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Friday, June 19, 2015

Review of 450 pages of Heavily Redacted FOIA emails in the Weeks Following March 11, 2011

Here is the Source Document

A few quick observations:
The associated press made 3 FOIA requests.   They screwed up big time in asking only for the internal agency correspondence, meaning that all the correspondence between multiple agencies was not covered.   There could be a lot more out there.

You can see the heavy redactions in my screen caps, but skim the doc and you can see often 3 or 4 pages blanked out completely.

There are mutliple repeats of same documents, this wastes people time and makes it hard to read.

60% of this is Bureau Speak conversations on responsibility and scheduling, who is doing what, where is funding.  

I highlighted in yellow so you can take away the main points in a 3 minute skim


  1. Replies
    1. Ya, if you ever questioned your own view of how these people think and act, you can read these, and have no doubt.

  2. There is only a 6 to 8 week window for measuring I-131 exposure of the public. I would.. ( REDACTED).


    & that '6-8 week window' turned out to be a way bigger window...

  3. Thank you for posting these documents. Grim.

    1. Indeed, these sociopaths and worse are running the show. Its just a game to them.

  4. Hi stock, I was just in a conversation with someone and now I'm curious - is this 450 page doc same docs that were released in Hatrick Penry 's plume gate ? Or just stuff FOIA-ed recently, a later batch release ?

    1. bo, I don't follow Hatrick Penry so I can't comment on that.

    2. bo, The source document is a Box can get the source information yourself via the link on the top of the article.

  5. Thank u, my question was - regardless of HP, do you know when this was document was released ?

    1. I can't trace the source because I downloaded it and put it in Box so no link to source doc.


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