point, their new “hybrid” SARS ONLY killed 80% of the mice, whereas the original SARS-2 killed 100% of the mice.
On the surface that sounds somewhat logical. But the THIS the point….by intergrating the Omicron Spike into the particularly deadly Delta structure, they made the whole package, say, 50 TIMES more transmissable. It kills 20% less of those that get infected, but 5000% more get infected.
See how that works?
Oh, and this is just a pre-print, another reason to ignore it until further notice.
Anti-NATO Protests in the EU
stock here, need to gear up and pour 3 slabs, formwork starting today, well see how good the Journeyman is, LOL, so busy. It would be great to see how widespread these protests are, and whether they really understand the under pinnings of the problems. But NATO really is a piece of shite.
Ron Burgandy
3 months agoI love it when people are actually educated about why they protest! Everyone interviewed KNEW exactly the reason they were there ️ Good luck I hope they make an impact and more people understand this issue.
Submitted by Lot’s Wife. After Fukushima we discovered that Chitin is a sponge for radiation. Many creatures use Chitin in their skin/shell, Krill being one of them. The Krill absorbed the Fukushima radiation and it killed them and they took the radiation to Davy Jones locker, effectively cleaning the ocean for us. But not without many Unusual Mortality Events that no scientific organization related to the radiation and the Krill.
In fact my favorite 5 eyes troll spent his career testing the water and not testing the krill for the radiation. Shameful.
The broad testing in Alaska of radionuclides produced one report after Fukushima showing that radiation increased as much as a direct nuclear hit would increase it. They took the data on the next 3 years run, but then failed to publish any data. If someone has time, do a FOIA request.
I have skimmed the video, but not drawn a conclusion except this. The knowledge and ability to process and control graphene, even on a cellular level, is advanced.
Video in Spanish, with fast subtitles
The idea of a “neural lace” created with injected graphene is possible. Google Elon Musk and Neural Lace.
32545?s=20I am wondering how all that Diversity is working out for England?
Some Don’t like the Identiy politics and Diversity bullshit
“I’m livid, and you know, I really shouldn’t say this, but I hope all those people that put Liz Truss in Number 10 — I hope it was worth it. I hope it was worth it for the ministerial red box, I hope it was worth it to sit round the cabinet table. Because the damage they have done to our party is extraordinary… I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of talentless people putting their tick in the right box — not because it’s in the national interest, but because it’s in their own personal interest to achieve ministerial position.”
Greenfield is a ray of light in the darkness
The Sixteen Thirty Fund had raised a record $390 million that year and half the money came from just 4 donors. While the names of the donors are secret, the article did note the names of three major known STF backers: Pierre Omidyar, Hansjörg Wyss, and George Soros.
The three men, two of them European and one Middle Eastern, are a study in contrasts and similarities. Wyss was born Christian, Soros was born Jewish, and Omidyar was born Muslim, only for them to have shed their past histories and adopted the generic identities of globalist megalomaniacs convinced that the fate of the planet and of humanity is in their hands.
The three immigrant billionaires inhabit estates in the ultra-luxurious Kahala neighborhood of Honolulu, in Wilson, Wyoming, and Bedford, New York and employ former Secret Service agents to guard them.
The media’s enthusiastic defenses of Fetterman’s inability to function are really apologetics for Biden and for the entire zombie system of elected officials who are there as puppets and fronts.
In our perpetual night of the living dead legislators and executives, the unfitness to hold office is actually a qualification. Unable to focus or understand, they are dependent on their eyes and ears, on their handlers and longtime friends, on lobbyists and assets to tell them what to do.
I think the “Pandemic” and the ultimate abuse of power has led these psychological infants to even greater abuses of power.
Those who want to control humanity are working tirelessly behind closed doors to make sure they sell the slave system to the population. The goal is to track and trace and surveil every person on this globe.
As we are endlessly distracted, they are saying the quiet part out loud. They are selling this shit as “Financial Inclusion” especially for women. Because we all know that “inclusion” is the only thing that really matters. This piece of work is gushing as she introduces “Queen Maxima” who is actually a real person of the “Netherlands”.
Note the triple pearl necklace. Kamala loves wearing 2. And please do not forget the “inclusion” aspect of these discussions.
On Friday 14th October, the IMF streamed a meeting called “Central Bank Digital Currencies for Financial Inclusion: Risks and Rewards.” The live stream of this meeting went under the radar for many but a video surfaced of Bi Li, the Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, explaining how CDBSs can be programmed.
He said: “The smart contract would allow targeted policy functions, like welfare payments, consumption coupons, food stamps, etc.”
“With CBDCs, we can precisely control what people can and can’t own. Also, what kind of use this money can be programmed for, like food only.” – Bi Li
Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear
He went on to say that: “CBDCs can’t solve every financial inclusion challenge, but they can work together with financial literacy and digital literacy.” So, a CBDC would work with other policies like digital identities and digital wallets. This goes hand in glove with what the World Bank Group described in November 2021. “Digital identity verification is essential to the operation of CBDCs, particularly in cross-border transactions. “
The Endgame: Central Bank Digital Currency
“Tradable digital assets must be tied to a digital identity system, which in turn should be tied to an automatic KYC and AML/CFT verification system.“
“This is a foundational step to the potential use of CBDCs, and emerging developments in regulatory and compliance technology may benefit central banks’ experiments in the digital currency space.” –Open Knowledge
stock here. Note that the 1 VXX and 2VXX have the worst death rates. If one is weak, they got killed in the first 2 injections. The remaining ones that went to to injection 3, fared better because they were strong enough to survive the first two injections.
stock here:
- They are comparing INslee’s opponent to basically being Trump. Scoffing at non-effective masks.
- Washington knew early on that they were likely already at herd immunity in their DOH emails, yet they continues with crushing agendas….and they remain proud of it.
Jay’s worked hard to keep Washingtonians healthy, while prioritizing employment opportunities as well as our access to Washington’s beautiful outdoor spaces. He’s also continued to fight for progress on health care, economic growth, and more — that’s why he and Loren Culp couldn’t be more different.
Electing Loren Culp in Washington state would be akin to electing Donald Trump as our governor — and it’s a decision that affects more than just Washington. That’s why this election matters so much: We set a $75,000 goal to finish this election strong. Will you chip in $5 or more before our FINAL fundraising deadline on Halloween?
If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Here’s how far apart Loren Culp and Jay are on two of the big issues affecting all of us:
On COVID-19:
- Jay has issued public health proclamations that put the health and welfare of Washingtonians first. Those science-based decisions have saved lives.
- Loren Culp said, “It’s not the governor’s job to dictate to us what to do in our businesses or our lives.” He’s held huge in-person rallies and still scoffs at wearing a mask.
And on gun violence prevention:
- Jay’s championed laws that keep families safe, including Initiative 1639 that bans the sale of semiautomatic weapons to people under 21 and puts enhanced background checks in place for everyone buying firearms.
- Loren Culp compares the police officers who enforce that law to Nazis and compares himself to Rosa Parks for refusing to enforce it himself as a sheriff.
There are countless more differences between these two candidates, and each of these topics affects more than just our state. With Jay, we know we have a proven leader who makes strong, decisive choices to keep folks safe. With Loren Culp, well, you know you get a mini-Donald Trump who puts himself first.
This is why we have to elect Jay this fall and why we will fight for every last vote to do it: Our FINAL fundraising deadline is on Saturday. Will you donate $5 or more to help raise $75,000 before midnight on Halloween?
Molly Keenan
Campaign Manager
Inslee for Washington
stock here: The sheep need to be reminded of their gullibility.
Be a shame if this went viral
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 18, 2022
stock here: A friend cancelled an event for Friday after his former co-worker felt lousy for a few days then died.
Caution is smart. Keep your system boosted up with Pro-biotics and the “Super Blend” which is a concoction of natural ingredients that all serve great purposes. If you have serious stuff like diabetes or on prescription blood pressure medicine you would be prudent to research each item, and best to contact a naturopathic licensed nurse or PA, I can pretty much guarantee it being impossible to find a full on Doctor of Medicine that would weigh in.
I’ll put this up as a separate article sometime, but here it is, the Superblend.
This is a Box link to a folder with 3 files, the Excel, a PDF showing the output sheet of the Excel, and a PDF with the “basis” the background on supplement benefits and dosing.
I have been doing this for quite a few years, in a hill billy way. Not much in the way of dosing science, just taking some. It took a few iterations, but this is the near final Mark 2 product, that I claim will add 10 years of quality life to your life. More energy, better memory, better eyesight, lower blood pressure, better sex.
Please alert me if the link works or if it doesn’t, I never tried a Box Folder before.
stock out. The above IS NOT vitamin bolstering for immune support / COVID cure, its a daily dose of good.
stock here:
it’s not iron clad, for sure, but there is a lot of evidence here.
stock here, a real look into the Biden family can also come from
Ready for #Indoguration
— Naomi Biden (@NaomiBiden) January 17, 2021
snopes tries to debunk the photo by blurring it out and darkening it so much that you cannot so how obviously young the Jill on lap is.
This timeline looks correct to me
The incontravertable evidence that Jill was sexually involved with Joe while still married to Neilia is in a Tweet wherein Jill states during her first phone call with Joe in 1975 (March 1975) Joe told her that he’d be speaking at the Democratic Convention and she should “tune in.” The Democratic Convention is traditionally held in July. She slipped and was referring to the 1972 Dem. Con. in Miami Beach in July 1972. I was there. Check it out: “In 1972, Biden, then a New Castle County Council member, skipped votes to attend the convention in Miami Beach in the middle of his long-shot Senate campaign, according to The Morning News, a Delaware paper. He won his Senate race.” The Dem. Con. was in July 1972, the same year Jill’s first husband, William W. Stevenson, said she first met Joe. “Jill and I got married in 1970, I introduced Joe to Jill in 1972.” Jill couldn’t have been referring to the 1976 convention, since according to Jill, Joe asked her for a second date, was half way into her bogus courtship, which she said started in March 1975 and lasted until they were married in June 1977 that is 27 months, over two years. Jill claimed Joe proposed three times before she finally accepted. (She meant propositioned her 3X) Jill admits to meeting Neilia in November 1972 at Joe’s Victory Party, but claims she didn’t meet Joe. However in an interview with Piers Morgan she said she met him at a fund raiser, not a victory party.
In August 1974, according to Stevenson, Jill was baby-sitting for Joe so we know the March 1975 blind date phone call was a lie. All Delaware State records regarding one of the most significant and discussed auto accidents in U.S. history were destroyed by Assistant Delaware State’s Attorney Jerome O. Herlihy, a close friend and crony of Joe who conducted the investigation for the Del. AG Office and saved Joe’s career. You would think O. Herlihy would keep a copy for his files? The accident might have had a lasting effect on the other boys since Hunter is a dope fiend and sexual deviate. In Beau’s case there is conflicting evidence that a concussion can increase the liklihood of a brain tumor (glioblastoma) which took his life.
They’ve come a long, long, way together.
— Naomi Biden (@NaomiBiden) November 7, 2020