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Monday, May 16, 2016

State of Morro Bay, California; 4.6 years into the Fukushima meltdown

When this nuclear facility first got damaged and went kapoof it sent a huge amount of radiation directly towards us. In less than a month's time it covered our entire country. The west coast got the most and continues to receive it daily. Combine this with the methane and now helium 3 leaking and blowing all over out there. Fukushima is lost people it cannot be contained I believe it even worse than they've admitted to. I believe all the reactors there have melted down and are rapidly burning their way through the earth. I saw a video where they are saying that in protective gear the best we have if you stand there it will kill you in 45 minutes or less. Indian point in New York state leaking radiation into the ground water one well showed a 65,000% increase over the acceptable allowed amount of radiation in a water supply that's for public use. Down south underground fire burning its way towards a nuclear waste dump with nothing in between to block its path. An underground fire with a little explosion at a nuclear waste dump site in Nevada not far from Vegas they don't know what's burning due to bad record keeping they say. I ask you this they attacked the coal burning power plants shutting them down sighting its bad for us and environment right? They say for some reason nuclear energy is cleaner and safer for us but it produces highly toxic by products that take hundreds if not thousands of years to be safe to handle. These plants produce many tons of this waste yearly and we have over 100 in operation that's a lot of glow in the dark shit to get rid of. They have the nerve to call us crazy and label us domestic terrorists if we question any government narrative or policy they adopt. We are screwed, chewed and irradiated bbq'd. God help us all.


  1. The argument that nuclear is unsafe because of toxic byproducts that lasts forever is a canard. Everything raxioactive above lead decaysinger to lead. Radioactive byproducts can be transmute in reactors, and the used fuel, dare I say "recycled". Hippie nutjobs will always take nuclear as a sign of big government in their face. Yet another canard. Fukushima had benign radioactive impact on the planet. End of story.

    1. Oh great, the end product is "lead" after a series of death and destruction, you end up with toxic lead.

      Recycling is proven to cost too much, and when its MOX it is extremely dangerous, Boom.

      Your canards are canards!

    2. Recycling is just getting going. Molten salt. Weinberg was right.

    3. USA is downblending, into WIPP, the MOX program is dead.

      "Recycling" is dead

    4. I talked to Pete Lyons. Its not dead.

    5. I talked to Pete Lyons. Its not dead.

    6. Today, UCS is releasing the Phase 2 report of the “Plutonium Disposition Options Independent Assessment” carried out by the Aerospace Corporation. This report, dated August 20, 2015, but only now becoming public, is the second part of a congressionally mandated independent review of the Plutonium Working Group (PWG) report that was released by the Department of Energy in 2014. The PWG was charged with reviewing the options for disposing of tens of tons of plutonium left over from the U.S. nuclear weapons program.

      The Phase 1 Aerospace report, which was delivered to Congress in April of this year, analyzed two of the plutonium disposition options that had been studied by the PWG: the MOX fuel option, which is the current baseline, and the “downblend and disposal” option.

      The MOX fuel option involves using the plutonium as fuel for commercial nuclear reactors. DOE is currently constructing a plant at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina that would fabricate mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel from the ex-weapons plutonium, but the estimated cost of completing the plant has skyrocketed. Moreover, this option would make the plutonium more accessible to terrorists

  2. Of interest ... Waterford Nuke plant

    On the lower Mississippi River during spring floods there are frequent power outages. This outage wasn't right att the NPP but very close.
    What happens is flood water carried big trees and loose barges that crash into flood control spillways.
    Louisiana nuke plants are near these spillways.

  3. what's Lucy doing here? Doesn't that troll know he was outed?

    1. Loose Kuke likes the camaraderie here, LOL

    2. poor lonely boy ...


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