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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Economics of Nuclear Shows It Is Completely Impossible In The Modern World, Yet Wallstreets Hit Men Still Push It

Just like the lies from Pandora's Promise (effectively an infomercial which pretending on the onset to be a documentary presenting a balanced view, even a bit negative on nuclear) the Motley Fool using a similar tactic in this article:

From the article
PRISM is a fast neutron reactor, which means it's capable of being fueled with used nuclear fuel and can generate up to 100x more power from plutonium than traditional reactors. General Electric is hoping the capability helps it to deploy the advanced reactor at existing nuclear sites (to dispose of nuclear waste stored onsite) and plutonium storage facilities (to safely dispose of plutonium stockpiles). Investors may see the first PRISM -- or SMR, for that matter -- deployed in the United Kingdom sometime in the 2020s to consume the nation's relatively large plutonium stockpiles and create enough energy to fuel the country for 100 years.
Not a single mention of the incredible danger of nuclear just through normal operations and through disasters.    There have been over 100 serious accidents with nuclear, but yet they  tell us....just wait the next brand new technology will be safe.

Oh sheesh, just what we need....frisky nuetrons. 

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A single nuclear plant can kill a country.   And there is no solution for the waste.    And trying to burn plutonium with its extra zealous neutrons can result in an explosion like Fukushima 3 and 4, both were using MOX, Plutonium enriched fuel. 

Quick reality check here.    Kewaunee was shut down on economics, that plant was purchased for $200M in 2004.  Kewaunee was selling into a retail environment in Wisconsin of 14 cents per kWH.

Vogtle in Georgia, under construction, will cost $16,000 M.     80 times more than Kewaunee.   Yet it will have to compete is a rate environment of 8 cents per KWH.

Does this even need any more consideration?
And the nuclear promotion NEI is complaining to Wall Street, check out some of their disgusting bleats.
But Fertel wasn’t done. He blamed the problem on, who else, us anti-nuclear groups. As Northey reports, “‘I think there are anti-nuclear groups–and I look at them the same way as I look at companies, they’re a business,” Fertel said. “Some of them are very idealistic, but fundamentally they’re trying to raise funds.'”
Yes, that’s why we’re anti-nuclear, because we just want to raise a lot of money from all those incredibly wealthy anti-nukers out there to pay for our south Pacific vacations and the new Teslas in our driveways. We wish. It’s true we have to raise funds to survive and do our work. But as anyone who has taken even a cursory look at our, or any other anti-nuclear group’s finances, knows–we ain’t in it for the money.

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