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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Nuclear is Dead -- Jerry Rifkin at Wermuth Asset Management

1) From a business perspective, it's over
2) Its been dead in the water since 3 miles island and Chernobyl
3) The claim is climate change, but nuke is only 6% of world power, and climate people say it would have to be 20% to have any substantial effect.
4) That would mean 1600 new plants, and replace 400 existing
5) That would be 3 new plants every month for 40 years to get to 20%, and by then climate change would have run its course
6) We have no way to deal with the waste
7) Recycling fuel, aka MOX leaves lots of plutonium around in an age of uncertainty and terrorism
8) Uranium is getting more scarce and 2025 to 2035 will see big shortages and thus high prices
9) We don't have the water.   In France 40% of all the fresh water in the country is needed just to cool the reactors, and that water comes out hot which further exasperates ecological problems.

 10) Plus the nuclear asshats have been lying through their teeth right out of the gate, its all based on lies to protect "their precious"


  1. I wonder what else "they" have been lying to us about recently.

    Watt's up wit 'dat?,89.46,283

    1. Seems like they insist on lying even if the truth is not harmful to their "cause"

    2. Could that detection of 25000 cpm on radiation network be related to:

  2. stock-bang on the money brother.

    1. Welcome Stax, thanks for signing up as a follower

  3. Economically Not-viable, banks won't finance, insurance co.s won't/can't insure, not enough money in world to mitigate mess/clean up, what to do with the waste? btw, are you the stock I see on enenews, I follow but have been unable to post, not that I know Jack anyway...what about WIPP ? I live near OKC, in Frackin$warm, Ok. I really worry about the Food, Air, and Water our grandchildren will/won't have

    1. Ya, I am ze stock.

      Read my stuff on WIPP, nothing has changed only been confirmed as predicted or even worse.

      These operators are Big Gov, big union, big cartel ASSHATS. they don't give shit about you, just their next review or bonus. If they fuck up, they get paid more to clean it up. Really pretty disgusting.

    2. T Y, stock, please keep us not quite dumbed down enough Okies informed. I think I recall a news report of a plume, no follow up...

    3. WIPP, Ukraine, take your pick plenty of plume to go around....Happy New Year!

  4. Capitalism-profit-based decisions by the tiny few owners is the reason these obvious problems GLOBALLY.Solution? Replace Capitalism & profit as basis of our national & global economy...transition thru Green & independent political platforms & elected representatives...displace private ownership of utilities & banks to begin with new laws to enable power to be put into the hands of the people locally & nationally...more co-op businesses...worker owned, managed, directed...defund war & military...and eventually popularly re-construct into a New Society, New Democracy, New True Commonweath!! PeopleForANewSociety.

    1. I am all for capitalism, with a set of evenly and consistently enforced and clearly written rule of law. Capitalism as implemented now is just corruption unleashed.

      Corporations are not people, and corporate leaders breaking the law are personally responsible for claim costs, and jail time.

      There fixed it

      Please don't say democracy and socialism in the same sentence, lol

      Happy New Year! stock out

  5. By the way, read Rifkin's book "The Zero Marginal Cost Society' for more info to round out interest in WHY we must transition into a new form of living & working together, a cooperative economy. These issues of less need for workers (why not fewer hours of work week at fully valued remuneration...we all share in the wealth we ALL produce...) the need to build clean, green, safe & renewable energy sources & disband the old filthy fuels, filthy cars & factories, useless & redundant throw-away production models....etc! The next 40 years we can build a new society, or choke & destroy ourselves trying to help save the old one. Democracy can work once the Sleeping Giant (ourselves, the 99%) just wake up to our own power to act sanely & peacefully & wisely. No more Duopoly pulling our strings? WHAT a thought! AT LEAST READ RIFKIN.

    1. OK bought Rifkin's book $12 used at Amazon, including shipping

  6. "...and that water comes out hot which further exasperates ecological problems."

    No, it "exacerbates" problem.s


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