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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fitzpatrick Nuclear Plant Leaking Radioactive Oil Into The Great Lakes

 stock here: The Fitzpatrick Nuke Plant is at the Epi-Center of corruption of Gov Cuomo in New York.

They are going to steal $8B from the citizens to give to the nuclear industry, and "save" Fitzpatrick nuke plant.    But Fitzpatrick is old and not aging well.    Now it is leaking, no coverup possible, into the Great Lakes.


Scriba, NY — US Coast Gaurd officials have cordoned off a portion of Lake Ontario this week, after aerial spotters found a visible “sheen” that is coming from a nuclear power plant in upstate New York.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary aircrew first noticed the sheen on Sunday. Shortly after, a boat crew from the Oswego station tested the sheen and a “temporary safety zone” was put in place.
The Free Thought Project spoke to the Coast Guard Sector Buffalo Command Center on Tuesday and confirmed that the zone was still closed off, and there is no information as to when it will reopen.

The oil sheen is said to be coming from the vent for the hydrogen seal system of the Fitzpatrick plant is in Scriba, New York, approximately 10 miles northeast of Oswego.


  1. Europe is Green Party mad, and zero population growtn.

    1. Seriously? You place that comment on this article?

    2. You think Fitzpatrick nuclear is a threat? Thats grasping at straws.

  2. Good morning sunshine, it's good news week. Let's help our fresh water even more. Braidwood Nuclear Power Station in Braceville, Ill. Braidwood has leaked more than six million gallons of tritium-laden water in repeated leaks dating back to the 1990s but not publicly reported until 2005.

    The ultimate element hacker Tritium, replacing one of it's own Hydrogen elements with water's H and becoming water. I can't filter this out at home even if I wanted to. One benefit is your coffee stays warmer longer!

    1. Yep coverups and lies, SOP for the nuclear cartel.

    2. Radiation levels are not measured in terms of gallons, but Curies. Its first year nuclear science. Man you had your shot and blew it. Duderstadt, a nuclear engineer signed your diploma. Priceless.

    3. Are you drinking again? Lucey, you are responding to Brewer but your subject matter of U Mich Engineering is referencing me. hmmmm

    4. Responded to both you guys. Didnt want to double post.


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