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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fraud by Constellation Energy $245M fine at Ginna Nuclear Plant

One of the "Pro Nuke 100% all the time guys" who seems well intentioned, yet nevertheless lies, work at Ginna plant. He is convinced he is promoting safety, and convinced that a few people with good hearts can make nuke safe.

BTW This is "Mikey", the 100% Pro nuke that I speak of.

What the problem is though, is the whole system, the human species, the corruption, deception, lies and greed. And one or a handful of good people can't counteract the evil that can be perpetrated from the top and the whole system.


Feds rebuke ex-owner of Ginna plant
Constellation Energy withheld information, U.S. agency says

Federal regulators say Constellation Energy withheld key information when it sought approval for transfer of three nuclear power plants, including installations in Wayne and Oswego counties.

An investigation by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that Baltimore-based Constellation “failed to provide complete and accurate information” about foreign control of electricity from the power plants and the financial arrangements of the transaction, the agency said in a letter released Tuesday.
Constellation had been seeking federal and state agency approvals to sell its nuclear plants and other assets to Exelon Corp. of Chicago. The $7.9 billion deal closed March 12.
The NRC gave its OK in February and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved the deal March 9 — the same day the latter agency announced that a unit of Constellation had agreed to pay a record $245 million in penalties for improperly manipulating the energy market in New York and New England from 2007-09.
Of that sum, $78 million is to be given to New York state to benefit electric consumers here.



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