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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Dana Durnford, A Steadfast Protector of the Ocean, Is Attacked By Nuke Industry While In A Wheel Chair, Here is a Defense

this is from Rense, getting some very good airplay.   Written by

Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of The Japan Times Weekly, is a science journalist who has conducted extensive radiation studies inside the Fukushima nuclear exclusion zone since April 2011. He shares a weekly online radio program at with Dana Durnford.

Dana Durnford, a former commercial diver who plies a rubber dinghy along the Canadian Pacific coast to study the effects of Fukushima radiation on marine life, has been arrested for making alleged death threats against a chemistry professor at University of Victoria in British Columbia. Mr. Durnford is facing trial on two counts of harassment related to his comments on video at his webpage, the Nuclear Proctologist. The video clips in question have been removed by YouTube at the request of unnamed complainants. 

Whatever the substance those controversial statements, Canadians should realize his frustration arises in response to the official campaign of denial of Fukushima’s lethal effects. I have often enjoyed dialogues with Dana on the radio program on Monday nights, especially stories of his harrowing experiences at sea amid 15-foot swells. After a career of diving for shellfish, he developed a passion for coastal research two years ago after discovering that the once-lush seafloor and tidal pools of British Columbia have been denuded of vegetation and are now devoid of marine-animal life. A burning curiosity prompted him to obtain geiger counters, a microscope and underwater cameras to search for the root cause of this unprecedented natural catastrophe along North America’s Pacific for full article

from the article
Do scientists who sell out their ethics for pieces of silver when millions of civilian lives are at stake “deserve to be executed”? According to the highest standard of international law on criminal abuse by scientific researcher, the Nuremberg Doctors Trial, the answer is an emphatic affirmative: Scientists involved in genocide should be put to death. There are no ifs, buts or maybes about it. You, Professor Cullen and Dr. Buesseler, are guilty, and Dana Durnford is innocent. The defense rests. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ya, telling mothers with young kids to go live in 20mSV external, to become 400 mSV a year support that criminal action?

      You call for their murder? Because that is what it is on a statistical basis.

    2. Turd, all your shite has been deleted for this drive by pot shot.

      Thats not accurate. You cant argue statistics without considering uncertainty. Your model is terribly flawed. Your numbers are unsubstantiated.

    3. Censorship is the ultimate evil. You know I am right and dont want your readers to see the eloquence in my argument.It only weakens your site even more I know you copied it for your info gathering. Goes around comes around. Im not the one threatening people here. You arent doing the right thing by twisting and spinning. You know the antinuclear movement is a fringe group out of touch with reality and truth. Cmon stop the

    4. Those who intentionally lie to try to hide the dangers of radiation are guilty of what? Manslaughter, attempted murder, murder, murder on a statistical basis.

      Those liars who also attack cripples and threaten them with a 10 year jail tern for "stalking". hmmm, is their a place in heaven for them?

      The answer should be obvious.

    5. Double posting again loose kook, you think your words are that valuable?

  2. You kept my last 2 sentences and credited them as yours. Were you expelled for plagarism? I think you and I know Dana crossed the line.

    1. Yo Loose Kook, i said "for this drive by pot shot" and then I listed your drive by pot shot. How much more clear do I need to be.

      If you are not adding value, and just pot shotting as you are prone to do....then we do not need your drivel.

  3. What we need is more field studies done by many groups so that any one groups findings can be challenged by the others; that way "we" will learn more about what is causing the death of sea life in the Pacific.

    For what it is worth, I believe that the The Fuky Effect* is responsible for at least some of the acidification and/or death of sea life. Things started going BAD after 03/11/11 and because of what happened at Fukushima along with the ongoing dumping of large amounts of waste and "cooling" water (both highly radioactive) are now taking their toll on the once blue Pacific Ocean.

    * The on-again, off-again fissioning of one of more of the corium(s), as they interact with water below Fukushima.

    The Fuky Effect: The on-again, off-again fissioning of the ☢ corium(s), as they interact with water below Fukushima.

    1. The ocean is fine. Cullen and Buesselear are right. The real pros have done their due dilligence. Just as thosr that discredited the prompt moderated criticality nonsense. Oxide fuel doesnt vaporize. Borax wont help you.

    2. Any thing will vaporize... it is one of those things all materials have .. ya know called the boiling point... i suppose you will tell me that you know more about the physical processes of heating and cooling trans-uranic ceramics than us 'rats' and why they (MOX) wouldn't EVER melt or off-gas...

    3. I would feel a lot better if we had a "high quality troll" this drivel is disgusting.

    4. What is your definition of a troll? Just because I am a nuclear proponent and a working nuc engineer and disagree with you doesnt make me or anyone a troll. Borax wont help you decipher what really happened on 311. I told you a long time ago you havent proven your case. And since you made the greater claim, Hitchens Razor says the burden of proof is on you which you havent demonstrated. If you were a prosecuting attorney your case would be dismissed for lack of evidence.

      Be careful here as I am keenly aware if any criticality occurs anywhere outside a reactor at anytime in the world because of my response obligations. Call it a perk of my job which entitles me to first hand information within a closed information environment before any news agency gets the sanitized version. I can tell you from my vantage point that no criticality occured at Fukushima after the reactors were deliberately shut down on 311.
      No criticality occured in any spent fuel pool. No criticality in any corium. There were ongoung "subcritical fissions" but no criticality accident. It was a massive H2 explosion.

      Now if you have first hand knowledge from available forensics and not some old coot whisteblower theory you have hero worship for, then ill entertain it and try to accomodate your argument. I will say the shutdown margin outside the reactor geometry when hot corium slabs out is hundreds of dollars negative reactivity. So can you explain any positive reactivity source or mechanism that would overcome this large negative reactivity. The cores are designed to criticak quite easily with light water in between the fixed fuel pins. However the reactivity of a homogenous LEU lump mixed in with melted neutron absorber would require such idealized and "engineered" geometries. There is no known positive reactiviy mechanism for a homohenous lump of LEU corium. Borax was a deliberate excursion in an intact heterogenous geometry. The excursion there was deliberate and contained an exterbal neutron source. Because tbere eas not an external neutron source, a persistent chaub reaction would result in an increase in reactivity insertion and delayed initiation of the chain reaction to say 1e19 fissions (ref Woodcock) and about 2.5e20 neutrons within a millisecond. Such a power spike would have pegged any rate based radiation instrunent on the site, even hand held ines.

      You see stock, my knowledge on these type of events versus yours, is like Gilden State playing the Lakers tonight, and the Warriors playing for a 16-0 start just overwhelm the hapless Lakers.

      I would hope you learned a thing or two fron me ob this subject over the years, and read some of my publications. Yes I am a world expert on the subject of criticality accident effects. Ill be jetting off to a new destination in a few weeks. FY16 doesnt get any better.

    5. Sorry for the misspellings. Im typing from a SmartPhone and my fingers are too wide. Golden State will win tonight.

    6. BTW if you want further infornation you know how to get a hold of me or can figure it out, and I will respond in a professional manner. As always discretion is appreciated as I do not eish to expose my loved ones to anyone who feels the need to pull a Durnford.

    7. The kind of high quality professional radiological studies required could not possibly be conducted by someone or a group in a small dinghy waving a pancake GM meter. There would have to be protocols and procedures developed with care and due dilligence paid to an exacting level of detail. Such a study would have to be well funded abd conducted by those that are highly trained and specialized to capture data that is factually accurate and repeatable. This is not some loosy goosy rag tag crowd sourcing effort. There is no one person capable to this task. It would take a world class team that is highly specialized and well recognized in the literature.

    8. BTW if you want further infornation you know how to get a hold of me or can figure it out, and I will respond in a professional manner. As always discretion is appreciated as I do not eish to expose my loved ones to anyone who feels the need to pull a Durnford.

    9. Sorry for the misspellings. Im typing from a SmartPhone and my fingers are too wide. Golden State will win tonight.


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