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Jill Biden, Young, Sitting On The Lap of Joe Biden. Biden Younger Than Pictures of Himself with 1st Wife Nellie Hunter

stock here I am going to dump all these photos.

As expected, some have tried to debunk. In fact one obvious set of marked up photos depicts the photo as showing Jill at 15 and Joe in his 30s sitting on his lap, and posing from 2 angles (I found the second angle). Since their age gap is 9 years, now “the whole story is therefore debunked….not so quick!

Jill’s former Husband, Bill Stevenson has wrote a book detailing the obvious affair Jill was having with Joe Biden. Including their joint “participation” in an Auto Accident in her new Corvette that Bill had bought her to “cheer her up”. Jill did admit at some point that she had baby sat for Joe’s boys.

I’ll copy that article in full at far bottom. It looks #FaF

My main point is that in the primary 2 photos, Joe looks quite a bit younger than in later pictures with his first wife. So this picture was taken when Joe was still married to his first Wife, who died in a suspicious auto accident in 1972, months after 1st Wife Nellie Hunter was key in getting Joe elected.

stock here, copied from the net.

Dear Friends,

I write about many things, especially about political issues. I am a serious communicator with a viable network of readers and I have a Website called the CoastalNetwork.com. I also happen to be from Delaware. In August, I had a few conversations with Bill Stevenson, who was once married to Jill Biden from 1970 to 1975, who is now married to Joe Biden, the Democrat candidate for President of the United States.

If Joe Biden is elected, there is no doubt in my mind that America will change drastically and all hopes for prosperity will be destroyed. I believe this situation makes all things relevant and significant, especially since Bill Stevenson claims he has written an autobiography with some pages dedicated to the Bidens which contradicts most of their early story!

When I consider the despicable actions of Joe Biden throughout his entire career, especially the defamation of Curtis Dunn, who he accused of drunk driving after his wife Nelia killed herself and her infant daughter by running a stop sign and t-boning a truck, driven by an innocent man, I get so angry and frustrated, I grit my teeth. Biden did this for pure political points and this grotesque lack of character should have eliminated him completely from being a candidate for President.

Where was the press, where were the political TV ads?? Then the outrageous influence-peddling for the benefit of his son Hunter who was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use, who used his father’s influence. to acquire millions of illegitimate dollars from the Ukraine, from China, and from Russia, the situation has become untenable. Biden is a serial liar and that fact is being covered up by the biased media. After the validated, disconcerting stories about the Bidens from Bill Stevenson (notice I use the plural here), and the limited time left before the election, I am obligated to bring it up again as a follow up to several sensational articles that went viral on the internet.

This story must be written now with less than 3 weeks left before the election. There is a frightening possibility that the most corrupt politician in U.S. history could become the leader of the free world. I don’t know the name of the book or when it will finally be released — it could be released after the November election. That realization concerns me greatly, which is why I must go forward with this column, regardless if the book is published or not or what it even says.  

I must state for the record that everything in this op-ed was told to me by Bill Stevenson as being factual. Much of the additional evidence I have gleaned from my own extensive research indicates the information he told me indeed actually happened. The events he shared with me substantiate the already-existing rumors about Joe and Jill Biden and their blatant dishonesty that many Delawareans already know.

I am certain, when he awakened, the day after the story broke before Bill was ready, after an unfortunate misunderstanding for which I take responsibility, to see reporters and TV cameras surrounding his house and probably receiving severe criticism from many New Castle County liberals who think fake, liar Joe Biden walks on water, and realizing as I do, that Joe Biden is dangerous, who I believe will, and has,weaponized the FBI, the IRS, and the CIA to get revenge, could be of deep concern. Just ask General Mike Flynn who I have met. I think Biden has a vicious, corrupt character, and has the connections to use his power to hurt people. I believe he already did it once to Bill Stevenson. He must never be our President! 

I believe I have a duty and a quest to see that this story is revitalized and retold before the November 3rd election. When I consider that the fallacious story of Joe and Jill Biden’s cleverly made up and disguised story of their original connection, which was promoted for political purposes and was used as a “PROP” at the Democrat National Convention, it makes my blood boil. Folks, here is what I heard from Bill Stevenson’s mouth to my ears:

Jill Biden’s Ex Husband Bill Stephenson

Stevenson was the founder and operator of the Stone Balloon and Concert Hall in Newark Delaware, where Bruce Springsteen once played for 5 hours, setting up one of the most successful nightclub enterprises in Delaware history.

Bill Stevenson and his wife Jill, both worked on Joe Biden’s original campaign in 1972 and Bill donated around $11,000 personally to Biden and promoted him in every way possible through events at the Stone Balloon. Joe Biden and his first wife, Nelia Biden, who was killed in the suspicious auto accident that was her fault on December 18, 1972, less than a month after Joe Biden’s original election, knew Bill and then Jill Stevenson in 1972 and Bill has photographs of them together in the Bidens’ kitchen! All contrary to the phony story the Bidens tell. “How could they forget something like that?” Bill recently, publicly stated in a national TV interview.

The Bidens’ claim that they did not date or meet until 1975 is patently false, which makes Jill Biden’s book, “Where the Light Enters” (which I read with great umbrage, considering what I know to be true), an outrageous lie and casts a dark shadow over Joe Biden’s candidacy. The book is clearly illegitimate and shows that Jill Biden has suborned most of Joe Biden’s life as a serial liar and a corrupt politician.

I have pulled a well-known quote from Jill Biden, which is in her book and she describes a blind date with Joe Biden in 1975, supposedly arranged by Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank, “I was a senior, and I had been dating guys in jeans and clogs and T-shirts, he came to the door and he had a sport coat and loafers, and I thought, ‘ God, this is never going to work, not in a million years,’ Jill told Vogue Magazine. “He was 9-years older than I am! But we went to see ‘A Man and a Woman’ at the movie theater in Philadelphia and we really hit it off. When we came home…. He shook my hand good night… I went upstairs and called my Mother at 1 am and said, ‘ Mom, I finally met a gentleman’. Folks this is not how Jill and Joe Biden first met, it is an absurd prevarication. I guess she never considered her first husband Bill Stevenson as a gentleman or that he might write a book someday?

Folks, the premeditated depths of this fiction for the obvious purposes of fooling the American people is remarkable and must be exposed. If I was an undecided voter, this story would clearly influence me to vote for Donald Trump, so it might make a difference.

Bill Stevenson tells the story, in early 1974, having already

developed suspicions, when Jill refused to go with him to meet Bruce Springsteen, who Bill was driving to New Jersey to pay in advance before his performance at the Stone Balloon. “She had promised to look after Joe Biden’s boys” during that time. Stevenson began to wonder, because even though they knew the Bidens from the campaign, he did not think they were that close. Folks this is way before the absurd tale of Jill’s blind date with Joe in 1975.

Bill told me that Jill seemed to be depressed later in 1974, so to cheer her up, he bought her a brand new, brown Corvette. One day a gentleman knocked on his door and informed him that the ”Brown Corvette had backed into his car damaging the front to the tune of $650 and they promised to pay for it, but never did.” Bill said, “They, who is they?” The man said, “Joe Biden was driving the car, Mr. Stevenson.” Bill wrote the guy a check and later confronted Jill, who had no answer. He told her she then had to move out and he knew for sure Jill was clearly involved in an affair with Joe Biden, Delaware’s new U.S. Senator. I asked Bill Stevenson how he felt at the time about the fact that Jill was having an affair with Joe Biden? He said, “You know, I was terribly hurt by it, but I was also just as hurt and disappointed by Joe Biden, who I thought was my friend — having helped him in so many ways to get elected.” Bill had also been told by a friend that Jill and Joe were getting unusually friendly.

From my own extensive research, I was told by eye-witnesses that Joe Biden and then Jill Stevenson, in her brown Corvette, would often meet at Midway Gulf — a gas station on Limestone Road near Newark, and were often seen being affectionate throughout 1974.

Later on, after the sale of the Stone Balloon, Jill Biden tried to get half of all of Bill’s assets in a nasty court battle which the Bidens completely lost. Bill Stevenson, was shortly thereafter indicted for bank fraud on a trumped up, mysterious charge of filing a false bank statement for an $8,000 car loan. He was convicted and had to pay $1,000 fine. I learned from my research that pressure from Joe Biden on bank officers and prosecutors was implemented and Stevenson was unjustly violated on a charge that is rarely used, unless you stiff the bank, which he didn’t.

Biden got his revenge on Bill Stevenson. I recall that Joe Biden as Vice President also unmasked and framed General Mike Flynn. Imagine the threat he would be if he is elected President? If it could happen to General Mike Flynn and to Bill Stevenson, it could it happen to you? 

Folks, many married people have affairs and marriages break up, that is not the issue here. The issue is the fact that Joe Biden is now running for President of the United States. Jill and Joe Biden have promoted, sensationalized, and presented for political purposes a touchy-feel good, fake story in a published book and used it as a “Prop” at the Democrat National Convention which was on national television. It was a basic cover-up for a seedy relationship and a fantastic lie that was the beginning of Biden’s entire career of lies and corruption during his second marriage to Jill Biden. THAT IS THE POINT OF THIS OP-ED.

I have no idea where this article will go — if anywhere. I must pursue every possible solution. If the American people elect Joe Biden without knowing the truth about him, it will be the most significant fiasco in history. The United States of America is on the brink and the truth about Joe and Jill Biden in every detail must be known. This grotesque false profit must not be elected.

Bill Stevenson recently stated on Facebook that nothing in his book will affect the election and he is a bit coy about if or when it will actually be released. That doesn’t change the words he said to me nor his many public statements contradicting the entire Biden story. So be it.

Respectfully Submitted,

JUDSON Bennett



Jill Biden Heavily Booed At Football Game, America Is Starting to Understand

Jill Biden had the absolute worst reaction to the little tidbit slipped into their envelope at the Bush funeral. Now I believe it was a picture of Naked Hunter maybe with Ashley or her little cousin or both. Maybe smoking a glass pipe too.

In Ashley’s diary from this article I did…..

There are some juicy ones below. Joe Biden crying on the phone because he has the Presidential debate in a week. And Joe on her shit list because he was hurting himself.

And she is resentful of Mom, because of Dad

Is that because Jill Biden was a prime tool in making him “run” for President? Did the CoCs (Consortium of Cartels) convince her that was the only way that her son Hunter would stay out of jail?

Remember the fake pictures of “Joe” supposedly laying on a pillow next to his dog, photoshopped because Joe couldn’t manage to get up if he did lay down. pretending they had a “dog family”. Even then the dog look terrified, like….oh no, the sniff and peanut butter trick again. Point is though…the super messy house. Not that they couldn’t afford some help, just that what goes on in that house could not be seen but any outside source.

“Jill” more and more of the cuntry understands Jill now.

Twitter video should be at the bottom, funny how they are warning you about “sensitive content”

This other site, uses this same picture while pretending that Jill met Joe on a blind date three years after Joe’s Wife died in a very suspicious crash. 2 sources below, source 2 has that photo from another angle, who was the photographer? “in their youth”. I went to the twitter account attributed to this picture, and see far bottom that account is suspended. Hmmmm…..


When Zombies Run For Office — Jabbed and Stroked — They Still Run The Zombie

stock here, I put this on Bitchute. This poor injected guy also had a stroke. His wife knows and is disgusted, but still allowing him to proceed. Unlike Dr. Jill who was the final force to push dementia Joe to “run” for president.


Tulsi Gabbard and The World Economic Forum — The Whole Story

This clears up some stuff about Tulsi, I was worried about the WEF


Tulsi Gabbard and The World Economic Forum — The Whole Story

After Tulsi Gabbard renounced her relationship with the Democratic Party yesterday on the Joe Rogan show — and on the first episode of her new podcast, I kept seeing a lot of people wondering about Tulsi Gabbard’s relationship with the World Economic Forum. That is because back in 2015 the WEF put a picture of Tulsi on their website while claiming she was one of their Young Global Leaders. Here is everything you need to know about the WEF, their Young Global Leaders, and what Tulsi Gabbard has to do with them.

Tulsi was informed that she had been chosen as a Young Global Leader (YGL) in 2015. Not really knowing much about them she then sent a tweet thanking them.


Distraction: The Whole EV Topic. EV’s are NOT RIGHT for almost Everyone, Killing Cheap Energy is Not Right for EVERYONE

stock here. Buttplug’s assertion that EVs are not just clean but also cheaper than gas vehicles is laughable. It’s mostly a way to disrupt and upset, also to get people to make bad decisions for themselves. And to disrupt the automobile and energy industries. Eff them to hell.

Key shareholders at VW had enough with woke (stupid, self destructive) CEO DIess, who wanted to pivot to all electric. What a stupid idea, I agree……


Key shareholders in Volkswagen AG VOW 0.37%▲ joined forces with labor leaders to oust Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess, who was in the midst of a push to turn the German auto company into a top maker of electric vehicles.

Mr. Diess will be succeeded by Oliver Blume, CEO of VW’s sports-car maker Porsche AG and long an ally of the Porsche-Piëch family that controls a majority of VW voting rights. Mr. Blume will retain his job running Porsche, which is slated for an initial public offering this

The Mad Jewess (you really need to visit her site, it’s edgier than mine) weighs in on EVs

LOL $300K for a Cadillac EV, me thinks NO


Investing is stupid stuff at the worst possible time, is exactly what they want you to do

Fox hits back at the inane Buttigig (what a name!)

However, experts highlighted that cheaper EVs are still more expensive than comparable traditional cars and must be charged more often due to their relatively low range. For example, the 2022 Chevy Bolt referenced by Buttigieg costs $26,595 and has a range of 259 miles while the traditional engine 2022 Chevy Spark costs $14,595 and has a range of 297 miles, according to company data.


“Customers are clever enough to figure this out despite the snow job from the electric vehicle promoters and people like Secretary Buttigieg,” Myron Ebell, the director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment, told FOX Business in an interview.

“It’s really kind of a con job,” Ebell said. “It may be a good deal for some people in some places under some circumstances. But by-and-large right now, it’s not a good deal.”


Hawaii is Seeing 25% of All The Earth’s Earthquakes, And Magma Pushing Up Towards Mauna Loa

stock here: In early September I made the risky call of an Eruption of Mauna Loa around the Fall Equinox 9-21-22. This is unusual activity and just the prior day there was massive EQ in quantity and size at the Magma Chamber.


09-11-1990 Bush Speech Calling for “A New World Order”



They Promised You That You Would Not Get Infected If You Got VXX, They Lied Their Arses Off and Poisoned You


Healthy Body Builder “Does His Research” Recommends The VXX and Is Now Dead from Thrombosis

stock here: These stories never end, and yet the witless sheep will pass them off as “people die all the time”. I could never understand how something like the Holocaust and the Germany of Hitler’s time went down. Now I can.

According to The Gateway Pundit:

Brignole strongly supports mandatory vaccination against COVID. His last statement on the subject of vaccine safety has been widely shared on the internet.

“I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research, to get it done,” Brignole said.

His statement continued:

“Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die, you were right. If I don’t die, and have no ill effects, you were wrong, and should admit it (at least to yourselves). Better yet, you should admit that you were misled, and tell the world who misled you, so other people can benefit by avoiding those fearmongers.”

The Gateway Pundit, is what ZeroHedge was, thinly controlled opposition. Disqus has been a censoring piece of shit tool for a decade or more…..going back to Disqus is a clear sign

The inane part of “I did my research” is you could not do research on research that did not exist. You cannot do longterm studies in months. There were none. Nor any drug interaction studies, nor spike protein travel studies. It is simply idiotic. This is obvious on its face, which is why it was only approved experimentally. This poor fellow was part of an experiment and he died, which is part of the results of the experiment. Sometimes there are reasons why bad things happen – stupidity. On a massive scale. He is not alone and I do empathize.


The VXX Spike Protein Isn’t Benign, New Study Finds It To Be Extremely Damaging

The Flying Cuttlefish found this


InfoStormer Featuring Mostly Real News

stock here: this reminds me of the very suspicious “Daily Stormer” which appeared to be Controlled Opposition, promoting dangerous policies against some peoples. It was odd that they were allowed to continue, so it must be part of the plan.


Magnetic Shift and Mass Strandings, 500 Whales in NZ and My Greenhouse

stock here….yes, no whales in my greenhouse. But I set forms for the new greenhouse, and wanted to align it with the county road. I took my compass to the road and got a reading on the west direction. 315.

But on google earth the road is almost perfectly true west, maybe a bit 273. Huge difference. This is double the

Say in 2005 or so, in the tropics things were off 5 to 10 degree more than normal. But this is huge.

They are pretending that 500 whales stranding themselves is like the Corona Virus and Climate Change. They have no shame, no morals, and no values. But is no big deal because they are not on the endangered species list, it just informs us.

It bothers me. And that is why I report all of it.




The VXX-Injection Was Never Tested To See If It Would Prevent Infection

stock here: I still feel this is Nuremberg Level. The below in entirety along with the op-ed by ACD, actively exposing the bullshitters and bullshit in our lives.

12 October 2022

Breaking Big: Pfizer Director Admits Vaccine was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission During EU Hearing Contrary to Previous Claims – via thegatewaypundit.com

The CEO of Pfizer ducked these hearings as “secret deals” between the company and certain government entities came to light.  So, he sent an underling to feel the heat.

During the COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

Robert “Rob” Roos, a politician from the Netherlands who is also a member of the European Parliament, exposed the lie that people from all over the world had been led to believe.

“If you don’t get vaccinated, you’re antisocial. This is what the Dutch prime minister and health minister told us. You don’t get vaccinated just for yourself, but also for others. You do it for all of society, that’s what they said. Today, this turned out to be complete nonsense. ” Roos said in his viral bombshell video posted on Twitter.

“In a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, one of the Pfizer directors just admitted to me at the time of introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus,” Roos said.

During the hearing, when asked by Ross if the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, Janine Small responded while smiling:

“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No. We have to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”

Oh, Really??  Someone in Pzier’s PR Department of Comportment thought that one up….The speed of fake science, maybe.

And, as we all have learned, many to their chagrin, there was no transmission anyway, fundamentally because there was no virus to begin with. 


And thank the gods that they have so many __________ at their disposal to suck the life out of as many gullible citizens as possible.

Joe Biden’s Covid Czar Dr. Ashish Jha on Tuesday contradicted Biden and said the pandemic is not over.

Dr. Jha also urged Americans to get vaccinated.

COVID czar Ashish Jha is asked what the message is for Americans after Biden said the pandemic is over:

“The President was very clear: COVID is not over.” pic.twitter.com/YNmUz0I49N— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) October 11, 2022 – via thegatewaypundit.com

Yes, after all the insanity they’ve promoted for the past couple of years, not to worry boys and girls and all others, they still think you’re as dumb as a rock and can’t see their continuing scam.

Sadly…many can’t.  Even more sad…most won’t.SOURCE:  https://dispatchesfromtheasylum.com/2022/10/11/the-gods-are-most-pleased/


Know Your Vaccine — Stopped August 2021, Why? Github Resource

stock here, this used to be a popular website that made viewing VAERS data very easy.

It appears that coder “thehungrysmurf” was supplying code via Github.


So I am publishing this for future reference and research.



VXX Increases Death In Children by 42 TIMES = 4200%

stock here, didn’t want to lose this one. Interesting he is using data from same day that I flagged the data release on the same morning as the Boris resignation.

That coordination was intentional



Ukraine Political Analysis: Expert Discussion At “Awful Avalanche”

stock here: Here is some high level discussion, beats Zerohedge! LOL



The Polished Podcasts That Pretend to Speak For Our Good, Shows The Depths of Evil Via These Controlled Oppositions, X22, Juan O Savin

stock here: Like all the best lies and best propaganda, they contain an element of the truth. But when the chips are down, they will be in full misdirection mode. Even now X22 is pretending that Trump is going to come back and like the Lion in the fable destroy all the taunting back biting evil.

There is more chance that Jesus comes to earth and sets every thing right, next week. And those odds are 100,000 to 1.

micro-epiphany: Of course “they” want Trump to run for the Republicans again. There will be more stories coming out about how Trump was attacked, trying to create support and sympathy for Trump.

They are instilling hope, rather than forcing people to realize that it is time for effective action. Similar to the whole Q farce. These are intelligence agency run Psyops. Here are some examples.

Also curious, this Nikki Swift with 3 millions followers and I never heard of her. She does this puff piece on Obama Daughters, and apparently does hit pieces on Conservatives. But the real fun part of the YouTube appearance is in the comments. 80% of people really get it. 10% are true believers, and 10% are paid trolls.

Here is another Nicki Swift pimp job…..promoting the pedo-killer Tom Hanks. She is a tool of the awful elite.


Tulsi Gabbard Throws Democrat Party Under the Bus, Truth Bombs

This comment was seen on the 1 Minute YouTube of Tulsi Gabbard leaving the Democrat party.

A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below. She shouts to him, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.”

The man consults his portable GPS and replies, “You’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

She rolls her eyes and says, “You must be a Republican!” “I am,” replies the man. “How did you know?” “Well,” answers the balloonist, “everything you tell me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your information, and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’re not much help to me.”

The man smiles and responds, “You must be a Democrat.”

“I am, replies the balloonist. “How did you know?” “Well,” says the man,

“You don’t know where you are or where you’re going.

You’ve risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air.

You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect me to solve your problem.

You’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it’s my fault.”


Dr. James E. Olsson, At Hopkins, But Pointing Out All the Sudden Deaths

stock here: this guy just keeps coming back into my feed. I am following him so I guess that makes some sense


Why are all these people suddenly having strokes and heart attacks, or collapsing everywhere, collapsing on a run, collapsing in their dorm, being found “unresponsive” near a popular nature trail, collapsing on the sidelines? And at a young age.

5 Entertainment and Sports Icons, Dead in The Past Week… – Entertainment Journalist Nikki Finke – Stand-Up Comic Judy Tenuta – Actor Günter Lamprecht – Former Wrestler Sara Lee – WNBA Veteran Tiffany Jackson – International Business Times

STOCK HERE, I tried to Search Tiffany Jackson and Vaccine and got this as a twitter response:


It’s Time to Leave Paypal, Now They Will Fine You $2,500 For Any Speech Anywhere in Your Life That They Do Not Like

stock here: I have known Paypal to be bad actors for quite some time. Seizing accounts of one lady, who did not sell guns or ammo using Paypal, but did sell other items on Paypal. And she was a vocal 2A proponent on the internet. So they closed her account and locked her funds, and their terms said they would release the money in 6 months, “if applicable”.

Paypal’s second largest holder is Blackrock, who if you don’t realize is a blackhat, then you need to pay more attention.

I voted with my feet, today. Imagine this….you have a credit card linked to Paypal, and they catch you in wrong speech, next month you see a charge for $2,500. What could stop them?

Here is their new policy, I highlighted the key elements below.
