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Friday, January 20, 2017

How To Predict the Globalist Chess Moves, And Beat Them At Their Own Game

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I was in a bad business deal with person I thought I knew.    I was getting ready for a trip to Hawaii to deal with this problem, as well as other business.     A few weeks before my trip someone online mentioned that I should read "The Sociopath Next Door".

I bought it on Amazon and read it on the airplane going to Hawaii.      I discovered that my "business partner" was described perfectly by the sociopath book.    This was shocking to me, but also enlightening.      I learned a lot, read more.     

I learned how to think like a sociopath, without becoming one, but becoming more effective.   Especially at using the sociopaths manipulations to my benefit, by setting a sacrificial chess piece out in front at which they couldn't help but take the bait.   And the gambit worked to my advantage.  

Although with much stress, things turned out very nicely for me.     My small investment in that book paid me back 70,000 times more, seriously.
So one of the keys to this article is, to beat a Globalist, you need to know how to think like a sociopath.

Knowing chess is key to knowing how the globalists think.

Get In Touch With Your Darker Side

Going by their behavior and their rhetoric when they are unguarded, most globalists display highly narcissistic character traits as well as sociopathy and psychopathy. It is not enough to research these traits in a clinical fashion, you have to tap into the darker side of your own psyche, and think as they think. This means being willing to entertain evil and malicious concepts. You must be willing to ask yourself – “If I were them, how would I go about getting what I want?”
Understanding devious and aberrant psychopathic intent goes a long way in making the globalists predictable. Remember, many psychopaths are actually highly intelligent and intuitive. They don’t have a moral compass and have lost the voice of conscience, but in order to adapt they have learned how to fake it. They are chameleons.
ALL people are inherently capable of evil actions, just as they are inherently capable of great good. You don’t have to become like the elites, but you do have to go to some ugly places in your own mind. An elitist is basically a person who went to those places and discovered that he liked it there.

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