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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

To Vote or Not to Vote, Will It Matter Or Will The Monkey Brain Still Destroy the Environment?

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”—Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union

No, America, you don’t have to vote.

In fact, vote or don’t vote, the police state will continue to trample us underfoot.

Devil or deliverer, the candidate who wins the White House has already made a Faustian bargain to keep the police state in power. It’s no longer a question of which party will usher in totalitarianism but when the final hammer will fall.

Sure we’re being given choices, but the differences between the candidates are purely cosmetic ones, lacking any real nutritional value for the nation. We’re being served a poisoned feast whose aftereffects will leave us in turmoil for years to come.

We’ve been here before.

Remember Barack Obama, the young candidate who campaigned on a message of hope, change and transparency, and promised an end to war and surveillance?
Look how well that turned out.

Under Obama, government whistleblowers are routinely prosecuted, U.S. arms sales have skyrocketed, police militarization has accelerated, and surveillance has become widespread. The U.S. government is literally arming the world, while bombing the heck out of the planet. And while they’re at it, the government is bringing the wars abroad home, transforming American communities into shell-shocked battlefields where the Constitution provides little in the way of protection.
to be continued…

  • or-well or-well
    Yes, we’re worse off now than we were eight years ago.

    We’re being subjected to more government surveillance, more police abuse, more SWAT team raids, more roadside strip searches, more censorship, more prison time, more egregious laws, more endless wars, more invasive technology, more militarization, more injustice, more corruption, more cronyism, more graft, more lies, and more of everything that has turned the American dream into the American nightmare.

    What we’re not getting more of: elected officials who actually represent us.
    The American people are being guilted, bullied, pressured, cajoled, intimidated, terrorized and browbeaten into voting. We’re constantly told to vote because it’s your so-called civic duty, because you have no right to complain about the government unless you vote, because every vote counts, because we must present a unified front, because the future of the nation depends on it, because God compels us to do so, because by not voting you are in fact voting, because the “other” candidate must be defeated at all costs, or because the future of the Supreme Court rests in the balance.

    Nothing in the Constitution requires that you vote.

    You are under no moral obligation to vote for the lesser of two evils. Indeed, voting for a lesser evil is still voting for evil.
  • or-well or-well
    Whether or not you cast your vote in this year’s presidential election, you have every right to kvetch, complain and criticize the government when it falls short of your expectations. After all, you are overtaxed so the government can continue to operate corruptly.

    If you want to boo, boycott, picket, protest and altogether reject a corrupt political system that has failed you abysmally, more power to you. I’ll take an irate, engaged, informed, outraged American any day over an apathetic, constitutionally illiterate citizenry that is content to be diverted, distracted and directed.

    Whether you vote or don’t vote doesn’t really matter.

    What matters is what else you’re doing to push back against government incompetence, abuse, corruption, graft, fraud and cronyism.

    Don’t be fooled into thinking that the only road to reform is through the ballot box.
    After all, there is more to citizenship than the act of casting a ballot for someone who, once elected, will march in lockstep with the dictates of the powers-that-be.

    Yet as long as Americans are content to let politicians, war hawks and Corporate America run the country, the police state will prevail, no matter which candidate wins on Election Day.
    In other words, it doesn’t matter who sits in the White House, who controls the two houses of Congress, or who gets appointed to the Supreme Court: only those who are prepared to cozy up to the powers-that-be will have any real impact.

  • or-well or-well
    As Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges points out:

    The predatory financial institutions on Wall Street will trash the economy and loot the U.S. Treasury on the way to another economic collapse whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is president.


    Money will replace the vote whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton is president. And half the country, which now lives in poverty, will remain in misery whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton becomes president.

    This is not speculation. We know this because there has been total continuity on every issue, from trade agreements to war to mass deportations, between the Bush administration and the administration of Barack Obama.

    In other words, voting is not the answer.


    "..The more you have the more you want.." theory so far not disproven by reality..they have it All and now they start organized stealing the rope to safety from drowning people sort of speak..there is no choice for humanity to put a ceiling of maximum amount of concentrated wealth allowed in one package...
    The dangerous insanity that can be observed in the owners of too much..indicates no body can be trusted with that drug..the rush of a too exquisite power-trip..allowing the ant/human distance feeling of bankers in any individual..playing monopoly...
    Is humanity begging on its knees to be exterminated for how long now..its a miracle we're still here..I suggest we use the opportunity to figure out a figure all and our biosphere can live with..and how much economy need to scale back to allow a planetary bio-preservation-restoration move to succeed...
    That's what there is to how many humans are t… etc..greed always blocked sensitive talk about all these problems..I say too much a dose of power aka "exclusive opportunities" and that humans psyche is destroyed by it..and we became ants..and the planet was doomed..
    And even if it is already too late for biological life as we know it..i wish we could re-find our dignity before the lights go out..but instead of getting serious about what kind of risk-taking behavior death-spiral mankind has gone with the algorithm of greed as a system of living..that has the curse in itself to become a drug on the psyche..and exponential more so the more it gets rewarded/reinforced with success..on a biological the rush a wolf gets after rankle when it climbs sort of thing..genes law stuff in a balance..its biological..but we made , with money and all , suddenly everything above what you need from your available resources became exchangeable material wealth and power , a human drug that leads by the corruption of more greed to genocidal behavior in the end , so concentrated and artificial it became like liquid and more..the wolf longer contained in a balance.."drinkable" by a click of a computer law unregulated and therefore by definition infinite/UnStoppable amounts of obeyed and needed by all symbolic numbers growing on bank accounts that are already soo far behind what a family could need to live with dignity..that stealing from the population can be nothing more then for the extra kick of feeding and all consuming want..still growing faster..feeding does less and less matters where it comes from..

    DUDe DUDe
    Greed has become a black hole for these people..celebrating warprofits and the cattle-milking profits and destruction of a planet profits became..with different names..innocent and just….we need to protect everybody and themselves from that..a ceiling..a more humble way of celebrating being alive is in

    How about 50 or 100 million dollars max pro head globally and no human artificial you are sure it keeps its value reality it will connect with the global state of renewable resources..our doing, our choice..doable ? Dignity..?
    Instead of lying to ourselves and pushing by vote for more wars , terrorists , pollution and extinction ?
    Even if its too late..i would like to see us creativity could be triggered among our youngsters..

    (NaturalNews) After witnessing how Reuters just blatantly cooked the presidential election polls this week to favor Clinton and how the mainstream media is so terrifyingly biased in favor of Clinton that the very foundation of democracy is now in crisis, it’s time to tell you something that perhaps a lot more people are finally ready to hear:


    Every institution in America is sold out, corrupted and politically rigged to favor Big Government and Big Business. “America is a lost country,”explains Paul Craig Roberts. “The total corruption of every public and the private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies.”

    CNN, Reuters and the Associated Press are all now shameless promoters of every big lie across every sector of society, from vaccines and GMOs to elections and politics. The federal government itself is incapable of doing anything other than lying, and it has totally corrupted the entire realm of science by pulling the strings of funding via the National Institutes of Health and the NSF.

    The FDA is entirely corrupt, as is the USDA. Both function now as little more than marketing propaganda pushers for Big Pharma and Big Biotech. Similarly, Google, Facebook and Twitter are all rigged, too, censoring the voices they don’t want anyone to hear while highlighting the establishment lies they wish to promote.

    Here’s what “rigged” really means… the tools of tyranny

    When I say “everything is rigged,” what does that mean, exactly?
    • All “official sources” are ordered to constantly lie about everything, weaving illusions to push a chosen narrative rooted in fiction (from “there are no Islamic terrorists” to “carbon dioxide is poison to the planet”).

    • All voices of reason and sanity are silenced. Only the most insane, irrational voices are allowed to be magnified through any media (including social media). This is also true across the sciences, where real science has been all but snuffed out by political agendas (biosludge, GMOs, glyphosphate, mercury in dentistry, etc.).

    • All facts are obliterated by propaganda. Facts have no place in any debate, and those who invoke facts are shamed and silenced (or even fired from their jobs, expelled from their schools or bullied into a state of suicide on social media). Anyone who invokes facts on things like the actual statistics of police shootings is told they are “part of the problem” because they have the “wrong attitude” about social justice.

    • Every branch of government is weaponized against the people and used as an assault tool against political enemies who threaten the status quo. (IRS, FDA, FTC, DEA, EPA, USDA, etc.)

    • All science is distorted into absurd, politically-motivated conclusions about everything the government wants to use to control the masses: Vaccines, climate change, GMOs, fluoride, flu shots, chemical agriculture, carbon dioxide and so on.

    • Every branch of medicine is hijacked by globalist agendas to make sure medicine never makes anyone healthier, more alert or more cognitively capable of thinking for themselves.

    • Every “news item” that’s reported from any official source is deliberately distorted to the point of insanity, turning many facts on their heads while attacking anyone who might offer something truly constructive to the world. (Such as reporting that Clinton was “cleared” by the FBI when, in fact, she was indicted by the very facts the FBI presented!)

    • All voices of truth are silenced, then replaced by meaningless, distracting babble (Kardashians) or meaningless, tribal sports competitions (the Rio Olympics). The point is to dumb down the entire population to the point of cultural lunacy.

    • Any true reports that contradict any official narrative are immediately censored. For example, radio host Michael Savage just got blocked by Facebook for posting a true story about an illegal alien who committed murder in America.

    • Emotions are used as weapons to manipulate the masses. For example, when the mom of a Benghazi victim shares her grief with the world, she is ridiculed and shamed. But when a radical Muslim father who’s trying to bring Sharia Law to America attacks Trump by expressing his loss of his soldier son, the media turns him into an instant celebrity, praising his “courageous voice” for daring to speak out. The media hypocrisy is enough to make you vomit…

    What exactly is rigged?

    • The entire mainstream media
    • Google search engine and Google News
    • Facebook and Twitter
    • The DNC and the RNC (both 100% rigged by globalists)
    • Every federal agency (EPA, FDA, etc.)
    • The entire justice system (makes a total farce of real justice)
    • Interest rates and the value of the money supply (central banksters)
    • Academia (all public universities)
    • EPA’s “safe” limits on pesticides (all rigged by Big Biotech)
    • Food and food labeling (all run by corrupt food companies)
    • Public education (rigged into Common Core anti-knowledge idiocy)
    • Banking and finance (all controlled by globalists)
    • Government economics figures and statistics
    • Medicine and pharmaceuticals (rigged to maximize profits)
    • Big Science (totally rigged by government agenda pushers)
    • The music industry (most top singers can’t sing at all)
    • Weapons manufacturers and war corporations
    • The illegal drug trade (it’s run by the government)
    • Political elections (all 100% rigged at the federal level)
    • Political polls (now rigged by Reuters, too)
    • The health insurance industry (rigged by Obamacare)
    • College admissions (legally discriminates against Whites and Asians)
    • 9/11 and domestic terrorism (all rigged “official stories”)
    • Oil and energy industries
    • The rule of law (rigged in favor of the rich and powerful)
    • Infectious disease and the CDC (a constant stream of lies)
    • Hollywood (all run by globalists)
    • Climate change science (all a grand science hoax)
    • Press release services (they only allow official narratives)
    • History (what you are taught is mostly a lie)
    • Government grants (only given out to those who further the agenda)
    • Government bids (only awarded to those who kick back funds to corrupt officials)
    • Consciousness and free will (we are all taught consciousness doesn’t exist)
    • Ethnobotany (medicinal and spiritual use of healing plants)
    • Life on other plants (the obvious truth is kept from us all)
    • The origin of the universe (the official narrative is a laughable fairy tale)
    As a fantastic example of how everything is rigged, consider these paragraphs from this news story published today:

    Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

    But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

    America’s transformation into Communist China is nearly complete

    If you’re pondering where all this is headed, look no further than Communist China, where all independent news has been outlawed by the state. Political prisoners across China have their organs harvested to enrich black market organ traders, and nearly one out of every three urban citizens is a secret spy who snitches on friends for the totalitarian communist government.
    Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of Communist Chinese totalitarianism. She’s such a perfect fit for their disastrous model of human rights abuses, government corruption and systemic criminality that I’m surprised she doesn’t live in Beijing. If Clinton gets elected, America is gone forever, replaced by a criminal regime of totalitarians who violate the RICO Act as a matter of policy.
    If this entire rigged system of biased media, Facebook censorship, Google search result manipulations and twisted science ends up putting America’s most terrifying political criminal into the White House, it’s lights out for the American we once knew. Almost immediately, the nation fractures into near Civil War, with calls for secession growing unstoppable as state after state seeks to escape the political wrath of an insane regime of D.C. criminals and tyrants. #TEXIT

    We now live in two Americas: Half the country is tired of everything being rigged, and the other half can’t wait to be exploited by yet another crooked leftist LIAR who rigs everything

    America is now essentially two nations. On one hand, we have the pro-Trump America, filled with people who are tired of being cheated, censored, punished, stolen from and lied to about everything under the sun. Donald Trump supporters are people who realize everything is rigged… and they’re demanding an end to the corruption and criminality of the fascist system under which we all suffer today.
    Hillary Clinton supporters are people who are too busy chasing political rainbows to realize everything is rigged. They still believe the lies and the propaganda (the “hope and change” that never came, but is still promised by empty politicians). They’re living in fairy tale delusional worlds that have been woven into their gullible minds by the skillful social engineers of the radical left. These people still think the government cares about them… or that CNN only reports truthful news. They can’t wait to see another globalist in the White House because they are pathetic, weak-minded empty shells of non-consciousness who are wholly incapable of thinking for themselves.
    These two camps of Americans can no longer coexist. They have almost nothing in common when it comes to knowledge, wisdom, ethics, morals or philosophy. One camp believes in the rule of law (Trump); the other camp believes that people in power should be above the law (Clinton). One camp believes in states’ rights and individual liberty (Trump) while the other camp believes in the consolidation of totalitarian power in the hands of a centralized, domineering government (Clinton). One camp believes in a level playing field, free market competition and rewarding innovation and hard work (Trump), while the other camp believes in free handouts, government “equality” mandates, and the ludicrous idea that “there should be no winners or losers in society.” (Clinton)
    In other to try to win this election, the Clinton camp has already rigged EVERYTHING from the very start, including the coronation of Hillary, the scheduling of televised debates to minimize their viewership, the surrender of Bernie Sanders to the DNC machine, the mass organization of illegal voting schemes to make sure illegal aliens vote in November, and so much more. No doubt they’re also working extremely hard to rig the black box voting machines all across the country.
    If you’re tired of everything being rigged, this November vote against the rigged system by voting for Donald Trump. This is truly your last chance to save America from being overthrown by a totalitarian regime of criminals who will crush every last iota of freedom and liberty in America.


  1. There is a choice. Dr Jill Stein. Fed up with the useless two-party system? Vote for Jill. Turn the system upside down for once.

    1. Twitter "pretended" that they were suspending my account due to unauthorized access attempt, the week after I started pounding on HIllary. 8 contacts with them....just stupid vacuous excuses of why they can't "email me to reset" even though they obviously can.

    2. I used to have fairly regular issues with unauthorized access, but twitter never tried to suspend me over it, that's odd. got third party apps authorized? dump those, make your password complicated & change it often. did you know the white house hired a twitter attorney several years back?

    3. See ratfar.ers, nuclear is the least of your worries. Ive been telling you this for 5 years. Now you know your efforts were futile.

      What do you want? Some society that resembles a post Mars Attacks where Lucas Haas says on the steps of the apitol "Maybe we can all live in teepees"

      No thanks

      The world is a dangerous place because of the worse side of human nature

      And you cant change human nature

    4. hey Lucey, you brilliantly explained why humans and nuclear should not be mixed on the planet. Played right into my hands.

  2. This like something out of an SNL skit: "Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of Communist Chinese totalitarianism. She’s such a perfect fit for their disastrous model of human rights abuses, government corruption and systemic criminality that I’m surprised she doesn’t live in Beijing". Ohh man!, I'm laughing so hard may eyes are watered up and I'm having trouble seeing right now. Thanks for that Stock, it feels frickin good!

    I'd like to reflect on what a Zen Master would say, "we shall see". Sometimes our darkest hour can be victorious. A little something I've been working on for a long time, 'the legitimacy of our moral morale'. Something positive for all on this planet who truly love our home and sir, there is a lot of us. I hope this brings some light to peace of mind.

    1. Cool website.

      Ya der eh, always darkest before the dawn. TIPP it.

    2. Bengazi was only the beginning.

    3. Bengazi was only the beginning.


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