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Monday, January 26, 2015

Massive Species Die Offs

I have wanted to aggregate stories on mass die offs, and mutations.    Mutations will come in a soon to be article.    I also found a site that focuses on mutations.

Here is a start, found this on Nat Geo

J. Stephenson 2 days ago
Yes. Madscimatt Wolff. Thank your for your considered opinion regarding the possible causes for the mass die-offs of the Cassin Auklet. The are unique in qualities in the bird world. They are something of a sort of diving duck type. Precious birds.

I believe that it is important for you to understand that I believe that Radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant killed these birds.  I have been studying the mass die offs of fish, birds, and sea mammals since they began occurring following the nuclear meltdowns and thermonuclear detonations at Fukushima in March, 2011.  I am not here to make enemies. I do not want to argue either.  My concern regards what is killing life in the Pacific Ocean, and what can be done to save it.

The Cassin Auklet is not an isolated incident of mass die-offs that began following the accident at the FDNPP.  It is a die-off that is just now occurring at a very noticeable level. 

There was a massive die off of Anchovies last July.
Baby Orca Whale massive die-off in October of 2014.

Sea Lion mass die-off ongoing in March 2013.

The point I am making here is that there is an ongoing series of mass die-offs of birds, fish, sea mammals and continental mammals that are in every incident confounding scientists, there is not any hypothetical explanation that has been proven to cause these deaths, and there is never any mention of even the possibility that tons of radiation streaming from the melted reactor cores, thermonuclear detonations, and fission in air events contaminating the ocean and atmosphere could even be contributing to the sickness and death of these fish, birds, and mammals.

I think it is time that we start taking a look at the possibility that Nuclear Radiation may play a role, if not a major role, in these mass die-offs. If it is found that Radioactivity is contributing, then we can begin to address that problem, with the hope that these mass die-offs can be prevented, or diminished, in the hope that some species can go on living. 

If we fail to be realistic, to examine honestly and fearlessly, to determine cause and effect, to work together to address very real problems, we may not be prepared, as a species, to prevent ourselves from experiencing the very same fate of the birds, fish, and mammals; that is, extinction. The failure to look at, to study, to investigate, the possibility that Nuclear Radiation is destroying Life may be the last mistake Mankind will make.  Peace
And from some great researchers at ENENEWS

Praising the Truth
Here's a world map for just 2013 of:
Mass Animal Die-Offs -2013

From "bo"
The only account I've seen to date→ this is from a while ago but Yoichi Shimatsu held a geiger against dead sea lions in San Diego -

Mass Animal Die-Offs Are on the Rise, Killing Billions and Raising Questions
Huge animal die-offs, along with disease outbreaks and other population stressors, are happening more often.
January 13, 2015

Praising the Truth
Mass Animal Die-Offs Are on the Rise, Killing Billions and Raising Questions
Huge animal die-offs, along with disease outbreaks and other population stressors, are happening more often.
January 13, 2015
 783 Mass animal die off in one year [2013]! 98% ocean bottom covered in death! Fukushima radiation america
Jan 8, 2014
The radiation travels the world. The collapse is global.
Please look at this photo from Australia and view the events just from Jan. 1 of this year:
“22nd January 2015 – Thousands of dead jellyfish wash up on Redcliffe Peninsula, Australia. Link

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