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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dana Durnford -- Anti-Nuclear Activist Can Get 10 Years in Jail, Charged Under the "Stalking" Law

I wrote a story about Durnford's arrest at the request of Kenny Boy Buessler of Wood's Hole (so called scientists reporting on Pacific Ocean Radiation)

It was picked up by some big aggregators, some gave a link back to my site, but copied the article in whole and verbatim.    Others just copied the article, as if they wrote it.    Pretty annoying.

Some websites didn't steal the information, they launched on their own great research and reporting....I'll detail them below.   But first, really important information.

Durnford was charged with Section 264, which was created in 1991 to specifically deal with Stalking.
Court records show he was charged under Section 264 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which makes it illegal to engage in conduct that causes someone to fear for their safety.
Dana is charged with the "Stalking" crime. 10 years in prison.
I think it mostly a ploy to
1) marginalize him
2) scare citizen scientists
3) trump up charges, to negotiate down to a lesser offense, maybe even with an agreement to not youtube for 2 years (or else go to jail)
 I say ploy, but this is very serious stuff.    In fact we need to use it to TIPP it the other direction.

 See my prior post for the full text of 264 and other sites that describe when it was created and why.


stock here:  This website purports to say that Dana created nukepro and the 61 page Death of the Pacific list......
so they are incorrect on a few things, but the exposure is till good.

A strange title for an article that shows in depth, how Ken Buessler of Woods Hole and Jay Cullen are both highly connected and funded by the nuclear industry.

They are getting a lot of governmental funding, and in the case of WHOI, foreign partnerships-funding, including the University of Tokyo! Of course, Jay Cullen’s funding source frequently “partners” with Cameco, which co-owns a major, newly opened, uranium mine with TEPCO at Cigar Lake. (See details at bottom of page). Remember TEPCO? TEPCO is owner-operator of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. It is worth noting that Ken Buessler’s dissertation focused on plutonium testing. And, yet, his current focus appears to be on Cesium
Some of the Incredible Lies of Cullen are detailed in this post by Richard Wilcox, PhD in "activist Post" a great site I just discovered today.

Listen…as Jay Cullen’s lies and deceptions are exposed by Dana [Durnford], starting at 16 minutes into [the video linked below]. Jay Cullen goes so far as to say that Fukushima had NO meltdowns, no meltouts, no spent fuel pool fires and that radiation in the ocean is 1,000 times BELOW the ‘natural’ levels. In other words, Fukushima was a non event, and nothing happened there; no radiation was released AT ALL. 

RobG --had this to say at ENENEWS
November 7, 2015 at 2:00 pm · Reply   

West Aussie, let's take Dana Durnford, who as we all know was recently arrested.

Durnford uses the links provided on ENENews as his primary source of information, and the nuke brigade AND governments are well aware of this.

For a number of years now there's been a very sophisticated troll operation on ENENews. What I mean by that is that some posters don't appear to be trolls, but if you look at their posting history it's obvious that there's a hidden agenda going on.

Good propaganda is very subtle. It's not obvious. Which is why, for example, the UK Guardian newspaper still fools many people into thinking that it's on the left/liberal side of politics, when the reality is that the Guardian is a corporate controlled entity pumping out subliminal right wing crap. The entire MSM now does this.

Your proposition that on boards like this "we are among the enemy at all time" is quite correct.

To counter the propaganda barrage I would say to genuine posters, keep posting; keep putting the truth out there.

We will beat these vermin eventually, and Dana's coming trial is going to be a crucial moment in this. His first court appearance is on 18th November.

Watch this space…
and this interesting post

invisible ELEphant in the room
The more I think about Dana Durnford's case, the less sense it makes.

Why did Durnford choose to criticize Canadians when he lives in Canada?

If he would have gone after people that live in another country that would have given him several layers of protection, legally and logistically speaking.

Why did Durnford have to slander ANYONE?

He's got the overwhelming facts on his side in a slam-dunk case. Slander helps nothing and it only puts you in danger. Slander makes you look bad and it accomplishes nothing.
Why did Durnford have to resort to death threats or anything like that at all?
There was no reason for that whatsoever. Plus, it's a despicable thing to do. Again, it makes you look bad and it accomplishes nothing..
Why didn't Durnford heed the warnings sent via YouTube?
When a bunch of his videos were taken down by YouTube several months ago, Durnford should have seen that as a warning shot. This is a war we're engaged in. If Durnford were leading a military with the strategy he's used recently, he would have led his men to slaughter and total defeat…just as he himself is on the verge of.
I think he has been his own worst enemy in many ways. He may have just cracked and lost touch with reality.
I replied
Are you implying that we should NOT criticize anyone in our own country?

Lots of people get YouTube videos taken down...are you implying that if one of us gets a YouTube video taken down that we should stand down our efforts and go cower in the corner?

Are you saying that Durnford's action scuttled our actions, put us at risk....we should be mad at him then, right?    We should not support him, we should disown him.

Is that what you are implying?     Because I don't agree with any of those

stock out.


  1. In one of the last 2 live steams from Dana , he showed film of Ken Buessler in Japan saying that no iodine - 131 has been found since 2011 , this film was about a month old.

    1. You maybe saw my article on how the I131 being found in sewage in Japan this year cannot be attributed in any large way to "medical treatment"

    2. I-131 in what quantities? Im sure I can go over to 1600 Pennsylvania avenue, set up a state of the art gamma spec abd read a non-zero background of I-131. So what and where's the beef?

    3. I-131 in what quantities? Im sure I can go over to 1600 Pennsylvania avenue, set up a state of the art gamma spec abd read a non-zero background of I-131. So what and where's the beef?

    4. well check out this reading ...done by rescue animal workers.. no melt down... well then go there and expose urself..and i will drive you over...since i worked in that area for 6 months.

  2. Nuclear proponents have never harrassed an antinuke to the point of threats to their family and life. The opposite can not be said. Eco-terrorism is a criminal act as is threatening the safety and security of individuals. If Mr. Dunsford did indeed perform these acts, then he should be prosecuted as any accused criminal. There is free speech, whether at Yale or any place. It would appear he crossed the line. Why are you defending criminal acts?

    1. Class action lawsuit against the entire nuke cartel for saying "you can't prove I am killing your children"

      What acts do you speak of?

      You have already convicted him?

    2. Look up Karen Silkwood then stfu

    3. If you cant prove it, you have no case.

    4. Im very familiar with the Silkwood folklore and the case. No you cant use Silkwood as an example. She violated work procedures and brought pu into her home. Hollywood gives you a distorted accoubt. Fodder for conspiracy nutjobs and rat farmers.

  3. Dana if he lived in US could introduce self defence as both major sponsors or government mouthpieces have andbstill are endangering his and yesvyour and my life.
    I am old but to ""KNOW" that the family began by my wife of 40+years is now greatly endangered by my own governments criminal coverup of Fukushima radiation dangers because of an illegal US Japan plutonium enrichment for weapons program is thebfinal straw as to my nationalism.
    Dana wasnthe huts of the whole Fuchushima story, ene geeks are np more than yes some obvious nuke disinformation and obfuscation trolls .
    You see Dana was not a true leader as he had very few followers of merit, he had a lot of leeches who gainedbmeasure of Me Me from all his work but they play the mental masturbstion games of Intellectualizing to their own credits.
    A gpod leader can have mediocre followets andbstill find somr success in world but the great leaders havr great folowers, Dana had s..t for backbone followers.
    My hopes is that he can find a way to cop a plea to avoid jail time, because the truth is those peoples on West Coast of Notth America have less spine in them than the fn melting starfish, andvdeserve the samr fate as they found.

  4. I have followed Dana Durnford's explosive rants for some time. His so-called expedition for life is frankly laughable and misleading. He had promised to return the dingy to its owner who had donated it in good faith after being misled and lied to by Dana and his buddies. I can come up with photographs of nothing just like Dana that prove absolutely nothing. His 'expedition' is not scientific in any way shape or form. It is a useless piece of misleading data of purposefully deceitful photos. Many others have shown the opposite of his claims by showing real healthy sea life.

    When you speak in a public realm calling for the decapitation, murder and on-sight attack of people, you are clearly showing criminal intent. Dana was rightly arrested and charged. This has nothing to do with free speech. You cannot simply call for the murder of people in a public venue and expect that it will be ignored.

    I believe some of the work Dana is doing is valuable in calling for abolition of nuclear power but he is right off his rocker. He has let his moronic rants get away from him and now he has to pay the piper. I hope he does end up in jail for a long time.

    There are real scientists and qualified researchers doing a great service to humanity in talking and discussing Fukushima, TMI, Chernobyl, and the hundreds of other nuclear catastrophes waiting to happen in the US. If it were not for the Nuclear and Military Industrial Complex of the US, and in particular Oppenheimer and his goons, the nuclear industry would not exist. The nuclear industry has used hundreds of trillions of taxpayer's monies to fund an industry that has never been viable nor profitable. It is neither clean nor safe and it shall never be. It is an insane industry that must be shut down across the world.

    Fukushima continues to expand its pollution across the Northern hemisphere and indeed there shall be millions upon millions of people dying because of it. Tokyo should have been evacuated. The Prime Minister of Japan did not have the courage nor honour to do what should have been done. TEPCO is part and parcel of the military establishment of the US as is Japan itself, we are clearly doomed.

    The hundreds of thousands of nuclear rods sitting in water pools in the US nuclear plants are clear targets for terrorists and none of those pools are adequately protected. A significant power failure in any of those nuclear sites may likely cause worst radioactive harzards a hundred fold worst than Fukushima yet the US is doing nothing about it except to call for a burial of radioactive waste and fuel that will remain radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. The insanity continues.

  5. I have followed Dana Durnford's explosive rants for some time. His so-called expedition for life is frankly laughable and misleading. He had promised to return the dingy to its owner who had donated it in good faith after being misled and lied to by Dana and his buddies. I can come up with photographs of nothing just like Dana that prove absolutely nothing. His 'expedition' is not scientific in any way shape or form. It is a useless piece of misleading data of purposefully deceitful photos. Many others have shown the opposite of his claims by showing real healthy sea life.

    When you speak in a public realm calling for the decapitation, murder and on-sight attack of people, you are clearly showing criminal intent. Dana was rightly arrested and charged. This has nothing to do with free speech. You cannot simply call for the murder of people in a public venue and expect that it will be ignored.

    I believe some of the work Dana is doing is valuable in calling for abolition of nuclear power but he is right off his rocker. He has let his moronic rants get away from him and now he has to pay the piper. I hope he does end up in jail for a long time.

    There are real scientists and qualified researchers doing a great service to humanity in talking and discussing Fukushima, TMI, Chernobyl, and the hundreds of other nuclear catastrophes waiting to happen in the US. If it were not for the Nuclear and Military Industrial Complex of the US, and in particular Oppenheimer and his goons, the nuclear industry would not exist. The nuclear industry has used hundreds of trillions of taxpayer's monies to fund an industry that has never been viable nor profitable. It is neither clean nor safe and it shall never be. It is an insane industry that must be shut down across the world.

    Fukushima continues to expand its pollution across the Northern hemisphere and indeed there shall be millions upon millions of people dying because of it. Tokyo should have been evacuated. The Prime Minister of Japan did not have the courage nor honour to do what should have been done. TEPCO is part and parcel of the military establishment of the US as is Japan itself, we are clearly doomed.

    The hundreds of thousands of nuclear rods sitting in water pools in the US nuclear plants are clear targets for terrorists and none of those pools are adequately protected. A significant power failure in any of those nuclear sites may likely cause worst radioactive harzards a hundred fold worst than Fukushima yet the US is doing nothing about it except to call for a burial of radioactive waste and fuel that will remain radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. The insanity continues.

    1. 1) You have not shown how in any way that his expedition was "laughable and misleading"
      2) Please cite others who show "real healthy sea life"
      3) he was charged under the Stalking law. Prosecution would have to show that Cullen et al had a real and rational basis to believe that Durnford himself would create severe physical harm to themselves. Thus, it is a trumped up charge. Slanderous and damaging in nature.
      4) Scientists who accept money to lie about a damaged eco-system are far more guilty than a crippled man that no one would believe could or would create physical harm to another.
      5) using trumped up charges to silence and activist has massive ramifications for our extremely messed up and corrupt world. Shame on those who brought these trumped up charges.


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