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Monday, January 5, 2015

Cancer is the New Normal UK Breaks the NEWS

 The new playbook of "Cancer is Normal, Random, Just Luck" is being played across the Atlantic.

The study of more than 29 countries compared five year survival for stomach, colon, rectal, lung, melanoma skin, breast, ovarian, prostate, and kidney cancers as well as the blood cancer non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

The 2013 study found that only for skin cancer, was survival in this country better than the EU average.

The number of men with prostate cancer has risen by 27 per cent in the last five years.
The charity said that while many of those diagnosed with cancer survived in good health, a large proportion would suffer long-term side-effects from treatment, such as incontinence and impotence.

Now they are able to drag out a shitty existence for 10 years on average.

John Pearson, 47, from Kent was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2006.
“Eight years on from my diagnosis I’m still suffering fatigue and permanent nerve damage to my legs, hips and arms from the chemotherapy,” he said.
“I try to stay positive as I’ve survived cancer but I’m living with the long term side effects of treatment. I wish I could do without the health services but I can’t – I see my GP for help with pain control, and have to visit the hospital for colonoscopies, neurology, and physiotherapy.”

Wouldn't it just be better to get rid of nuclear and radiation production?

The charity said that while many of those diagnosed with cancer survived in good health, a large proportion would suffer long-term side-effects from treatment, such as incontinence and impotence. 

I those little side effects like you piss and shit on yourself, and you can't have sex anymore.

And now the nukeapes tell us that nuclear is the only thing that can save the planet.   my my my.

Here is another take on the same subject, 7 points, but it's 10 pages long.     Personally I prefer the sound bite approach....75% of readers spend less than 5 minutes at a time on this site.

1 comment:

  1. The charity I give is the colloidal silver I make. My testimonial can be found at by clicking on the FREE CS link. $250 and $1.50 a gallon to produce has helped thousands of people in ways even they nor I fully understand. I have purchased several CS generators and found that The Silver Edge had the best machine (smallest particle size) and information on the topic. I have used colloidal silver daily for over 15 years and don't catch the flu (not to mention it saved me from MRSA). I use it daily to counteract the effects of the higher radiation levels we are seeing in the environment. I consider it an immune system booster as well an effective antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. I have never personally, nor had any other person I have gifted, tell me of a negative side effect......only positive ones.


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