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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Greenpeace investigation shows Fukushima radiation risks to last into next century

Japanese people act somewhat obedient and in decorum, but in reality, they are not stupid and they actually will protest more than most Americans.

The Government’s policy to effectively force people to return by ending housing and other financial support is not working, with population return rates of 2.5% and 7% in Namie and Iitate respectively as of December 2017.

 Significantly more tables and charts are available on the detailed report.   I did not see any clear indications of isotopes mentioned, maybe I missed it.

UPDATE: The Page 9 references CS137 CS134 as being the only long term concern of isotopes released.    This is a shameful misunderstanding.    They were not testing for isotope types, just merely mentioning here that their Geigers were "calibrated" to the accepted toxicity of CS137.   This then takes CPM and turns it into a "dose".   This selection is VERY common and the default setting for all Geigers that I know of.    However, it misses the boat.   There are other much more dangerous isotopes, which have a much longer biological half life than CS137 (bio half life is like 80 days, much less with Prussian Blue as an antidote)

Total atmospheric releases from Fukushima are estimated to be between 5.6 and 8.1 times that of Chernobyl, according to the 2013 World Nuclear Industry Status we may stop calling it the “second worst” nuclear power disaster in history. 

What most people don’t yet grok is that radiation released at Fukushima is the equivalent of thousands of Hiroshima-sized bombs. Why the lack of interest in the ranking? It is economically and geo-politically disadvantageous to point fingers at Japan. Risk of loss buys silence. It’s a bargain that sustains the status quo at all costs. West coast obituaries provide one index of the accounting. In a sane world, the media would be discussing personal mitigation measures.



  1. I'm going to guess that the isotopes are the ones most often cited, though, could be they tested for more. I'll go see what I can find on that. ... notes about Cs 134/7 on pg 9 of the report. Looks like general readings. Not even mentioning alpha beta or gamma.

    1. The Page 9 references CS137 CS134 as being the only long term concern of isotopes released. This is a shameful misunderstanding. They were not testing for isotope types, just merely mentioning here that their gieiger were "calibrated" to the accepted toxicity of CS137. This then takes CPM and turns it into a "dose". This selection is VERY common and the default setting for all Geigers that I know of. However, it misses the boat. There are other much more dangerous isotope, which have a much longer biological half life than CS137 (bio half life is like 80 days, much less with Prussian Blue as an antidote)

  2. I agree. Thinking that Greenpeace has failed in their attempt to inform the public. If they were honest about their apparent intentions they would also have examined specific isotopes including those found in food, bodies of water, 'sludge' at the bottom of bodies of water wildlife and forests. Their donors ought be shaming them.


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