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Monday, September 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton -- Very Sick Person, Very Dangerous Person, Proof That She Is Willing to Kill Americans For Her Power

She needs to be in treatment, not running for president.

I do not believe that she is a sociopath, for one, she can't lie that well. I believe she is highly ambitious and power hungry and will do anything to get power.

But at the same time, she realizes the evil that she does.

 That puts a lot of stress on a person. And it's catching up. ---------------------------------------------------

Why do I say she is dangerous? 

 Read below, this really spells it out very clearly. Hillary Clinton Threw American's Under The Bus, Doubtless Costing Many Lives and Painful Diseases

Her emails, and lack of emails proves this clearly.

Here is the breakdown:
  1. Clinton was Secretary of State at the Time 
  2. She was clearly briefed on the dangers of Fukushima
  3. She was getting several emails a day on Fukushima updates
  4. People in government were pushing her hard to make a trip to Japan even though she was very tired and overworked
  5. These same people were imploring her to "Go talk to Kissinger" about strategies for the Japan/Fukushima deal
  6. Hillary went and got a strategy from Kissinger, and decided to make the trip to Japan to meet one on one with top officials.
Now, with a big trip to a world super power and close allie, after the worst industrial accident in history, you know that there would be a lot of emails to coordinate the trip.

But after that meeting with Kissinger there was not a single Japan or Fukushima related email in what she turned over.   Not one.   They were all disappeared.   Under penalty of contempt of court, a jailable offense, or worse, she had all those emails purged.

Why would anyone take a risk this large just to coverup a trip and discussion with one of our closest allies?   60 other top secret emails were released to the FBI (not disappeared), BUT the coverup of the Fukushima story was so important that Clinton and her group committed a felony by removing these from the record.  

What is known and what is the most likely story that makes sense.

  1. Arnie Gunderson reported in an interview that he has first hand information from contacts in the White House that Clinton made a deal with Japan that we would buy whatever food Japan sent us, WITHOUT testing it for radiation.
  2. This buying the Japanese food is a very important economic shot in the arm for Japan at a critical time in their recovery from the disaster.    Certainly Japan appreciated this very much
  3. The big question is -- what did Hillary get in return either for herself or for the US Government?   Of course she got something important in return.    
  4. For those who are not aware, Kissinger even at his advanced age, is one of the top, if not the top Bilderberg.   Similar to Soros, they are still pulling important strings.    What strategy did Kissinger give to his "minion" Hillary Clinton.
  5. I can make some guesses, and most go beyond nuclear power, to nuclear weapons and Plutonium.
The breaking of that story--What did Hillary get, it potentially a world changing event.

But my story is very direct, very obvious, and here is the point.

In order to get something from Japan, either for Hillary's future run for president, or military positioning of assets, or getting Japan to start taking care of their own defense so USA doesn't get into a joint war with China.   Whatever that deal was, maybe even more insidious that what I postulate, Hillary Clinton directly damaged US Citizens.

Hillary Clinton made a pact with Japan that USA would buy all the radioactive food that Japan wanted to send to us, WITHOUT TESTING.    In fact at this time in 2011, Gina McCarthy, who was later promoted to the Top Position at the EPA, came up with the idea to shut off radiation monitors in the USA.

They all knew we were being pelted with radiation, and Hillary ensured that we would also get the radiation internally, in our food.    What did Hillary get?

What did we the citizens get?  A lot of risk, a lot of cancers, reduced immune system function, a lot of diseases.   Many of these are still to come.   There will be deaths.

Here is the chronology of events/emails to make it simple to see how the emails just STOPPED.

Here is a whitehouse petition to unredact all the Fukushima related emails, and to provide the rest of the emails.

Here is the official government source of the emails that I grinded through

1) She was well advised as to what the risks were, and what precautions should be taken.

2) These powers that be understand false arguments, how to spot them, and how to use them

3) In the emails released, most exchanges were pretty professional, after the Reactor 4 explosion it had gone too far, and they decided that the event just needed to be censored.   After the initial emergency they focused their concern on economic impact and impact to the nuclear industry.

4) Around this time, researchers warned the powers that be that social media would lead to a reduction in their power if left unchecked and not monitored.

5) Hillary's  crew responds back with "Heck Ya we are monitoring social media and twitter to make sure our communications are resulting in change we can believe."

6) Hillary's handlers pushed her to go to Japan with some goals in mind, and that it was PR, but would be very powerful.   They pushed her even though all kind of other events were occurring and lots of travel and she was tired.   That's why I call it her handlers.

7) Once that first and second email urging the trip happened....then a complete blackout on the emails related to a major trip to a major world power for 3 weeks at least, that's all I checked.    No other issue got this blackout.  

8) This blackout of the Fukushima related trip to Japan was so important, it required committing a crime to not provide these emails under subpoena.     Of this $400B dollar a year industry (nuclear), how much do you think they funneled to Hillary or some Super-Pac?

I am dumping these screen captures of all the Fukushima emails that I reviewed.   I have all the PDFs downloaded and stored and backed up.

But I want to get this out there now, so you can view.

First off, she knew of the dangers of Fukushima, and the precautions that should have been taken, the next 3 graphics are from 1 email, March 12, 2011

HIllary first press conference to address her illegal email methods. She starts lying about this at 2:55 in the video
Hillary lying for 13 minutes

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