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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, Interview Dr. Northrup RE Covid, VXX Transmitting, aka Shedding



  1. I suppose this comment and its contents fall to the same logic as exclaimed in a rhetorical question by Hillary Clinton at a Congressional hearing concerning the Benghazi killings of US citizens: "What difference, at this point, does it make?" To the dead, likely not much. To the vast majority of other US citizens, maybe even less!

    So we come to the very foundation of what I insist in calling the "COVID scamdemic": No one has proven Sars-CoV-2 as "virus" to exist. Nor, apparently, has any investigator anywhere for any agency isolated and proved to exist any virus: "In Response to Freedom of Information Act Requests: CDC Admits There Is No ‘Gold Standard’ for the Isolation of ANY Virus", I highly recommend your reading Robert O. Young's article and viewing the accompanying graphic images.

    Jon Rappoport has long been a voice crying in the wilderness. Alternative theories to conventional "virology" DO exist! As a generic scam, The Power$ That Be have run the "virus play" like Woody Hayes ran his massive fullbacks into the line of scrimmage, down after down! Mr. Young's article features 10 TIME magazine covers since 2003 SARS, same fear, different year.

    So much of the never-ending dialectics (fractals?!) of the COVID Caper depends on the assumption of an existent virus. Wouldn't you think The Power$ That Be could put this pea pea beneath all the mattresses [layers of argument] making true princesses black & blue by isolating and showing pictures of the damnable biological entity?? Can you explain why this has not been done for any putative virus???

    To paraphrase Johnny Cochran's memorable admonition, "If it does not exist, then you must desist!"

    1. Methinks that like the omission of the January 2020 deaths from the overall annual death count in summer 2020 making intrepid analysts sure that there were ZERO excess deaths, their twice admitted "never been isolated" is to serve the same purpose. To confuse, to create outlier opinions that could be easily slapped down or spun so that lefties could look at the real observers as "crazies". Now knowing 6 people in my immediate sphere who had the Rona, including me, and knowing that they definitely have the ability to bio-engineer virus, and have for decades, why wouldn't bio-weapons exist? And for that matter, why wouldn't an even higher "gain of function" weapon exist? Lock and load, stock up, this ride just got moving, this is the beginning, not the end.

      All that said, in your neck of the woods there may be a "peak shed" in the future when Vax is widely available, and if so, you should protect yourself from "getting shed" as it makes your body a spike protein factory which can have many detrimental effects.

      And why would anyone think that they are not putting additional components into various batches as experimental design.


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