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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Arrests Begin -- Treasury Dept Official Arrested For Leaking to Press

It is always interesting to try to dig for web data on people that make the news.    Often there is a
scrubbing of information, which may be more simply accomplished by some exclusions on search results.     Check out the "circulated" picture of Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, and then check out her Mug Shot.

In the circulated picture,  she looks pretty nice, even turned to the side to show off the figure a bit, and kind of a flirty sexy librarian thing going on there.

LOL -- So it sure looks like her boss was directing or at least complicit in these leaks.

The court documents also indicate the FBI has investigated one of Edwards' bosses, an associate director of FinCEN, noting that person exchanged 325 text messages with the reporter in question during the month when the first story appeared citing SARs reports.

Her Facebook is here -- She goes by the name "May Edwards"

She does have Indian blood from the Chickahominy Tribe

Funny that her "second name" is Mayflower.   Seems like an odd name choice for an Indian.

In the mug shot, it looks like she put on a lot of weight. 

stock here -- the law on handling of SARs is clear, and is here

A link to PDF of the Complaint

One of the commentors on May's Facebook commented on a picture of two guys "why does he dress so gay"

Her boss, Kip Brailey, had 235 emails to the same reporter!    Co-conspirator!
Just found

Kip Brailey is 59 years old and was born on 10/23/1958. Currently, he lives in Vienna, VA; and previously lived in Falls Church, VA and Dpo, AE. Sometimes Kip goes by various nicknames including kip a brailey and kip andrew bariley. He currently works as a Group Chief at . Kip's education includes attending east lyme high school. His ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Republican; and religious views are listed as Christian. Kip is now m. Other family members and associates include kimberly brailey and liam brailey. He has a reported annual income of $100,000 - $149,999 and a current net worth value of $250,000 - $499,999. Learn More

Looks like Stormy has packed on some pounds too


  1. scrubbing the internet is really blatant now ....
    When I looked up "Saudi Arabia" as a search term on YT yesterday, when Khashoggi news was the top headline all I got was SA soccer videos, SA real estate pitches, flowery promo bits on royals and junk articles.

    A week earlier I would have gotten all sorts of small channel commentary and tv news reports. A complete scrub on SA topic almost over night.

    Another thing they are doing is taking people like Jon Rappoport and removing all recent items from search engines. You get results but they are months or years old items. Expanded big time this week... much worse than shadow banning.

    1. Roger that, this will be a huge battle this month and the next year. I would like to devise a "trap" to catch Big Social in a scrubbing so bad so blatant, and so potentially illegal, that serious legislation breaks them up and/or exposes algorythmns, or maybe just get 50% of their customers to leave to non evil platforms!

    2. Here we are a year later, and it is playing out in spades, as predicted.
      There are some wins, but losses also continue seemingly unabated.


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