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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dam Resources -- California and Oroville

Quick background on why I am posting an article on this.

After studying Oroville, and Dam operation in general, it became obvious that many of these dams were operated on less expertise, and more coverups, than even nuclear plants.

Search this site for Oroville.

The official analysis of the 2017 evacuation emergency was incompetence, corruption, and coverups.
The rains ebbed, and the dam survived, but the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's after-action 537-page Independent Forensic Team Report found:
The Oroville Dam spillway incident was caused by a long-term systemic failure of the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), regulatory, and general industry practices to recognize and address inherent spillway design and construction weaknesses, poor bedrock quality, and deteriorated service spillway chute conditions.
California's potential liability for the 2017 Oroville Dam crisis was reinforced on March 14, when Sacramento Superior Court judge James McFetridge ordered discovery to begin in a lawsuit against the state for hundreds of millions in damages by the City of Oroville, dozens of farmers, businesses, and others during the two-month crisis.

This lists the major rivers and dams in California, and critical data such as storage %, inflows and outflows.   You can see, some dams are over capacity and snow melts are hitting peak stages.

This site supposedly has a map that links it all together, but the one image is too small to use, and the multiple links to get to the "real map" all fail.
Oroville CDOWR does have a blog, although the search function won't get you there

But searching on their website seems to have a "block" on Oroville.   Not a good sign!



  1. Replies
    1. Mahalo.

      Isn't it sad when government "officials" are so inept at their "jobs" that we feel that the sheriff should go put them in jail?


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