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Thursday, June 6, 2013

The NSA says the Bill of Rights is alive and thriving

Illegal search and seizure is against the Bill of Rights.

Using illegal search and seizure to put a chill on free speech and freedom of the press is against the Bill of Rights

Illegal detainment is against the Bill of Rights

Torture is against the Bill of Rights

Taking away the right to be secure in your person and your papers (i.e. all your communications) is against the Bill of Rights

Droning people without Due Process of Law is against the Bill of Rights

Taking rights away from the States and the Peoples, and "capturing" these rights to be restricted under Federal law, is against the Bill of Rights.

Changing "You have all the right that aren't mentioned" into "you should be grateful for the privileges that Big Gov allows you to have" is against the Bill of Rights.

Having soldiers and militarized police occupy houses in Boston without warrant much less even probably cause is against the Bill of Rights.

Being found guilty without a jury trial, and being forced to prove your innocence, is against the Bill of Rights

OK so ALL of the Bill of Rights have been violated by the Powers that Be.   Well except that "Right to Bear Arms Shall not be Infringed".......



  1. "OK so ALL of the Bill of Rights have been violated by the Powers that Be. Well except that "Right to Bear Arms Shall not be Infringed"......."

    Thanks for the great post, but one bone to pick:

    The Bill of Rights says, "shall not be abridged," and therefore any abridgement what so ever by the Feds is a violation of the 2nd. The Feds have many "laws" "abridging" the right including the Brady ones.
    Of course their infringement of the Bill of Rights is just more evidence of their avarice and violence against our Life, Liberty and Property--they are criminals.

    1. Pretty sure it is "infringed" everywhere I read.

      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

      Agree with the rest of your post.


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