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Monday, April 13, 2015

Fukushima Poison Suffocated the Dolphins, Oh My

Two readers posted relevant links

  • Posting this radionuclide effect on lungs again 'cuz it sort of got lost on previous page. Seems pretty much pinning it down to me. Poor dolphins and other air breathers too. :(
    Excerpt from one part of the studies:
    >Differential broncho spirometry in man has shown that the percent of oxygen uptake of one lung, which is a measure of the percent of pulmonary blood flow to that lung, correlates closely with the fraction of radioactive particles in that lung (10). It has also been shown that radioactive particles and labeled red cells undergo a nearly identical distribution in the lung (11). Our results confirm the finding that radiation injury causes pulmonary ischemia. They indicate that the degree of ischemia is influenced both by the duration of survival following irradiation magnitude of the radiation dose. Our observations were made over a 10-month interval, which is about half the life span of the Swiss mouse. We did not observe evidence or reversal of the intensity of ischemia. Therefore we conclude that the process is irreversible although further studies through an entire life span would be required to establish this point irrefutably. <Necropsies of more than a dozen of the mammals revealed ischemia of the lungs. On-site techs report that the dolphin's lungs were white. Ischemia is inflammation and constriction of the vascular system. There was no blood supply reaching the organs; these animals suffocated in their home environment. Mass stranding are up worldwide [see google]. Previous research shows this outcome is predicted when mammals are exposed to ionizing radiation.


    The below from "Lots wife"

    Necropsies of more than a dozen of the mammals revealed ischemia of the lungs. On-site techs report that the dolphin's lungs were white. Ischemia is inflammation and constriction of the vascular system. There was no blood supply reaching the organs; these animals suffocated in their home environment. Mass stranding are up worldwide [see google]. Previous research shows this outcome is predicted when mammals are exposed to ionizing radiation.

    > [humans] exchange only about 10-15% of the air in our lungs with every breath, while whales exchange about 80 to 90%. They also have a very quick gas exchange. This short window of time at the surface also requires the whales to have extremely efficient breaths. This is possible because their lungs have a large surface area to rapidly exchange gases. This surface area comes from all of the small alveolar sacs in the lungs at the end of the larger airways that come in contact with the fresh oxygen.

    Hot Tuna?

    It's spring in Ester, Alaska and bears are on the move. They're unpredictable and no one wants to be surprised in the dooryard. When bears are spotted, neighbors call each other and the post office, where the alert goes up on the community wall. 

    In Caloundra, Queensland, Australia risks to life and limb don't arrive on four legs. It's radiation from Fukushima's wreckage that is tracked and measured by a neighborhood organization. Originally devised as a computer club to help people make use of the technology, one of its members applied its resources to monitoring radiation in air, rain and food.

    If you want more information about the risks associated with contact or ingestion of the shit that's boiling out of Fukushima, the Sunshine Coast Computer Club, Inc. [SCCC] presents data the USG denies. Informed consumers of the nitrogen/oxygen mix our lungs draw [adults at rest 12-20/min., infants to 6 wks 30-60/min.] have expectations of safety until declared otherwise. 

    Welcome to dashed expectations. The feds have been lying to the world about the impact of Fukushima's multiple and ongoing meltdowns. Big-time lies. Go-to-jail lies.

    Staff at the EPA, NRC, FDA, CDC, who know the reality of the event's global reach, are sitting on their brains, hoping it's not as bad as the detection units reveal. The Aussies in Caloundra present data that contradicts the hollow assurances from USG authorities: 'no immediate danger'. For more than four years, such inanities issue from agencies whose charters have been cast aside.

    For many, the nuclear industry's habit of lying and obfuscation is more than enough justification to suspect its motives. Prudent people will consider all information, even if some is unsourced, at this time. See below.

    April 12, 2015: 
    News from the SCCC: Incident report, HOT TUNA, approx. November 2014.

    In late March I [Peter Daley] received this email from a contact who has a Geiger counter. I have removed some information from the correspondence to protect the contact's anonymity.


    "You have to watch your food like a hawk.  My daughter had some tuna in oil....very small tin.  I had been warning her.  But dad is crazy.  I found the tin going into the recycle, it still had a bit of oil in it.  So, me being me, I got out my geiger counter and took a went ballistic. 

    It just keep climbing and climbing.  I didn't think it was going to stop......It stopped climbing when it hit 38K counts per minute....I didn't know my bGeigie Nano meter went that high.   The oil seemed OK, the tin seemed OK, but a tiny flake of leftover tuna the size of a match head was on the lip of the tin, that is what set it off.  Don't eat ANYTHING from the sea....anymore.  That tuna was toxic radioactive nuclear waste, and not food."


    38,000 counts per minute would be around 1000 times background, using this model Geiger counter!

    I sent this email to get more information on this very high detection.

    Do you still have the sample?

    If you are located in Australia, and still have the sample, I could test it, if you posted to me.

    If you don't have it,  if you provide the information below, I may be able to source some here, and test it.

    In what country was the tuna tinned?

    In what country was it purchased?

    Here is the reply to my email query.


    This happened over 6 months ago.

    I can only assume it was canned in the USA. tuna in oil.  At that time I thought the reading was coming from the oil in the tin....I didn't notice the flake that was on the outside top edge of the can.  I got it stuck on my finger and washed it off.  After this, is when I couldn't get a reading from the tin or the oil again.  I realized that the flake which was gone down the drain by then was the cause.

    I thought my Geiger counter  was malfunctioning at the time, which it never has before or since.  The count was going up and it freaked out my son as we watched it climb. The highest reading I have ever gotten until then was 164 CPM off of a milled piece of pine, but at that time I was (and still am) learning how to use the geiger counter. 


    A small number of tests on different brands of tinned tuna have been conducted here recently, and over the last couple years. There was nothing to report from these tests. This is only one community testing lab, and each test takes 24 hours, or more. A large variety of mainly Australian food products have been tested, so statistically the number of tinned tuna tests conducted here at this stage is very small.

    It obvious more widespread food testing needs to be conducted.

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