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Friday, May 8, 2015

Nuclear Subsidies are 5.7 cents/kWH

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One of the NEW LIES in the playbook of the nukist is that nuke electricity generators should be given more money since they are "special" generators, couldn't have said it better myself, LOL.      They state that wind and solar PV get subsidies of 30% from the Fed, therefore nuke should be paid more.  

Hmmm...the average cost of electricity in the us is around 12 cents per kWH, but for nuke 5.7 cents of that is direct immediate and continuing subsidy (see the study below), neglecting of course the out years costs and waste "disposal".

That is 5.7 cents per kWH for every kWH that nuke makes throughout its lifetime.  
So nuclear electricity generation gets a continuous 47.5% subsidy.

However Solar PV gets a 30% subsidy from the Feds as a tax credit.   But wait this deserves a closer look.    That is a one time tax credit based on the construction cost of the Solar PV.

So on a small say residential scale of $20,000 invested for project cost, the Feds will cover $6,000 of that.        How much power will a $20,000 PV system make in it's lifetime.   Well being a CEM, and an expert in the field, I can tell you exactly how much.

Well the system will produce 301053 kWH in its 30 year life.      So at current PV project costs, solar PV gets a 1.9cent per kWH Fed incentive.      Funny how that is exactly 1/3 as big as the nuclear subsidy.

Nuclear gets a 300% larger subsidy than solar at this time.    As the cost of solar goes down, that subsidy in way of a tax credit will become even less on a relative basis to kWH produced.

As nuclear ages, its subsidies will become even higher.   

Chart by stock

With regard to subsidy related cost issues, the subsidies for new reactors from Appendix A, page 131 in this UCS paper come to 5.7 cents/kWh.

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies”:

Let’s contrast that with predictions that renewables will soon become competitive without subsidies, first from NREL:

“by 2025 wind and solar power electricity generation could become cost-competitive without federal subsidies, if new renewable energy development occurs in the most productive locations”:

And from former Energy Secretary Steven Chu:

“Before maybe the end of this decade, I see wind and solar being cost-competitive without subsidy with new fossil fuel”


  1. Seems these days I can read but am blocked from posting news from the trenches.
    Japanese shut out?
    Are you sure about ENE?
    Can I be sure about you?
    Weegokiburi ain't done yet.


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