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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Alaska Earthquake -- Very Unusual Pre-cursors

stock update here, see below, high altitude hit on Moana Loa Caldera, not a good sign.   This has
happened multiple times since the Indonesian EQ shut down the Hawaii Volcanoes in June 2018

and see here -- my premise of a very odd 2018 "earth" is getting some mileage and coverage on a broader scale.   Truth benefits the recipient!

The eggheads (my term for scientists that couldn't think themselves out of a paper bag) have decide that this most unusual, perhaps never seen before, worldwide "tone" was "almost certainly caused by volcanic activity". 

stock here!    And they leave it at that.    Tens of thousands of modern documented volcanies, and never a signal like this, but rest assured the eggheads have the whole truth covered with their statement,  AS IF THAT IS ENOUGH!.

I have been documenting unusual EQ activity in the Madagascar area this whole year.    It stopped for quite a while, also when then Hawaii volcano shut down, roughly, I haven't done a deep dive.
Here's a twitter link with chart porn and various seismologists' comments.
The odd thing is the regular 17 second intervals between the waves, which is not typical. 

The recent 7.0 (Alaska) was unusual, like the years prior large North Slope Earthquake.

And as always, the eggheads are baffled.

There were hundreds of pre-cursor EQ in this area in the prior week, and as seen in the depth scatter chart, they were all over the place in terms of position and depth.

Then after the big 7.0 the EQ were concentrated around the 7.0 area.

Please review and comment.    Email me if you want the spreadsheet.

----------------------------------- This guy is always interesting


  1. whole west coast of N. America has gone 'calm' today .... eerie...

    1. Now the whole Ring of Fire is strangely quiet.


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