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Monday, December 14, 2015

Violent Terrorists Are Allowed to Work at US Nuclear Plants

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - The man who opened fire at two military facilities in Chattanooga, killing four Marines and injuring three others, is Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez. WKYC has confirmed that he worked and lived for a time in Northeast Ohio. FirstEnergy confirmed to WKYC's Investigator Tom Meyer that he also worked at Perry Nuclear Power Plant from May 20 to May 30 of 2013. Recorder Journal


  1. He probably flunked a psych eval and lost his job there. Do a profile of serial killers and be surprised of their professions. Dr. Kavorkian ring a bell?

    1. Typical lie of the mukist, distraction and deflection.

      Bottom line....A violent terrorist got into a nuclear reactor as a "trusted employee" and could have gone full pycho and caused hundreds of billions of damage.

  2. According to some extremist antinuke Japanese, Harry Truman would be in the same category.

    1. Nuclear allows mass murders to be carried out. Nuclear enables mass murder.

    2. There is no evidence of mass murder. You are an engineer or at least had some training in logical thinking. What you stated was illogical because the real science, not your Gofman, Sternglass, Busby Gundersen fear and loathing, supports the fact that deminimus levels of radiation have not been proven harmful to humans. In the 70 years since the Atomic Age started, the human population has grown 5 fold. That sure doesnt seem like mass murder, like Bhopal. I bet you use alot of plastic or oil products.

    3. @ loose Nuke... Not only are you not an engineer... You have no eyes to see.... The applied commonsense method works very well... your way of thinking one plus one equals three ...obviously your REP for the nuclear greed cartel of murderers.... Cover UP= that's what it is.... it's murder conspiracy to commit murder you go back and crawl under the rock you came from your social engineering doesn't work with thinking people they can add one plus one equals two... nuclear equals death..... have a nice day ..... the next nuclear disaster is a mathematical certainty... Due to the algorithm of greed
      can you figure that out

    4. GD- Im an exceptional engineer, just as Chuck Yeager was an exceptional pilot. I am pro nuclear technology for the mere fact the extremely large natural energy content of certain materials should be exploited for the greater good. I really dont care about your take on business models and practices, which are there regardless of the industry. In the early days of flying people were afraid because it was unknown. It will take nuclear a bit longer due to the way the science and technology was introduced. Still it has tremendous upside for getting countries out of poverty and serving man for a millenium. I took fusion reaction engineering in grad school and I would say thats still a ways off. Fission of a single atom results in 2e8 electron volts. Solar power is 1 kw/m2. You can easily do the math to find the energy content of 1 kg of uranium represents hundreds maybe thousands of acres of solar collectors. That power density, which makes submarines able to circumnavigate the globe underwater nonstop needs to be exploited. The world I live in is a modern world, with modern technology. Its a world where the human population is exponentially increasing as is energy demand. The sun, wind can only take you so far.The power of the atom can take humanity well beyond the stars.

    5. There is no evidence regarding low doses and death.

    6. The next anything is a mathematical certainty because you defined it that way. If i said the odds were 1e-6/yr would that suffice? How about 1e-9/ yr? 1e-12/yr? Costs go up as the number goes down. So tou have a constraint. The next airline crash, school shooting, ebola outbreak are certainties as well. We can detetmine likelihoods for each. In the end we accept more risk because living in a modern world can not carry zero risk, as much as you eould like

    7. The sign at the mexican restaurant said "Free margaritas tomorrow.

    8. The sign at the mexican restaurant said "Free margaritas tomorrow.

    9. The next anything is a mathematical certainty because you defined it that way. If i said the odds were 1e-6/yr would that suffice? How about 1e-9/ yr? 1e-12/yr? Costs go up as the number goes down. So tou have a constraint. The next airline crash, school shooting, ebola outbreak are certainties as well. We can detetmine likelihoods for each. In the end we accept more risk because living in a modern world can not carry zero risk, as much as you eould like

    10. There is no evidence regarding low doses and death.

    11. GD- Im an exceptional engineer, just as Chuck Yeager was an exceptional pilot. I am pro nuclear technology for the mere fact the extremely large natural energy content of certain materials should be exploited for the greater good. I really dont care about your take on business models and practices, which are there regardless of the industry. In the early days of flying people were afraid because it was unknown. It will take nuclear a bit longer due to the way the science and technology was introduced. Still it has tremendous upside for getting countries out of poverty and serving man for a millenium. I took fusion reaction engineering in grad school and I would say thats still a ways off. Fission of a single atom results in 2e8 electron volts. Solar power is 1 kw/m2. You can easily do the math to find the energy content of 1 kg of uranium represents hundreds maybe thousands of acres of solar collectors. That power density, which makes submarines able to circumnavigate the globe underwater nonstop needs to be exploited. The world I live in is a modern world, with modern technology. Its a world where the human population is exponentially increasing as is energy demand. The sun, wind can only take you so far.The power of the atom can take humanity well beyond the stars.

  3. Stock the double posting is on your end

  4. Stock the double posting is on your end

    1. No one else does the double post. Your system is at fault.

    2. I only tap once. The double tap is for zombies.

  5. Loose Kook, we can all agree that you are "special" as you chase the "precious"

    Solar is a free lunch, nuke is mass murder.

    1. Mass murder without actual murder is mass hysteria. That explains alot.

    2. Mass murder without actual murder is mass hysteria. That explains alot.

  6. Solar is 1 kw/m^2. Nuclear is 200 MeV/atom. The largest power density in nature. Mankind moves forward harnessing the atom. Cant power a sub on solar.

  7. Solar is 1 kw/m^2. Nuclear is 200 MeV/atom. The largest power density in nature. Mankind moves forward harnessing the atom. Cant power a sub on solar.

    1. Wow, trollie busting out all the old classic lies......power density, a stupid cannard

    2. Its simple physics. Power density is a big thing. Do you really think there is 1) plenty o# real estate in an inequitable society and 2) that real estate is optimally used?

      It is what it is.

    3. Look at a google earth of USA, its 99% open land. But we don't even need to go there.....
      Rooftops can do nearly 100% of the job

      Nukist lie like dogs, like dead Beagles.

  8. Rooftop solar is for the rich. It wont put a dent in major urban areas where many people live under one roof. Been to Mumbai lately? People crapping in rivers then others filling up jugs is the real problem. Youve lived a pretty insular life. Try the Third World or even Blue Collar America. Many working class people will not have rooftop solar. In my middleclass neighborhood its not even a thought.

    Oh on Google Earth there is a reason for that open space. Talk to the Department of the Interior.

    1. God damn troll.....rooftop solar is for the rich, but $18B nuke plants (Vogtle) is for the ......

      benefit of the Nuclear Industrial Military Waste Intensive Troupe NIMWITs


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