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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Radiation does not "JUST" cause cancer, it is a broad spectrum poison

One of the classic lies of nuke, it that radiation "only" causes cancer. In reality it causes many diseases directly, and works with other weaknesses to create diseases. It is "synergistic" one could say, in an evil way.

 From Mack at ENENEWS--

And it’s not just cancers of the breast, thyroid, liver, pancreas, colon, brain, lung, testes, ovaries, skin, esophagus, blood, etc. that can be caused by manmade nuclear radiation.

It’s also:
  1. Heart disease . 
  2. Respiratory Problems
  3. Stroke
  4. Pneumonia
  5. Increased susceptibility to viruses, bacteria, etc.
  6. Diabetes
  7. Circulatory problems
  8. Blood disorders, i.e., neutropenia, leukemia
  9. Thyroid problems
  10. Skin problems
  11. Stomach problems
  12. Birth defects
  13. Stillborn
  14. Miscarriages
  15. Cataracts
  16. Rashes
  17. Fatigue, dizziness
  18. Hearing loss
  19. Memory loss
  20. Cognitive problems
  21. Joint/Cartilage problems
  22. And more… 
If you listen to the pronukers, however, you may immediately develop a banana phobia, which may be cured by watching the following humorous video first seen on AGreenRoad blog.


  1. Speaking of poisins, does smoke from forest fire represent an additional hazard to the immediate danger of smoke toxicity for those with heart conditions, pregnant ladies, those with respiratory illness ,etc?
    If so, how would be best to word a warning without risking causing fear or panic or pissing off authorities (i hate it when they get all wordcraft legal)?

    Grande Prairie, Al, Canada looks a little high in beta right now at a (measured?) 46cpm. Now current 50cpm (Average 47).
    Coeur d'Alene, ID, US is 128cpm (Average 133 - Last updated: 2014-07-19 04:29:33 GMT+0000).

    Surrounding stations appear quiet to me, but haven't yet delved deeper.

    I have no access to netc data (et al), so i cannot tell you how that is historically.
    Those (or that) elevated reading appears to coincide somewhat with smoke maps here -->

    I don't know what danger PM2.5 @ 300+ ug/m3 represents with or without re-release fuku-goo (et al from 60+yrs). But looking at the forcast, Saturday is going to be deadly for some.

    Hoping most at-risk people already have hepa/activated charcoal respirator masks.
    Don't know if hope is enough, and am concerned, now that i actually have some awareness of what harm radioactive contamination can do.

    It looks like netc should be lighting up like a Christmas tree soon and i fear for people. I was sitting here after seeing more of those "bluesky" maps.

    Am hoping this only affects mostly unpopulated areas.

    (What would Ontological think about that name? Will smoke put any damper on his efforts, or stimulate??)

  2. Maybe i'm off my rocker about any kind of warning. Neither i (nor my family by extension) can afford to risk any spectacle.

    Yet i do see that Calgary, Alberta is going to be rather smoggy from midnight on, it would appear.

    There are, according to Wikipedia, an urban population of 1,095,404 and a rural population of 1,214,839. Then there's a good portion of southern Alberta that appear affected. Also involved are parts of Eastern Washington State, Northern Idaho, and parts of Montana.
    I have no clue if this impacts the Eastern half of the continent, yet after having our smog here blamed upon forest fires in Siberia (2011), i cannot ignore the possibility.

    If Yellowknife, Fort McMurray, and the rest of the oil patch cannot figure out that it is important to monitor atmospheric radiotoxins in addition to other toxins, then i pity the populace.

    [OT] When will OSHA be allowed to regulate radiotoxins in the workplace, at least in Canada? When will we be allowed to "open our eyes" to minimize danger in reality instead of closing our eyes by minimized "press release"? [/OT] hasn't posted any new message since May 30th. They seem to lack stations in key areas for tomorrow, not that netc has any great abundance either. :disappointed

    Don't know what EPA has (shut down) today for data. (should be called HEPA, only 3000ppm of info gets public?)

  3. d'oh, be aware i have been quoting Pacific Daylight Time above. Thank you.

  4. Here's a map for Eastern Canada -->
    Fire maps for USA -->
    *** U.S. Air Quality - The Smog Blog -->
    (MODIS data, also base for Canadian bluesky maps, iirc)
    Satellite Images -->

    Thanks to CBC for most of those links. From article -->

    Fire Danger ratings in BC (Bring Cash) -->

    From the Western Canada map, it would appear Southern Alberta's smoke is somewhat cyclical. It appears to be thickest overnight, while most people are indoors sleeping, at least until 4am Sunday where i see no data.

    The Google Earth link may work for you (side effect of my linux live disc use is no permanence & no Goggle Earth). It appears to be for Friday, July 18, 2014, 15:35 PDT

    *** Quote: "July 18, 2014" - "The area of these high AQIs correspond to the aforementioned wildfires, and has been the case for quite some time, the plume is affecting the air quality in the northern US and most of Canada with not a lot of change in sight."

  5. IDK if there be a relationship between smoke & readings, especially based only upon momentary readings via two stations that may or not be historically average.

    Bighting my tongue somewhat for now, to ensure am not generating "harmful" rumor.

    Got it to "the geek", whom may or may not already have been tracking this. :)

    August appears to be shaping up to be hot, damn hot.


  6. Damn, i missed this before.

    Calgary Air Quality index -->

    fri 4pm forecast max. rated @ 4 (out of 10), or "moderate risk". (why couldn't they have added a seperate "rad" index renamed so nobody knew what the f. it was to prevent panic??? D'OH!!!)

    I wonder if the forecast & Terra/MODIS data agree.

    1. Update to "I wonder if forecast & Terra/MODIS data agree."

      It certainly didn't this weekend.
      Winds shifted to the East, which might not have been surprising considering the weakness in onland surface air currents at the time. It was very thankfully a non-event, at least here in the Fraser Valley.

      There was some smoky thunderhead (cumulonimbus) cloud Friday night.

      *** I've drifted too far off-topic here, so deleted rest of comment. Apologies to admin & readership. Wildfire smoke & the chemically toxic, mutogenic, tetrogenic & especially carcinogenic properties of radiologicals has a loose link. I didn't really know where to discuss this at first, so i'll stop for now.

  7. Sidebar, your honor.

    Quote: "In a study published in July 2014, a team of scientists led by a researcher from the Desert Research Institute announced they had a discovered a new type of soot particle produced by wildfires. The particles, called “superaggregates,” are on average ten times longer and have a more compact shape than conventional soot particles from vehicles and cook stoves. Their distinctive shape means they likely have a more potent warming effect on the climate than other types of soot.

    “We found that superaggregates contribute up to 90-percent more warming than spherical sub-micrometer soot particles, which current climate models use,” said the study’s lead author, Rajan Chakrabarty. “These preliminary findings warrant further research to quantify the significant impact these particles may have on climate, human health, and air pollution around the world.”"

    Not going for climate change, just looking at potential modification to weather during wildfire season.

    Over to you.

  8. "Red flag" air quality warnings for Eastern Washington State.

  9. It would appear that forest fire danger in British Columbia, Canada has bee reduced due to rains over the past two days.
    Wish i could review my past commentary on this article, but they appear to not have made it out of moderation yet.

    Title: "Distribution of radiocesium and stable elements within a pine tree"
    By: Yoshida S, Watanabe M, Suzuki A.
    Quote: "The youngest needles and branches contained higher (137)Cs and stable Cs than older ones."

  10. Wildfire smoke impending about midnight tonight for Fraser Valley, including Vancouver.
    Am satisfied simply warning about smoke & not speculating about radiocontaminant content. Prevention of breathing wildfire smoke should prevent respiration of airborne radiocontaminants, should it not?

    Here is a repost of some of what i typed in to the "scroll" @ FD:

    Quote: "Forest fuels are very dry and the fire risk is serious. New fires may start easily, burn vigorously, and challenge fire suppression efforts. Extreme caution must be used in any forest activities. Open burning and industrial activities may be restricted."
    2 Aug 14, 04:01 AM
    Dud: Quote: "When thunder roars ... head indoors!" "Quand le tonnerre gronde ... rentrez vite!"
    2 Aug 14, 03:50 AM
    Dud: A gentle reminder for Fraser Valley, BC readers. Forest fire smoke from Washington State is predicted to move into the valley including Vancouver starting approximately midnight tonight. Those that are pregnant, elderly, suffer heart disease, respiratory illness such as Asthma and others at risk, including the immune-system compromised and children - reduce your exposure to smoke. See the section titled "Specific strategies to reduce smoke exposure". I'll be running my furnace on it's "air recirculation" or "summer" setting until smoke advisories are lifted.
    2 Aug 14, 03:49 AM
    Dud: Quote: "The effects of smoke range from eye and respiratory tract irritation to more serious disorders, including reduced lung function, bronchitis, exacerbation of asthma, and premature death. Studies have found that fine particles are linked (alone or with other pollutants) with increased mortality and aggravation of pre-existing respiratory and cardiovascular disease. In addition, particles are respiratory irritants, and exposures to high concentrations of particulate matter can cause persistent cough, phlegm, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Particles can also affect healthy people, causing respiratory symptoms, transient reductions in lung function, and pulmonary inflammation. Particulate matter can also affect the body’s immune system and the physiological mechanisms that remove inhaled foreign materials from the lungs, such as pollen and bacteria. As noted earlier, particulate matter exposure is the principal public health threat from short-term exposures to wildfire smoke."
    2 Aug 14, 03:45 AM
    Dud: Quote: "Particles from smoke tend to be very small, with a size range near the wavelength of visible light (0.4 – 0.7 micrometers), and are therefore nearly completely within the fine particle (PM 2.5 ) fraction. Thus, smoke particles efficiently scatter light and reduce visibility. Moreover, such small particles can be inhaled into the deepest recesses of the lung and may represent a greater health concern than larger particles."

  11. The Seattle area and NorthWest Washington are predicted to receive at least some smoke tomorrow. It should be much thicker in NW WA compared to Seattle though.

    Thank you, stock.

  12. My warning was a botch job.
    We received no smoke, thankfully.

    However; since i was wrong, i must modify what i do.

    Am content to simply pass along wildfire smoke information to educate, along with links to smoke prediction maps. However; so far am missing smoke predictions for other areas than simply the land of Candu.


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