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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Total Radiation Inventory at Fukushima

A pro-radiation shrill (Aptly name Cyril) has been attacking Nukepro throughout the blogophere.   She states in her comment below----
Less than 0.01 kg of Sr-90 was released. This will convert to less than 0.01 kg of Y-90 which will convert to the same amount of stable zirconium, which is non toxic.
 So I had to do some calcs to convert Bq to grams, she says 10 grams (.01 kG) of Strontium was released.    Hmmm that seems a bit low to me.   Oh I see....about half of the inventory of Fukushima was exploded and aerosolized into the atmosphere, over 3000 lbs of Strontium, but the shrill shill states that less than half an ounce of Strontium got out, ever.

Right, and they detected Strontium in Hawaii milk (they do have cows in Hawaii) before the DOH was told to implement the BP playbook to "protect" our Japanese friends and the nuke cartel.

Hilarious, they reported the Strontium 89!   As a way to say....hey it only has a half life of 55 days, no problem, in 2 years it will be all gone.     Funny how the radiation cartel just refuses to even talk about strontium 90, half life around 30 years.       

And they found 145Bq/kG south of Tokyo, story here

At the bottom of this post is a discussion of radiation releases from various sources over the course of the "nuclear age", from ENENEWS.

A while back I spent about half a day to gather information and do some calculations.    Surprisingly, the NRC provided the data I needed directly to me.    That was sure useful of them.   

Here are the net results.      Truly an astounding amount of radiations at Fukushima.   Well, was at Fukushima, they "gifted" much of it to the world.  

Bq        Bq/M3
7.15E+18    Sr 90     10.83
7.15E+18    Y 90     10.83
2.38E+18    Zr 95     3.61
5.34E+18    Nb 95     8.09
1.87E+19    Ru 106     28.36
1.87E+19    Rh106     28.36
9.23E+18    Cs134     13.99
9.60E+18    Cs137     14.55
9.08E+18    Ba 137m     13.76
3.51E+19    Ce144     53.20
3.51E+19    Pr144     53.20
9.93E+18    Pm147     15.05
1.13E+19    Pu241     17.15
1.79E+20    Total of Major Isotopes    270.98

Arizonan, you may wish to look at the following and check out the radioactive waste discharged into the ocean:
The following comes from the above wikipedia link:
The countries involved — listed in order of total contributions measured in TBq (TBq=1012 Becquerel) — were the USSR, the UK, Switzerland, the US, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Japan, Sweden, Russia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy and South Korea. Together, they dumped a total of 85,100 TBq (85.1x1015Bq) of radioactive waste at over 100 ocean sites, as measured in initial radioactivity at the time of dump.
For comparison:
magnitude of radiation
Global fallout of nuclear weapon tests — 2,566,087x1015Bq.[4]
1986 Chernobyl disaster total release — 12,060x1015Bq.[5]
2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, estimated total aerial release — 11,346x1015Bq.[6]
Fukishima Daiichi nuclear plant cooling water dumped (leaked) to the sea — TEPCO estimate 4.7x1015Bq, Japanese Nuclear Safety Commission estimate 15x1015Bq,[7] French Nuclear Safety Committee estimate 27x1015Bq.[8]
Naturally occurring Potassium 40 in all oceans — 14,000,000x1015Bq.[9]
One container (net 400kg) of vitrified high-level radioactive waste has an average radioactivity of 4x1015Bq (Max 45x1015Bq).
However, I do wonder where the US was storing their waste; I would have thought they would have had a similar amount to Britain and possibly the Soviet Union.
Additional info to add to the spreadsheet later

§                                           Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the
Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant
Regarding133Xe, we find a total release of 15.3 EBq, which is more than twice as
high as the total release from Chernobyl and likely the largest
radioactive noble gas release in history
resulting in 50,000 mbq/m^3 air, up from 0.1mbq/m^3 background, or 500,000 times
There is strong evidence that the
133Xe release started
before the first active venting was made, possibly indicating
structural damage to reactor components (and SFP4) and/or leaks due to
overpressure which would have allowed early release of no-
ble gases. For 137Cs, the inversion results give a total emis-
sion of 36.6 (20.1–53.1) PBq,



  1. Actually these amounts are very small. For comparison, Fukushima's 270 Bq/m3 compares to 11000 Bq/m3 of naturally occuring K-40 alone. Granite rock typically contains around 2000000 Bq/m3 of naturally occuring radionuclides.

    This proves that nuclear is very safe. Despite all the mismanagements and badly designed plants, all this results in only a few percent increase in the feeble natural radioactivity of the ocean, which is thousands of times less than dirt.

    1. Oh just precious, BTW for red pill takers...Cyril states that it is just fine to send Japanese back into areas at 730mSv per year external, 14.6 Sv per year if it becomes internal.

      Cyril, you are using the "old banana lie" which falls on its face to any red pill taker. Potassium does not "bio accumulate" in it does not change dose at all.

      I have a banana smoothie every money, and think of the nuketards who miss out on a good thing because they live in fear of the Banana. I avoid potato chips for other reasons.

    2. It is not internal. It is external gamma, which is not multiplied by a factor of 20 when internal. It passes out of the body in a few months, so even if regularly ingested, it is still nothing.

      Even if we apply a factor of 20 for the ingested part, only 0.1% of the ingested will decay because it passes out of the body. So you increase dose rate by 2%. From 2 mSv/day to 2.01 mSv/day for example.

      There is no point in talking about yearly dose. This is like talking about yearly food or beverage consumption, it is just a way to conjure big numbers. The dose rate is per day because the body repair occurs on about 24 hour cycles.

      Potassium does not bioaccumulate. Neither does cesium. They are chemically similar. The old banana lie is also the old cesium lie.

    3. BS, most "regulations" are based on yearly dose. For instance, no nuke worker may receive more than 50 mSv in a year, and 250 mSv lifetime career.

      But you, in a most evil way say that the Japanese should suck up 30mSv in a single year....and that is if it all stays extermal. Much will become internal, with much more damage as a result.

      Potassium regulates on a daily basis, Cesium does not. There are still reindeer and boar in Europe far outside the exclusion zone that are at 400 Bq/kG.

      We don't accept lies here young lady

    4. Look at the decay daughters of 40K.

      They are Argon and Calcium. Looks fairly compatible with life forms on this planet for many magnitudes of millenia. That should be self-evident by now to "science".

      Can the same be said for other Un-Natural Radioactive Material such as that spewed and spewing from "Fukuppy" "Die-itchy" "Eunuchs" #1 through 6?

      No. How disappointing, eh?

    5. @Dud, yes the radiation whoremesis pimps are a very dissappointing example of the human race. They are so full of themselves because they have a little knowledge of "something you can't see" that there will rocket the human genome off a cliff. eff them.

  2. "They are Argon and Calcium. Looks fairly compatible with life forms on this planet for many magnitudes of millenia. That should be self-evident by now to "science"."

    About 4 kg of Cs-137 was released from Fukushima. This will convert to 4 kg of barium. This is about as toxic as a typical household's cleaning fluids and paints. Hardly an issue.

    About 0.04 kg of I-131 was released. This will convert to 0.04 kg of Xe-131 which is stable (not radioactive) and inert noble gas.

    Less than 0.01 kg of Sr-90 was released. This will convert to less than 0.01 kg of Y-90 which will convert to the same amount of stable zirconium, which is non toxic.

    1. Quote of Cyril R:: "4 kg of Cs-137"

      Prove it. Pinkening sky seems to say so. Otherwise, it's pie in the sky. lol

    2. @Dud, ya, almost 7000 lbs of CS and little Cyril thinks only 8 pounds got out. Seems like half of that 7000 went boom! And some burned

    3. Just a puff of chaff. I know. "Seniors must hurry up and die as they are costing the system money". Life; too cheap to meter. Sell out your friends, family; report a drunken dumb-ass driver. What would a time traveller &/or travelers from generations past, even pre-Cook/Columbus aboriginals, exclaim were they to be made aware of the condition the environmental condition was in, man??? Dud abides.

  3. " the radiation whoremesis pimps are a very dissappointing example of the human race. They are so full of themselves because they have a little knowledge of "something you can't see" that there will rocket the human genome off a cliff. eff them."

    Hormesis is well established, it is the norm. It occurs when you destroy muscle cells in sports. It occurs with taking poisonous chemicals such as aspirin and vitamin D, all very toxic in large amounts, but hormetic in smaller amounts. Extensive data is available, for example see:

    1. Aloha little Cyril,

      Pray tell, what is your specific regime to increase the amount of radiation you receive. Certainly if you are a true believer of whoremesis, you would not pass up this simple opportunity to improve your health.

    2. Let him or her continue whoremesays "theory".
      We may continue to practice precautionary principle.

      Whoremesays of potassium 40, plausible.
      Whoremesays of inhaled Pu/U (etc) disproven with dead beagles decades ago.

      Nice try though.

    3. @Dud, indeed, I have posted the "what is your radiation intake regimen?" at least 70 times on various blogs and have not received a single answer. I guess the true believers are not true whoremesis believers.

  4. "But you, in a most evil way say that the Japanese should suck up 30mSv in a single year....and that is if it all stays extermal. Much will become internal, with much more damage as a result. "

    As I've repeatedly proven, it does not become internal, it is external >99% if regularly ingested, and 100% if not ingested, depending on whether you eat local food or not.

    There is nothing evil about suggesting to look at real dose response in large populations, such as humans living in high background radiation areas that don't have bad health effects. It is evil, if you will, to continue to ignore such data just because it conflicts with your ideology so badly that you just can't swallow it.

    1. LOL "as I have repeatedly proven..." oh just precious, bordering on pyschopathetic.

      The lie of Ramsar by the whoremesis pimps is not true. They do indeed suffer much more disease.

    2. How many dead sailors amongst SS Ronald Reagen "Operation Tomodachi" flotilla (cargo/cruise ships) does it take?

      (sarc) Next, perhaps, Cyril may "reeducate" us about Stuxnet & "Fukuppy" a la Jim Stone. Seems to be an "expert". lol (/sarc)

    3. Where was that Eunuch 3 video of the explosion, sending Pu/U/et-al skyward? Looked inhalable to me.

    4. I wonder, if you in particular inhaled a fuel flea and had a 2 kG tumor in your head....would all the statistics in the world make you feel better considering dose response in "large populations"

      Nuclear is based on lies out of the gate.

    5. @Dud, ya, little Cyril is sure funny, she was spouting out about someone made a mistake and then she make three obvious and blatant mistakes in an attempt to rebut the other person. Wow, just wow. And the lap dog admins of the pronuke site instantly publish her stuff, whilst mine is "under reivew" for a day now. Funny

    6. You do what you do best, and let "them" get on with "important" things like "STAP cells" and other ilk. :)
      Thank you for responding, btw!

  5. Missing from inventory? Distinctly remember maps involving concentrations of such within year 1. I don't know the significance of such, yet it's immediate decay daughter caught my eye.

    1. Dud, not sure, this decays into Plutonium, but I never saw it as a part of fuel or spent inventory. Maybe because half life is 2.3 days....there is very little in spent fuel, it goes away quickly.

      I know I am missing Xenon, will revist when time allows.



      Boson, 93p 146n


      Spin 5/2 Parity 1

      Show Decay Modes

      Show Ultimate Decay Products

      Atomic Weight




      Mass Excess


      Binding Energy


      Magnetic Moment


      Quadrupole Moment


    2. Apologies, i should have checked back here sooner. Am not certain if this helps or no, yet "here goes".

      What follows is a one-page article on the emissions of Plutonium and Neptunium from Fukushima, based on data from TEPCO. [97] It includes a table with, for four unequal time slots, the Total Emissions of Pu-239 and Np- 239 as percentages and values in Bequerels. For the first 100 h, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, and Pu-241 together was 1.2 trillion Bq, and Np-239 was 76 trillion Bq. The two maps of Japan show the total concentrations of Pu-239 and Np-239 respectively. These show that all the Pu-239 and almost all the Np-239 were carried over the ocean. [98]"

  6. Given that one mole of anything represents 6.02e23 atoms, it doesnt seem that these values represent all that large a number.

    When people like stock sets up the problem such that people think he is an expert, but in reality, is not, it is a misdirection.

    Radiation in these amounts do not pose a human health hazard. Enough said.

  7. Unit 3 was not a criticality and did not undergo a nuclear explosion.

    1. "Legion" is back. Careful you don't catch "Legionnaires" disease. Netlh petaQ!

    2. No, it was much worse than that - it spread its fuel far and wide instead of burning it up. It was a 'dirty' detonation, an incomplete combustion, a failed fission... an artillery shell nuke leaves virtually no plutonium after detonation, while the Reactor 3 fairies sprinkled theirs over a huge area. Rainbows and butterflys, unicorns and cupcakes, daisychains and man made isotopes - Hoooray!


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