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Friday, April 26, 2013

Magnetic Pole Shift Accelerating

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Moral of the story---we shouldn't allow the most dangerous thing on earth (nuclear power plants and nuclear waste) to exist on our HOME PLANET, when we know for a fact that our home planet is not stable, and in fact is getting more unstable.

I first noticed the magnetic pole shift around 2006, being a pilot and a solar engineer I often took measurements, and for a while nothing was lining up the way it used to, so I tried a few different compasses.   I thought it strange, and I thought it stranger that no one was talking about it.

I wouldn't say this was the "kick off" to my impression that things were getting wacky in the world.   Maybe the first was the doubling of property values in less than 2 years that let me get out from an underwater property to a nice profit.

But lets put it this way....the "experts" are often just making stuff up, to get their grant money and help their universities get federal funding.

NASA is downplaying magnetic shift saying "it happens all the time", as are  other parrots of the "don't panic the sheep" cartel.   These things are suspicious.   The experts can all justify their actions by rationalizing that avoiding panic is better than dealing with what is going to happen anyway.

Classic writing say that a north south magnetic pole shift happens every 320,000 years or so with wide variations, and that the last one was 700,000 years ago.

However, some pretty credible data cross correlated from the Black Sea, the Laschamp event in the Massif Central, and Greenland data, and shows a "rapid" 250 year complete pole shift, around 41,000 years ago, followed by a european super volcano around 39,500 years ago.

And let me throw this in....what about that really cool rise of Cro-Magnon man and epic cave paintings around 35,000 to 39,000?     Indeed, magnetic pole shift appears to occurs with a lessening of overall magnetic field, which allows more cosmic radiation in to the home planet, which allows for more DNA damage and the occasionally successful mutation that works better.    Saber toothed tigers probably kept the cancer rates in check pretty well.

We are in a period of very fast movement of the magnetic pole, and it appears the north pole has the itchy feet and the south pole is more stable.

But nothing to worry about....NASA says the pole flips "all the time", and other experts state that there is no evidence that a pole flip was harmful in the past (maybe check the IPhone data records), and that most people wouldn't even notice a pole flip.    Yeah, very reassuring, why don't you guy at least focus on detecting these 153,000 asteroids like the one that hit the earth in April 2012.    An amateur astronomer found it just days before it hit.

Another near miss


  1. The magnetic polarity of the spreading Atlantic sea floor has recorded the polarity of the Earth's mag field for millions of years. Recording outward from the central longitudinal crack (Iceland's near the north end of the Riff), as new magma is solidified by massive pressure and boiling seawater, it lines the iron-rich magma up with the current field strength and polarity.
    Just like the constantly changing climate of the earth, caused by solar cycles and fluctuations, the poles, sometimes many more poles than just 2, show up as recorded here.

    Americans burning carbon and driving to Grandma's has nothing to do with either...millions of years before man's evolution.

    1. Exactly, several areas of the earth lend themselves to historical geomagnetic studies.

      I agree, man is having little impact compared to more greater forces in play. That said....being concerned or prepared for what these greater forces can do is also appropriate.

  2. It's not just me then. not only does magnetic north seem to have moved, but either my entire 100acres has moved, or the earths crust is slipping on the mantle because summer zenith sunsets are going south (I'm in Australia) Magnetic north is now a joke and the reason no one notices is because nobody uses maps and compass anymore.


    1. Thats interesting, I guess Australia could be rotating

    2. Indo-Australian plate rotating clockwise? - and starting to break in two near the equator, separating Australia from India. Big quakes offshore from Indonesia over the last decade or so could suggest something along these lines.


  3. 2013 - PLANET – Conditions on the planet continue to deteriorate, particularly in respect to more pronounced climate extremes seen across hemispheres, and the number of volcanoes that are now continuously erupting. The planet is undergoing dynamic change, whereby we’re seeing early evidence that the physical dynamics of the planet is moving towards a spectrum of greater instability. This is happening, as the planet’s magnetic field continues to abate in strength. This is suggestive that we’ve passed the rubicon in this internal process of a geological shift that has been brought on by an anomalistic fluctuation of thermal gradient in the planet’s outer core. “Earth’s stability is collapsing…and one by one, the biospheric processes regulating life itself are going awry. These are early characteristics of climate shock and are indications that even more ominous changes are yet to unfold…areas of the Earth…will become increasingly inhospitable from the extremes of climate change. As incredible as it seems, we’re witnessing signs of epochal change-across the planet which are typically consigned to geological periods of planetary extinctions. The climate stability, The world we once knew, is gone forever.” –The Extinction Protocol - 2009

    John Berbatis

    1. Just to add something outside of science, which I'm not schooled in but interested in from such as above, in Christian prophecy going back the last few centuries 3/4th of the human race may be extinct in the next generation (NOT end of the world). It goes like this God is real created everything and intervenes in His own creation: mankind is his greatest creation, made in his image and likeness and made to live forever with Him. When man separates himself from God through great immorality (violence, lying, exploitation, against life, family, and justice, etc.AFTER MANY CENTURIES OF SUCH GAINING GROUND, HE WILL ALLOW NATURE TO CORRECT EVERYTHING, in order to bring about a NEW START FROM A MUCH SMALLER REMNANT OF GOOD HEARTED PEOPLES.(sort of like the clamaties that got rid of the dynosaurs and allowed the development of mamals). BTW, back to science, does the solar system just having entered the "equator" of our Galaxy have something to do with the change in magnetic poles?

  4. Reference: The Bridge to Heaven. Interviews with Maria Esperanza of Betania. By Michael H. Brown.(see Publishing Co. P.65. "Men must be careful not to test nuclear weapons, because there is something in the air and the earth's core is also out of balance."

    1. are on track and please read of Garabandal Spain. The Prophecies. It is soon, The Warning and the illumination of consciece as stated by Sister and now Saint Faustina in her diary. Also. I met Joey Lamengino, seen mirilcle you would not believe with my own eyes at Garabandal on Good Friday.1995...See the Documentry. The messages of Garabandal narraited by Carlos Montebon...spelling wrong but you must remember the actor from the show Fantisy Island. He was a great Catholic man.

  5. are you sure it is not man made. ya know the shift when it happens. Science is working and out of control with HAARP, shooting electomagnetic pulsed at the sun to see what it does. Are you so sure that man is not doing all this. Becaouse Electromangnetic weapons and harmonic pulse weaapons and microwave weapons are the future. It is advanced and we are obliviouse to it becaouse it is unseen. Why do you think they are spraying all those lines in the sky. It is addin electrons and protrons or what ever to the Ionosphere. Making it more pos or neg. I do not remember anymore. but at one time i did. Anyway. Soon if it gets overloaded TESLA said it could caouse a great fire in the sky and light the Hydroget on fire. This is a fact. Soon man will destroy himself is God does not step in. He is and will but not after we have suffered with the seeds we have sown.

    1. But what about our info from those explorer rockets sent up towards other planets; I read that the show the OTHER PLANETS are also warming up? We humans can be doing THAT!i read somewhere that the last time our solar system went throug the equator of the Galaxy was the melting of the last Ice Age about 23,700 yrs ago, or did I get it wrong? And I read within the last months that 76-to 70,000 yrs ago a HUGE caldera explotion in the Indonesian area completely altered the world and they guess that like most of the human population of the Indian subcontinent was gone, except a few thousand. THAT CAN'T BE DUE TO HOMO SAPIENS.



    2. That's utter stupidity and nonsense.

    3. Jesus loves you! Go to the church of your choice and wait.
      'Sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from evil'- Packwood's Law

  7. Volume 5 The Volumes by Anne Lay Apostle speaks of a shift in the earth and red moon which science won't be able to explain. Be in a state of grace. Check it out.

    1. Volume 5 is missing from the Website:

  8. fatima dot movement dot com Here is illumination. mark of beast is that innocent baptism the masonic priest have been giving out since 1944. if you aren't sure you will have to do it.

  9. But Global warming / climte change has to be true because I've based my entire existence and being on its being true and correct and if it is not true then I am nothing...

  10. Then you are nothing

  11. shalom shalom , this article is very insightful . Thanks for the enlightenment> we also feel the shift in one way and another in Bali, we notice the Sun has shone from different direction, more earthquakes and tremors . Oh Merciful Lord Jesus , have mercy upon us, we always trust in you. amen

  12. end of the earth is all disasters

    1. How this North Pole shifting affect the Indian region specially North India. Will it be snow fall over the plain areas or it will be raining more than before or getting hot in the summer time? Can some one answer me please because i am very curious to know????

  13. here in southern California, the rain has just about been nonexistent. every time a low heads our way from the north, the chemtrailers go into overtime. they zap the atmosphere with a nice dose of HAARP, creating a high pressure heat hole and off to tennesse our moisture goes to create some sort of sandy hook super freak storm or other for crying out loud. true domestic terrorism hard at work, oblivious to 95% of the mindless sheeple wandering around this god forsaken USA. we get what we deserve I suppose. hosea 4:6 "my people perish from lack of knowledge." the first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one. I have alienated about everyone I know pointing out these shenanigans in our sky. it's ok, the problem is way bigger than my ego. god speed!!!

  14. chemtrails and sandy hooks used to be the big problem. unfortunately, they have taken a back seat to fukashima. "god have mercy on us" is all I can come up with now. all I need is a wingman and I'm off to the southern hemi.

  15. Used to take flying lessons at Caldwell Essex Airport- 2oo5, runway was 270 is now 220 ..hmmm

  16. In Islamic teaching, one of the signs of the end time is the sun rising in the west, instead of the east.

    1. Well that sure would be a sign of divine intervention, but the pole shift would have no effect like that.

    2. Some info out there suggest the Earth has slowed down the speed of spinning and is supposed to stop. So what if it starts turning the other way once it starts turning again, and in such a case the sun would go up in the west. Also, we don't see our real sun anymore, there is a man made sun simulator up there, closer to Earth and blocking the real sun. I see the whole sun simulator system with its many lenses when I take pics using an infrared camera filter and then upload them to my computer. Youtube channel "Jeff P" explains in many of his videos the whole simulator system, for anybody interested.


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