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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Sociopath Next Door May Work for Nuclear Energy

On the airplane, I read the book "The Sociopath Next Door".    Its a great resource.   About 4% of humans are sociopaths.   1 out of 25.

So you run into them for sure.   They have no conscience and can't really love, but they can act like it....because nothing makes more sense to a sociopath than to have someone who will do anything for them, so they learn the tricks to get others to love them.

Sociopaths use people, without regard to the damage done to the other person, sometimes they even relish the damage.    Sociopathology has not been eliminated by evolution....they are still smooth enough to procreate.

They consider people who do the right thing, even though it is not to their personal advantage to be "defective".

But they will also steal, lie, even kill you if they think it will benefit them and they feel the risks of getting caught are low.    they often have a need for a power trip to control others, even by confusion...that is "enough control" that they get off on it.

And they will backstab, and cause losses for others, as that makes them relatively "better".   

No think about someone who gets rich which creating pollution and disease whilst controlling their serfs that give them wealth and self worth.     Think about the power of "you can't prove I am killing your children".

Now do you see why so many sociopaths are drawn to nuclear power?

As an aside, Psychopaths are a subset of sociopaths, and the Nihilistic tendencies also fall in this universe, and there are varying degrees of each and different mixes.

I am a semi-pro liespotter.     But when up against the sociopath, they can be smooth, even charming, and they can lie with no emotion, no easy giveaways.

4% is not "common" but if a sociopath thinks you are a good target, watch out.   It could be years before you find out the truth, especially because we naturally cut people some slack if we think they are our friends, or at least they act like our friends.

So it is an important skill to be able to identify sociopaths early on.    And watch out, because all psychopaths are also sociopaths.

Here is a summary from another site

1. SUPERFICIAL charm. Smooth, engaging and charming, a sociopath will never become tongue-tied or embarrassed.

2. OVER-INFLATED sense of self-worth. Sociopaths believe they are superior human beings.

3. PRONE to boredom. They feel the need to be stimulated constantly.

4. PATHOLOGICAL liars. Sociopaths will be deceptive and dishonest.

5. MANIPULATIVE. They will say and do anything to deceive and cheat others. 

6. LACK of remorse. No sense of the suffering of their victims.

7. LIMITED range of feelings. Don’t expect them to express anything other than happiness or sadness. 

8. CALLOUS. Cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate and tactless are apt words to describe them. (but not all the time, they can learn to be charming and warm.)

9. THEY live a parasitic lifestyle. Sociopaths are often financially dependent on others.

10. THEY can’t control their behaviour. When challenged, sociopaths will appear irritable, annoyed and impatient.

Read more:

From Doctor Goodheart, some more Soisiopath-spotter help

Sociopathic Nuclear Industry; Ex Fukushima Engineer Confesses; No Cold Shutdown, Warned of Tsunami 20 Yrs Ago; via @AGreenRoad
How To Spot A Sociopath Or Psychopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job; via A Green Road 

From other readers
GOM – it was good to read your comment above – about how studying psychopathy presents a whole new world.

The book Sociopath Next Door was recommended by Stock who is now a socio-spotter! Good onya!

We all need to become one too because this 'personality disorder' is killing the planet – and doing it with awareness of this fact. The more we know about them, the more we can spot and protect ourselves from their fallout. Like this metal-character that comes in here and lies in that peculiar way that psychopaths do. He is easy to identify. Many of them are way more suave. If I see his name on a comment, I bypass it. Don't need to waste time trying to figure out what's wrong with he/she/it. It is a psychopath. Don't want to waste bandwidth but I am pasting in here the list of main traits of these entities:

• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulativeness
• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• sexual promiscuity
• early behavior problems
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• irresponsibility
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• many short-term marital relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• revocation of conditional release
• criminal versatility


Sam – people born with psychopathy (maybe 6%+ of the population) do not have souls in the way we understand that term. There is no core to evolve. Study this illness and understand the clinical dilemma – most therapy relies on appealing to that core which empathizes with the 'other'. The psychopath does not feel empathy, sympathy, responsibility, shame, fear (unless their food source is challenged – we are their food), or connection to other humans. This is why treatment is not successful. You can use the term sociopath or psychopath (one is easier to type than the other!) but we are talking about the extreme end of the anti-social personality disorder scale. All of these terms have been used to describe the condition. Other sources of information on this:
The Mask of Sanity – available online – free pdf
Without Conscience by Robert Hare
Snakes in Suits by Babiak and Hare
many articles at
You all personally know people with this condition – learning about it will help your personal life and your ability to spar in the chatroom with them. Or give you the courage to just ignore them…


  1. Seems like you nailed yourself there sparky.

    1. hey socbeard, is that the best you can do? look in the mirror do you have dead pan eyes. Do you really love your wife or is she just one of your perhaps proud possessions.

    2. Locking tabs... all over the rubble.. not fuel...

    3. Socbeard, you are about to be banned at ENENEWS, but thanks for bringing out the anti nuclear lurkers into full activism.

    4. So what. Just goes to prove ene is an enclave for antinuke bias. Nuclear continues without ene or its acolytes because the world knows your people are frauds. Starting with you. None of your technical work is of any value to decision makers. I've read your stuff and its you with the narcissist ice complex. Stop pretending you are something you are not....

      Locking tabs.....all over the rubble...

    5. So what. Just goes to prove ene is an enclave for antinuke bias. Nuclear continues without ene or its acolytes because the world knows your people are frauds. Starting with you. None of your technical work is of any value to decision makers. I've read your stuff and its you with the narcissist ice complex. Stop pretending you are something you are not....

      Locking tabs.....all over the rubble...

    6. The oak ridge ip address I found on a past trip. There are several undocumented ways to create vpns to choose from you just need an internet connections and a computer that acts as a server.. And you can build one using any snaet phone tied to any object using ardunio. I can hook an ardiuno to a solar panel and though my cell phone assign it an ip address. I just have to go through a dns to make sure its unique. One of my practical jokes was to set uo an ip vor a vpn in hawii to make you think I was at a local bar then arrange some 300 lb Samoan to cross dress and spoof me. on the hilarity.

    7. The oak ridge ip address I found on a past trip. There are several undocumented ways to create vpns to choose from you just need an internet connections and a computer that acts as a server.. And you can build one using any snaet phone tied to any object using ardunio. I can hook an ardiuno to a solar panel and though my cell phone assign it an ip address. I just have to go through a dns to make sure its unique. One of my practical jokes was to set uo an ip vor a vpn in hawii to make you think I was at a local bar then arrange some 300 lb Samoan to cross dress and spoof me. on the hilarity.

  2. You mean sponsorship.. Ene was always never about disagreement. Its a clearing house for fear pornography and junk scientific. Einstein wrote " Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds

    Locking tabs worked loose from massive vibration from the hydrogen explosion above are strewn about the rubble. Fuel pins housed in cruciformblade assemblies remain in tact. The Locking tabs were rhe most vulnerable projectiles only held in by a washer. Four to an assembly they came loose and spread all over the rubble. Tht LFL for hydrogrn is lower in air. Since hydrogen is lighter than air, significant concentration was collected above the receptor and ad pool. In la-13638 refs 69-72 detail the Borax experiment. These docs show the power trace as recorded by excite monitors. The U CS account of power does not show the characteristic spike. Plant instruments could have cocorroborated the power trace As was gone in the 1959 Oak Ridge accident.for that event a radiation meter 400 ft away from the excursion showed the power trace.

    Why dont you set up a cloud space and I can drop some old tech docs that are not linked to help you. You realize that anyone who poses an alternative hypothesis to your mod pronp crit casts doubt on your theory and credibility. Your site really is only usable to antinukes that dont know any better.

    Thus you are only manipulating the message for the benefit of antinuclear lies

    When the truth comes out, and it will cone out, your site will be exposed as a scientific embarrassment. Then it will do more damage to your cause than ever.

    1. Friends don't let sociopaths post drunk, lol

    2. Locking tabs.... what a joke...

    3. Then your pals at ene should stop you engaging Conca. You know you really show your ass when you take your nuke pro schlock outside ene. Ene is small potatoes. Those yokels parrot the same tired song. They are all chicken littles. No growth. C'mon going on four years now and all you have is jousting And demonizing people way way out of your league.

    4. turd,
      Sociopaths are also arrogant,
      Hilarious....don't joust our leader.....because he writes for Forbes.

      If you read the sociopath book, you fit it exactly.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Have you given thought on inventing a piece of technology that captures the fall out energy on piezoelectric material to collect and augment energy. Another idea is to embed radioactive material 2 -3 inches below the surface to keep asphalt from freezing. Ive been experimenting with piezoelectric and radiation energy and something called Quantum dots. Another thing I'd natures alarm clock using Spider wort plant for chronometr of a nuclealeak...and in this room I am going to switch the brain of a telephone worker with at of a lesbian...In my best Robert Caroline impression.MUHAHA

    7. Why did you remove the comment on Ene and the misfits over there? Dont you wand them to read or are you censoring. Ene reminds me of the mi vie Good Morning Vietnam where the twins would hold back negative info or info that put their site in a bad light. Ene gets 12k visitors and is only worth 12-3I as a site. My sitr was worth much more but I had to turn it off because it was the first to use Google earth to identify some sensitive areas.that was my first dalliance into web design. Im thinking of doing another site calleed "where are the kooks". But alas im all for freedom of expression.

    8. The knock on me is that im tenacious about certain subjects. Your assertion of a prompt mod crit sent me into a mode to disprove your theory. I dont care what you got from blunderson. Ive been as you say a jetset nukist on this subject and had considerable modeling and experiment simulation. This was to help with the safety analysts in rhe desigh of a new medical reactor. Some higher ups wanted me to investigate the potential for a fukushima supercrit as the coolant drained and the fuel heated up the sfp. There was an explosive force that propelled structural steeel charred to look like black fuel elements but even though they found fission products in thr black pieces they did not find uraniun nor plutiniumm . The vp of the company wentvto fukushina on day 2 and rode iin in one of the helicopters. The surrounding structures had pieces of charred metal with fission products but no antinukes. There is a recent phd w/o gave blunderson some spectral data and it was fission products as well. Its common for fission products to leak out of a pelllet as well as a trace amt of actinides. This was coorborated by some spectral measurements Using special solid state detectors. If we were to presume it were a prompt critical condition the energy output might be significant to displaced thr mass but nothing more. Borax was already at power when they deliberately destroyed the reactor. Ironically borax was used to demonstrate bar safety. The deliberate Destruction tion of borax was conducted under controlled conditions. I built a reactor kinetics steam code model recently and can show that the fukushima energy from a mod promp crit would not be enough to create the plume seen. It was amore likely a larger volume of hydrogen from the connection between units 3 and 4. The Germans had a paper that I can dig out. I am also printing a 3d model of Fukushima 3 and 4 to simulate this venturing efffect since u3 was at a lower air pressure and all the hydrogen ended up over the fuel pool. When the explosion above the pool occurred it I
      disrupted the assemblies vertically not axially. There were about 300 assemblies ib the pool thats 1200 locking tabs that could have sheared off and settled ob the ground. Its highly unlikely a fuel pin became a missile since the top plate was bolted down.I was at 2 fuel fabrication plants, one here in the states, and one in the UK. the assembly of a fuel assembly is pretty rigorous. Its unlikely a radial force would have rejected pellets since there are 4 steel plates around the fuel pins acting as a housing. So in looking more carefully at the bwr fuel assembly drawing its more likely the cylindrical object is a locking of many.because all they had to do is vibrate loose from one washer, and travel 4 inches up and over an assembly and drift dowb to its resting place on the rubble. There wull be more to follow

      The main thing is there is now an alternative hypothesis to the prompt mod criticality. When I get it all together I will publish it in the most preeminent journal of nuclear technology.

    9. Turd, I got other trolls stating the prompt mod criticality doesn't even exist. They discredit the nukists. Mindless denial credits no one.

      That said, it could certainly be a mod crit and a hydrogen know there were 3 exlplosions at Fuku 3 correct?

    10. Somehow, speaking with T and calling him by name seems sooooooo wrong, but also ohhhhh, sooooooo right.

  3. Sociopathic Nuclear Industry; Ex Fukushima Engineer Confesses; No Cold Shutdown, Warned of Tsunami 20 Yrs Ago; via @AGreenRoad

  4. How To Spot A Sociopath Or Psychopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job; via A Green Road

  5. Stock, All explosions were h2 explosions. No crit

  6. LOL, then how did 200,000 pounds get launched? The only answer is an explosion from within, not from the floating hydrogen.

    Duh! this is such no brainier, I am disgusted to even discuss it.

  7. 200,000 lbs didnt get launched. Thats your mistake. To launch that amount required the reactor pressure vessel head to pop off like a manhole cover and shoot 100 ft into the air. Last anyone checked it was still bolted to the reactor pressure vessel. There are over 50 bolts keeping the vessel head on. So you see it isn't even realistic that any nuclear material of any significant quantity escaped all 4 barriers of protection. The first barrier is the oxide fuel itself. The next barrier the zirconium fuel rod. The next barrier is the fuel assembly which contains 256 rods. The next barrier the reactor pressure vessel which is bolted down to withstand 5000 psi. The next barrier is containment. If anything, fuel melted and slumped down the vessel not above it, and oozed out of the control rod drives at the bottom of the vessel like the Groove Tube's Brown 25. So there it rests slabbed out on the bottom of the vessel.

    I doubt very much based on the forensic evidence and the lack of detecting the 185 keV photon a telltale of uranium that any actinides escaped.

    There is no proof or evidence. The pu that you think you see has been there since the 40s. You just never measured it beforehand.

    Now a moderated prompt criticality is a real effect as LA-13638 shows throughout history. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by about 1e19 neutrons occurring over a millisecond. A burst of that magnitude will create many gamma rays through secondary interactions with steel and concrete. That signature will be seen by every radiation instrument at the plant including battery powered portable radiation meters. It will also show up in fixed diameter if it occurs. Fixed TLDs are not instantly transmitting fose information. They have to be read destructively by heating up crystals contained within their housing. Yet they also are deployed in fixed locations around the site so they can pinpoint a large event as well.

    None of that happened at Fukushima.

    1. I know that 200,000 lbs got launched because of what the EPA reported in their air sampling. Its simple and broadbased. 200,000 lbs was what was MEASURED. Obviously some fell out of the air before it got to Saipan, Guam, Hawaii, California.

      50 bolts, so what? What happens when an unstoppable force meets and immovable object, sometimes the force wins, it did at 3. 100 feet in the air? That cap was launched 1000 feet in the air, watch the video and compare it to the tower.

      3 blew, then 4 blew the next day, but by that point they were censoring even the video, so thinking that they had any working instruments, and thinking that they would release the data, well that just ain't realistic thinking. Show me the proof of what data they did release?


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