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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Globalist Media Doxes A Dog -- Do You Think They Care What Happens To You After They Dox You?

stock here - Satire on the net

This is only part funny.

I was thinking today, on how to form a lawsuit against Twitter and Facebook that are requiring personal information (cell phone) which can then be linked to residence address, emails, place of work, etc.

And that they will have a "data breach" (planned or unplanned) and people will get physically attacked by the rabid and paid left.

But today the Globalist media, Doxed a dog......

Multiple Defense Department sources confirmed to Newsweek on Monday that the dog's name is Conan. During a Sunday morning press conference to announce the death of Baghdadi, Trump said the dog was injured when the Islamic State leader detonated a suicide vest, killing himself and three children.
 In the same article the Globalist media indicate that they knew it was the intention of the Military to not release the name of the dog.

Trump declassified the photograph on Monday after a Pentagon press briefing between Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper and U.S. Army General Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Milley told reporters at a Pentagon briefing Monday that the dog was "slightly wounded and fully recovering," and said the Pentagon would not be disclosing the dog's identity as the animal was instrumental in the top secret raid which resulted in the death of the Islamic State leader. The dog has since returned to duty.
 Newsweek, on the sh*t list

Be ready for the immigrant or "offended people" to attack you, especially after Doxing, they will seek you out in your own home......


According to Courthouse News Service, Cosko released personal information such as home addresses and phone numbers of Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah), and then-Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) on Wikipedia and Twitter.

The publication claims Cosko also publicized information about Kentucky’s senior U.S. senator, Mitch McConnell, and then-Sen. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

It states that Cosko felt compelled to release the sensitive information after becoming enraged about the senators’ support for Justice Brett Kavanaugh, amid the sexual allegations made against him.
By August 2018, DeForest-Davis began to suspect that Cosko was breaking into the senator’s office and stealing information from Senate computers, yet she failed to report him.

On the night of Oct. 2, 2018, DeForest-Davis agreed to lend Cosko her keys to the senator’s office with the understanding that he would unlawfully enter the office to access Senate computers.
DeForest-Davis agreed to lend her keys to Cosko in return for money for her rent, according to Courthouse News Service.

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