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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Radiation Kill Whales by Killing Their Krill, Bees, Mushrooms, Fungus, Flies

I posted this comment on "The Big Story", lets see if it makes it through moderation.
Radiation kills Krill, it destroys Chitin, an important biological structure which is present in all the species hardest hit with mass die-offs, or species that feed on Chitin users.

Scientific Proof is here. Chitin is a magnet, a sponge for radiation.


  1. I guess you can forget about oil slicks, pesticides, garbage from any freighter. You know why Lake Pontchartrain is murky? I can see it from my hotel room.


    Learn how they play a role to topple your thesis.

    1. Your generation created this toxic environment. Shame on you.

      And then pretending that "there are lots of toxins, therefore, ignore us as we load the environment with heavy metals and radiation."

      Shame shame

    2. Its not toxic at the levels you complain about. Look around you. Hatred is the real toxic soup. Im going about my business to make a better world.

    3. Its not toxic at the levels you complain about. Look around you. Hatred is the real toxic soup. Im going about my business to make a better world.

    4. I bet you are an Obama supporter? Please answer that. He likes solar

  2. It simply IS toxic at these levels you complain about us complaining about... chernobyl heart

  3. Dr. Chris Busby (depicted in video above) posts videos on YouTube which endorse the claims of Deborah Tavares.

    But, there are things about Deborah Tavares that he should know. Most of what she claims is simply not true. See proof below.

    I thought that he should know.



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