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Monday, December 28, 2015

Matrix the Real Matrix

This is a pretty good summary of the illusion of freedom Watch dog at Fukushima Others write about the NWO end game
The Beast’s head: the Rothschilds

The New World Order movement is set up and controlled from the shadows by the wealthy Rothschild dynasty. They are promoting the NWO under Zionism, but they are not alone in this endeavor. There are other small families involved, less powerful but still very influential. The “clan” consists of about 300 major families, out of who on 13 make up the high council. The rich are not only seeking wealth, but world domination and the worship of the Beast. Most of these families are behind organizations like the Bilderbergers or the Council on Foreign Relations, but not only that, as they also pull the strings of the Masonry or theMafia.

They’re ties with the occult are evident and they’re lust for world domination and destruction is even more so. For many decades, most members of this family used as their official seal (that followed their official signature in official documents) the Seal of Solomon, which back then was a symbol of magicians and mystics that that were practitioners of the black arts. The Beast’s 10 horns: the upcoming global regional divisions

In 1996, NAFTA had devised an outstanding economic strategy that was to raise global economy a great deal. The organization divided the World from a so-called “financial” point of view into 10 regions: 1. North America, 2. Western Europe, 3. Japan, 4. Australia + South Africa, 5. Eastern Europe + Russia, 6. Latin America, 7. North Africa + the Middle East, 8. Tropical Africa, 9. South and Southeast Asia and 10. China.

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