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Monday, January 21, 2019

Total Lunar Eclipse Photos -- Wisconsin at Minus 7 F

Enjoy, I am so freaking cold I can barely type.

These are just "quick processed" using a screen capture tool called Snag It.    I guarantee that when I get a chance to "develop" them through a proper tool like LightRoom, they will be quite a bit better, but that will wait, weeks or months.

So for now enjoy!   PS These were taken with a Canon 6D and a 200MM lens on a Tripod at 43.22 North.    And it was -7F to -10F, you are welcome!


  1. Thank you. I wanted to watch last night, but after poking my nose out the door, I retreated to the warmth of my house.

    1. The Canada Rye helped that cold problem quite a bit, and my nearby 450F heat exchanger off my carbon sequestering catch and release program worked wonders to get my fingers working every 15 minutes!

  2. We weren't able to see it due to cloudy and overcast. :(

    Fantastic pics, thanks for posting!

    1. Thanks, I had some clouds at times, thin clouds that actuall made the photos better, like a natural neutral density filter.

  3. Thanks, I had some clouds at times, thin clouds that actuall made the photos better, like a natural neutral density filter.


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