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Friday, September 30, 2016

NRC is a Captured Agency, They DO NOT Protect Americans -- They Protect The Nuclear Cartel

Silence & the Dammed by GOM

We have shared our years of self-education about the grave risks of nuclear disasters; the overfilled spent-fuel pools, the daily radioactive emissions from the reactors in our air, water, and soil..thermal pollution into our rivers and oceans, contemplating the impossible task of evacuating the area in the case of a melt-down or other radiological failure at nuclear plants.

We have not found a listening ear, to say the least.

Our testimonies have created no protection on any level and, in fact, things have gotten worse over time.

Decisions made by the NRC time and again reveal the agency’s close connections with those who own and profit from the reactors. The mission of the NRC is not to police the industry, but to promote it.

The NRC has shown its contempt for the majority of us who want to power our homes safely and without producing the most toxic substance on earth using aging nuclear reactors.

The NRC is not our voice, and we are not spending great effort at this time to create a dialogue with an agency that has shown nothing but contempt for those most in danger from nuclear reactors and nuclear accidents.

We are the voice of ENE. We are the truth. Hear us.
--------------------------------------------- Learned helplessness --- Why most sheeple don't want to hear or see the truth


  1. You and the ratfarmers who wrote this piece dont understand the mission of NRC. Did you know NRC has purview over nuclear medicine, and isotope applications especially weld NDE in aircraft safety? I just think there is sour graping going on here. The charter of any regulatory agency is to establish and ensure compliance to regulations. The FAA doesnt say "airtravel is ideologically insane" (although many have lost lives) thus we must make airtravel economically unviable." Same with nuclear. You need to look at the history and evolution to understand the charter of NRC. In the 70s the AEC split up because they could not regulate and promote the tech. The Vietnam war and Watergate were in full swing. Nuclear wasnt on the radar of hard core hippies. The NRC was formed to do just that- regulate. But its also one of the most public agencies. Have you ever been to their headquarters? Its an amazing place, filled with dedicated people. Yes people, not autonomons or robots.

    The US has 103 operating nuclear plants and 10 times that many nuclear med departments in hospitals.

    Nuclear science and technology are a part of modern life. Just because you and otherx are ideologically bent against the atom wont mean anything as the rest of the world moves forward with nuclear

    1. Shame Shame, yes we clearly understand the mission of the NRC. And why Jackzo was sacked. Money, Power, Greed, Arrogance, Denial, and a Ego-Centric love of the precious, the most expensive free lunch ever concocted by the 3 pound monkey brain.

    2. You realize Jaczko had no business in the business. He was a political appointee. At Cornell, he never operated the little research reactor that ironically, the NRC regulates.

      Nuclear energy is a testament to man harnessing one of natures most powerful energy sources.

    3. Jackzo was sacked because he wanted to regulate nuclear. NRC can have none of that.

    4. No. His mission was to interfere with capitalism. You werent around after TMI. You didn't live through the regulatory racheting that needlessly drove the costs of the technology at the time to skyrocket. The motives of the antinuke of the 70s and 80s are deeply rooted in environmental dogma. However that same dogma resulted in a rapid increase in fossil use, all the while our manufacturing base was exported, then our service industry. People who are ideologically bent dont see the overall effect. You realize American nuclear energy is pretty benign on an environmental and human health level. That is because the regulatory paradigm tried to design the constructs around a zero risk model. That was ubrealistic.

      Remember you cant design around consequences alone. Likelihood, a priori, really drives everything. So the great bulk of the effort is to drive likelihood to Black Swan levels. Still I understand the conponents of risk. Just because nuclear accidents occured doesnt mean likihood models are flawed. Things happen. Ask Jose.

      NRC is no different than any other regulatory agency, except it collects enforcement fees.

      So how can a captured agency survive without fees?

      Thats the question that sinks your, and the ratfarmers protests.

      Go ahead, keep dissenting. Afterall, this is America you live in, be it Hawaii, or Wisconsin, or Tennessee.

    5. No. His mission was to interfere with capitalism. You werent around after TMI. You didn't live through the regulatory racheting that needlessly drove the costs of the technology at the time to skyrocket. The motives of the antinuke of the 70s and 80s are deeply rooted in environmental dogma. However that same dogma resulted in a rapid increase in fossil use, all the while our manufacturing base was exported, then our service industry. People who are ideologically bent dont see the overall effect. You realize American nuclear energy is pretty benign on an environmental and human health level. That is because the regulatory paradigm tried to design the constructs around a zero risk model. That was ubrealistic.

      Remember you cant design around consequences alone. Likelihood, a priori, really drives everything. So the great bulk of the effort is to drive likelihood to Black Swan levels. Still I understand the conponents of risk. Just because nuclear accidents occured doesnt mean likihood models are flawed. Things happen. Ask Jose.

      NRC is no different than any other regulatory agency, except it collects enforcement fees.

      So how can a captured agency survive without fees?

      Thats the question that sinks your, and the ratfarmers protests.

      Go ahead, keep dissenting. Afterall, this is America you live in, be it Hawaii, or Wisconsin, or Tennessee.

  2. The takeaway for anyone in the US against the atom, is the same as kneeling during the national anthem. It just weakens national security.

    Come be one of the deplorables.

    1. Look at the poll on the right side bar.

      Clinton is the establishment, Soros is funding BLM to divide and conquer the USA.

      Being against civilian nuclear power plants strengthens the chances that we won't sacrifice our country to a nuclear accident.

      Sorry true believer, you been brainwashed.

    2. A nuclear accident wont damage the US. TMI showed that. Fukushima confirmed it. A nuclear accident has been shown nothing more than an industrial, localized event. Somehow you have this idea that any civilian nuclear accident is this world wide calamity. Its not. Life is moving on despite antinuke hysteria.

      Thats the reality. Take the red pill.

    3. 95% of enlightened nukist believe they have taken the red pill. Mandela effect, LOL

    4. There is only one reality, but every individual sees it from their own perspective. It is what it is. Your take on reality is not as mine. Doesnt mean you are right and I am wrong. However Ive come after your assertions with hard cold facts and have challenged you to address my claims that you cant prove a prompt mod crit. Youve never explained why a promp mod crit can only produce at most a fraction of TNT equivalent force (convert 1e19 fissions to joules) yet the explosion we saw was about 100 kg TNT equiv. (Plume height and spread time correlation) dowsnt jibe. Plus absense of massive intense neutrons on order of 1e21-22 n/sec would have spiked dose rates off the charyt, easily detectable. More importantly, REAC/TS not deployed. Why was that? They are always deployed diring massive radiation event.

      You see it just doesnt add up to what you think reality means.

      We know Fuku, like Chiba oil refinery was an industrial mishap at a local level. Jey oil spread all over the pacific. Toxic chemicals plummed to the USReagan as well. But no one sees it because they are all fixated about a nuclear accident with trivial world wide impact.

      Thats the reality.


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