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Monday, July 11, 2016

In Japan, A Newly Elected Governor Is Anti-Nuclear, Replacing A Tool Who Was Pro-Nuclear and Pushing Hard on Nuke Restarts

stock here.   There does seem to be some hope.   Things always look bleakest right before a tipping point.   In Japan, a fully anti-nuke Governor was elected in a zone that they were "authorized" to restart nuclear plants.  

TIPP it good!

Then at the same time the nuke cartel is coordinating a worldwide effort to pretend that everything in the ocean is "back to normal"

From the article, we see a new meme from the nuclear cartel, a new lie.    The new lie is "because radiation is invisible, we fear it too much".

from the article

But some sort of normal is returning to the wider ocean.
Nuclear energy is an emotive issue - besides the political, environmental and economic arguments, some believe radioactivity has a psychological dimension that prods at our inner fears.
In terms of human evolution, it's not that long ago since we were hunter gatherers facing dangers all around us - from poisonous plants to predators.
Because we're hardwired to react to the dangers we can see, smell or taste, radioactivity - which is an invisible threat - perhaps has a particular resonance. Human beings are particularly useless about being able to assess risk but surprisingly, there is a bunch of academics who study this stuff.

Measuring up
•A becquerel (Bq), named after French physicist Henri Becquerel, is a measure of radioactivity
•A quantity of radioactive material has an activity of 1Bq if one nucleus decays per second - and 1kBq if 1,000 nuclei decay per second
•A sievert (Sv) is a measure of radiation absorbed by a person, named after Swedish medical physicist Rolf Sievert

And it seems our perceptions of risk from radiation are somewhat fickle.

Satoshi Mitazono celebrates victory in the Kagoshima gubernatorial election in Kagoshima on July 10. (Masaru Komiyaji)
  • Photo/Illustraion
KAGOSHIMA--Voters in this prefecture made a strong anti-nuclear statement when they swept a first-time candidate into the governor's office on July 10.
Satoshi Mitazono, 58, defeated incumbent Governor Yuichiro Ito, 68, who had given approval to restart the Sendai nuclear power plant in Kagoshima Prefecture, which is currently the only one operating in Japan.
“I have consistently asserted, ‘Let’s make a nuclear-free society,’” said Mitazono, a former TV Asahi Corp. commentator, in front of about 200 supporters who gathered at his election office after his victory became certain.

article here


  1. It took some time but the tide is turning into a tsunami of nuclear disavowal. #nuclearfreeworld

    1. Ya der eh, it is more understandable than liking back bacon.


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